HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17 Ii 11lo t 7 • An ordinance to prevent disorderly conduct and to define the same . Be it ordained by the City council of the City of valretteville Arkansas . Section I . That all disorderly conduct within the corporate 4p limits of the City of " ayette3ille is hereby prohibited and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon con- S' tion thereof be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty five dol- s . Section 2 : Be it durther ordained that all loud and boister- ous language , or loud hollowing , all horse racing or fast or im- moderate riding or driving of horses , all riots , affrays , all ob- struction of highways , streets or alleys , all sabbath breaking or 1 disturbing religious congregations , all wilful or malicious injury to church houses , church property , scho :,l buildings or other public buildings or property , and all wilful injuries of private property , h all obscenity , profanity , cruelty to animals , all discharging of fire arms or the explosion of giant powder , dynamite or other ex- plosive substances , within the corporate limits of the City of - ay- etteville , Arkansas , shall be deemed and the same is hereby declared to be disorderly conduct within the meaning of this ordinance . • Section 3 . Be it further ordained that all ordinances or parts of ordinances be and the same are hereby repealed and this ordinaa ante shall be in force from and after its publication . A •) ril I6th , I890 . - Published Apr . 22nd , I890 . Ordinance 'To . I7 . ! . `off• ' � . Op,SE 2�y' � r •, ' REED' 1D e � ar