HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27 �� .�o Deo . �'� • An ordinance to prevent and punish the ],coping of disorderly houses within the corporate limits of t. h . City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Bo it ordainod by thu City counci . of the City of Fayot : ovillc , Arkansas * �¢ �JJ Section 1 . That all tipling houses , dra.:� shops , gaming R"A or ga:.:bling houses and all houses kept or used 'nor the ac - � coi..:.oation of idle , vicious , dissolute or disorderly persons ane ell houses occuiDicd or used for the encouragemont or further- -, , co of any immoral practices , such as fornication or prostitution , arc dee. ud , and are hereby declared to be , disorderly houses . Section 2 . It shall be unlawful for any person to keep ell or allow to bo kept any house , roo:i , roo:a or other place , owned ' controllod or occupied by hi^l within the corporate limits afore - ^ said , for tho use or, purpose mentioned in section 1 of this j ordinance . S.. ction 3 . That any person who shall violate any of the j?, I{ provisions of this ordinance , shall upo . conviction thereof , be fined for each offense in any c;lLn no'rcxccnding t. ;cnty - five ( 25 . 00 ) dollars , Section 4 . That all ordinances or parts of or•dinane .� s in conflict with this ordinance be and the same aro hereby ru - pualcd and this ordinance shall bi in force after its passage t and publication . 4 Funk) 12th , 1890 . O DIiI .: 1Cs ^ti:::BER 27 . I i ' J tL.,OFiLINEp r TE Ocr f kEEL �B `