HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 108 i An ordinance to arohii; it the use of pri.vie:; . water olosets and urinals i public or private houses :within the limits of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas . Wheras at a meeting of the board of health held in the fty of Fayetteville , on the 2P� th day of March , 1900 , a resolution was passes , condemning , privies , vrater closets and urinals maintained and used in public or private houses within said City , declaring them a menace to the health of the inhabitants thereof and ordering the same ab ted ; Now therefore , Re it ordained by the City council of the £ ty of Fayetteville Arkansas , Section 1 . That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, persons , firm or coroor. ation , to maintain and use a privy , water cloaet or urinal in any public or private house sp that the deposits therefrom or therein shall fall into or in any manner be carried by mean: of sever pipe or any contrivance of any kind or nature into :any vault , cess pool , siLmp , gutter , dry or running branch within the oerpo-rate limit:; of the City of Fayetteville Arnanc>ss . Section 2 . Th t upon the eor.:plaint of any per,-)on or persons to the sanatary -P;olioe or the city Harsh -il , or if the said nanatary nonce or City Marshal shall have reasonable grounds to believe that any such privy , vrater closet or urinal is maintained and used in any house a:� aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the sanatary Police or Citv )Sarshal to at once inspect the n_ r. emises of such owner or. oecu_ pant , and if any privy , crater closet or urinal ; is so found to be used it shall be }iis duty to report the sane to the Mal^or of said City crho shall issue a notice to the owner or occupant of n -iid house to have the sime abated . Sedtion3 . If the paid owner or occupant fails or. '.r. efuses to abate the same within five days after su -h notice shall have been s -;rved , then it shall be the duty of the, said sanatary police or City ? arshal to have the same ab ited at the expense of the ov;ner or occupant thereof . Section 4 . Any per;;bn or per.ions , firm or corporation j using i i)rivy , water closet or urinal :iftar having been notified as aforesaid shall be deemed ;uilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction i thereof shall be fined in any sum not less thin five nor more than twenty five dollars . Section 5 . This . orlinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication . r ;darchfi.�6th � ., 0 . Ordinance No . 1O8 . MICROFILMED DATE orr_,_T G 1978 REEL I r