HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-13 - Agendas - Final 1 Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste Committee 13 August 2024 5:30 P.M. (Or immediately following City Council Agenda Session) Committee: Council Member Teresa Turk, Council Member D’Andre Jones, Council Member Mike Wiederkehr, Council Member Scott Berna Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Paul Becker, Susan Norton, Kara Paxton, Kit Williams, Chris Brown, Alan Pugh, Terry Gulley, Ross Jackson, Peter Nierengarten, Brian Pugh, Corey Granderson, Aaron Watkins, Cody Ashworth, Greg Weeks, Ryan Harrold, Mayo Miller, Josh Alleman From: Tim Nyander, Utilities Director ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER UPDATES PRESENTATIONS 1. Overview of June’s WWTP Monthly Report Ryan Harrold – Project Manager, Jacobs Engineering OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 2. Lead and Copper Rule Amendment No. 1 with 120Water EPA revised the Lead and Copper Rule in 2021. This rule is known as the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). It improves the protection of children and communities from lead exposure by sampling schools and daycare facilities, removing lead service lines, and empowering communities through public education. The LCRR establishes a compliance deadline of October 16, 2024, for water systems to complete their initial service line inventories. EPA announced on December 16, 2021, that they will begin developing a new regulation, the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), to strengthen key elements of the LCRR. EPA plans to finalize the rule in the summer of 2024, and the estimated compliance deadline for the LCRI is the summer or fall of 2027, three years after the effective date of the rule. 2 On February 9, 2024, the City of Fayetteville conducted a formal Engineering Selection meeting. 120Water was selected to negotiate an Engineering Services contract for LCRR Inventory compliance assistance (RFQ 24-01, Selection #5). Resolution 114-24 approved a contract for a cloud-based database and web map which will be used to populate the State’s template for submitting the inventory in October for minimum compliance with the rule. After the October 16, 2024 inventories are successfully submitted, individual notification letters must be sent to all properties with an identified lead service line or an “unknown” service line material. This amendment will provide funding for 120Water to provide this mailing service. 120Water will work with City staff to custom build letters and information packets and the handle all aspects of printing and mailing to adhere to required timelines and audit records. The existing service contract is based on annual fees and this amendment will similarly be an annual fee comprised of a base fee for the software service and a per-mailer fee for the notification letters. Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with 120 Water Audits, Inc. (120Water) for additional services related to water service line inventory compliance in the amount of $47,020.00. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL 3. West Transmission Main Amendment No. 4 with McClelland Consulting Engineers The City of Fayetteville owns and operates two parallel water transmission lines from Beaver Water District (BWD) in Lowell that enter from the northeast corner of the City. These lines are a 36-inch pipe installed in 1967 and a 42-inch pipe installed in 1993. BWD intends to build a western water distribution point near HWY-112 and the newly constructed Springdale Northern Bypass, HWY-612. This facility will supply a western water transmission feed to all four customer cities, helping with hydraulics, critical redundancy, and overall utility resiliency. Fayetteville’s 11.3-mile connection to the proposed BWD facility has been identified in water master plans for many years, but the timeline was previously unknown. In 2012, the City of Fayetteville hired McClelland Consulting Engineers (MCE) to establish a preliminary alignment for a waterline along this western corridor (Res. 120-12) and begin easement acquisitions. The contract was amended in 2021 (Res. 179-21) to increase funds for appraisals and acquisition support and again in 2022 to bring the design up to 30% (Res. 200- 22). In July 2023 the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Division (ANRD) approved $85M of low interest rate funding through the state’s drinking water Revolving Loan Fund program. In July the City conducted a formal Engineering Selection Committee meeting (RFQ 23-05) and selected Garney to provide CMAR services for the project. Amendment No. 4 with McClelland will provide funding for critical construction-phase engineering services, including project management and coordination, bidding phase services for final procurement packages, construction surveying and layout services, construction administration, construction observation, certified welding inspections, and materials testing. Each of these tasks is critical for quality assurance and quality control of this pipeline. A detailed scope and fee narrative and schedule have been provided with the amendment document. This amendment consists of $3,281,300.00 in engineering services, increasing the total contract amount from $2,993,425.00 to $6,274,725.00. Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 4 3 in the amount of $3,281,300.00 to the Engineering Services Agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. for Construction Phase Services for the West Corridor Water Transmission Line Project. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL 4. Submersible Jet Aerators for the Noland Water Resource Recovery Facility There are four (4) 100-horsepower Lightnin brand aerators and four (4) 50-horsepower aerators in each basin at the Noland facility. These aerators run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Two of the 100-horsepower Lightnin aerators have failed and they either need to be rebuilt or replaced. Since they are original plant equipment from circa 1986, it is recommended to replace them. The cost of repair on the 100- horsepower Lightnin aerators is 94% of the cost on the new submersible jet aerator. A significant reduction in energy usage and maintenance costs are expected with the proposed new submersible jet aerators. The City solicited formal bids for two (2) submersible jet aerators to replace the two failed units. Jack Tyler Engineering submitted the only complete bid out of three bidders. Staff recommends awarding the bid for two submersible jet aerators to Jack Tyler Engineering in the amount of $298,526.00 plus applicable taxes and freight charges. Freight is included within the bid pricing. Taxes are estimated at $29,106.29 for an estimated total cost of $327,632.29. Funds are available in the Plant Pumps and Equipment - WWTP account. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL 5. Sewer/Wastewater Treatment Discussion INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTATIONS June WWTP Report ATTACHMENTS June WWTP Report Lead & Copper Rule Notifications McClelland Engineers Amendment No. 4 Bid Tabulation - Submersible Jet Aerators Submersible Jet Aerators Submittal – Jack Tyler Engineering Fayetteville Sewer Basins ADJOURN Next Water, Sewer, Solid Waste Committee meets on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. 4 City of Fayetteville Client Monthly Report for June 2024 Prepared by: July 18, 2024 Client Monthly Report Adopt-Your-Outdoors West Side Water Resource Recovery Facility Jacobs Community Involvement Fayetteville, AR June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville i Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Fayetteville Team ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Compliance .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Financials ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 1.1: Year to Date Budget .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Plant Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Noland ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 West Side ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Laboratory .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Matt delivers training session for Facility Appearance Standards at quarterly meeting of the Jacobs Team ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Lead Lab Analyst Matt Benton tours future Jacobs engineers ................................................................................ 5 4. Biosolids Management Site ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Biosolids Operations ................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Water Treatment Residuals .................................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 Hay Harvest .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.4 Dryer Operation .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 4.5 Revenue ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 4.1: Revenue generated from the BMS .............................................................................................................. 7 5. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 8 5.1 Noland ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 5.2 Lift Stations .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 5.3 Key Performance Indicators/Measures ............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5-1: Labor Hours by Work Order Type ............................................................................................................... 9 Figure 5-2: Work Order Count by Type............................................................................................................................ 9 5.4 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) ................................................................................................................ 10 6. Industrial Pretreatment ......................................................................................................................... 11 Table 6.1: Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Revenue Summary .......................................................... 11 7. Safety .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Justin Sweeney gives a welcome training message to the Jacobs Team on working safely in HOT weather ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 A new weather-resistant warning sign and an emergency respirator are installed at the Ozone channel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 8. Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................ 14 9. Woolsey Wet Prairie ................................................................................................................................ 15 Johnsongrass and Thistle seeds removed from Woolsey Wet Prairie and adjacent buffer areas .......... 15 June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville ii Highly invasive Tree-of-Heaven sapling discovered and treated within Woolsey’s Upland-Buffer area ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Predictive, Preventive, and Corrective Maintenance practices: Essential impact for both our physical and natural facility assets. ................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix A: Noland Effluent & Influent Report ............................................................................................ 17 Appendix B: West Side Effluent & Influent Report ........................................................................................ 18 Appendix C: Jacobs Employee Vacancy and Project Status Report .......................................................... 19 June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville iii 1.Executive Summary 1.1 Fayetteville Team In June, the Fayetteville team consisted of 42.6 full-time staff members. Of the authorized employees, 96.71 % of the labor hours are dedicated to the Fayetteville facilities and 3.29 % labor hours are dedicated to other Jacobs projects. There were six open positions and the Regional Support team assisted with work order backlog, capital improvement projects, and various special projects. The Employee Vacancy and Project Status Report is presented in Appendix C. 1.2 Compliance 1.2.1 Noland and West Side The Noland and West Side facilities met all discharge permit parameter limits throughout June. There were no sanitary sewer overflows reported at the facilities or at the lift stations. The June effluent discharge limitations and data summary tables are presented in Appendices A-B. 1.3 Financials The month ended with a negative financial variance. The non-labor and labor expenses were under budget. The June YTD projected budget variance is ($219,900) as seen in the Budget Performance Table below. Table 1.1: Year to Date Budget Month Labor Non-Labor Year-to-Date Variation Jan-24 ($36,460.00) ($50,471.00) ($86,931.00) -13.31% Feb-24 ($29,211.00) ($88,680.00) ($117,891.00) -9.03% Mar-24 ($62,968.00) ($65,541.00) ($128,509.00) -6.06% Apr-24 ($89,237.00) ($47,411.00) ($136,648.00) -4.93% May-24 ($127,142.00) ($56,296.00) ($183,438.00) -5.62% Jun-24 ($157,251.00) ($62,649.00) ($219,900.00) -5.61% Jul-24 0.00% Aug-24 0.00% Sep-24 0.00% Oct-24 0.00% Nov-24 0.00% Dec-24 0.00% Minimum ($157,251.00) ($88,680.00) ($219,900.00) -13.31% Maximum ($29,211.00) ($47,411.00) ($86,931.00) -4.93% June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville iv 2. Plant Operations The Noland and West Side Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) met all discharge permit parameter limits within the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Details of effluent quality and influent loadings are shown in Appendices A and B. The summary tables for effluent permit parameter limitations were updated to reflect June effluent discharge limitations. The average temperature for the month was 78°F and rainfall accumulation was 1.88 inches. Note: temperature and rainfall obtained from https://www.weather.gov/wrh/Climate?wfo=tsa 2.1 Noland The Noland facility treated a total of 169.69 MG (million gallons) of influent. The average daily flow was measured at 5.58 MGD (million gallons per day). Peak daily flow was calculated at 8.64 MGD on the 6th. With the installation of pond return pump #2, the facility is back to 100% return flow capability. This will aid in maintaining adequate levels in the storage ponds. 2.2 West Side The West Side facility treated a total of 340.33 MG of influent. The average daily flow was 8.14 MGD. Peak daily flow was recorded at 11.6 MGD on the 6th. Influent loading in June was down from the month of May. Flow average and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) loading were down by 20%. With these lower numbers, adjustments were made to ensure a quality effluent and avoid unnecessary over aeration. By making changes to the return sludge rate, wasting rate, and amount of oxygen added through aeration, the treatment process maintains compliance more efficiently. Process flow was bypassed into the EQ storage tank and discharge to Goose Creek was stopped to conduct oil sampling on the site transformers that manage the UV disinfection system. The preventive maintenance task took around 45 minutes and there were no complications. EQ storage tank The West Side WRRF Equalization storage tank provides opportunity for flow equalization and flow diversion for preventive maintenance tasks and other issues. June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville v 3. Laboratory The Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Office of Water Quality (OWQ) conducted a data audit for the Noland lab. A request was made for lab documents during an onsite inspection as part of a new initiative to verify compliance with the Noland NPDES permit and 40 CFR Part 136 for correctly following approved analytical methods, quality control, and lab documentation. The requested documents were sent to DEQ - OWQ on June 11th. An inspection report was received with a proposed schedule for corrective measures. Of the 9 Findings and 11 Recommendations, two items require corrective measures: 1) high ammonia blanks 2) the addition of a performance evaluation check standard in the testing for dissolved oxygen. The remaining items only need further documentation sent to confirm that compliance is already being met. Annual 40 CFR 122 Appendix D Table II samples were collected for the analysis of volatiles, base/neutral acid compounds, and pesticides. Samples were collected from the Noland influent, White River effluent, West Side influent, and Goose Creek effluent and sent to Eurofins for analysis. Data results were statistically within scope and exhibit no unusual trends. Lead Lab Analyst Matt Benton tours future Jacobs engineers Matt delivers training session for Facility Appearance Standards at quarterly meeting of the Jacobs Team June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville vi 4. Biosolids Management Site 4.1 Biosolids Operations During the month of June, the WRRF’s produced 1,844 wet tons of belt-filter-pressed biosolids. All biosolids produced were partially dried in solar houses or processed through the Griffin sludge dryer. Roughly 1,080 partially dried tons were disposed of at the landfill. By partially drying biosolids through the solar houses and the Griffin sludge dryer, the BMS managed to remove 764 tons of water before landfilling. An estimated $36,817 were saved in tipping fees. The landfill expense for June is projected at $52,093. 4.2 Water Treatment Residuals June was a decent month for WTR land application though forage height in all application zones grew so tall that hay harvesting became a necessity before land application could proceed. In total, the BMS team applied 616 tons, or 37 dump truck loads of water treatment residuals. The land application efforts generated $19,739. 4.3 Hay Harvest Hay harvesting efforts began in the middle of June. The BMS team was able to harvest all forage west of Wyman Road or approximately half of the farm by the end of June. The first hay sales were also made in June and sales are expected to dramatically increase in July. June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville vii 4.4 Dryer Operation The BMS team continued 24/7 operation of the Griffin sludge dryer in June. After receiving a successful fertilizer compliance sample in May, the team made the first Class A fertilizer sale since December of 2021. It was discovered while making the first sale, the new product is nutritionally equivalent but is now much lighter in weight and larger in volume. This could result in greater expense for the customer due to freight and hauling. The BMS dryer operators reported higher condenser temperatures. After inspecting the condenser unit, the condenser coil was found to be covered with a sticky resin that does not allow the unit to cool properly. To remedy the issue, Griffin Residuals recommended that the BMS team attempt to clean the condenser coil using a degreaser and water from a garden hose. This method was not successful as the center of the coil cannot be penetrated with cleaner and water from a garden hose. The second option was to hire a contractor who specializes in condenser unit cleanings. Griffin Residuals contacted Multi-Craft Construction to clean the condenser. MCC utilized a steam-pressure washer and coil cleaner to penetrate the condenser more effectively. The result was a much improved appearance of the condenser coils as is evident in the photo at right. Griffin Residuals is assessing a routine maintenance plan with MCC for cleaning the condenser unit. 4.5 Revenue The staff land applied 616 tons of WTR this month generating $19,739 in revenue. There were also sales of 28 tons of hay and 8 tons of fertilizer totaling $1,962. Table 4.1: Revenue generated from the BMS Product Tons Sold/Received Revenue Generated Hay 28 $1,797 Fertilizer 8 $165 Water Treatment Residuals 616 $19,739 Dryer condenser Before and After steam-pressure cleaning June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville viii 5. Maintenance 5.1 Noland In the month of June, the maintenance staff completed predictive maintenance tasks on the Noland aerators. When reviewing the subsequent reports, aerator #8 and #15 show signs of bearing wear for these assets. Corrective maintenance work orders were created, and the motor bearings were replaced on both assets. Another vibration reading was completed after this repair, and the report revealed no further issues. In January of this year, the asset team started working on filter cell 1 rehabilitation. The process includes quoting all materials and labor for the work to be completed. Materials were received in May and the work was scheduled for mid-June. Vendors and maintenance staff worked together to complete the rehab which included removal of troughs, sand, screen, piping, and brackets. Once these items were removed, the filter cell was rebuilt to specification and successfully returned to service. 5.2 Lift Stations In June, maintenance staff completed the installation of pump #2 at lift station #5 on Gregg Avenue. This station has a 4 pump compacity and pump #2 has been out of service for some time. The new replacement pump is a FLGHT 85hp pump to replace the old KSB 85hp pump. The pump was commissioned and placed in service after the installation. June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville ix 5.3 Key Performance Indicators/Measures Figure 5-1: Labor Hours by Work Order Type Figure 5-2: Work Order Count by Type 75 11 588 268 501 106 0 administrative corrective maintenance emergency corrective maintenance non emergency corrective maintenance from pm/pdm preventive maintenance project safety 17, 1%4, 0% 58, 4% 31, 2% 1402, 92% 6, 1% 0, 0%administrative corrective maintenance emergency corrective maintenance non emergency corrective maintenance from pm/pdm preventive maintenance project safety June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville x 5.4 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) 5.4.1 Planned Projects Noland A new pond cycle return pump was received at the Noland facility. This pump will replace the existing unit in the no. 2 position. Emissions testing on the Noland backup generator has been completed. A detailed report is expected in the coming weeks. A purchase order was issued to Jack Tyler Engineering to replace pump no. 1 at Noland influent pump station 2. Lift Station Hamestring lift station pump no. 4 was commissioned in June. The pump’s motor was sent to Jack Tyler Engineering for repair earlier in this year. The Stonebridge lift station received a new pump for position no. 2 from Jack Tyler Engineering. A purchase order was issued to Jack Tyler Engineering for a new Flygt® pump for the Gregg Avenue lift station. The existing KSB® pump was beyond repair. June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xi 6. Industrial Pretreatment Industrial pretreatment back-up training continues for Matt Benton and Walter Chodor on IPP related duties. July 4th shutdown schedules were received from all industries. Monthly surcharge and waste hauler reports were completed and submitted for billing. For revenue generated from the IPP, see Table 6.1 and Figure 19. Table 6.1: Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Revenue Summary REVENUE $107,268.73 Surcharges on May data $2,300.00 Fees from hauled waste accepted in June $0.00 Other fees paid in June $0.00 Fines assessed in June Zero violations for all industrial users Violations on May data June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xii Figure 19: Revenue Generated from the Industrial Pretreatment Program via Surcharges, Fees, and Fines Figure 20: Number of hauled waste loads, by hauler $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 Revenue Generated Industrial Pretreatment Program 2023 Monthly Surcharge Fees plus Hauled Waste Fees 2024 Monthly Surcharge Fees plus Hauled Waste Fees 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Hauled Waste Summary 2023 APT 2024 APT 2023 BJ 2024 BJ 2023 CIC 2024 CIC 2023 Total 2024 Total June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xiii 7. Safety The safety team had its regular monthly meeting on June 27th. The main topic of discussion was scheduling a fire drill with the completion of the fire alarm control panel upgrades in the headworks and chemical feed buildings. Warning signs were placed around the ozone channel that are more durable and designed to withstand weather extremes (see below). A full compliance Health & Safety audit of the Fayetteville facilities was conducted by a Jacobs Safety Compliance Specialist during the week of June 24 – 28. The report, findings, and corrective actions will be available in the coming weeks. As of July 1, 2024, the project has gone more than 9 months (279 days) without a recordable incident. A new weather-resistant warning sign and an emergency respirator are installed at the Ozone channel Justin Sweeney gives a welcome training message to the Jacobs Team on working safely in HOT weather O3 June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xiv 8. Sustainability Jacobs and volunteers gathered to clean areas on Broyles Road and the Woolsey Homestead project. The continuous beautification of the roads surrounding the treatment facilities is a significant and proud achievement for the whole team. June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xv 9. Woolsey Wet Prairie June marked the onset of intensive vegetation maintenance with foliar- herbicide treatments, a method of application applied directly to the leaves or stems to be absorbed and carried throughout the plant for a more effective control. Applications were focused on the highest priority species, such as Sericea lespedeza and Johnsongrass, along the berm edges of Woolsey’s interior wetland cells. Johnsongrass and thistle treatments reaped a harvest of thousands of invasive seeds being physically removed from Woolsey and the surrounding buffer areas to ensure prevention of viable seed development. Highly invasive Tree-of-Heaven sapling discovered and treated within Woolsey’s Upland-Buffer area Johnsongrass and Thistle seeds removed from Woolsey Wet Prairie and adjacent buffer areas June 2024 Monthly Report Jacobs - Fayetteville xvi Woolsey’s vegetation management entails exercising a similar combination of Predictive, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance strategies as the team employs with the WRRF’s other physical assets. Just as various pumps, motors, and blowers are kept operational through predictive maintenance schedules, preventive maintenance checks, and corrective repair responses, Woolsey Wet Prairie, and other BlueGreen Infrastructure assets (ex. rain gardens, bioswales, vegetated buffers), also maintain their environmental functionality through a combination of predictive, preventive, and corrective maintenance schedules and responses throughout the year. Continuously working to minimize invasive species promotes better establishment of many native varieties such as Compass Plant, Prairie Blazing Star, Ashy Sunflower, Pink Milkwort, and Mountain Mints. These and many other native grasses and sedges indicate an ecologically healthy and resilient wet- prairie habitat that serves to enhance the facility’s Clean Water Act compliance requirements by expanding the rich diversity that supports of our vital aquatic ecosystem. Predictive, Preventive, and Corrective Maintenance practices: Essential impact for both our physical and natural facility assets. Appendix A: Noland Effluent Report White River Average Daily Effluent Report Flow CBOD CBOD Load TSS TSS Load Total P Total P Load NH3 NH3 Load D.O (min)pH (min)pH (max) Fecal Coliform Geo Mean Month MGD mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L SU SU CFU/100 mL Permit Limit Jun-Sept 4.5 473 5.0 525 1.0 105.0 1.0 105 >6.9 >6.0 <9.0 200 Jun 2024 5.656 <2.3 <109 <1.3 <63 <0.2 <7.8 0.05 2.3 13.8 7.6 7.8 79 May 2024 7.314 <2.0 <129 1.9 119 0.5 32.7 0.04 2.5 12.7 7.5 7.8 82 Apr 2024 8.180 2.4 160 <1.4 <93 <0.1 <9.4 0.03 2.0 12.9 7.5 7.7 30 Mar 2024 6.832 3.8 191 <3.1 <167 0.2 10.8 0.05 2.7 15.0 7.4 7.7 <36 Feb 2024 5.231 4.4 194 4.5 191 0.2 9.5 0.35 19.4 13.2 6.7 7.6 >510 Jan 2024 4.539 2.3 85 <1.7 <64 <0.1 <4.5 0.30 11.7 16.1 7.4 7.6 27 Dec 2023 4.478 <2.1 <78 <1.7 <61 <0.1 <5.4 0.05 1.7 16.8 7.4 7.7 <22 Nov 2023 5.484 2.4 113 <2.2 <103 0.3 12.1 0.07 3.0 14.5 7.4 7.6 112 Oct 2023 5.419 2.8 126 <1.8 <83 <0.2 <9.5 <0.05 <2.2 14.3 7.4 7.6 <122 Sep 2023 5.459 2.2 100 <1.1 <52 0.1 6.7 0.04 1.7 14.4 7.5 7.6 33 Aug 2023 4.579 2.8 112 <1.0 <42 <0.2 <6.3 <0.03 <1.0 7.9 7.5 7.7 127 Jul 2023 3.949 3.3 119 <1.3 <50 0.4 12.9 0.06 2.0 12.6 7.1 7.7 63 Jun 2023 5.509 3.2 148 2.8 128 0.3 12.8 0.06 3.0 14.0 7.0 7.7 31 White River Average Daily Effluent - Minerals Report TDS TDS Load Sulfate Total As SO4 Sulfate Total Load As SO4 Chlorides NO3+NO2 (Nitrate+Nitrite) Month mg/L Lbs/dy mg/L Lbs/day mg/L mg/L Permit Limit Jun - Sept 500 52,542 119 12505 report report Jun 2024 345 19,164 65 3,068 37.0 4.5 May 2024 303 23,526 51 3,943 32.0 1.0 Apr 2024 310 23,164 50 3,674 3.8 Mar 2024 358 14,822 61 2,798 2.0 Feb 2024 323 17,809 57 3,199 2.7 Jan 2024 326 11,390 54 1,954 4.0 Dec 2023 393 16,327 62 2,435 7.2 Nov 2023 335 15,702 54 2,531 6.9 Oct 2023 353 16,829 49 2,289 4.4 Sep 2023 332 14,655 49 2,007 1.1 Aug 2023 383 18,164 68 3,335 1.4 Jul 2023 362 11,092 61 1,948 6.5 Jun 2023 358 17,502 100 5,271 7.2 Appendix A-1: Noland Influent Report Flow Hydraulic Loading CBOD Load Orangic Loading TSS Loading TSS Loading PO4 Loading PO4 Loading NH3 Loading NH3 Loading Month MGD %Lbs %Lbs %Lbs %Lbs % Design Annual Average 12.60 29,666 23,198 765 2,250 Jun 2024 5.58 44.3 16,582 55.9 8,949 38.6 205 26.8 929 41.3 May 2024 7.68 60.9 12,214 41.2 8,523 36.7 192 25.1 787 35.0 Apr 2024 5.82 46.2 10,174 34.3 7,410 31.9 184 24.1 1,043 46.3 Mar 2024 5.77 45.8 14,098 47.5 8,489 36.6 277 36.3 1,129 50.2 Feb 2024 6.00 47.6 14,626 49.3 10,281 44.3 207 27.1 944 41.9 Jan 2024 7.00 55.5 20,414 68.8 8,983 38.7 255 33.4 1,002 44.5 Dec 2023 5.29 42.0 14,114 47.6 10,303 44.4 208 27.3 805 35.8 Nov 2023 4.62 36.7 13,933 47.0 9,536 41.1 215 28.1 928 41.3 Oct 2023 4.68 37.1 11,217 37.8 7,126 30.7 201 26.2 873 38.8 Sep 2023 4.90 38.9 15,241 51.4 8,882 38.3 222 29.0 1,047 46.5 Aug 2023 4.49 35.6 12,396 41.8 8,602 37.1 201 26.3 840 37.3 Jul 2023 4.42 35.0 10,145 34.2 7,494 32.3 165 21.6 662 29.4 Jun 2023 4.11 32.6 12,964 43.7 8,088 34.9 182 23.8 730 32.5 Appendix B: West Side Effluent Report Goose Creek Average Daily Effluent Report Flow CBOD CBOD Load TSS TSS Load Total P Total P Load NH3 NH3 Load DO (min)pH (min)pH (max) Fecal Coliform Geo Mean Month MGD mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L Lbs mg/L SU SU MPN/100 mL Permit Limit June - Sept 5.3 442.0 10 834 1.0 83.4 1.0 83.4 >6.9 >6.0 <9.0 200 Jun 2024 8.1 <2.0 <127.3 1.0 68 0.2 12.4 <0.1 <5.7 8.7 7.3 7.7 <8 May 2024 11.0 <1.9 <129.0 1.0 94 0.3 26.4 <0.0 <2.8 9.2 7.4 7.6 <14 Apr 2024 9.2 <1.9 <157.3 1.0 79 0.1 7.4 <0.0 <1.9 9.6 7.4 7.7 <13 Mar 2024 9.1 <1.9 <133.5 1.1 91 0.1 7.5 <0.0 <1.9 10.0 7.3 7.6 <6 Feb 2024 9.3 <1.9 <138.2 1.1 84 <0.1 7.6 <0.1 <7.8 10.1 7.3 7.5 <7 Jan 2024 10.1 <1.9 <132.2 1.0 84 <0.1 5.1 <0.0 <2.5 10.6 7.1 7.6 <5 Dec 2023 8.4 <1.9 <138.6 1.0 72 <0.1 4.7 <0.1 <4.9 10.1 7.4 7.6 <5 Nov 2023 8.1 <1.9 <161.7 1.0 69 <0.1 3.5 0.3 25.7 9.4 7.4 7.7 <5 Oct 2023 8.3 <2.0 <149.0 1.0 70 <0.1 4.5 0.1 8.0 8.9 7.2 7.7 <12 Sep 2023 8.3 <1.9 <129.7 1.0 68 <0.1 3.5 0.1 5.4 8.6 7.4 7.7 <13 Aug 2023 8.1 <2.3 <149.6 1.0 69 <0.1 3.7 <0.1 <3.9 8.5 7.4 7.8 <9 Jul 2023 8.0 <2.0 <177.6 1.0 65 0.1 6.1 <0.1 <5.7 8.6 7.3 7.8 <8 Jun 2023 7.8 <2.0 <136.2 1.0 64 0.1 7.8 <0.1 <10.9 8.9 7.2 7.7 <11 Appendix B-1: West Side Influent Report Flow Hydraulic Loading BOD Load Orangic Loading TSS Load TSS Loading Total P Load PO4 Loading NH3 Load NH3 Loading Month MGD %Lbs %Lbs %Lbs %Lbs % Design Annual Average 10.0 14,595 14,595 584 1,918 Jun 2024 8.1 81.3 10,253 70.3 11,452 78.5 248 42.5 1,231 64.2 May 2024 11.0 109.8 12,969 88.9 16,404 112.4 288 49.4 1,282 66.9 Apr 2024 9.2 92.5 11,290 77.4 13,539 92.8 277 47.4 1,398 72.9 Mar 2024 9.1 91.5 11,480 78.7 11,496 78.8 289 49.6 1,353 70.5 Feb 2024 9.3 92.9 11,001 75.4 11,743 80.5 276 47.3 1,418 74.0 Jan 2024 10.1 100.5 10,964 75.1 10,328 70.8 275 47.2 1,263 65.9 Dec 2023 8.4 83.8 11,806 80.9 15,655 107.3 287 49.1 1,231 64.2 Nov 2023 8.1 81.1 12,297 84.3 12,911 88.5 269 46.0 1,394 72.7 Oct 2023 8.3 83.3 11,632 79.7 15,514 106.3 274 46.8 1,363 71.1 Sep 2023 8.3 82.6 10,683 73.2 12,584 86.2 281 48.1 1,377 71.8 Aug 2023 8.1 81.4 10,442 71.5 12,891 88.3 275 47.1 1,312 68.4 Jul 2023 8.0 79.9 9,164 62.8 14,506 99.4 250 42.9 1,253 65.3 Jun 2023 7.8 78.0 10,595 72.6 13,072 89.6 274 46.9 1,261 65.7 Department Job Title Employee Name Fayetteville % FTE Admin Project Manager Ryan Harrold 82.00% Admin Assistant Project Manager Travis Patton 100.00% Admin Health, Safety, Compliance Professional Mike Muenich 70.00% Admin Project Coordinator Brandi Miller-DeWeese 90.00% Admin Administrative Assistant Christy Taylor 100.00% Admin Administrative Assistant Kassandra Foster 100.00% Admin Project Specialist Vacant 100.00% BMS BMS Supervisor Peter Burrow 100.00% BMS Lead Operator Mike Reed 100.00% BMS Operator I David Dajani 100.00% BMS Equipment Operator Charlie Boger 100.00% BMS Equipment Operator Jerime Dickey 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Robert Donnell 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Christopher Cox 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Jeremy Johnson 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Zaylen Bryant 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Zayvien Dominguez 100.00% BMS Operator In Training Vacant 100.00% Admin Process & Compliance Supervisor Thom Vinson 90.00% Admin Environmental Specialist Jeff Hickle 100.00% LAB Laboratory Director Donna McChristian 90.00% LAB Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator John Byrd 100.00% LAB Lead Laboratory Analyst Matt Benton 100.00% LAB Laboratory Analyst Walter Chodor 100.00% Maint Maintenance Supervisor Joshua Alleman 100.00% Maint Planner Scheduler John Jarvela 100.00% Maint Lead Mechanic Buddy Carter 95.00% Maint Lead Electrician Vacant 70.00% Maint Electrician Brian Daniels 100.00% Maint Mechanic Michael Spohn 100.00% Maint Mechanic Paul Goolsby 100.00% Maint Mechanic Rick Dollarhide 100.00% Maint Mechanic in Training Broc Burus 100.00% Maint Mechanic in Training Caleb Wheeler 100.00% Maint Mechanic in Training Dalton Bridges 100.00% Maint Utility Worker - Temp Vacant 100.00% Maint Utility Worker - Temp Vacant 100.00% Operations Operations Supervisor Shawn Santellanes 100.00% Operations Lead Operator Vacant 100.00% Operations Operator I Anthony Ramsfield 100.00% Operations Operator I Justin Sweeney 100.00% Operations Operator Chandler Smothers 100.00% Operations Operator Brittney Doyel 100.00% Operations Operator In Training Ezra Maglothin 100.00% Operations Operator In Training Stephen Jewell 100.00% Operations Operator In Training Jaden Mericle 100.00% Operations Operator In Training Vacant 100.00% SCADA Instruct and Control Tech Christopher Merrit 100.00% SCADA Instrument & Control Tech Pat Cooley 95.00% SCADA Instrument & Control Tech Preston Jones 100.00% SCADA Information & Operational Tech James Mason 50.00% Authorized Positions = 51.0 Filled Positions = 44.0 Filled FTE's= 42.6 REGIONAL SUPPORT and SPECIAL PROJECTS (Performed in scope) Area Reason Name Hours SCADA Scada Support Scada Regional Support 28.5 Maintenance Maintenance, Reporting, and IT Related Activities Various Regional Staff 84.25 BMS Dryer Installation Project Staff & Regional Support 56 Noland Master Plan Data Request and Sampling Planning Staff 0 Appendix C. Employee Vacancy and Project Status Report NBE - Customer - Fayetteville - AR - Annual Notifications Customer - Fayetteville - AR 2435 S Industrial Drive Fayetteville, AR 28301 UNITED STATES Corey Granderson cgranderson@fayetteville-ar.gov +1 479-444-3456 Reference: 20240806-155456188 Quote created: August 6, 2024 Quote expires: November 4, 2024 Quote created by: Sarah Hatch Strategic Account Manager sarah.hatch@120water.com Comments from Sarah Hatch Cory - here is an amendment to our existing contract for notifications to be billed annually and used through the contract term. Products & Services Item & Description Quantity Unit Price Total Standard Letters 21,000 $2.12 $44,520.00 Comms + PTD Module 1 $2,500.00  / year $2,500.00 / year Standard Letters (Up to 4 pages color) Communications & PTD Module added to PWS Pro - Enables Designing and Sending of Letters, Postcards & Publicly Available Service Line Map for 2 years Annual subtotal $2,500.00 One-time subtotal $44,520.00 Total $47,020.00 Purchase terms Comms software and standard letters will be available through 4/1/2026. $47,020 will be invoiced upon signature of this amendment and again one year after signature date. Payment will be due net 30 from the invoice date. Signature Signature Date Printed name Questions? Contact me Sarah Hatch Strategic Account Manager sarah.hatch@120water.com 120Water 250 S Elm St Zionsville, IN 46077 US Amendment No. 4 to the Engineering Services Agreement for Water Transmission Line Layout and Easement Acquisition Date: ________________ WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. (ENGINEER) entered into an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services (AGREEMENT) on June 5, 2012; and, WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and ENGINEER entered into Amendment No. 1 to the AGREEMENT on July 6, 2021 to perform additional services outside of the scope of the AGREEMENT; and, WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and ENGINEER entered into Amendment No. 2 to the AGREEMENT on September 6, 2022 to perform additional services outside of the scope of the AGREEMENT; and, WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and ENGINEER entered into Amendment No. 3 to the AGREEMENT on October 17, 2023 to perform additional services outside of the scope of the AGREEMENT; and, WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE has requested that ENGINEER perform additional services outside of the scope of the AGREEMENT, Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 2 and Amendment No. 3. NOW THEREFORE, the following modifications will be made to the AGREEMENT to include the additional services requested: MODIFICATIONS: 1. Section 2.2.1 – the additional scope of services is included in the attached Appendix “A-1”. 2. Section 5.1.1 – the maximum not-to-exceed amount is increased from $2,993,425.00 to $6,274,725.00. Modifications to compensation are included in the attached Appendix “A-1”. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Amendment No. 4, to be effective on the date set out above. McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas BY: ____________________________ BY: _______________________________ Nicholas R. Batker, P.E. Mayor Lioneld Jordan Senior Associate Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 1 of 7 8/6/2024 APPENDIX A-1 – SCOPE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE WEST CORRIDOR WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN 1.0 General The ENGINEER is currently under contract with the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE to perform final design services and bid phase services on Construction Manager at-Risk (CMAR) early work packages for the future 48-inch water transmission main extending from Highway 112 (between Van Asche Drive and Truckers Drive) in Fayetteville to the future Beaver Water District (BWD) pump station located north of the intersection of Highway 612 and Miller Road in Springdale. The total length of this pipeline is approximately 59,700 linear feet, or 11.3 miles. The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE recently closed on an $85 million loan for this project from the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF), administered by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Division (ANRD). The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE’s goal is to have this pipeline installed and ready to be placed into operation by the second quarter of 2026. In order to continue assisting the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE with this project, the following scope of additional services covers the effort required by the ENGINEER to perform bid phase services on the installation work package and services during construction to meet the overall project schedule. ENGINEER’s services in this Amendment No. 4 shall meet the DWSRF program requirements. 2.0 Scope of Additional Services 2.1 Project Management and Coordination The ENGINEER will continue to provide project management and coordination services to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in this Amendment No. 4. The following services are included in this task: · Attend up to four (4) Fayetteville Water & Sewer Committee meetings to provide project status updates as construction progresses. · Attend up to four (4) Fayetteville City Council meetings to provide project status updates as construction progresses. · Attend up to eight (8) meetings with other stakeholders such as BWD, Springdale Water Utilities, Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT), Washington County, Benton County and the cities of Tontitown, Springdale and Elm Springs. · Prepare and submit invoices with monthly progress summaries. Up to twenty-four (24) summaries are assumed. · Prepare and submit monthly disbursement requests to ANRD through the EnABLE portal system. Up to twenty-four (24) disbursement requests are assumed. 2.2 Bid Phase Services for Solicitation Set No. 3 As part of the Amendment No. 3 scope of work, the ENGINEER performed bid phase services for Solicitation Set No. 1 (Pipe and Valve Material Procurement) and Solicitation Set No. 2 (Tunnels, Clearing and Site Access and Erosion Control). Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 2 of 7 8/6/2024 Under this Amendment No. 4, the ENGINEER will perform bid phase services for Solicitation Set No. 3 (Transmission Main Installation, Cathodic Protection and Restoration). Services shall include: · Compilation of contract documents and submittal to ANRD for concurrence. Note that ANRD standard contract forms for construction must be used. All other contract documents shall be subject to approval by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and ANRD. CMAR shall be responsible for preparing bid schedules for Solicitation Set No. 3. · Assist CMAR during the bidding phase of Solicitation Set No. 3: o Respond to bidder’s questions and requests for information (RFIs). o Assist CMAR with the preparation of addenda. o Attend pre-bid meeting and bid opening. o Serve on proposal selection committee and review proposals from Bidders. o Provide recommendation of award to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and ANRD for concurrence. 2.3 Construction Surveying & Layout Services The ENGINEER will provide construction surveying and layout services to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in this Amendment No. 4. The following services are included in this task: · Verify project control · Provide easement and clearing staking: o Stakes every 200 feet (with stations) or intervisible on permanent easement lines and temporary construction easement lines; o Stakes every 100 feet along clearing limits; and o Stakes with station on centerline and two stakes at easement edge at all fence crossings. · Trenchless installation construction staking: o Includes up to ten points at each of the six trenchless crossings. · Pipeline installation construction staking: o Stakes every 100 feet (with stations) on centerline and at HPIs/VPIs and structures with offset stakes on both sides. · As-Built Data: o Center of appurtenance structures; o Cathodic test stations; o HPI points · Other field construction staking as directed by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and/or CMAR: o Four-hour minimum charge per mobilization Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 3 of 7 8/6/2024 2.4 Construction Administration The ENGINEER will provide construction administration services to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in this Amendment No. 4. The following services are included in this task: · Attend pre-construction meetings with the CMAR and its Subcontractors. Up to four pre-construction meetings are assumed (clearing, erosion control, trenchless installation, and pipeline installation). · Review and respond to CMAR submittals for conformance to the Contract Documents. The initial review and one resubmittal review are included in this scope of services. Additional resubmittal reviews will be considered Additional Services. · Perform American Iron and Steel (AIS) compliance reviews of relevant submittals and obtain proper certification letters from manufacturers/suppliers. Provide monthly certification statements to ANRD as required for processing of disbursement requests. · Perform Davis-Bacon wage rate compliance reviews throughout the course of the project. This will include review of weekly payroll reports from CMAR and its Subcontractors and conducting wage rate interviews of hourly construction staff. Provide monthly certification statements to ANRD as required for processing of disbursement requests. · Review CMAR’s Requests for Information and issue clarifications as required. This shall include Field Orders and Work Change Directives as required. · Assist the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE with the evaluation, negotiation and processing of CMAR change order requests, as required. · Review monthly Pay Estimates from the CMAR and provide recommendation for payment. A total of 24 Pay Estimates are assumed. · Attend monthly progress meetings and conduct site visits to observe the progress and quality of the completed work to determine compliance with the Contract Documents. A total of 24 progress meetings are estimated over the course of the project. · Conduct additional site visits during construction to observe progress and quality of the work to supplement construction observer efforts and at the request of the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and/or CMAR as required. · Attend the final inspection walk-through for the work packages. Review punch list of outstanding items and closeout documents provided by the CMAR. · Maintain and update the GIS Webmap and database for the project that was created during the design phase. This will include information such as project photos, as-built information, observation reports, RFIs, change orders and other relevant data. The Webmap and database will be updated on a monthly basis. · Prepare Record Drawings based upon as-built survey and information furnished by the CMAR and field representatives. · The ENGINEER will utilize the following subconsultants to assist in completing scope items in this task: Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 4 of 7 8/6/2024 o ECCI – coordination with USACE on questions that may arise on the Section 404 permit during construction. o Flat Earth Archeology, LLC – construction monitoring and reporting for documented cultural resources sites as required by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program. o Coffman Engineers – construction administration associated with the cathodic protection system design o Brown Engineers – construction administration associated with the electrical design for the cathodic protection system o Bennett Trenchless Engineers – construction administration associated with the trenchless installation design o Carollo Engineers – technical advisement and support to the ENGINEER on submittal reviews as well as RFIs that may arise during the course of construction 2.5 Construction Observation The ENGINEER will provide comprehensive construction observation services for the duration of construction. The following services are included in this task: · Provide field representative(s) to perform comprehensive construction observation services. Field representative(s) shall keep the ENGINEER, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and CMAR informed on construction progress and any issues that may arise. · Prepare daily observation reports with photographic documentation and provide reports to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and CMAR on a weekly basis. · Attend pre-construction meetings with the CMAR and its Subcontractors. Up to four pre-construction meetings are assumed (clearing, erosion control, trenchless installation, and pipeline installation). · Provide input on quantities for monthly Pay Estimates. · Attend the final inspection walk-through for the work packages and assist in development of punch list of outstanding items. · Provide field markups of Drawings for use in preparation of Record Drawings. · Assist in project closeout activities. · It is assumed that the level of observation required by the ENGINEER to provide comprehensive construction observation services will equate to an average of 50 hours per week for the duration of construction. Furthermore, it is assumed that one (1) observer will be required for approximately 40 weeks, and two (2) observers will be required for approximately 60 weeks. Partial observation will be conducted on non-critical items such as, but not limited to general site cleanup, seeding, sodding, etc. Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 5 of 7 8/6/2024 2.6 Welding Inspections The ENGINEER will provide welding inspection services for all of the field welded joints on the transmission main. All services provided in this task will be performed and/or overseen by a Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). The ENGINEER will utilize Eminence and American Piping Inspection as subconsultants to assist in completing this task. · Perform visual inspection of all field welded joints on the transmission main. A total of 2,000 joints are assumed, with inspections occurring 2 days per week over the course of one year, or 52 weeks. · Conduct Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of welds in accordance with the steel pipe specifications. A total of 80 days is assumed for NDE over the course of one year, or 52 weeks. 2.7 Materials Testing The ENGINEER will provide materials testing services for the duration of construction. The following testing services are included in this task: · Cast in Place Concrete Testing o Includes all combination air valve vaults and blow off vaults – 54 total assumed o Three concrete placements per structure assumed o Five cylinder breaks with 7-day/28-day report distributions for each concrete placement tested · Proctor Compaction Testing o Includes up to 30 proctor tests and associated reporting · Density Testing o Structure Backfill Density Testing  Includes all combination air valve vaults and blow off vaults – 54 total assumed  Three trips per structure assumed  Three density tests and report distribution for each trip o Trench Backfill Density Testing  2,100 tests assumed – one test every other lift for each 200 feet of trench, average 10-foot depth with 8-inch lifts  Three density tests per trip with report distribution o Road Crossing Density Testing  28 road crossings assumed  15 tests per road crossing on average  Three density tests per trip with report distribution Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 6 of 7 8/6/2024 o Concrete Paving Testing  Nine total concrete paving locations assumed  One (1) test per location  Five (5) cylinder breaks with 7-day/28-day report distributions for each concrete placement tested o Asphalt Paving Testing  13 total asphalt paving locations assumed  One core per location  Specific gravity testing and report distributions for each location 3.0 Project Deliverables The ENGINEER will provide the following deliverables to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Unless otherwise noted, deliverables will be in PDF format and transmitted via email or file share service. 3.1 Record Drawings · PDF copy · One (1) full-size hard copy · AutoCAD files · GIS shapefiles o Alignment o Combination air valve, blowoff valve and isolation valve locations o Cathodic protection rectifiers and test station locations 3.2 Daily Construction Observation Reports 3.3 Welding Inspection Reports 3.4 Materials Testing Reports 3.5 Other electronic files as requested by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 4.0 Compensation In consideration of the performance of the foregoing services by the ENGINEER, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will by to the ENGINEER compensation as follows: 4.1 Compensation will be paid to the ENGINEER on the basis of ENGINEER’s standard hourly rates in effect at the time the work is performed, plus reimbursable expenses. A task hour fee breakdown is provided as Appendix A-2. ENGINEER’s current rate schedule is attached hereto as Appendix A-3. 4.2 The maximum not-to-exceed for Amendment No. 4 will be $3,281,300.00. 4.3 The maximum not-to-exceed total contract amount is increased from $2,993,425.00 to $6,274,725.00. Appendix A-1 – Scope of Additional Services – West Corridor Water Transmission Main – Amendment No. 4 Page 7 of 7 8/6/2024 5.0 Project Schedule The ENGINEER will begin work under Amendment No. 4 immediately upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed (NTP). The current schedule provided by the CMAR shows construction to be complete in June 2026. For purposes of this Amendment No. 4, the ENGINEER has assumed that services during construction may be required until August 2026. 6.0 Additional Services Should Additional Services be required, the ENGINEER and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will agree on the scope and not-to-exceed amount of the Additional Services, and said Additional Services will be authorized under a future amendment to this Agreement. APPENDIX A-2 City of Fayetteville - West Corridor Water Transmission Main Amendment No. 4 - Services During Construction Personnel Hour Fee Estimate 8/6/2024 Task Description Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Structural Engineer Project Engineer/ Designer CAD/GIS Technician Const Observer Reg. Land Surveyor Survey Technician Field Survey Crew Geotech Engineer Extended Cost Water & Sewer Committee Meetings (4 total assumed) 16 24 12 $10,600.00 City Council Meetings (4 total assumed) 24 24 16 $13,200.00 Other Stakeholder Meetings (8 total assumed) 32 48 48 $24,800.00 Monthly Progress Reports (24 total assumed) 24 96 48 $32,400.00 Monthly Disbursement Request (24 total assumed) 24 48 36 $21,000.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.1 120 240 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 $102,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Mileage $100.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.1 $100.00 Total Scope Item 2.1 - Project Management and Coordination 120 240 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 $102,100.00 Compile Contract Documents and Obtain ANRD Concurrence 16 20 40 $14,000.00 Bid Phase Assistance (RFIs, Addenda, Meetings, Selection)24 40 40 20 $22,200.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.2 40 60 0 80 20 0 0 0 0 0 $36,200.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Mileage $100.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.2 $100.00 Total Scope Item 2.2 - Bid Phase Services for Solicitation Set No. 3 40 60 0 80 20 0 0 0 0 0 $36,300.00 Verify Project Control 20 80 $16,000.00 Easement and Clearing Staking 80 40 400 $81,200.00 Trenchnless Installation Staking 10 10 80 $15,600.00 Pipeline Installation Staking 40 20 240 $47,200.00 As-Built Data 60 20 240 $50,000.00 Other Field Construction Staking as Directed by CMAR (4 hr min.)10 10 80 $15,600.00 Project Management / QA/QC 60 $8,400.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 100 1120 0 $234,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Mileage $3,000.00 Field Supplies $500.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.3 $3,500.00 Total Scope Item 2.3 - Construction Surveying & Layout Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 100 1120 0 $237,500.00 Scope Item 2.1 - Project Management and Coordination Scope Item 2.3 - Construction Surveying & Layout Services Scope Item 2.2 - Bid Phase Services for Solicitation Set No. 3 Page 1 of 3 APPENDIX A-2 City of Fayetteville - West Corridor Water Transmission Main Amendment No. 4 - Services During Construction Personnel Hour Fee Estimate 8/6/2024 Task Description Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Structural Engineer Project Engineer/ Designer CAD/GIS Technician Const Observer Reg. Land Surveyor Survey Technician Field Survey Crew Geotech Engineer Extended Cost Pre-Construction Meetings (4 assumed)40 40 60 $27,000.00 Review Submittals 80 200 20 400 $124,000.00 AIS Compliance Reviews/Certifications 20 80 160 $45,000.00 Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Reviews/Certifications 40 160 360 $96,000.00 Review and Respond to CMAR RFIs 100 180 40 400 60 $135,600.00 Change Management (Field Orders, Change Orders)80 160 20 240 60 $98,600.00 Monthly Pay Estimates (24 assumed)60 160 160 $71,000.00 Monthly Progress Meetings/Site Visits (24 assumed)160 240 360 $142,000.00 Additional Site Visits 120 240 40 800 $206,000.00 Final Walk-Through and Review Closeout Documents 80 120 20 240 $84,000.00 GIS Webmap and Database Updates During Construction 60 160 320 $71,200.00 Prepare Record Drawings and Final Deliverables 40 120 20 200 360 $107,600.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.4 820 1760 160 3540 800 0 0 0 0 0 $1,208,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Mileage $5,000.00 Subconsulant - ECCI (USACE Section 404 Permit Coordination)$10,000.00 Subconsulant - Flat Earth Archeology, LLC (Cultural Resources Observation/Monitoring/Reporting)$20,000.00 Subconsultant - Coffman Engineers (Corrosion Protection)$25,000.00 Subconsultant - Brown Engineers (Electrical)$4,000.00 Subconsultant - Bennett Trenchless Engineers (Trenchless Installation)$25,000.00 Subconsultant - Carollo (Pipeline Installation Technical Advisor) $25,000.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.4 $114,000.00 Total Scope Item 2.4 - Construction Administration 820 1760 160 3540 800 0 0 0 0 0 $1,322,000.00 Comprehensive Field Observation Services 7600 $874,000.00 Pre-Construction Meetings (4 assumed)40 $4,600.00 Pay Estimate Quantities 200 $23,000.00 Final Walk-Through 100 $11,500.00 Record Drawings 40 $4,600.00 Project Closeout 20 $2,300.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 8000 0 0 0 0 $920,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Mileage $30,000.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.5 $30,000.00 Total Scope Item 2.5 - Construction Observation 0 0 0 0 0 8000 0 0 0 0 $950,000.00 Coordination with Subconsultant 200 100 $43,000.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 100 $43,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Subconsultant - Eminence and/or American Piping Inspection - Visual Weld Inspections (2 days/week for 52 weeks @ $1,750/day)$182,000.00 Subconsultant - Eminence and/or American Piping Inspection - Non-Destructive Evaluation (80 days @ $800/day) $64,000.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.6 $246,000.00 Total Scope Item 2.6 - Welding Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 100 $289,000.00 Scope Item 2.4 - Construction Administration Scope Item 2.5 - Construction Observation Scope Item 2.6 - Welding Inspections Page 2 of 3 APPENDIX A-2 City of Fayetteville - West Corridor Water Transmission Main Amendment No. 4 - Services During Construction Personnel Hour Fee Estimate 8/6/2024 Task Description Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Structural Engineer Project Engineer/ Designer CAD/GIS Technician Const Observer Reg. Land Surveyor Survey Technician Field Survey Crew Geotech Engineer Extended Cost Coordination and Reporting (note: labor included in testing cost below)$0.00 Subtotal Labor Hours / Fee - Scope Item 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses/Subconsultants Concrete Testing - assumed 54 structures, 3 concrete placements/structure, $450/trip $72,900.00 Proctor Compaction Testing - assumed 30 tests, $500/test $15,000.00 Density Testing - Structure Backfill - assumed 54 structures, 3 trips/structure, $250/trip $40,500.00 Density Testing - Trench Backfill - assumed 2,100 tests, 3 tests/trip, $250/trip $175,000.00 Density Testing - Road Crossings - assumed 28 crossings, 15 tests/crossing, 3 tests/trip, $250/trip $35,000.00 Concrete Paving Testing - assumed 9 locations, $450/trip $4,050.00 Asphalt Paving Testing - assumed 13 locations, $150/trip $1,950.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses - Scope Item 2.7 $344,400.00 Total Scope Item 2.7 - Materials Testing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $344,400.00 GRAND TOTAL AMENDMENT NO. 4 980 2,060 160 3,780 820 8,200 280 100 1,120 100 $3,281,300.00 Scope Item 2.7 - Materials Testing Page 3 of 3 Chief Draftsman $110 - $120 Clerical $45 - $85 Construction Observer $75 - $165 Draftsman $70 - $120 Environmental Scientist/Designer $125 - $145 Geotech Engineer $125 - $200 GIS Technician $80 - $140 HR/Payroll Admin $75-$115 Landscape Architect $95 - $200 Media Specialist $85 - $120 Principal $185 - $275 Project Accountant $70 - $155 Project Designer - Intern $50 - $80 Project Designer $80 - $165 Project Engineer $120 - $175 Project Manager $130 - $210 Registered Land Surveyor $100 - $175 Soils Lab Technician $50 - $140 Specification Writer $50 - $100 Sr. Project Manager $160 - $250 Structural Engineer $140 - $180 Survey (2 man or Robotic) Crew $115 - $165 Survey (3 man) Crew $150 - $200 Survey Field (1 Man or Rodman) $45 - $120 Survey GPS $75 - $135 Survey Technician $65 - $110 Expenses @ Cost Mileage .705/mi * Standard Hourly Rates may be adjusted annually in accordance with the normal salary review practices of McClelland Consulting Engineers. 8/7/2023 McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. *STANDARD HOURLY RATES APPENDIX A-3 Bid 24-35 Addendum 1 JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC Supplier Response Event Information Number:Bid 24-35 Addendum 1 Title:Submersible Jet Aerators Type:Invitation to Bid Issue Date:5/5/2024 Deadline:5/29/2024 02:00 PM (CT) Notes:The City of Fayetteville is seeking bids from qualified vendors for the purchase of two (2) submersible jet aerators. These bids are for the purchase of equipment only; installation will be the responsibility of the City. Any questions concerning the bidding process should be directed to Kenny Fitch, City of Fayetteville Purchasing Agent, at kfitch@fayetteville-ar.gov or by calling (479) 575-8258. Contact Information Contact:Kenny Fitch Purchasing Agent Address:Purchasing Room 306 City Hall 113 West Mountain Street - Room 306 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Email:kfitch@fayetteville-ar.gov Vendor: JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC Bid 24-35 Addendum 1Page 1 of 3 pages JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC Information Address:6301 S. University LITTLE ROCK, AR 72209 Phone:(501) 562-2296 Fax:(501) 562-4273 Toll Free:(800) 562-2296 Web Address:jteng.com By submitting your response, you certify that you are authorized to represent and bind your company. Mariah Qualls mqualls@jteng.com Signature Email Submitted at 5/29/2024 11:34:07 AM (CT) Supplier Note ***Major pump components shall be of grey cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 35B, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes or other irregularities. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be of stainless steel construction. The ejector casing shall be 304SS. The replaceable orifice plate shall be of high-density polyethylene. Air inlet pipe shall be of schedule 80 PVC pipe. Discharge piping shall be of stainless steel AISI 304L. Requested Attachments Bid 24-35, Bid Form and Signature Pages Bid Submission.pdf Please attach your signed, completed form. This can be found in the 'Attachments' tab. Bid Attributes 1 Check Yes or No: Pursuant Arkansas Code Annotated §25-1-503, the Contractor agrees and certifies that they do not currently boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during any time in which they are entering into, or while in contract, with any public entity as defined in §25-1-503. If at any time during contract the contractor decides to boycott Israel, the contractor must notify the contracted public entity in writing. Yes No 2 Check Yes or No: Pursuant Arkansas Code Annotated §25-1-1002, the Contractor agrees and certifies that they do not currently boycott Energy, Fossil Fuel, Firearms, and Ammunition Industries during any time in which they are entering into, or while in contract, with any public entity as defined in §25-1-1002. If at any time during the contract the contractor decides to boycott Energy, Fossil Fuel, Firearms, and/or Ammunition Industries, the contractor must notify the contracted public entity in writing. Yes No 3 Addendum Acknowledgement: By selecting "I agree", you acknowledge that you have read and understand any addendums that have been issued for this bid. I agree Vendor: JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC Bid 24-35 Addendum 1Page 2 of 3 pages Bid Lines 1 Submersible Jet Aerator Quantity:2 UOM:EA Price:$149,263.00 Total:$298,526.00 Response Total: $298,526.00 Vendor: JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INC Bid 24-35 Addendum 1Page 3 of 3 pages See Note* JACK TYLER ENGINEERING, INCORPORATED 6301 S UNIVERSITY AVENUE, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72209 (501) 562-2296 FAX (501) 562-4273 WATTS 1-800-562-2296 QUOTATION NUMBER: SJ22124A QUOTATION DATE: February 21, 2024 PAGE: 1 OF 2 TO: City of Fayetteville COPIES: Stephen Eoff 1400 N Fox Hunter Road James Spann Fayetteville, AR 72701 Cory Gray Phone: 479-616-0043 ATTN: Tim Marr Email: timothy.marr@jacobs.com ITEM 1: FLYGT Jet Aerator Xylem FLYGT model NS3202.095 614 60HP 460/3/60 50’ FLS FM rated submersible pump, with 60HP 460 volt 3 phase motor suitable for inverter service, hardened iron N-Technology impeller, 50ft cable, FLYGT Leak Sensor, MiniCAS II & socket for controls. Xylem FLYGT model JA317-S6-3202-614 Aerator Skid in Stainless Steel with 304SS coil chain & shackle and 4” PVC Schd 80 Air Inlet Pipe Assemblies (3) PRICE EACH ................................................................................................................ $ 149,263 DELIVERY: 10-14 Weeks, ARO ***NOTE: APPLICABLE SALES TAXES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN QUOTED PRICE. Thank you for the opportunity to quote on your requirements. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at scott@jteng.com or 479-806-8970. Very truly yours, JACK TYLER ENGINEERING, INCORPORATED Scott Jones Senior Sales Representative JACK TYLER ENGINEERING, INCORPORATED 6301 S UNIVERSITY AVE, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72209 (501) 562-2296 • FAX (501) 562-4273 • ARKANSAS WATS 1-800-562-2296 STATEMENT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS/PAYMENTS: Our terms of payment are net cash 15 days from date of the invoice subject to Seller’s prior credit approval. If the Buyer shall fail to make any payments in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale, the Seller, in addition to its other rights and remedies, but not in limitation thereof, may, at its option, without prior notice, cancel this order as to any undelivered products or defer shipments or deliveries hereunder, or under any other agreement between Buyer and Seller, except upon Seller’s receipt of cash before shipment or such security as Seller considers satisfactory. Seller reserves the right to impose an interest charge of 16% on the balance of each invoice not paid on its due date for the period from the due date to the date of receipt of payment by Seller. In the event Buyer’s failure to make timely payments to Seller results in Seller incurring additional costs, including but not limited to collection expenses and attorneys’ fees, said costs shall be added to the amount due Seller from Buyer. Buyer shall have no right to any discount or retainage and shall not withhold payment as a set-off on Seller’s invoice in any amount. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit card purchases are accepted. SHIPMENT: The date of shipment is subject to our receiving your order with complete information at our office, final approval of any prints or drawings as may be required, credit approval, and the acceptance of your order by the company. Freight Charges are not included in the quoted price. EXPIRATION: Quotation expires 30 days from the date of proposal and, in the interim, is subject to change without notice. TAXES: Unless otherwise stated in the proposal, the prices quoted herein are exclusive of all sales, use and similar taxes and, wherever applicable, such taxes will be added to the invoice as separate items. SPECIAL NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL IS BASED ON CURRENT PRICES. EQUIPMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE SAME PERCENTAGE INCREASE AS MADE BY OUR SUPPLIERS AND THE INVOICE WILL REFLECT PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS SPECIFICALLY EXCEPTED. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT RETAINAGE ON ANY OF OUR INVOICES! ***** A $50.00 minimum order charge will apply ***** WARRANTY: “The products sold by Jack Tyler Engineering, Inc. hereunder are manufactured by others, and the only warranties that apply to these products are those of the manufacturer of the products which can be passed on by Jack Tyler Engineering, Inc. to its customers. No other warranty of any kind is given in connection with the sale of any of the above products, and JACK TYLER ENGINEERING, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AS TO ANY OTHER MATTER RESPECTING THESE PRODUCTS. Jack Tyler Engineering, Inc. shall not be liable in connection with the sale of the above products for any incidental or consequential damages of any kind.” An electronic copy of the latest version is available online at www.jteng.co m. Form No. 41-1 Rev. 07 - 06/27/17 Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Flygt Products 9625 Tualatin-Sherwood Rd. Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Tel (503) 240-1980 Fax (503) 240-3445 February 8, 2022 Flygt Submersible Jet Aerators Re: Customer Reference Contacts 1. Bill Schmittle Recycled Water Superintendent City of Hermiston 2205 N 1st Place Hermiston OR, 97838 541-567-5272 bschmittle@hermiston.or.us 2. Terry Gilbertson Palm Valley WWTP 14222 W McDowell Rd, Goodyear, AZ 85395 623-298-4825 Terry.Gilbertson@libertyutilities.com 3. Steve Nuttall Utilities Supervisor Kent WWTP District of Kent Box 70, 7170 Cheam Avenue Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0 604-796-9145 snuttall@kentbc.ca 4. Kenny Oleman Wastewater Plant Supervisor City of Tillamook 710 5th St, Tillamook, OR 97141 503-812-6064 koleman@tillamookor.gov © 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE HOLDER ACORD 25 (2016/03) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECTPRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) INSRLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS PERSTATUTE OTH-ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes, describe underDESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH)OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNEDAUTOSAUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSDADDL WVDSUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) OTHER: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE(A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSPERITYCERTS@LOCKTONAFFINITY.COM FAX(A/C, No): CONTACTNAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Acct#:3014194 3/26/2024 Lockton Companies, LLC 888-828-8365 3657 Briarpark Dr., Suite 700 Houston, TX 77042 Indemnity Insurance Co. of North America 43575 JACK TYLER ENGINEERING INCORPORATED 6301 S UNIVERSITY AVE LITTLE ROCK, AR 72209-2143 A C55796956 10/1/2023 10/1/2024 X 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 03/26/2024 Parsons Insurance 124 W. Capitol Ave. Suite 1500 Little Rock AR 72201 Mary Jo Zakrzewski (501) 621-5918 mj@parsons-ins.com Jack Tyler Engineering Incorporated J. Tyler Construction, LLC 6301 South University Ave. Little Rock AR 72209 State National Insurance Company, Inc.012831 23/24 A Contractual Liability Included XCU Included HLM51CL0621816-05 10/01/2023 10/01/2024 1,000,000 100,000 5,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A HLM51CL0621816-05 10/01/2023 10/01/2024 1,000,000 A 10,000 HLM51CL0621816-05 10/01/2023 10/01/2024 5,000,000 5,000,000 A Installation Floater HLM51CL0621816-05 10/01/2023 10/01/2024 $10,000 Limit $1,000 Deductible City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville AR 72701 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS belowIf yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIREDAUTOS ONLY