HomeMy WebLinkAbout212-24 RESOLUTIONFile Number: 2024-411 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 212-24 CENTRALSQUARE TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. (SOFTWARE AGREEMENT): A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A ONE YEAR SOLUTIONS AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT WITH CENTRALSQUARE TECHNOLOGIES , LLC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $27 ,595.33 TO PROVIDE SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT FOR THE CITY 'S WORK ORDER AND ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE WITH AUTOMATIC RENEWALS SUBJECT TO A 5% PRICE INCREASE EACH YEAR WHEREAS, software maintenance is exempt from competitive bidding pursuant to A .C.A . § 19-11-203 (I 4)(AA). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign a one year solutions and support agreement with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC in the amount of $27 ,595 .33 to provide software maintenance and support for the City 's work order and asset management software, with automatic renewals subject to a 5% price increase each year. PASSED and APPROVED on August 20 , 2024 Page 1 .....a CITY OF ~~ FAYETTEVILLE ..,,., ARKANSAS MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2024 TO: THRU: FROM: Mayor Jordan and City Council Susan Norton , Chief of Staff Keith Macedo , IT Director CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-411 SUBJECT: Approve a bid waiver and an agreement with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC to provide software maintenance and support for the City's work order and asset management software. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving a bid waiver and an agreement with CentralSquare Technologies , LLC to provide software maintenance and support for the City 's work order and asset management software . BACKGROUND: City Council approved a resolution on June 18 , 2019 , to purchase Lucity 's asset management and work order software for Parks Operations , Water and Sewer, RTC , Airport , Facilities Management , and Transportation . CentralSquare is the parent company of Lucity , which they acquired in January of 2019 , prior to Council approval. CentralSquare renamed Lucity to Enterprise Asset Mgmt as part of their acquisition of Lucity. As of June 7 , 2021 all of the departments listed above are utilizing Enterprise Asset Mgmt to assist with the tracking and management of operations . DISCUSSION: This is a renewal for software maintenance and per state law is exempt from Arkansas procurement policy per A .CA § 19-11-203 . Due to this staff is requesting a bid waiver to approve the attached agreement for Enterprise Asset Mgmt software to support Parks Operations , Water and Sewer , RTC , Airport , Facilities Management , and Transportation . BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funds are available within the Information Technology general fund operating budget software maintenance account. The agreement is subject to a 5 % annual increase . ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), CentralSquare Solutions and Support Agreement -Signed (#4) Mailing address : 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www . fayettevi I le -a r .gov ity f y tt1vill , Ark n L@;i leti @fl @ t 111w u 1@ u bill 1l1i ·@r l1Hll ttn l1Mt'@@m@nt 1ith e @ntrnlStJlll1 @ T@ 1I nt1 lt11,1i@ ~! LLe tu pr-u,iitl@ §Oft\: ,a @ maint@nan @ and §Uf)p or t fot' th e it,11§ ·or k tw d@ • and a§§@t mono~@m@nt §Ofiwor@ : ~,'01-, Jf l ON fO un-H}R l t~ ON~ ~ /01-,Uf l ON ' NI=} 'UtltlOltf Git ~ :M ~Nf l f l-l 1 ~N flt 1-,, QU It~ f : 1 1-l NOkO l ~t': l_,1-,C , IN f l-I : A MOUNf Or' mnJ~~jJ fO PR e} ID B ~e}fT RB M IN T :N Nt1 : ND /l JPPCJRT fe}R T H : t'ITY'~ We}RK e}RIJBR AND A~' :T M N CJBM :NT S{:)fT RH WITH UTUMAT l t/ RHNH AL~ SU ll l :t ~T Te) ~% PI\K"~ I NC1 1\ :A§ : ~ C'I-I Y~A I IHERE ~: §(.'lftWEII'@ 1trni1,t @l'lEll1 ~ i§ @N in~l thml 'Oll'l~@lili @lidding l~lll'§UEIIH tt) A:t\A, ~ I ~= 11 =iOJ (l ~)(A ), NOW! THll;ltll;FO ltii u re I T ltiSOLVil) UV THi e tT eO l JNC IL OF THi CITV OF FA ETTEV ILLE, RKANHAH ! S@e [i trn I i fhat th ~ 1 it {'mmeil ti t'th ~ {'it Y lit' l:i ay~t{~ ill : Ai=kall§a§ ablt hm=i~~§ Ma Yl'l l' ,l twda l'l tli §i g11 a m, al' §t1 lb1ti t1 11 § encl §bl~~rn=t ag 1' m ,;r w ith · 1 11trnl .'~bta1 ' f ·h11 ti lti gi ~§, 1-,1-,(1 in th ~ ammmt of !r1:~~tJJ to ~1=1cw id @ §O h\\@ '@ mElilH @l'lEll'l Q@ El l'l icl §bll~~nn fo1 = lh @ 'it )·'§ \ t-W k m=d@I' Ell'lci El§§@ t 1,,E11rng@m@ 11t §01-lWEI I' , with E1bll1c1 mE1li -l'@ l'l @WEI I§ §blbj@Q t tn El ~1Yo ,~1'i '@ il,r t'@El§@ @El 1 h }'@Ell': City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-411 Item ID 8/20/2024 City Council Meeting Date -Agenda Item Only N/ A for Non-Agenda Item Keith Macedo 7/31/2024 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (170) Submitted By Submitted Date Division/ Department Action Recommendation: Approve a bid waiver and an agreement with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC to provide software maintenance and support for the City's work order and asset management software. 1010 .l 70.1710-5416 .00 Account Numbe r Project Number Budgeted Item? Yes Does item have a direct cost? Yes Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget General Fund Fund Project Title $ $ $ $ $ $ 492 ,900.00 324,475 .68 168,424.32 1 27 ,595 .33 140,s2s.99 1 V20221130 Previous Ordinance or Resolution# 143-19 Approval Date : Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 CentralSguare Solutions and Support Agreement This CentralSquare Solutions and Support Agreement (the "Agreement"), effective as of the latest date shown on the signature block below (the "Effective Date"), is entered into between CentralSquare Technologies, LLC with its principal place of business in Lake Mary , FL ("CentralSquare") and City of Fayetteville, AR ("Customer"), together with CentralSquare , the "Parties", and each , a "Party". WHEREAS , CentralSquare licenses and gives access to certain software applications ("Solutions ") to its customers and also provides maintenance , support , migration , installation and other professional services ; and WHEREAS , This Agreement and its Addenda or Amendment(s) represent the entire agreement between the Parties hereto and a final expression of their agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior written agreements , oral agreements , representations , understandings or negotiations with respect to the matters covered by this Agreement ; and WHEREAS , Customer desires to license and/or gain access to certain Solutions and receive professional services described herein , and CentralSquare desires to grant and provide Customer license and access to such offerings as well as to provide support and maintenance , subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants , terms , and conditions set forth herein , and for other good and valuable consideration , the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged , by the signatures of their duly authorized representative below, the Parties intending to be legally bound , agree to all of the following provisions and exhibits of this Agreement: By: Print Name : 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary , FL 32746 Doc11Sig._it,y: 00E.C.SFA2938MEB Ron A. Anderson Pri~Trt~: chief sales officer Date Signed : 7/31/2024 Solution: Enterprise Asset Mgmt Term. Initial Term . The Initial Term of this Agreement commences as of the Effective Date and will continue in effect for one (1) year(s) from such date unless terminated earlier pursuant to any of the Agreement 's express provisions (the "Initial Term "). Renewal Term. This Agreement will automatically renew for additional successive one (1) year terms unless earlier terminated pursuant to any of the Agreement's provisions (a "Renewal Term " and , collectively , with the Initial Term , the "Term "). Non-Renewal. Either Party may elect to end renewal of the Agreement by issuing a notice of non-renewal , in writing , to the other Party three (3) months prior to the expiration of the Agreement term . Fees . In cons ideration of the rights and services granted by CentralSquare to Customer under this Agreement , Customer shall make payments to CentralSquare pursuant to the amounts and payment terms outlined in Exhibit 1 (the Solution(s) Support and Maintenance Fees). All invoices shall be billed and paid in U.S. dollars (USO ) and in accordance with the terms set forth in Exhibit 1. If Customer delays an invoice payment for any reason , Customer shall promptly notify CentralSquare in writing the reasons for such delay. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties , CentralSquare may apply any payment received to any delinquent amount outstanding . CST-2024 -101876 Do cusign Enve lope ID: 2D0BD92D-F8 F5-4D 30-B9C 6-1 C2C 692D96 19 Standard Terms and Conditions 1. Definitions . Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement have the meanings set forth below: 1.1. "Affiliate " means any other Entity that directly or indirectly , through one or more intermediaries , controls , is controlled by , or is under common control with , such Entity . 1.2 . "Authorized User'' means Customer's employees , consultants , contractors , and agents who are authorized by Customer to access and use the Solutions pursuant to this Agreement , and for whom access to the Solutions has been purchased . 1.3 . "Baseline Solution " means the version of a Solution updated from time to time pursuant to CentralSquare 's warranty serv ices and maintenance , but without any other modification . 1.4 . "CentralSquare Systems " means the information technology infrastructure used by or on behalf of CentralSquare to del iver the Solutions , including all computers , software , hardware , databases , electronic systems (including database management systems }, and networks , whether operated directly by CentralSquare or through the use of third-party services . 1.5 . "Customer Data" means information , data , and content , in any form or medium , collected , downloaded , or otherwise received , directly or indirectly from Customer , an Authorized User or end-users by or through the Solutions , provided the data is not personally identifiable and not identifiable to Customer . 1.6 . "Customer Systems " means the Customer's information technology infrastructure , including computers , software , hardware , databases , electronic sys tems (including database management systems }, and networks , whether operated by Customer or through the third-party services . 1.7 . "Defect" means a material deviation between the Baseline Solution and its Documentation , for which Customer has given Centra lSquare sufficient information to enable CentralSquare to replicate the deviation on a computer configuration that is both comparable to the Customer Systems and that is under CentralSquare 's control. Further , with regard to any custom modification , Defect means a material deviation between the custom modification and the CentralSquare generated specification and Documentation for such custom modification , and for which Defect Custome r has given CentralSquare sufficient information to enable CentralSquare to replicate the deviation on a computer configu ration that is both comparable to the Customer Systems and that is under CentralSquare 's control. 1.8 . "Delivery" means : 1.8 .1. For on-premise Solutions , Delivery shall be when CentralSquare delivers to Customer the initial copies of the Solutions outlined in Exhibit 1 by whichever the following applies and occurs first (a) electronic del ivery , by posting it on CentralSquare 's network for downloading , or similar suitable electronic file transfer method , or (b) physical shipment , such as on a disc or other su itable media transfer method , or (c) installation , or (d ) delivery of managed services server. Physical shipment is on FOB - CentralSquare 's sh ipp ing point , and electronic delivery is at the time CentralSquare provides Customer with access to download the Solutions . 1.8 .2. For cloud-based Solutions Delivery shall be whichever the following applies and oc curs first when Authorized Users have (a ) received log-in access to the Solution or any module of the Solution or (b} received access to the Solution via a URL. 1.9 . "Documentation" means any manuals , instructions , or other documents or materials that CentralSqua re provides or makes available to Customer in any form or medium and which describe the functionality , components , features , or requirements of the Solution (s}, including any aspect of its installation , configuration , integration , operation , use , support , or maintenance . 1.10 . "End User Training" means the process of educating general users of the Software on the operation of the Software . 1.11 . "Entity" means an individual , corporation , partnership , joint venture , limited liability entity , governmental authority , unincorporated organization , trust , association , or other organization . 1.12 . "Hardware " means any equipment , computer systems , servers , storage devices , peripherals , and any other tangible assets purchased under this Agreement. 1.13 . "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all registered and unregistered rights granted , applied for , or otherwise now or hereafter in existence under or related to any patent , copyright , trademark , trade secret , database protection , or other intellectual property rights laws , and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection , in any part of the world . 1.14 . "Managed Services Hardware" means any equipment , computer systems , servers , peripherals , and any other tangible asset purchased as a subscription under this Agreement. 1.15 . "Maintenance" means optimization , erro r correction , modifications , and Updates (defined herein ) to CentralSquare Solutions to correct any known Defects and improve performance . Maintenance will be provided for each Solution , the hours and details of which are described in Exhibit 2 (Maintenance and Support) Do cusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1 C2C692D9619 1.16. "New or Major Releases " means new versions of a Baseline Solution (e.g., vers ion 4 .0, 5.0 etc .) not provided as part of Maintenance . 1.17 . "Personal Information" means any information that does or can identify a specific ind ividual or by or from which a specific individual may be identified , contacted , or located . Personal Information includes all "nonpublic personal information " as defined under the Gramm -Leach -Bliley Act , "protected health information" as defined under the Health and Insurance Portability and Accountabil ity Act of 1996 , "Personal Data" as defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018 ), "Personal Information " as defined under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 , and all rules and regulations issued under any of the foregoing . 1.18 . "Professional Services " means con fi guration , installation , implementation , development work , training or consulting services including custom modification programming , support relating to custom modifications , on - site support services , assistance with data transfers , system restarts and reinstallations provided by CentralSquare . 1.19 . "Project Kickoff'' is a meeting to occur shortly after contract execution between CentralSquare and Customer in which goals and objectives are set forth , all parties relevant team members are identified , and scope , timelines , and milestones are reviewed . 1.20 . "Reliability Period" is the time period in which the Software is tested and confirmed reliable by successfully completed fifteen (15) continuous days in a live environment with no repeatable Priority 1 or Priority 2 issues as defined in Exhibit 2, unless otherwise agreed in a statement of work . 1.21 . "Software" means the software program(s) (in object code format only ) identified on Exhibit 1 (Solution(s) Support and Maintenance Fees ). The term "Software" excludes any Third-Party Software . 1.22 . "Software Version" means the base or core vers ion of the Solution Software that contains significant new features and significant fixes and is available to the Customer . The nomenclature used for updates and upgrades consists of major, minor, build , and fix and these correspond to the following digit locations of a release , a,b,c,d . An example of which would be 7.4 .1.3, where the 7 refers to the major release , the 4 refers to the minor release , the 1 refers to the build , and the 3 refers to a fi x. 1.23 . "Solutions" means the software , Documentation , development work , CentralSquare Systems and any and all other information , data , documents , materials , works , and other content, dev ices , methods , processes , hardware , software , technologies and inventions , including any deliverables , technical or functional descriptions , requirements , plans , or reports , provided or used by CentralSquare or any Subcontractor in connection with Professional Services or Support Services rendered under this Ag reement. 1.24 . "Support Services " means Ma intenance , Enhancements , implementation of New Releases , and general support efforts to respond to incidents reported by Customer in accordance with Exhibit 2 (Maintenance & Support) and Exh ibit 7 (Managed Services Provisions ), if applicable . 1.25 . "Third-Party Materials " means materials and information , in any form or medium , including any software , documents , data , content , specifications , products , related services , equ ipment , or components of or relating to the Solutions that are not proprietary to CentralSquare . 2. License, Access, and Title. 2 .1. License Grant. For any Solution designated as a "license " on Exhibit 1, Customer is granted a perpetual (unless terminated as provided herein ), nontransferable , nonexclusive right and license to use the Software for Customer's own internal use for the applications described in the Statement of Work , in the applicable environment (e .g., production , test , training , or disaster recovery system ) and in the quantity set forth in Exhibit 2.2 . Add it ional software licenses purchased after the execution of this Agreement shall also be licensed in accordance with the provisions of this section . Customer shall not use , copy , rent , lease , sell , sublicense , modify , create derivative works from /of, or transfer any software , or permit others to do said acts , except as provided in this Agreement. Any such unautho ri zed use shall be void and may result in immediate and automatic termination of the applicable license . In such event, Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of any license fees paid . Notwithstanding , Customer shall be entitled to use software at the applicable designated location for the purpose of the application(s ) described in the Statement of Work to provide services for itself and other Affiliate governmental agencies/entities , provided that the Software is installed and operated at only one physical location . The Software license granted in this Agreement or in connection with it are for object code only and do not include a license or any rights to source code whatsoever. 2 .3. Access Grant. For any Solution designated as a "subscription " on Exhibit 1, so long as subscription fees are paid and current , (unless terminated as prov ided herein ), Customer is granted a nontransferable , nonexclusive right to use the software for the Customer's own internal use for the applications described in the Statement of Work , in the applicable environment (e .g ., production , test , training , or disaster recovery system ) and in the quantity set forth in Exhibit 1. Additional CentralSqua re software subscriptions purchased after the execution of this Agreement shall also be accessed in accordance with the provisions of th is section . Customer shall not use , copy , rent , lease , sell , sublicense , modify , create derivative works from /of, or transfer any software , or permit others to do said acts , except as provided in this Agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall be void and may result in immediate and automatic termination of the applicable access . In such event , Customer shall not be entitled to a cefund of any sobsociption fees paid . Notwithstanding , Custome, shall be entitled to use softwa,e ~ Docusign Envelope ID : 2D08D92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 the applicable designated location for the purpose of the application(s) described in the Statement of Work to provide services for itself and other Affiliate governmental agencies/entities . The subscription access granted in this Agreement or in connection with it are for object code only and do not include a license or any rights to source code whatsoever . 2.4 . Application Programming Interface "API ". If the Customer has purchased any Application Programming Interface (API) license or subscription , Customer may use such API for Customer's own internal use to develop interfaces which enable interfacing with the applicable CentralSquare Software purchased herein . The development and use of such interfacing applications is specifically permitted under the use granted herein and shall not be deemed derivative works provided that they are not, in fact , derived from the CentralSquare Software or the ideas , methods of operation , processes , technology or know-how implemented therein . Other than the usage rights granted herein , Customer shall not acqu ire any right , title or interest in the CentralSquare Software or API by virtue of the interfacing of such applications , whether as joint owner, or otherwise . Should Customer desire to provide or share the API to a third-party , the third-party must enter into an API Access Agreement by and between the third-party and CentralSquare directly to govern the usage rights and restrictions of the appl icable API. 2 .5 . Documentation License . CentralSquare hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non -sublicensable , non- transferable license to use the Documentation during the Term solely for Customer's internal business purposes in connection with its use of the Solutions . 2.6. Hardware. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement , CentralSquare agrees to deliver, through hardware vendors , the Hardware itemized on Exhibit 1. The risk of loss or damage will pass to Customer upon the date of delivery to the Customer specified facility . Upon delivery and full satisfaction of the Hardware payment obligations , Hardware shall be deemed accepted and Customer will acquire good and clear title to Hardware . All Hardware manufacturer warranties will be passed through to Customer. CentralSquare expressly disclaims , and Customer hereby expressly waives all other Hardware warranties , express or implied , without limitation , warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 2.7. Managed Services Hardware. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, CentralSquare agrees to deliver the Managed Services Hardware itemized on Exhibit 1. So long as the applicable subscription fees are paid and current , Customer shall maintain a limited right in possessory interest in the Managed Services Hardware . No title in the Managed Services Hardware will pass to Customer at any time or for any reason . Customer agrees to maintain adequate insurance against fire , theft , or other loss for the Managed Services Hardware full insurable value . CentralSquare shall coordinate any defect or warranty claims in accordance with Exhibit 7, if applicable . 2 .8. Reservation of Rights . Nothing in this Agreement grants any right , title , or interest in orto any Intellectual Property Rights in or relating to the Solutions , or Third -Party Materials , whether expressly , by implication , estoppel , or otherwise . All right , title , and interest in the Solutions , and the Third-Party Materials are and will remain with CentralSquare and the respective rights holders . 3. Use Restrictions. Authorized Users shall not: 3.1. 3.2 . 3.3. 3.4 . 3 .5. 3.6 . 3.7 . copy , modify , or create derivative works or improvements of the Solutions, or rent , lease , lend , sell , sublicense , assign , distribute , publish , transfer, or otherwise make available any Solutions to any Entity , including on or in connection with the internet or any time-sharing , service bureau , software as a service , cloud , or other technology or service ; reverse engineer, disassemble , decompile , decode , adapt , or otherwise attempt to derive or gain access to the source code of the Solutions , in whole or in part ; bypass or breach any security device or protection used by Solutions or access or use the Solutions other than by an Authorized User through the use of his or her own then valid access ; input , upload , transmit , or otherwise provide to or through the CentralSquare Systems , any information or materials that are unlawful or injurious , or contain , transmit , or activate any harmful code (any software , hardware , device , or other technology , including any virus , worm , malware , or other malicious computer code , the purpose or effect of which is to (a) permit unauthorized access to , or to destroy , disrupt, disable , distort, or otherwise harm or impede any (i ) computer, software firmware , hardware , system or network ; or (ii) any application or function of any of the foregoing or the security , integrity , confidentiality , or use of any data processed thereby ; or (b) prevent Customer or any Authorized User from accessing or using the Solutions as intended by this Agreement ; damage , destroy , disrupt , disable , impair, interfere with , or otherwise impede or harm in any manner the CentralSquare Systems , or CentralSquare's provision of services to any third-party , in whole or in part ; remove , delete , alter, or obscure any trademarks , specifications , Documentation , warranties , or disclaimers , or any copyright , trademark , patent , or othe r intellectual property or proprietary rights notices from any Documentation or Solutions , including any copy thereof; access or use the Solutions in any manner or for any purpose that infringes , misappropriates , or otherwise violates any Intellectual Property Right or other right of any third-party , or that violates any applicable law ; Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 3.8. access or use the Solutions for purposes of competitive analysis of the Solutions , the development, provision , or use of a competing software service or product or any other purpose that is to CentralSquare's detriment or commercial disadvantage or otherwise access or use the Solutions beyond the scope of the authorization granted in Section 2 . 4. Audit. 4.1 . CentralSquare shall have the right to audit Customer's use of the Software to monitor compliance with this Agreement. Customer shall permit CentralSquare and its directors , officers , employees , and agents to have on- site access at Customer's premises (or remote access as the case may be) during normal business hours to such systems , books , and records for the purpose of verifying license counts , access counts , and overall compliance with this Agreement. Customer shall render reasonable cooperation to CentralSquare as requested . If as a result of any audit or inspection CentralSquare substantiates a deficiency or non-compliance , or if an audit reveals that Customer has exceeded the restrictions on use , Customer shall promptly reimburse Central Square for all its costs and expenses incurred to conduct such audit or inspection and be required to pay for any delinquencies in compliance and prompt payment of any underpayment of Fees . 5. Customer Obligations . 5.1. Customer Systems and Cooperation. Customer shall at all times during the Term: (a) set up , maintain , and operate in good repair all Customer Systems on or through which the Solutions are accessed or used ; (b) provide CentralSquare Personnel with such access to Customer's prem ises and Customer Systems as is necessary for CentralSquare to perform the Support Services in accordance with the Support Standards and specifications and if required by CentralSquare , remote access in accordance with Exhibit 3 (CentralSquare Access Management Policy); and (c) provide all cooperation as CentralSquare may reasonably request to enable CentralSquare to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this Agreement. 5.2 . Effect of Customer Failure or Delay . CentralSquare is not responsible or liable for any delay or failure of performance caused in whole or in part by Customer's delay in performing , or failure to perform , any of its obligations under this Agreement. 5.3 . Corrective Action and Notice . If Customer becomes aware of any actual or threatened activity prohibited by Section Error! Reference source not found., Customer shall , and shall cause its Authorized Users to , immediately: (a) take all reasonable and lawful measures within their respective control that are necessary to stop the activity or threatened activity and to mitigate its effects (including , where applicable , by discontinuing and preventing any unauthorized access to the Solutions and permanently erasing from their systems and destroying any data to which any of them gained unauthorized access); and (b) notify CentralSquare of any such actual or threatened activity. 5.4 . Maintaining Current Versions of Central Square Solutions . In accordance with Exhibit 2 (Maintenance & Support) and Exhibit 7 (Managed Services Provisions), if applicable . Customer shall install and/or use any New or Major Release within one year of being made available by CentralSquare to mitigate a performance problem , ineligibility for Support Services , or an infringement claim . 6. Professional Services . 6.1. Compliance with Customer Policies. While CentralSquare personnel are performing services at Customer's site , CentralSquare personnel will comply with Customer's reasonable procedures and site policies that are generally applicable to Customer 's other suppliers providing similar services and that have been provided to CentralSquare in writing or in advance. 6.2 . Contributed Material. In the process of CentralSquare 's performing Professional Services , Customer may, from time to time , provide CentralSquare with designs , plans , or specifications , improvements , works or other material for inclusion in , or making modifications to , the Solutions , the Documentation or any other deliverables ("Contributed Material "). Customer grants to CentralSquare a nonexclusive , irrevocable , perpetual , transferable right , without the payment of any royalties or other compensation of any kind and without the right of attribution , for CentralSquare , CentralSquare 's Affiliates and CentralSquare 's licensees to make , use , sell and create derivative works of the Contributed Material. 7. Confidentiality . 7 .1. Nondisclosure . The Parties agree , unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or required by law , not to use or make each other's Confidential Information available to any third party for any purpose other than as necessary to perform under this Agreement. "Confidential Information" means the Solution(s), Software , and customizations in any embodiment , and either Party 's technical and business information relating to inventions or software, research and development, future product specifications , engineering processes, costs , profit or margin information , marketing and future business plans as well as any and all internal Customer and employee information , and any information exchanged by the Parties that is clearly marked with a confidential , private or proprietary legend or which , by its nature , is commonly understood to be confidential. 7.2. Exceptions . A Party's Confidential Information shall not include information that: (a) is or becomes publicly available through no act or omission of the recipient ; (b) was in the recipient 's lawful possession prior to the disclosoce aad was aot obtaiaed by the cedpieat eithec dicectly o, iadicectly from the disclosi"9 Party ; ( c) is lawf,~ Docusign Envelope ID : 2008O920-F8F5-4O30-B9C6-1C2C692O9619 disclosed to the recipient by a third party without restriction on recipient's disclosure , and where recipient was not aware that the information was the confidential information of discloser; (d) is independently developed by the recipient without violation of this Agreement ; or (e) is required to be disclosed by law. 8. Security. 8.1. CentralSquare will implement commercially reasonable administrative , technical and physical safeguards designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of Customer Data , protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of Customer Data , and protect against unauthorized access or use of Customer Data . CentralSquare will review and test such safeguards on no less than an annual basis . 8 .2 . Customer shall maintain , in connection with the operation or use of the Solutions , adequate technical and procedural access controls and system security requirements and devices , necessary for data privacy , confidentiality , integrity, authorization , authentication , non-repudiation , virus detection and eradication . 8.3. To the extent that Authorized Users are permitted to have access to the Solutions, Customer shall maintain agreements with such Authorized Users that adequately protect the confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights of CentralSquare in the Solutions and Documentation and disclaim any liability or responsibility of CentralSquare with respect to such Authorized Users . 9. Personal Data. If CentralSquare processes or otherwise has access to any personal data or Personal Information on Customer's behalf when performing Central Square 's obligations under this Agreement , then : 9 .1. Customer shall be the data controller (where "data controller" means an entity which alone or jointly with others determines purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are , or are to be , processed) and CentralSquare shall be a data processor (where "data processor" means an entity which processes the data only on behalf of the data controller and not for any purposes of its own); 9 .2 . Customer shall ensure that it has obtained all necessary consents and it is entitled to transfer the relevant personal data or Personal Information to CentralSquare so that CentralSquare may lawfully use , process and transfer the personal data and Personal Information in accordance with this Agreement on Customer 's behalf, which may include CentralSquare processing and transferring the relevant personal data or Personal Information outside the country where Customer and the Authorized Users are located in order for Central Square to provide the Solutions and perform its other obligations under this Agreement; and 9.3 . CentralSquare shall process personal data and information only in accordance with lawful and reasonable written instructions given by Customer and as set out in and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement ; and 9.4 . CentralSquare shall take reasonable steps to ensure that its employees , agents and contractors who may have access to Personal Information are persons who need to know / access the relevant Personal Information for valid business reasons ; and 9.5 . each Party shall take appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of the personal data and Personal Information or its accidental loss , destruction or damage so that, having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures , the measures taken ensure a level of security appropriate to the harm that might result from such unauthorized or unlawful processing or accidental loss , destruction or damage in relation to the personal data and Personal Information and the nature of the personal data and Personal Information being protected . If necessary, the Parties will cooperate to document these measures taken . 10. Representations and Warranties . 10 .1. Intellectual Property Warranty. Central Square represents and warrants that (a) it is the sole and exclusive owner of (or has the right to license) the software ; (b) it has full and sufficient right , title and authority to grant the rights and/or licenses granted under this Agreement ; (c) the software does not contain any materials developed by a third party used by CentralSquare except pursuant to a license agreement ; and (d) the software does not infringe any patent , or copyright. 10 .2. Intellectual Property Remedy . In the event that any third party asserts a claim of infringement against the Customer relating to the software contained in this Agreement , CentralSquare shall indemnify and defend the Customer pursuant to section 13.1 of this Agreement. In the case of any such claim of infringement, CentralSquare shall either , at its option , (1) procure for Customer the right to continue using the software ; or (2) replace or modify the software so that that it becomes non-infringing , but equivalent in functionality and performance . 10.3 . Software Warranty . CentralSquare warrants to Customer that (i) for a period of one year from the Effective Date (the "Warranty Period ") the Software will substantially conform in all material respects to the specifications set forth in the Documentation , when installed , operated and used as recommended in the Documentation and in accordance with this Agreement ; and (ii) at the time of delivery the Software does not contain any virus or other malicious code . 10.4 . Software Remedy . If, during the Warranty Period a warranty defect is confirmed in the Central Square Software , CentralSquare shall , at its option , reinstall the Software or correct the Defects . Defects that occur in the Software aftec the Wa"aoty Pe,;od >MIi be corrected p,cs,aot to fah;b;t 2 (Ma;oteoaoce & S,pport) aod Exh;b;t ~ Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4O30-B9C6-1C2C692O9619 (Managed Services Provisions), if applicable . 10 .5. Services Warranty . CentralSquare warrants that the Professional Services del ivered will substantially conform to the deliverables specified in the applicable statement of work and that all Professional Services will be performed in a profess ional and workmanlike manner cons istent with industry standards for similar work . If Professional Services do not substantially conform to the deliverables , Customer shall notify CentralSquare of such non -conformance in writing , within 10 days from completion of Profess ional Service , and CentralSquare shall promptly repair the non-confo rming deliverables. 10 .6 . Disclaimer of Warranty. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE, CENTRALSQUARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER , EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, SOFTWARE , PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, AND/OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, AND THAT CENTRALSQUARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR TITLE. FURTHER, CENTRALSQUARE EXPRESSLY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT A SOLUTION , ANY CUSTOM MODIFICATION OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE USABLE BY CUSTOMER IF THE SOLUTION OR CUSTOM MODIFICATION HAS BEEN MODIFIED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN CENTRALSQUARE PERSONNEL , OR WILL BE ERROR FREE, WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENTATION. ALL THIRD-PARTY MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF OR CONCERNING ANY OF THEM IS STRICTLY BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND THE THIRD-PARTY . THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT AMEND , OR MODIFY CENTRALSQUARE'S WARRANTY UNDER ANY AGREEMENT OR ANY CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, OR RESTRICTIONS THEREOF. 11. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed given when delivered personally , sent by United States registered or certified mail , return receipt requested ; transmitted by facsimile or email confirmed by first class mail , or sent by overnight courier . Not ices must be sent to a Party at its add ress shown below , or to such other place as the Party may subsequently designate for its receipt of notices in writ ing by the other Party . If to CentralSquar If to Customer: 12. Force Majeure. CentralSquare Technologies, LLC 1000 Business Center Dr. Lake Mary , FL 32746 Phone: 407-304-3235 Attention: Legal/Contracts City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville , AR 72701 Phone : 479-575-8320 Email: kmacedo@fayetteville-ar .gov Attention : Keith Macedo Neither Party shall be responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations hereunder, or be liable for damages resulting from delay in performance as a result of war , fire , strike , riot or insurrection , natural disaster, pandem ic or epidemic , delay of carriers , governmental order or regulation , complete or partial shutdown of plant , unavailability of equipment , software , or services from suppliers , default of a subcontractor or vendo r to the Party if such default arises out of causes beyond the reasonable control of such subcontractor or vendor , the acts or omissions of the other Party , or its officers , directors , employees , agents , contractors , or elected officials , and/or other occurrences beyond the Party 's reasonable control ("Excusable Delay " hereunder). In the event of such Excusable Delay , performance shall be extended on a day for day basis or as otherwise reasonably necessary to compensate for such delay . 13. Indemnification . 13 .1. CentralSquare Indemnification . CentralSquare shall indemnify , defend , and hold harmless Customer from any and all Claims or liability , including attorneys ' fees and costs , brought by a th ird party , allegedly arising out of, in connection with , or incident to any loss , damage or injury to persons or property or arising solely from a wrongful or neg li gent act , error or omission of CentralSquare , its employees , agents , contractors , or any subcontractor as a result of CentralSqua re's or any subcontractor's performance pursuant to th is Agreement ; however, CentralSquare shall not be required to indemnify Customer for any claims caused to the extent of the negligence or wrongful act of Customer , its employees , agents , or contractors . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing , if a Claim or liability results from or is contributed to by the actions or omissions of Customer , or Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D96 19 its employees , agents or contractors , CentralSquare 's obligations under this provision shall be reduced to the extent of such actions or omissions based upon the principle of comparative fault. 13 .2 . Customer Indemnification . To the extent allowable by law , Customer shall indemnify , defend , and hold harmless CentralSquare from any and all Claims or liability , including attorneys' fees and costs , allegedly arising out of, in connection with , or incident to any loss , damage or injury to persons or property or arising solely from a wrongful or negligent act , error or omission of Customer, its employees , agents , contractors , or any subcontractor as a result of Customer's or any subcontractor's performance pursuant to this Agreement ; however, Customer shall not be required to indemnify CentralSquare for any Claims or actions caused to the extent of the negligence or wrongful act of CentralSquare , its emp loyees , agents , or contractors . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing , if a Claim or liability results from or is contributed to by the actions or omissions of CentralSquare , or its employees , agents or contractors , Customer's obligations under this provis ion shall be reduced to the extent of such actions or omissions based upon the principle of comparative fault. 13 .3. "Claim " in this Section 13 means any claim , cause of action , demand , lawsuit, dispute , inquiry , audit , notice of violation , proceeding , litigation , citation , summons , subpoena or investigation of any nature , civil , criminal , administrative , regulatory or other, whether at law , in equity , or otherwise . 14. Termination. 14 .1. Either Party may terminate th is Agreement for a material breach in accordance with this subsection. In such event , the disputing Party shall deliver wr itten notice of its intent to terminate along with a description in reasonable detail of the problems for which the disputing Party is invoking its right to terminate and the specific requirement within this Agreement or any exhibit or schedule hereto that the disputing Party is relying upon . Following such notice , the Parties shall commence dispute resolution procedures in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure pursuant to Section 17 . 14 .2. CentralSquare shall have the right to terminate this Agreement based on Customer's failure to pay undisputed amounts due under this Agreement more than ninety (90 ) days after delivery of written notice of non-payment. 14 .3. Customer shall have the right to terminate if the proper appropriation of funds for the continuation of this Agreement is not available for any fiscal year after the first fiscal year during the Term , then this Agreement may be terminated . To effect the term ination of this Agreement , Customer shall , within forty-five (45 ) days following the beginning of the fiscal year for which the proper appropriation is not available , provide CentralSquare with written notice of the failu re to obta in the proper app ropriation of funds . Such notice shall be accompanied by the payment of all sums then owed CentralSquare under this Agreement , if any. 15. Effect of Termination or Expiration . On the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement: 15 .1. All rights , licenses , and authorizations granted to Customer hereunder will immediately terminate and Customer shall immediately cease all use of CentralSquare 's Confidential Information and the Solutions , and within thirty (30) days deliver to CentralSquare , or at CentralSquare 's request destroy and erase CentralSquare 's Confidential Information from all systems Customer directly or indirectly controls ; and 15 .2. All licenses , access or subscription fees , services rendered but unpaid , and any amounts due by Customer to CentralSquare of any kind shall become immediately payable and due no later than thirty (30) days after the effective date of the termination or exp iration , including anything that accrues within those thirty (30 ) days . 15 .3. The provisions set forth in the fol lowing sections , and any other right or obligation of the Parties in th is Agreement that , by its nature (including but not limited to : Use Restrictions , Confidential Information , Warranty Disclaimers , Indemn ifications , & Limitations of Liab ility ), will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 15.4. In the event that Customer terminates this Agreement or cancels any portions of a project (as may be set forth in a Statement of Work ) prior to Go Live (which shall be defined as "first use of a Solution or module of a Solution in a production environment , unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in a statement of work "), Customer shall pay for all Professional Services actually performed by CentralSquare on a time and materials basis , regardless of the payment terms in Exhibit 1. 15 .5. Return of Customer Data . If Customer requests in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement , CentralSquare shall within sixty (60) days follow ing such expiration or termination , deliver to Customer in CentralSquare 's standard format the then most recent version of Customer Data mainta ined by CentralSquare , provided that Customer has at that time pa id all Fees then outstanding and any amounts payable after or as a result of such expiration or termination . 15 .6 . Deconversion . In the event of (i ) expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement , or (ii) Customer no longer purchasing certain Solutions (including those indicated to be Third-Party Materials ), if Customer requests assistance in the transfer of Customer Data to a different vendor's applications ("Deconversion "), CentralSquare will provide reasonable assistance . CentralSquare and Customer will negotiate in good faith to establ ish the relative roles and responsibilit ies of CentralSquare and Customer in effecting Deconversion , as well as the appropriate date for completion . CentralSquare shall be entitled to receive compensation for any additional consultation , services , softwa re , and documentation required for Deconversion on a time and materials basis at CentralSquare 's then standard rates. 15 . 7. Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve either Party of any other obligation incurred one to the other prio r to termination . Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D961 9 16. Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any rights or obligations hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party , which consent will not be unreasonably withheld ; provided however, that in the event of a merger or acquisition of all or substantially all of CentralSquare 's assets , CentralSquare may assign this Agreement to an entity ready , will ing and able to perform CentralSquare 's executory obligations hereunder. 17. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute , controversy or claim arising out of or relat ing to th is Agreement (each , a "Dispute "), including the breach , termination , or validity thereof, shall be resolved as follows : 17 .1. Good Faith Negotiations . The Parties agree to send wr itten notice to the other Party of any Dispute ("Dispute Notice "). After the other Party receives the Dispute Notice , the Parties agree to undertake good faith negotiations to resolve the Dispute . Each Party shall be responsible for its associated travel and other related costs . 17 .2 . Escalation to Mediation. If the Parties cannot resolve any Dispute through good faith negotiations , the dispute will be escalated to non-binding mediation , with the Parties acting in good faith to select a mediator and establishing the mediation process . The Parties agree the mediator's fees and expenses , and the mediator's costs incidental to the mediation , will be shared equally between the Parties . The Parties shall bear their own fees , expenses , and costs . 17 .3. Confidential Mediation . The Parties further agree all written or oral offers , promises , conduct , and statements made in the course of the mediation are confidential , privileged , and inadm issible for any purpose in any litigation , arbitration or other proceeding involving the Parties . However , evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be rendered inadmissible or non-discoverable as a result of its use in the mediation . 17.4 . Li ti gation . If the Parties cannot resolve a Dispute through mediation , then once an impasse is declared by the mediator either Party may pursue litigation in a court of competent jurisd iction . 18. Waiver/Severabilitv . The failure of any Party to enforce any of the p rov isions he reof w ill not be construed to be a waiver of the right of such Party thereafter to enforce such provisions . If any provision of th is Agreement is found to be unenforceable , that provision will be enfo rced to the ma ximum extent possible , and the validity , legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby . 19. LIABILITY. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION WITHIN THIS AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRARY, AND REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF LOSSES, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, EQUITY, STATUTE, TORT, NEGLIGENCE , OR OTHERWISE: 19 .1. NEITHER PARTY SHALL HAVE LIABILITY TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL , INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL , PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, LIQUIDATED, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, REPLACEMENT COSTS, AND NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR LOSSES OF PROFIT, REVENUE, INCOME, ~USINESS, ANTICIPATED SAVINGS , DATA , AND REPUTATION, AND MORE GENERALLY, ANY LOSSES OF AN ECONOMIC OR FINANCIAL NATURE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOSSES MAY BE DEEMED AS CONSEQUENTIAL OR ARISING DIRECTLY AND NATURALLY FROM THE INCIDENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM , AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOSSES ARE FORESEEABLE OR WHETHER EITHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES ; AND 19 .2. CENTRALSQUARE'S TOTAL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT(S) ACTUALLY PAID BY CUSTOMER TO CENTRALSQUARE HEREUNDER FOR THE LAST TWELVE (12) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE THE CLAIM AROSE. 20. Insurance . During the term of this Agreement , CentralSquare shall ma intain insurance coverage covering its operations in accordance with Exhibit 4 (Certificate of Insurance (Evidence of Coverage )). Upon request by Customer, CentralSquare shall include Customer as an additional insured on applicable insurance policies provided unde r this Agreement. CentralSquare shall provide proof of current coverage during the term of this Agreement. 21. Third -Party Materials. CentralSquare may, from time to time , include third parties to perform services , provide software , or provide equipment. Customer acknowledges and agrees CentralSquare provides front-line support services for these Third-Party Materials , but these third parties assume all responsibility and liab ility in connection with the Third-Party Materials . Central Square is not authorized to make any representations or warranties that are binding upon the third-party or to engage in any other acts that are binding upon the th ird-party, except specifically that CentralSquare is authorized to represent third-party fees and to accept payment of such amounts from Customer on behalf of the th ird-party for as long as such third-party authorizes CentralSquare to do so . As a condition precedent to installing or accessing certain Third-Party Mate rials , Customer may be required to execute a click-through , shrink-wrap End User License Agreement ("EULA ") or simila r agreement provided by the Third-Party Materials provider. If mapping information is supplied with the CentralSquare Software , CentralSquare makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the mapping data prov ided with the CentralSquare Software . The completeness or accuracy of such data is solely dependent on the information supplied by the Customer or the mapping database vendor to CentralSquare . All third-party materials are provided "as-is" and any representation or wa rranty concern ing them is strictly between Customer and the third-party. 22. Subcontractors . CentralSquare may from time to time , in its discretion , engage third parties to perform services on its behalf including but not limited to Professional Services , Support Services , and /or provide software (each , a "S,bcont,actoC'). Ceot,alSq,ara shall be fully raspoos lble fo, the acts of all sobcoot,actms to the same e,tent It ~ Docusign Envelope ID : 2D08D92D-F8F5-4D30-89C6-1C2C692D9619 responsible for the acts of its own employees. 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement , and any Exhibits specifically incorporated therein by reference , constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter. These documents supersede and merge all previous and contemporaneous proposals of sale , communications , representations , understandings and agreements , whether oral or written , between the Parties with respect to the subject hereof. 24. Amendment. Either Party may , at any time during the term , request in writing changes to this agreement. The Parties shall evaluate and , if agreed , implement all such requested changes . No requested changes will be effective unless and until memorialized in either a CentralSquare issued add-on quote signed by Customer , or a written change order or amendment to this Agreement signed by both Parties . 25. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein , express or implied , is intended to or shall confer on any other person any legal or equitable right , benefit, or remedy of any nature under or by reason of this Agreement. 26. Counterparts. This Agreement , and any amendments hereto , may be executed in several counterparts , each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original , and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. The Agreement (and any amendments ) shall be considered properly executed by a Party if executed by that Party and transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means , such as DocuSign , Tagged Image Format Files (TIFF}, or Portable Document Format (PDF). 27 . Material Adverse Change . If any law , regulation , applicable standard , process , OEM requirement is changed or comes into force after the Effective Date , including but not lim ited to PCI standards or Americans with Disabilities Act compliance (collectively , a "Material Adverse Change "}, which is not explicitly addressed within this Agreement and results in significant ex tra costs for either Party in relation to the performance of this Agreement , both Parties shall promptly meet, discuss in good faith , and agree upon reducing the technical , operational , and/or commercial impact of such Material Adve rse Change . 28. Cooperative Purchases. This Agreement may be used by Customer Affiliates . CentralSquare agrees to offer similar services to other Affiliates under the same terms and conditions as stated herein except that the Fees may be negotiated between CentralSquare and other Affiliates based on the specific revenue expectations , agency reimbursed costs , and other Affiliate requirements . The Customer will in no way whatsoever incur any liability in relation to specifications , delivery , payment , or any other aspect of purchases by such Affiliates. CentralSquare and the Affiliate will enter into any such arrangement with an amendment to this Agreement. 29. Order of Precedence . 29 .1. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement , the Exhibits , or any purchase order , then the follow ing priority shall prevail : 29 .1.1. The main body of this Agreement and any associated amendments , statements of work , or change orders and then the attached Exhibits to this Agreement in the order in which they appear. 29 .2. Customer's purchase terms and conditions or CentralSquare 's sales terms and conditions are not applicable and shall have no force or effect , whether referenced in any document in relation to this Agreement. 29 .3. Incorporated Exhibits to this Agreement: Exhibit 1: Solution (s) Support and Maintenance Fees Exhibit 2: Maintenance & Support Exhibit 3: CentralSquare Access Management Policy Exhibit 4: Certificate of Insurance (Evidence of Coverage) Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 EXHIBIT 1 Solution(s) Support and Maintenance Fees 6'1~202A-6'1~~-6'1~~-6'1~2027-6'1~.!>28-6'1~2029- Product 6'1&'~ 6'1&'~ 6'1&'2027 6'1&'.!>28 6'1&'2029 6'1&'20l) Asset Management Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 INtJ Otizen Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 GSD3sktop Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 GSW:t:J Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mobile Ste License $27 ,595.33 $28,975.10 $30,423.ffi $31 ,945 .05 $33 ,542 .30 $35,219.42 V\brk Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AA Ste License $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27,595.33 $28,975.10 $31,423.86 $31,945.05 $33,542:l> $35,219.42 Payment Terms: a. Support and Maintenance Fees are due prior to the beginning of the next Renewal Period and annually thereafter. b. Annual Subscription Fees are due prior to the beginning of the next Renewal Period and annually thereafter. c. Annual Software Maintenance Fees and Annual Subscription Fees shall increase by 5% year over year. Invoice Terms: CentralSquare shall provide an invoice for the items in the schedule above no less than thirty (30) days prior to the due date . Ancillary Fees: a. Customer is responsible for paying all taxes relating to this Agreement. Applicable tax amounts (if any) are not included in the fees set forth in this Agreement. If Customer is exempt from the payment of any such taxes , Customer must provide Central Square valid proof of exemption ; otherwise , Central Square will invoice Customer and Customer will pay to CentralSquare all such tax amounts. b . To the extent allowable by law , if Customer fails to make any payment when due , then CentralSquare may charge interest on the past due amount at the rate of 1.5 % per month calculated daily and compounded monthly , or, if lower, the highest rate permitted under applicable law ; and if such failure continues for 90 days following written notice thereof, CentralSquare may suspend performance or access until past due amounts have been paid. CST-2024-101876 Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 EXHIBIT 2 Maintenance & Support This Maintenance & Support Exhibit describes support and maintenance relating to technical support that CentralSquare will provide to Customer during the Term of the Agreement. 1. Product Updates and Releases 1.1. Software Version . "Software Version " means the base or core version of the Software that contains significant new features and significant fixes and is available to the Customer. Software Versions may occur as the Software architecture changes or as new technologies are developed . The nomenclature used for updates and upgrades consists of major, minor, build , and fix and these correspond to the following digit locations of a release , a ,b,c ,d . An example of which would be 7.4 .1.3, where the 7 refers to the major release , the 4 refers to the minor release , the 1 refers to the build , and the 3 refers to a fix . All Software Versions are provided and included as part of this Agreement. 1.2. Updates . From time to time CentralSquare may develop permanent fixes or solutions to known problems or bugs in the Software and incorporate them in a formal "Update " to the Software . If Customer is receiving technical support from CentralSquare on the general release date for an Update , CentralSquare will provide the Customer with the Update and related Documentation at no extra charge . Updates for custom configurations will be agreed upon by the Parties and outlined in a Statement of Work or Change Order . 1.3 . Releases. Customer shall agree to install and /or use any New or Major Release within one year of being made available by CentralSquare to avoid or mitigate a performance problem , ineligibility for Support and Maintenance Services or infringement claim . All modifications , revisions and updates to the Software shall be furnished by means of new Releases of the Software and shall be accompanied by updates to the Documentation whenever CentralSquare determines , in its sole discretion , that such updates are necessary . 2. Support 2.1. CentralSquare shall provide to Customer support via toll-free phone number 833-278-7877 or via the CentralSquare Support Portal. CentralSquare shall provide to Customer, commercially reasonable efforts in solving errors reported by the Customer as well as making available an online support portal. Customer shall provide to CentralSquare reasonably detailed documentation and explanation , together with underlying data , to substantiate errors and to assist CentralSquare in its efforts to diagnose , reproduce and correct the error. Should either Party not be able to locate the error root cause and Customer and CentralSquare agree that on-site services are necessary to diagnose or resolve the problem CentralSquare shall provide a travel estimate and estimated hours in order to diagnose the reported error. 2.2. If after traveling ons ite to diagnose a reported error and such reported error did not , in fact , exist or was not attributable to a defect in the Software provided by CentralSquare or an act or omission of CentralSquare , then Customer shall pay for CentralSquare's investigation , travel , and related services in accordance with provided estimate . Customer must provide CentralSquare with such facilities , equipment and support as are reasonably necessary for CentralSquare to perform its obligations under this Exhibit, including remote access in accordance with the Remote Access Policy . 3. Online Support Portal Online support is available via https://support .centralsguare .com/s/contact-us , offering Customer the ability to resolve its own problems with access to CentralSquare 's most current information. Customer will need to enter its designated username and password to gain access to the technical support areas on CentralSquare 's website. CentralSquare 's technical support areas allow Customer to : (i) search an up-to-date knowledge base of technical support information , technical tips , and featured functions ; and (ii) access answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). 4 . Exc!ysjons from Jechnjcal support seryjces CentralSquare shall have no support obligations to provide Support or Maintenance for Solutions that are not kept current to one version prior to the then current version of the Solution . CentralSquare shall have no support obligations with respect to any third-party hardware or software product not licensed or sold to Customer by CentralSquare ("Nonqualified Product"). Customer shall be solely responsible for the compatibility and functioning of Nonqualified Products with the Software . 5. Customer Responsibilities In connection with CentralSquare 's provision of technical support as described herein , Customer acknowledges that Customer has the responsibility to do each of the following : 5 .1 Provide hardware , operating system and browser software that meets techn ical specifications , as well as a fast , stable , high-speed connection and remote connectivity for accessing the Solution . 5 .2 Maintain any applicable computer system and associated peripheral equipment in good working order in accordance with the manufacturers ' specifications , and ensure that any problems reported to CentralSquare are not due to hardware malfunction ; 5 .3 For CentralSquare Solutions that are implemented on Customer Systems , maintain the designated Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4O30-B9C6-1 C2C692O9619 operating system at the latest code revision level reasonably deemed necessary by CentralSquare for proper operation of the Software ; 5.4 Supply CentralSquare with access to and use of all information and facilities reasonably determined to be necessary by CentralSquare to render the technical support described herein ; 5.5 Perform any test or procedures reasonably recommended by CentralSquare for the purpose of identifying and/or resolving any problems ; 5 .6 At all times follow routine operator procedures as specified in the Documentation or any error correction guidelines of CentralSquare posted on the CentralSquare website ; 5 . 7 Customer shall remain solely responsible at all times for the safeguarding of Customer's proprietary , confidential , and classified information contained within Customer Systems ; and 5 .8 Reasonably ensure that the Customer Systems are isolated and free from viruses and malicious code that could cause harm before requesting or receiving remote support assistance . s. Prjorjtjes and support Response Matrix The following priority matrix relates to software errors covered by this Agreement. Causes secondary to non-covered causes -such as hardware , network , and third-party products -are not included in th is priority matrix and are outside the scope of this Exhibit. CentralSquare will make commercially reasonable efforts to respond to Software incidents for live remote based production systems using the following guidelines : Priority Issue Definition Response Time Priority 1 -The software is completely down and will not Priority 1 issues must be called in via 833 -278-7877 and Urgent launch or function . will be immediately answered and managed by the first available representative . Priority 2-A high-impact problem that disrupts the Priority 2 issues must be called in via 833 -278-7877 and K;ritical customer's operation but there is capacity to will be immediately answered and managed by the first remain productive and maintain necessary ava ilable representative . operations. Priority 3-A Software Error related to a user function which Priority 3 issues called in via 833-278-7877 will be Non-Critical does not negatively impact the User from the use immediately answered and managed by the first of the system . This includes system administrator available representative . 'unctions or restriction of user workflow but does not significantly impact their job function . Non-C ri tical Priority 3 issues may also be reported via Httos ://sunnort .centralsauare .com/s/contact-us Priority 4-Cosmetic or documentation errors , including Priority 4 issues called in via 833-278-7877 will Minor !Customer technical questions or usability immediately answered and managed by the ~uestions . available representative . Minor Priority 4 issues may also be reported Httos ://sunnort .centra lsauare .com /s/contact-us 7. Exceptions. Central Square shall not be responsible for failure to carry out its Support and Maintenance obligations under th is Exhibit if the failure is caused by adverse impact due to : 7.1. defectiveness of the Customer's Systems (including but not limited to environment , hardware or ancillary systems}, or due to Customer corrupt , incomplete , or inaccurate data reported to the Solution , or documented defect. 7.2. den ial of reasonable access to Customer's System or prem ises preventing CentralSquare from addressing the issue . 7.3 . material changes made to the usage of the Solution by Customer where CentralSquare has not agreed to such changes in advance and in writing or the modification or alteration , in any way , by Customer or its subcontractors , of communications links necessary to the proper performance of the Solution . 7.4 . a Force Majeure event (as outlined in Section 12 ), or the negligence , intentiona l acts , or omissions of Customer or its agents . 8. Incident Resolution. Actual response times and resolutions may vary due to issue complexi ty and priority . For critical impact level and above , CentralSquare provides a continuous resolution effort until the issue is resolved . CentralSquare will make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve Software incidents for live remote based production systems using the following guidelines: be first via Docusign Envelope ID: 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 Priority Resolution Resolution Time Process Priority 1 -Urgent CentralSquare will provide a CentralSquare will work continuously to provide the procedural or configuration Customer with a solution that allows the Customer to workaround or a code correction resume live operations on the production system . hat allows the Customer to CentralSquare will either resolve the issue or provide a resume live operations on the resolution plan as soon as possible and not later than production System . twenty-four (24) hours after notification . Priority 2-CentralSquare will provide a CentralSquare will work continuously to provide the orocedural or configuration Customer with a solution that allows the Customer to Critical workaround or a code correction resume normal operations on the production System . hat allows the Customer to resume normal operations on the CentralSquare will either resolve the issue or provide a production System . resolution plan as soon as possible and not later than thirty- six (36) hours after notification . Priority 3 -Non -CentralSquare will provide a Central Square will work to provide the Customer with a Critical procedural or configuration resolution which may include a workaround or code workaround that allows the correction within a timeframe that takes into consideration Customer to resolve the problem . he impact of the issue on the Customer and CentralSquare 's User base. Priority 3 issues have priority scheduling in a subsequent release . Priority 4 -Minor If CentralSquare determines CentralSquare will work to provide the Customer with a hat a reported Minor Priority resolution which may include a workaround or code error requires a code correction in a future release of the software . Priority 4 K;orrection , such issues will be issues have no defined resolution time . ~ddressed in a subsequent release when aoolicable . 9. Non-Production Environments. CentralSquare will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide fixes to non- production environment(s). Non-production environments are not included under the response or resolution tables provided in this Exhibit. 9.1. Maintenance . All non-production environment resolution processes will follow the structure and schedules outlined above for production environments . 9.2. Incidents and service requests . Non-production environment incidents are considered priority 3 or 4 , dictated by circumstances and will be prioritized and scheduled subordinate to production environment service requests . 10. Training. Outside the scope of training services purchased , if any , Customer is responsible for the training and organization of its staff in the operation of the Software . 11. Development Work. Software support and maintenance does not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Software , except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in the Agreement. CentralSquare retains all intellectual property rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service . 12. Technology Life Expectancy . Customer understands , acknowledges and agrees that the technology upon which the Hardware , Solution and Third-Party Software is based changes rapidly . Customer further acknowledges that CentralSquare will continue to improve the functionality and features of the Solution to improve legal compliance , accuracy , functionality and usability . As a result, CentralSquare does not represent or warrant that the Hardware, Solution and/or Third-Party Software provided to Customer under this Agreement or that the Customer Systems recommended by CentralSquare will function for an indefinite period of time . Rather , CentralSquare and Customer may , from time to time , analyze the functionality of the Hardware , Solution , Third-Party Software and Customer Systems in response to changes to determine whether Customer must upgrade the same . Customer upgrades may include without limitation , the installation of a new Release , additional disk storage and memory , and workstation and/or server upgrades . Customer upgrades may also include the installation and/or removal of Third-Party Software . Customer is solely responsible for all costs associated with future resources and upgrades . Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 EXHIBIT 3 CentralSquare Access Management Policy In order to provide secure , federally compliant connections to agency systems CentralSquare Technologies ("CentralSquare ") requires BeyondTrust or Securelink as the only approved methodology of connection . BeyondTrust and Securelink provide the necessary remote access in order to service and maintain CentralSquare products while adhering to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Criminal Justice Information Services requirements . Both solutions utilize two-factor authentication Federal Information Processing Standard Publication ("FIPS ") 140-2 validated cryptographic modules and AES encryption in 256-bit strengths. BeyondTrust and Securelink are addressed in turn via this Access Management Policy ; Customers may choose wh ich remote privileged access management solution will be utilized by CentralSquare . BeyondTrust The BeyondTrust remote support solution may be utilized via escorted session or a jump Customer . As for an escorted session , when an agency needs assistance from CentralSquare , the agency employee requesting assistance will receive verbal or email communication with a session key necessary to enable remote access . If a verbal key is provided , the user enters the session key after visiting https://securesupport.centralsquare .com . Jump Customers are a Windows service that can be stopped/started to facilitate a support session . Connections made via jump Customer can be active or passive . An active jump Customer is always available . A passive connection is enabled for a specific purpose and then disabled when not used . Regardless of the option selected , CentralSquare 's support team will arrange a BeyondTrust session to establish the jump Customer. The jump Customer resides on the agency side on the installed device , where an agency administrator can manage . Instructions on how to enable/disable jump Customers can be provided upon request. A sample workflow of a passive jump Customer is provided below: Should an agency require support from Central Square , a call would be placed and/or a support ticket opened in the portal on the CentralSquare customer support website. Before accessing the agency's system and/or environment, the CentralSquare representative would send a notice of connection from the CentralSquare support portal instance . This notice can be sent to the individual at the agency that the CentralSquare representative is working with or other designated contacts as necessary. Upon receipt of the notice of connection , the agency personnel would enable the BeyondTrust Jump Customer. The CentralSquare representative would then be admitted to the, agency's system and/or environment to perform the necessary task . Upon completion of the task, the CentralSquare representative sends a notice of disconnection from the CentralSquare support portal instance . Upon receipt of the notice of disconnection , the agency personnel would then disable the BeyondTrustjump Customer. Securelink Similar to BeyondTrust's escorted session , Securelink may be utilized via "quick connect". To enable a quick connect session when an agency needs assistance from CentralSquare , the Agency employee requesting assistance will enter a key code in order to connect for screen sharing on a device . Similar to the jump Customer methodology , Securelink may also be utilized via "gatekeeper". The sample workflow description for a jump Customer provided above is substantially similar to the workflow for gatekeeper. Summation BeyondTrust and Securelink allow customers the ability to monitor connectivity to the customer's network and maintain CJIS compliance while enabling CentralSquare to perform the necessary support functions . Docusign Envelope ID : 2D0BD92D-F8F5-4D30-B9C6-1C2C692D9619 EXHIBIT 4 Certificate of Insurance (Evidence of Coverage) ACORd CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I OA TE IMMJDDiYYYY I ... ----09.1)1 , THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND , EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THI S CERTIAC.ATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S ►, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IM PORTANT: If the certific:ate l>olde r i s an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poli cy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provi sions or be endorsed. ti SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of lhe poli cy, certain polici es may require an •ndorsem,mt. A stat■ment on lhl s certificate does not confer riohts t o the certifi cate hol der in l ieu o f suc;h endorsementfal . PROOUCElt NAMi7~' I USA. LLC PHONE If~ •• ,. 1'110 AI.LIANCE CENTER ,a .-u,,,,a::,.p)• 3. ENOX DAD. SUI TE 2•00 -==~--A. TA.GA. 30326 INSUR.ER.tSl AFFORDING COVE.RAGE NAIC; CN1ll11tetl-EOC-01,WU-23-24 m,sJJREJ! ... !ho er-Oil< """ 1..,,,.,,,,. Co ?$15 INSURED 1N.s1•a::·• a ; rtiaerJJ. lns.Jrr.ce Ca-lnanv ~l Cen~care Tl!CMlklgl t s. LLC 2~• 00l !IJ•r.es1Ctc ....... c . Travm, Proc«IV Casut l!V Com,.,, 01 Am1<ca L I,! 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