HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 112 An ordinance requiring ormers of property on certain streets to put dov:n sidewralks . Be it • ordained by the City council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Soction 1 . That all parties ov;ning property which fronts on Dickson street , boteoon College Avenue and Washington Avenue ; and all , parties owning property which fronts on Washington Avenue from whore the same intersects .;itis Dickson street to the south line of B . R . Davidson ' s property ; and all parties owning property which fronts on center straet , between School street and College Avenue ; and all parties owning prop - erty •shich fronts on ;fountain street between School street and College avenue , be and they are hereby ordered to lay or cause to be laid , a side walk and curbing each in front of his or bar property bet�toe ,r the points designated . Section 2 . Said sidewalks shall be made of vitrified brick or smooth stone fla-ging and shall be properly laid to tho grade established or which may be hereafter established by the City council and shall not . ` be less than four feet wide , the curbing to be of dressed stone not less r •. w than four inches think and sixteen inches aide and to be placed to the grade above mentioned and not loan than six feet from the fence '_ ine . Section 3 . If said side walk shall be raDde of vitrified brick then the same shall extend from the line of the fence across to the line of the curbing . If of stone flagging , then the said flagging shall be cut to a square , and not be less than one and one half inches in thickness . ,ection 4 . The paving above required shall be laid with a foundation of two inches of sand or cinders , vrall tamped as a base and then one half inch of loose sand spread to a guag-e and then the brick or stone flagging laid flat thoraon so as to sake a solid brick or stone walk . �`GRUF\1;N"� r y91s OPZE�� Section 5 . All o : said sidewalks shall be completed on or before the first day of January , 1902 . Se ' ion G . That all persons who shall fail , refuse or neglect to have said si eralks and curbing comrleted as aforesaid shall be ad— judged guilty of a n ' sdomeanor and upon conviction thereof , be fined in any sum not less than fa nor more than twenty five dollars for each i day that he or she or they all fail or refuse or neglect thoreafter j to comply with the terms of thi ordinance , provided that this ordinance shall not apply to property the ovrn of which -has heretofore had a side walk laid of concrete brink or ntone :;rhi is in good repair at this tirna { and conforms to the grade established . Section 7. That all of the said side:va s and curbing after the same has been completed , shall be subject to th acceptance or re — jection of the street committee of the City of Faye teville . i Section E . That this ordinance take effe t and be in force from and after its passage and publication . August 1.2th , 1501 . Ordinance Fo . 1121 z y