HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 119 r X19 r An ordinance accepting the dedication to public use of Hill Street , Van Buren Avenue and other streets and Alleys in the City of Fayette_ villa , Arkansas . Re it ordained by the City ooun , il of the Cita of Fayette- ville , Arkansas . Section 1 . That, Van Buren Avenue , Hill street and all other streets and alleys heretofore laid out or dedicated to public use in the southluast quarter of section sixteen ( lr ) in township ( lo ) north of range thirty ( 30 ) west , by the proprietors of ground, situate with- in the corporate limits of said City , in slid r., outh west quarter of said section be , and they are declared public streets and alleys ; and and such forrier dedication. of s Lid otre � ts and Llleys are hereby ev. ^') rassly _acoented anr:l confirmed . Sebtion ? . . That this ordinance take ef" eet and be in force from and aftar its passage . May 12th , 1902 . Ordiranoe Ido . 119 . V MICROFILMED. DATES s1 REEL