HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 115 An ordinance defining the manner of constructing and maintaining rail— , . road beds and approaches at the crossings of public streets in the City of Fayetteville Arkansas . I Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville I Arkansas . I Section 1 . Whorevor any railroad company or corporation has constructed or shay hereafter construct a railroad across any public �l street or highway is said City, now established or hereafter.-to be es— tablished , or where any public street or highway hereafter established shall cross any railroad now established or hereaft® d` to bw establishod , such railroad company or corporation shall so construct such railroad , or so alter or construct the road bed of such public street or highway that the approaches to the railroad bed , on either side , shall be made at no greater elevation or dopression than one perpendicular foot for every fivo feet of horizontal distanoa , , such elevation or depression being caused by reason of the construction of said railroad ; provided at any crossing of any public street or highway such railroad mny be crossed by a good and safe bridge to be built and maintained in good repair by the railroad company or corporation owning or operating such railroad . Section 2 . Whenever any railroad company or corporation shall fail or refuse to construct or keep in good repair such crossing in the manner prescribed by section 1 of this ordinance , it shall be the duty of the marshal or Chief of Police offiedr of said city to give written notice to the section foreman or boss , of that part of the railroad where suchtlerossing^is made , or to the nearest station agent to said , crossing, of such neglect or refusal and requiring the party so notified to so construct or change the construction of the said crossing within the next sixty days that it shall conform to the terms os this ordin once . Said notice shall be served by delivering a copy to the party so noti— fied and the written return of such officor shall be prima facie evi— dence of duo servi o of the same . MICROFILMED DATE OCT 4 Lqm REEL l7 "27 i Section 3 . Any railroad company refusing or neg- lecting to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within the sixty days after notice has been served in the manner pre - scribed by section 2 of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay to said City , a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars , and five dollars per day for every day such refusal or neglect shall continue after the expiration of sixty days notice served on such railroad company or corporation as herein specified ; and such penalties may be recovered by suit in the name of said City before any court of com- petent jurisdiction . Section 4 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , August 26th , 1901 . Ordinance No . 115 . i� I i