HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 44 r J �04 . r AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT AND Pt.1NISH GAMING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLF. , ARKANSAS , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYFTTETILLF.? SECTIONI , THAT IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO SET UP KEEP OR JCW exhibit gaming table or gambling deviee , of any name or description whate ever , adapted , devised or designedfor the ptrpose of playing any game of chance or at which any money or other valuable thing may be won or lost , within the corporate limits of said city , gnd any person violating 6 " this section shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not, less than one Idred dollars axd or by imprisonment in the county fail not, less this) t,,jithirty days , or both , SFCTION92 , If any .person shall be guilty of bstt. ing any money or othe ry valauable thing An any game of chance or skill he shall be deemed grxirk guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined in any stun not lessft than ten dollars nor moo than twenty five dollars . SECTION 3 , If the owner or renter of any house , out house or other build �ingwithin the coporate limits of the city of Fayetteville shall know ingly permit or stiffer any kind of gaming to be carried on in any of ltiik their hLro���u((sse�es out houses or other buildings , shall be deemed guilty of a misdXep at r and upo n conviction shall he fined in any sum not less the )eoe hundred dollars or not less than thirty days in the county jai4 or both at the discretion of the court, , . ,SECTION 4 , 1f any person shall be guilty of betting any money or other valuable thing on any game of cards he shall be deemed guilty of a miscb manor and - upon conviction shall be fined in any sum riot less than tent lars nor more than twenty five dollars , eSF^. TION 5 , All ordinanees in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and f after its pas sage and publication , � Z7 _ � (7� / MICROFILMED g b REE—i11 1978 Loy B1sah jerk , _ W , H . Roll. ins , Mayor