HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 93 An ordinance to regulate the koeping and storage of coal - oil and gasoline and to repeal ordinances 79 and 57 , Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 1 , That it shall be and is hereby declared to be unlar: ful for any person , persons , agent or corpor - ° anon to kcup or store more than four barrels of coal - oil f and one barrel of gasoline at on .; Lime in any building , I1 _ basement , tank , shed or cellar or - any lot within the corporate limits of the City of Fayettevillc , Arkansas , unless prior to .thckeeping or storage of coal - oil . in greater quantities that four barrels and gasoline in greater quantities than one barrel , such person , persons , agent or corporation shall have built and thereafter con- tinuously maintain a solid stone foundation underneath the ware house or ware houses in which sucl-_ coal - oil or 2 gasoline are kept and shall have built and thereafter continuously maintain a solid stone wall with cement and mortat 18 inches tl.icl. and four feet high completely sur - rounding gine basin underneati . its oil tanks , Section 2 , It shall be tl � c dut;; of' all persons having more than four barrels of . coal - oil anti one barrel of gasoline stored in violatio : : of thu foregoing section , to re.nove the same outcidc of th .; City limits within ten days after the passage of this . ordinanee Section 3 , Any person , persons , agent, or corporation ejt violating .this ordinance shall on coviction , be fined in U any sura not less than ten dollars nor :.:ore than twenty - five dollars for each offense , and each Cay that more than. four barrels of coal = oil and one �blaarr'-r�e`ll of gasoline are ken^ �, �pt `�^ `/` d� MICROFILMED L