HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 97 n tIs Pm ordinance to protect El rsons arriving and c }, art. inl on rail ;;ay tre.ins f .- cin l ,no ranl. � fro.^. hOtCl and bus dray.^.l: Y' S , Beorde..ii. ed b,r thu Cit;, council of the City of Fayette - vi1l� , Ar:.arsae . Sec . ion Aline is hereby establlshcd as Rcrirninp; at a point ' :;inch iv ' feet north and five fact - est of the south ^:est corner o: the platform f the St . ljouis and Sanfra^.cisco Rail Road Col:ll. an.,r (: c - ' t ir : said Cit ; ; runnl � f thence nt f : ft - six feet ; `.= cc north five fact a : d to the i� lAce be inning Section S That a ace be al "1ot .. ed to each hotel cr bus dr:v:rier b, lines c.a ndinF- from t1 c north boundary line to tLe south boundar li_. a distarCe Gf 7 - I " foot lri CJidth . That said spaces . 0) C des - ignated b'f numberG from I to nolunive and that caid alloy` on' be ' a (:G O;, ; I +C Cit ' Jar _, _ "I of t= :C Cit Cf Fayca. tovi11. 0 Arkansas , Section 3 . It oh : 11 he unla . ul for an;; porson c : persons to t. n any ra;r nollci `. outrona� u for an;,' hatel , boardirr; ho ;tue , onnibus , . a.- cli cr oth ' r vehicle for the trap: portation of bagrare r _ . c � _ ar^ re at an,T place in - :. _ r. acct buildir „ or on t )io c ' at - f r: -., dj a(` C ' t ' ':CrctO , . .'. ^: iEl IIOI' .. tLc boi; ndar;,' Of .; aid Cn tabl : shed 11 :. _ (: ' �„ G .. _ ' I = c o ..2r t}; an the J ' 4c ^ . lctted thcrCf Or . ( au ar.or d(.4 r, cr : i � .`. cC ;_ acsed a_ . d al..jrove �. 5=i; t . .12nd , I902 . ) S e ion el . Any , erson cr ger .No:. s vielatin[; ' . e crovisicnc of ' •, or ,-.: nL_ . ce nhrAl upon conviction + .1 CY' cof be i• irled i � :gin;; sm, not, ?- ees ti = ten dollars for each cffensc Section , 5 . Tl:at a'_l, o : din an , es or parts of ordinances n ccnfltcv with tris ordinance be and .e sa;:Ie are hereby repealad a^ d$ that rd - rnanco tare effect and be in roe fror.I ar - c after _ ts ,. asc' a : e u ?ruval and ,uublication . Julvr tiStL^ Io96 . Crdina•Zce mirlber c+ 7 . + AIC +4 l� \ nn y6 �j DATE- "'"oC'r 4 .,lL .