HomeMy WebLinkAbout192-24 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 192-24 File Number: 2024-330 FAYETTEVILLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN (ADOPTION): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE FAYETTEVILLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, in 2018, the City Council adopted the Energy Action Plan which focused on steps that the City could take to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) that are generated throughout the community and, since that time, the City has made significant energy and efficiency improvements, including the 1OMW solar arrays at the two wastewater treatment plants, expanded active transportation infrastructure, and the development of food waste composting program; and WHEREAS, in November 2021, the City Council passed Resolution 288-21 requesting the addition of an Ecosystem Services Plan to the City's existing Energy Action Plan to develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan comprised of the GHG mitigation goals, strategies and actions from the Energy Action Plan and a new section comprised of climate change adaptation goals, strategies, and actions to grow a more resilient community as extreme weather events become more increasingly severe and frequent; and WHEREAS, the City's sustainability team worked with project consultant Olsson to develop a Public Engagement Plan at the beginning of the project to direct public and stakeholder engagement activities; and WHEREAS, following stakeholder and community input, City staff met with various City Departments and Divisions to talk through goal -setting and identifying actions that will advance community GHG reductions and climate change adaptation strategies; and WHEREAS, this Climate Action Plan is a framework for both mitigating GHG emissions and adapting to a changing climate and extreme weather events and provides a road map for informed decision -making on policy and program initiatives that achieve realistic science -based carbon reduction and long term resilience goals, strategies and action; and WHEREAS, the first strategy of the Plan is Emission Reduction which sets ambitious mitigation targets, including an overarching goal of net zero emissions by 2050, which aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to balance GHG production with atmospheric removals; and WHEREAS, the second strategy of the Plan is Nature Based Solutions to improve the natural ecosystems that buffer the impacts of severe weather which includes identifying the ecosystem services that natural landscapes provide, such as stormwater absorption or tree canopy to reduce heat island impacts; and WHEREAS, all of these sector strategies and solutions are viewed through an equity lens that is focused on ensuring equal access to mitigation and adaptation opportunities in identified low income and disadvantaged communities; and Page 1 Resolution: 192-24 File Number: 2024-330 WHEREAS, approval of the Climate Action Plan will establish the framework for sustainable actions over the coming decade that will help to make the community more resilient in the face of global climate change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves and adopts the Fayetteville Climate Action Plan, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on July 16, 2024 Page 2 Attest: r RK I RE �, =v• FAYETTEVILLF Kara Paxton, City ler Treasurer = •� Z�Z• ,9 c� ; � ? tijIVG ....N•GO. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF JULY 16, 2024 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Peter Nierengarten, Environmental Director FROM: Leif Olson, Sustainability Planner SUBJECT: Climate Action Plan RECOMMENDATION: CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-330 Staff recommends approval of a resolution adopting the Climate Action Plan developed by City staff and Olsson Engineering with stakeholder and public input. BACKGROUND: In 2018, the City Council adopted the Energy Action Plan which focused on steps that the City could take to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) that are generated throughout the community. Since then, the City has made significant energy and efficiency improvements, including the 10MW solar arrays at the two wastewater treatment plants, expanded active transportation infrastructure, and the development of a food waste composting program. In November 2021, the Fayetteville City Council passed Resolution 288-21 requesting the addition of an Ecosystem Services Plan to the City's existing Energy Action Plan to develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. This new Climate Action Plan (CAP) would be comprised of the GHG mitigation goals, strategies and actions from the Energy Action Plan and a new section comprised of climate change adaptation goals, strategies, and actions to grow a more resilient community as extreme weather events become more increasingly severe and frequent. The City's sustainability team worked with project consultant Olsson to develop a Public Engagement Plan at the beginning of the project to direct public and stakeholder engagement activities. The Public Engagement Plan was continually updated throughout the project as the schedule and project activities were adjusted to meet the project goals. At the project launch, the project team convened a stakeholder committee made up of environmental, industry and sustainability professionals from area nonprofits, environmental and conservation advocacy groups, local utilities and city advisory boards. The committee's purpose was to assist with goal setting and provide ongoing project feedback. In February 2023, representatives from the city and the consultant team facilitated an initial virtual stakeholder meeting to educate and connect stakeholders and to gather input on goals and strategies. In the spring of 2023, the team conducted public outreach on some possible draft goals and strategies. A suite of educational display boards was created for both in -person and online use that provided background information on emission reduction strategies and nature -based solutions for climate change adaptation. The city hosted four public input events. Attendees conversed with staff about the development of the CAP and provided input on strategies and actions that the city could take. Survey Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 access was provided on mobile tablets, and printed cards with the survey webpage and links were handed out for attendees to access the survey at home. In total, the Climate Action Plan project received 367 survey responses and staff estimated that 100 people were reached in person. Following stakeholder and community input, staff along with the consultant Olsson began developing the framework of the plan and preliminary goals, strategies, and actions. City staff then met with various City Departments and Divisions to talk through goal -setting and identifying actions that will advance community GHG reductions and climate change adaptation strategies. DISCUSSION: This Climate Action Plan is a framework for both mitigating GHG emissions and adapting to a changing climate and extreme weather events. This plan provides a road map for informed decision -making on policy and program initiatives that achieve realistic science -based carbon reduction and long-term resilience goals, strategies and action. Ultimately, this plan is designed to guide and energize actions around the City's efforts to be a resource and energy efficient community. This plan is set up on a two-part strategy and solution structure. The first strategy is Emission Reduction which sets ambitious mitigation targets, including an overarching goal of net -zero emissions by 2050. Setting a net -zero goal aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to balance greenhouse gas (GHG) production with atmospheric removals. To be on track to be net -zero by 2050, the community will need to decrease our cumulative GHG emissions by 37 percent by 2030. The Emissions Reduction strategies are focused on four sectors: Energy, Transportation, Waste, and Water. The second strategy is Nature -Based Solutions to improve the natural ecosystems that buffer the impacts of severe weather. Nature -Based Solutions include identifying the ecosystem services that natural landscapes provide, such as stormwater absorption or tree canopy to reduce heat island impacts. Additionally, the Nature -Based Solutions sectors such as ecosystem resilience and carbon sequestration are identified to better understand and guide policy, programs and projects that will provide long-term community resilience. And finally, all these sector strategies and solutions are viewed through an equity lens that is focused on ensuring equal access to mitigation and adaptation opportunities in identified low- income and disadvantaged communities. One of the outcomes of the Climate Action Plan is the creation of a climate resilience mapping tool that was developed to understand the climate resilience value of each parcel of land in the City. Each parcel is assigned a climate resilience score based on the features and characteristics present that provide nature - based solutions to climate change such as wetlands, tree canopy, streams, unique habitats, carbon sequestration sinks, floodplains, etc. The Climate Resilience Map is public -facing and intended for a wide range of uses. This tool will be helpful for guiding the development of policies, programs, and projects to help the community to mitigate GHG emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The Climate Resilience Map is located on the Sustainability Department's website here: https://www.fayetteviIle-ar.gov/4260/Climate-Action-Plan Approval of the Climate Action Plan will establish the framework for sustainable actions over the coming decade that will help to make the community more resilient in the face of global climate change. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), Climate Action Plan - 3 Page Summary (#4), Fayetteville Climate Action Plan - Final (#5), Resolution 288-21 (#6), Climate Action Plan - EAC Letter of Support (#7) Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 == City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Y 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 - Legislation Text File #: 2024-330 Climate Action Plan A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE FAYETTEVILLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, in 2018, the City Council adopted the Energy Action Plan which focused on steps that the City could take to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) that are generated throughout the community and, since that time, the City has made significant energy and efficiency improvements, including the 1 OMW solar arrays at the two wastewater treatment plants, expanded active transportation infrastructure, and the development of food waste composting program; and WHEREAS, in November 2021, the City Council passed Resolution 288-21 requesting the addition of an Ecosystem Services Plan to the City's existing Energy Action Plan to develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan comprised of the GHG mitigation goals, strategies and actions from the Energy Action Plan and a new section comprised of climate change adaptation goals, strategies, and actions to grow a more resilient community as extreme weather events become more increasingly severe and frequent; and WHEREAS, the City's sustainability team worked with project consultant Olsson to develop a Public Engagement Plan at the beginning of the project to direct public and stakeholder engagement activities; and WHEREAS, following stakeholder and community input, City staff met with various City Departments and Divisions to talk through goal -setting and identifying actions that will advance community GHG reductions and climate change adaptation strategies; and WHEREAS, this Climate Action Plan is a framework for both mitigating GHG emissions and adapting to a changing climate and extreme weather events and provides a road map for informed decision - making on policy and program initiatives that achieve realistic science -based carbon reduction and long term resilience goals, strategies and action; and WHEREAS, the first strategy of the Plan is Emission Reduction which sets ambitious mitigation targets, including an overarching goal of net zero emissions by 2050, which aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to balance GHG production with atmospheric removals; and WHEREAS, the second strategy of the Plan is Nature Based Solutions to improve the natural ecosystems that buffer the impacts of severe weather which includes identifying the ecosystem services that natural landscapes provide, such as stormwater absorption or tree canopy to reduce heat island impacts; and Page 1 Resolution: 192-24 File Number: 2024-330 WHEREAS, all of these sector strategies and solutions are viewed through an equity lens that is focused on ensuring equal access to mitigation and adaptation opportunities in identified low income and disadvantaged communities; and WHEREAS, approval of the Climate Action Plan will establish the framework for sustainable actions over the coming decade that will help to make the community more resilient in the face of global climate change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves and adopts the Fayetteville Climate Action Plan, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. Page 2 Leif Olson Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-330 Item ID 7/16/2024 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 6/27/2024 SUSTAINABILITY/RESILIENCE (631) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of a resolution adopting the Climate Action Plan developed by City staff and Olsson Engineering with stakeholder and public input. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a direct cost? No Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Fund Climate Action Plan Project Title Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget V20221130 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Res. 288-21 Approval Date: CITY OF _ FAYETTEVILLE I I rnate Action Plan ARKANSAS C Background: The world is facing a climate crisis. Locally, climate change is most visibly manifesting itself through increasingly frequent extreme weather events. How we address this crisis will impact current and future generations' economic prospects and quality of life. In 2018, Fayetteville joined the global community of cities developing comprehensive climate strategy by developing our Energy Action Plan, which established goals and actions to mitigate emissions within the City's jurisdiction. In 2024, the City expanded the vision of the plan by developing and adopting nature -based solutions goals, strategies and actions that build community resilience to mitigate the most negative impacts from climate change. Emissions Reduction Strategies Reduce the drivers of climate change DEnerg, :�: Reduce consumption and Y greenhouse gas GHG emissions Transportation Provide alternative tranportation modes Waste Improve recycling rates and reduce landfill waste Water (new) c.� Improve water system efficiency Climate Action Plan Nature -Based Solutions Acquire and improve ecosystems that buffer the impact of extreme weather Ecosystems Services Improve the land's ability to absorb/ • Climate Equity • ..... adapt to weather impacts/events Ensure access and reduce disparities of impacts from Ecosystem Resilience weather events ow Preserve unique ecosystems ofinterest Carbon Sequestration COz Improve carbon sinks Framework: The Fayetteville Climate Action Plan is designed to guide the 1. Prepare, plan and develop community response community to implement actionable policies, programs and projects to help / strategies and contingencies for extreme weather mitigate and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the events. community, and to develop and implement adaptation strategies to shape a 2. Identify lands within the City's planning area that SERVICES provide highest ecosystem more resilient community in the face of a changing climate. ECOSYSTEM hi hstem services for resilience to extreme weather events. The Climate Action Plan is grounded through science -based targets designed 3. Preserve lands within the City's planning area that to reach net -zero carbon emissions by 2050. provide high ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. Setting a net -zero goal aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to 4. Restore and improve ecosystem services provided by balance greenhouse gas production with atmospheric removals. existing preserved natural areas. 5. Reduce climate change threats to public infrastructure and private property. 1. Achieve 100% clean energy usage for City of Fayetteville government operations by 2030. 2. Achieve communitywide 100% clean energy usage 1. Identify lands with high levels of biodiversity and by 2050. ow ecosystem resilience. 3. Reduce community per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) 2. Preserve lands with high levels of biodiversity and emmisions year over year (YOY). ECOSYSTEM ecosystem resilience. RESILIENCE 3. Restory and enhance City owned or managed lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem 1. Reduce community per capita transportation emissions resilience. by 10% by 2030. 4. Support ongoing ecological education and outreach 60: 2. Create an equitable and sustainable multimodal efforts by local expert organizations. TRANSPORTATION transportation system for all ages and abilities. 3. Transition City's fleet to 10% alternative fuel by 2030, 1. Measure and track carbon sequestration in the City's and reduce fleet emissions YOY. tree canopy and natural environment. COz 2. Increase carbon sequestration into the City's soils, 1. Achieve a 40%waste diversion rate. , yZ plants and trees biomass. 2. Increase commercial and residential recycling program CARBON participation rates YOY. SEQUESTRATION 3. Preserve and enhance existing carbon sinks, such as WASTE 3. Reduce per capita waste to the landfill by 5% by 2030. wetlands, prairies and forests. 1. Identify, prioritize and mitigate climate change impacts 1. Prepare, plan and develop community response on underserved or vulnerable neighborhoods and (a strategies and contingencies for extreme weather CIS populations. c� events, such as heatwaves, droughts and floods. CLIMATE 2. Provide access to useful public spaces in proximity to 2. Reduce per capita water consumption by 5% by 2030. EQUITY low-income or disadvantaged populations. WATER 3. Identify and prioritize the repair and installation of 3. Build a complete and connected active transportation water system infrastructure to alleviate water leakage network within a 10-minute walk of every resident by and accommodate growing systems demands. 2030. Fayetteville's Climate Action Plan is based upon a dual approach of Emission Reduction Strategies (mitigation) and Nature -Based Solutions (adaptation). Nature -Based Solutions: Nature -based solutions can serve both a mitigation and adaptation role to both reduce and stabilize GHG levels in the atmosphere (mitigation) and adapt to the climate change that is already underway because of existing GHGs (adaptation). Nature -based solutions for mitigation include: • measures that decrease GHG emissions from deforestation, soil disturbance, and land use • measures that sequester and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. • protecting high -value urban ecosystems from degradation, • restoring urban ecosystems that have already been degraded, and sustainably managing urban natural areas such as city parks or rights -of -way. Climate Equity connects the two areas and helps identify the impact disparities climate change will have on vulnerable populations in Fayetteville. Goals, Strategies and Actions: The project team developed goals, strategies and actions for both the emission reductions and nature -based solutions sections of the plan. This culminated in a hierarchy of 27 goals, with 53 underlying strategies and 80 actions toward reaching an overarching goal of net -zero emissions by 2050. To be on track to be net zero by 2050, the community will need to decrease our cumulative GHG emissions by 37 percent by 2030. Climate Resilience Map: A climate resilience mapping tool was developed to help measure and understand the climate resilience value of each parcel of land in the city. Each parcel is assigned a climate resilience score which was derived by identifying features and characteristics that provide nature -based solutions to climate change, such as: Wetlands Unique Habitats Streams Carbon Sequestration Sinks Tree canopy Prairie Remnants The Climate Resilience Map is public -facing and intended for a wide range of uses and users. This tool will be helpful for guiding the development of policies, programs and projects. Climate Resilience Map can be accessed at: https://maps.fayetteville-ar.gov/sustainability/climateresilience CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 1WiA ARKANSAS 31.91 r �' � I-' , `�• '� '�.: - _ Via' h •:'. .,1y � ; LV AP I� L '�-------------I Fayetteville, Arkansas FAVETTEVILLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN"' J U N E 2024 olsson Acknowledgments City of Fayetteville Departments and Divisions: Sustainability and Resilience Department Geographic Information System Division Utilities Department Public Works Department Parks, Natural Resources and Cultural Affairs Department Communications Department Development Services Department Engineering Division Transportation Division Fleet Operations Division Park Operations Division Urban Forestry Division Community Resources Department Recycling and Trash Division Stakeholder Group Consisting of City Boards, Community -Environmental -Non -Profit Organizations: Citizen Representative City Council Environmental Action Committee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Active Transportation Committee Urban Forestry Advisory Board Fayetteville Community Development and Assistance Programs Advisory Board Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association Beaver Watershed Alliance Illinois River Watershed Partnership Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission Northwest Arkansas Land Trust Watershed Conservation Resource Center Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Fayetteville Black Heritage Preservation Commission Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Framework............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Feeling the Impacts of Climate Change..........................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Economic Impacts...................................................................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Social Impacts...........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Environmental Impacts......................................................................................................................................................................................7 3.0 Mitigation and Adaptation..........................................................................................................................................................................9 3.1 What is the difference between mitigation and adaptation?.........................................................................................9 3.2 What are emission reduction strategies?..........................................................................................................................................9 3.3 What are Nature -Based Solutions?.......................................................................................................................................................11 3.4 Benefits of Nature -Based Solutions?.....................................................................................................................................................12 4.0 Planning Process ..... ...... ...... _.... ...... ...... ...... ...... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... _ .... _.... _.... _.... _.... _.... 20 4.1 Background...................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 4.2 Public Engagement...............................................................................................................................................................................................21 4.3 What is a climate action plan?..................................................................................................................................................................22 5.0 Emissions Reduction Goals .... _......................................................................................................................................................................24 Energy........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Transportation..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Waste.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Water.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 6.0 Nature -Based Solutions Goals...................................................................................................................................................................38 EcosystemServices.........................................................................................................................................................................................................39 EcosystemResilience.....................................................................................................................................................................................................43 CarbonSequestration..................................................................................................................................................................................................47 7.0 Climate Equity Goals ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ».... ».... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ».... ...... ...... ..... ............ 49 8.0 Planning Tools...........................................................................................................................................................................................................52 8.1 Climate Resilience Map.....................................................................................................................................................................................52 8.2 Prioritization Tool....................................................................................................................................................................................................54 Endnotes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................58 Appendices............................................................................................................................................................................................................................62 Appendix A - Energy Action Plan Progress Appendix B - Sector Goals, Strategies, & Actions Appendix C - Action Prioritization Tool Appendix D - Greenhouse Gas Inventory Appendix E - Native Plant Species for Climate Resilience Fayetteville Climate Action Plan •�. 1 w Kl. 4 • ,� , . •Y � y , • '�l..f .� • : �'\ �. � .� f./ \,jn���/ •r\�Z.Q.I', •�iS. • : f�.•�7 1 'f,) , r�• � � , I y- 1.0 Introduction Fayetteville is facing a climate crisis. Extreme weather events and constrained resources directly affect our residents, especially those who live in low-income and disadvantaged neighborhoods. How we address this crisis will affect current and future generations' abilities to thrive and exist. To meet the magnitude of this crisis, we are joining the global community of cities developing a comprehensive climate strategy. Building off Fayetteville's 2018 Energy Action Plan, this Climate Action Plan (CAP) sets ambitious mitigation targets, including an overarching goal of net -zero emissions by 2050. Setting a net -zero goal aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to balance greenhouse gas (GHG) production with atmospheric removals. To be on track to be net zero by 2050, the community will need to decrease our cumulative GHG emissions by 37 percent by 2030. In addition to ambitious mitigation targets, the CAP also introduces nature -based climate adaptation goals that recognize climate change is already having a significant impact on our daily lives. This CAP is the city's framework and policy commitment to mitigate GHG emissions and to use nature - based solutions to enhance ecosystem services and adaptive resilience. ILi f ► r ti - _ .. - . � •�•�n� irj��ii/�= � ' � — - J r •ice- • Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 2 Framework This plan reflects the latest science and aligns with international standards for measuring GHG emissions. Goals, strategies, and actions are grounded through science -based targets designed to reach net -zero carbon emissions by 2050. Science -based targets are a way for organizations to define emissions reduction targets by focusing on the quantity of emissions that need to be reduced to meet the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement, limiting global warming to 1.5 Celsius (C). Net -zero is a key part of the Paris Climate Agreement, defined as a condition in which human -caused residual GHG emissions are balanced by human -led removals over a specific period and within specified boundaries.' This five-year plan update also broadens the scope of influence beyond carbon emissions through the addition of a Nature -Based Solutions Chapter that addresses carbon sequestration and climate change adaptation strategies to improve resilience to extreme weather. A focus on resilient natural ecosystems as components of the city"s gray and green infrastructure is a necessary addition considering the progression of climate change. Climate models show an increasingly shorter opportunity to keep global surface temperatures from rising 1.5 C. Meanwhile, extreme weather events are already affecting cities and communities. Mitigating the drivers of climate change is still critical, but we must also begin adapting to the impacts of climate change now. Intentionally, this CAP aligns with other city master plans and is meant to complement and reinforce the sustainability and resilience -oriented goals, strategies, and actions identified in the City Plan 2040, the Fayetteville Mobility Plan, the Parks Master Plan, the Recycling and Trash Master Plan, the Urban Forestry Master Plan, and the Active Transportation Plan. A11% CITY OF PAYETTEVILIE ARNANSAS IMAGINE-�D FAYETTEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN FEIWU 2023 CITY PLAN 2040 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SPEAK UP FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE MOBILITY 2.0 Feeling the Impacts of Climate Change In the coming decades, Arkansas will become warmer and experience more severe floods and droughts? As the region's climate changes, heavier rainfall events are expected to lead to more stormwater runoff and flash flooding.' Though storm events are expected to become more intense, climate change is also expected to produce fewer rainfall events overall, which will lead to more regional droughts and a resulting drop in surface water and groundwater recharge. Extreme heat will also exacerbate the effects of drought on the region's water supply. Heat causes an increase in the evapotranspiration rate and decreases water availability.5,6 In addition to environmental impacts, these climate change effects will negatively affect Fayetteville's economy and the quality of life of many city residents.',$ V V IV Global Climate Change Data Trends The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monitors global climate data and has provided the following global data trends: • Global temperatures rose about 1° C from 1901 to 2020.9 The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by 25 percent since 1958 and by about 40 percent since the Industrial Revolution.10 • Sea -level rise has accelerated from 7.7 millimeters (mm)/year throughout most of the twentieth century to 3.2 mm/year since 1993.112 Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 2.1 Economic Impacts Fayetteville is also susceptible to economic impacts from the effects of climate change, including flooding, drought, and extreme heat. These impacts will be magnified for vulnerable populations. • Infrastructure Costs: The city may face escalating costs related to the maintenance and repair of infrastructure. Extreme weather events, such as floods and storms, can damage roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure, requiring substantial financial resources for rehabilitation. • Insurance Premiums: The increased frequency and severity of climate -related events can lead to higher insurance premiums for both the city and its residents. This places an additional financial burden on the local government and property owners. • Agricultural Impacts: If the local agricultural sector is affected by changing climate conditions, it can affect food production and supply chains. This situation may lead to increased food prices, affecting both businesses and consumers in Fayetteville. • Public Health Expenditures: Climate change can influence public health, leading to increased incidents of heat -related illnesses, the spread of diseases, and higher health care costs. The city may need to invest more in health care infrastructure and services to address these emerging challenges. • Tourism and Recreation: If local natural attractions, parks, or recreational areas are adversely affected by climate change, it could affect tourism and outdoor activities. A decline in tourism may have a ripple effect on the local economy, affecting businesses in the hospitality and service sectors. • Property Values: Climate -related risks, such as increased flood susceptibility, can influence property values. This may lead to potential financial losses for property owners and affect the overall tax base of the city. • Energy Costs and Demands: Changes in climate patterns may influence energy consumption and costs. Higher temperatures could lead to increased demand for cooling, affecting energy infrastructure and expenses for both residents and businesses. Addressing these economic impacts requires strategic planning, investment in resilient infrastructure, the development of adaptive policies, and creating public awareness through on -going public education efforts. Fayetteville will need to collaborate with stakeholders, implement sustainable practices, and engage the public to prioritize climate resilience to safeguard the city's economic stability in face of ongoing climate change. 2.2 Social Impacts Climate change poses profound and far-reaching social impacts, affecting communities globally. One of the most significant threats is the exacerbation of existing inequalities. Vulnerable populations, including low-income communities, senior citizens, indigenous groups, marginalized individuals often bear the brunt of climate -related disasters and disruptions. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, can displace entire communities, leading to forced migration and heightened competition for resources. This scenario not only strains social cohesion, but also amplifies the risk of conflict and displacement. Inadequate infrastructure and limited access to resources exacerbate the vulnerability of marginalized groups, leaving them disproportionately affected by the consequences of climate change. Health is a major social concern as rising temperatures contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, increase the frequency of heat -related illnesses, and compromise access to clean water and sanitation. Vulnerable populations face heightened risks of malnutrition, waterborne diseases, and vector -borne illnesses. Addressing the social impacts of climate change necessitates a comprehensive and inclusive approach. Adaptation and mitigation strategies must prioritize vulnerable communities, assuring equitable access to resources, health care, and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods. Additionally, fostering community resilience, enhancing education and awareness, and promoting regional and international cooperation are crucial components in building a more socially resilient world in the face of climate challenges. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 2.3 Environmental Impacts Intense rainfall and increased runoff will affect Fayetteville's environment, causing issues like flash floods, landslides, and harm to riparian areas because of stream bank erosion.'" This circumstance poses a threat to wildlife by disrupting habitats and migration routes. Additionally, lakes and water bodies will suffer from sedimentation and nutrient loading, negatively affecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems.'a,a,7 Conversely, prolonged droughts will also affect Fayetteville's ecosystems. Groundwater levels will drop, leading to the drying up of streams and negatively affecting aquatic life. This situation can particularly harm federally listed threatened and endangered species like the Ozark covefish (Amblyopsis rosae) and Benton County cave crayfish (Cambarus aculabrum). Wildlife may face challenges in accessing water because of climate change effects on Beaver Lake and wetlands, which will affect habitat quality for species like amphibians. A drier landscape will affect vegetation, leading to changes in species composition and exacerbating the urban heat island effect. Extreme heat and drought raise the risk of wildfires, threatening vegetation and increasing the likelihood of landslides during heavy rain events. Aquatic ecosystems will suffer from reduced stream flows, altered hydrology, and warmer water temperatures, affecting aquatic organisms. Fragmented ecosystems hinder the natural migrations of species in response to temperature changes. Terrestrial ecosystems will witness decreased biodiversity because of the stress on trees and vegetation. Urban development disrupts heat -induced migration patterns, and extreme summer heat negatively affects urban trees, promotes the spread of invasive species, and increases pest outbreaks, affecting biodiversity and hindering ecological resilience to climate change effects in Fayetteville. A Global Impact of Climate Change The cost of adapting coastal areas to rising sea levels Fresh water 1 will be in short supply in some areas Loss of the capacity to work due to heat Extreme meteorological phenomena and natural disasters Fayetteville Climate Action Plan High temperatures me reiocarion ,, eLZ�of entire ``"O populations Reduced crop yields and productivity of harvests Rising costs of basic foodstuffs and consumer goods 000 Wars and conflicts for access to limited resources I 3.0 Mitigation and Adaptation 3.1 What is the difference between mitigation and adaptation? Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Climate change is a global issue felt most acutely at the local level through extreme weather events. Cities play a leading role in developing strategies to limit those effects through GHG reduction and carbon sequestration. What is becoming abundantly clear, however, is that as human GHG production continues to increase, cities must also be prepared to respond and adapt to the effects of climate change. Fayetteville"s response thus involves a two -pronged approach for achieving net -zero emissions communitywide. This approach is realized through the following. • Mitigation - Reducing the flow of heat -trapping GHG into the atmosphere and enhancing the carbon sinks, such as forests and soils, that sequester these gases. The goal of mitigation is to stop the accumulation of GHG levels to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change. • Adaptation - Adjusting to actual or expected future climate to reduce harmful impacts of climate change and extreme weather such as flooding and heat waves. The goal of adaptation is to reduce or manage the risks to climate change impacts. The CAP addresses both mitigation and adaptation through emission reduction measures and nature -based solutions. These two strategies overlap, and many actions in the CAP address both mitigation and adaptation simultaneously across sectors. 3.2 What are emission reduction strategies? One way to mitigate climate change is by reducing GHG emissions. Emission reduction strategies are targeted at decoupling GHG emissions from energy production and economic activity. The CAP addresses mitigation through four key high -emission sectors: energy, transportation, waste, and water. Activities like renewable energy generation, electric vehicle use, energy efficiency improvements, public transit, urban form enhancements, waste reduction and recycling, water use reduction, and infrastructure improvements all play a role in reducing emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. Energy 40 Efficiency Renewable `II Energy ' Sustainable Transportation Education & Outreach nw-- AO Urban Forests Water Q� Conservation 0 �a New Energy Systems rr I Infrastructure Upgrades Op 00 00 00 Disaster Management =d & Business =d =d Continuity Flood 15�11 Protection 3.3 What are Nature -Based Solutions? The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines nature -based solutions as actions that °protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems [to] address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously benefiting people and nature.""15 Nature -based solutions can serve both a mitigation and adaptation role. The IUCN recommends that nature -based solutions be used to both reduce and stabilize GHG levels in the atmosphere (mitigation) and adapt to the climate change that is already underway because of existing GHGs (adaptation). Nature -based solutions for mitigation include (1) measures that decrease GHG emissions from deforestation, soil disturbance, and land use; and (2) measures that sequester and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Actions can include protecting high -value urban ecosystems from degradation, restoring urban ecosystems that have already been degraded, and sustainably managing urban natural areas such as city parks or rights -of -way. Mitigation strategies are essential to rapidly cutting GHG emissions and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. Nature -based solutions for adaptation focus on benefits that humans derive from biodiversity and ecosystem services. These benefits can be used to manage risk from climate change impacts. Healthy ecosystems provide ecosystem services that contribute to climate change adaptation. Conservation measures and ecosystem restoration reduce the vulnerability of people and the environment to climate change. These measures can be implemented alone or with engineered approaches (such as low -impact development principles or reservoir construction). W What is Carbon Sequestration? "Carbon sequestration" refers to the processes by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and held in liquid or solid form. A carbon sink is anything that sequesters and stores more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. It is estimated that nature -based solutions can account for up to 37 percent of the climate mitigation needed to keep average global temperatures from increasing 2 C by 2030 (IPBES, 2019),16 and 20 percent of the carbon sequestration needed to keep average global temperatures from increasing 2 C by 2050." Sequestration into soil via deep root systems C C C C Ic - C C C C C C C Sequestration into soil Carbon uptake by photosynthesis Decomposition C occurs slowly in waterlogged soils C I C C C 3.4 Benefits of Nature -Based Solutions In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change demonstrated that nature -based solutions are among the top five most effective strategies for mitigating carbon emissions by 2030.18 A joint report by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the World Wide Fund for Nature found that nature -based solutions could reduce the intensity of climate and weather -related hazards by 26 percent.19 The natural resources found in Fayetteville that provide nature -based solutions for adaptation and mitigation are discussed below. Aboveground and Belowground Carbon Storage of Different Biomes2o Carbon stored in 200 Tropical aboveground plant forests Tropical biomass (Mg/ha) Temperate 100 forests savannas/ grasslands ■ ■ Croplands — 0 100 Deserts & semideserts 200 Tundra 300 . Temperate grasslands/ Boreal shrublands 400 forests 500 Carbon stored belowground in 600 soil (Mg/ha) Wetlands What are Ecosystem Services? "Ecosystem services" refers to benefits that the natural environment and healthy ecosystems provide to humans and can include flood control and extreme heat mitigation. What is Ecosystem Resilience? Ecosystem resilience refers to the ability of an ecosystem to absorb various disturbances or environmental stressors and to reorganize itself to maintain its critical functions. Healthy and resilient ecosystems provide better ecosystem services than less -resilient ecosystems. According to researchers, ecosystems are more resilient to climate change when they are high in biocliversity, high in topographic diversity, and are interconnected in the landscape. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 12 Biodiversity Biodiversity is the measure of all the distinct kinds of life in an area. The greater the number of different species of plants, animals, fungi, etc. found in an area, the more biodiverse it is. Each of these species and organisms work together to form an ecosystem, which acts like an intricate web to maintain balance and support life. The greater an ecosystem's biodiversity, the better able it is to handle environmental stressors such as those expected from climate change. In a highly biodiverse ecosystem, if one or a few species are affected by an environmental stressor, such as extreme heat, there are likely to be other species that will be available to fill their niche in the ecosystem until that ecosystem is able to recover from the stressor. Topographic Diversity Topographic diversity refers to the varying degrees of elevation in an area. The more hills, mountains, valleys, and lowlands there are, the greater that area's topographic diversity. Topographic diversity provides connected microclimates that create options for species as they adapt to the effects of climate change. The more topographically diverse an area is, the more options a species has to find the resources it needs to complete its life cycle. r 13 Habitat Connectivity Habitat connectivity is the degree of connection between the various natural environments on a landscape. Habitat connectivity allows species to move across sites as they adjust to the effects of climate change which is essential for maintaining regional biodiversity and ecosystem resilience so that plant and animal populations can take advantage of microclimate options without their movements being restricted by human development"," Enduring Green, Network v Fayetteville, i, Arkansas , I 1� L _ ra D62 Fayetteville Climate Action Plan LAW { rU v �1� � on I .I 11 Riparian Areas Riparian areas are those on the landscape along the edges of lakes and streams. Riparian areas provide ecosystem services such as flood control and pollutant filtration, and they also help reduce streambank erosion. Tree canopy in riparian areas provides shade that can help reduce water temperatures that can be beneficial for aquatic life. Riparian areas can also serve as wildlife corridors, connecting different biodiversity hotspots in a region. 15 Wetlands Wetlands are areas inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration that supports vegetation adapted to these conditions. Wetlands provide unique habitat to species dependent on these landscape features to complete all or part of their life cycles. They are often biodiversity hotspots that contribute to ecological resilience of the landscape. Wetlands act as natural sponges by capturing and slowing down the flow of surface water and then gradually releasing it after peak flood flows have passed. This capability helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of floods by absorbing and storing significant amounts of stormwater, which reduces property damage and erosion downstream. Trees, root mats, and other wetland vegetation also slow the speed of flood waters and distribute these waters more slowly over the floodplain. This combined water storage and braking action lowers flood heights and reduces erosion. The cumulative presence of wetlands in a watershed can reduce flood flows during intense storm events. Wetlands also store water on the landscape, mitigating the effects of drought. The longer water sits in a wetland, the more time it has to infiltrate the soil and to recharge groundwater supplies. Groundwater helps to keep streams flowing, which can help mitigate the effects of droughts on aquatic species. Wetlands play a role in reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere by acting as a °carbon sink." As carbon is removed from the atmosphere through the photosynthetic activity of a plant, it is first stored in the plant"s biomass and then stored in wetland soil after the plants complete their life cycle. Because of the low levels of oxygen in the saturated soils of wetlands, organic matter decomposes very slowly, and it accumulates faster than it decomposes, building up over time. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 16 Lakes and Ponds Ponds and reservoirs capture and store stormwater, reducing the frequency and intensity of floods, and thereby reducing property damage and erosion downstream. The cumulative presence of lakes and ponds in a watershed can reduce flood flows during big storm events. Lakes and ponds store water on the landscape, preventing it from leaving our region as stormwater runoff or from flowing away. These lakes and ponds provide alternative water supplies for humans and wildlife during dry periods. Lakes and ponds also help recharge groundwater supplies, which also helps to keep streams flowing during dry periods. Like wetlands, decomposition in the soils of lakes and ponds happens very slowly because of the low oxygen levels. As living organisms complete their life cycles, some of the organic matter that once composed their living tissues sinks to the bottom of the lake or pond, where it accumulates in a similar 17 Prairies Prairies are ecosystems composed mostly of grasses and wildflowers with little to no woody species such as trees and shrubs present. Prairies are often biodiversity hotspots and provide habitat for many different species of wildlife. Prairie plants remove carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store it in their root systems. The root systems of many perennial prairie plants grow very deep into the soil. When the prairie plant completes its life cycle, most of this carbon remains in the soil after the roots decompose. Forests Forest trees store the carbon they remove from the atmosphere during photosynthesis in both their aboveground and belowground biomasses. Trees that grow larger and that are longer lived can sequester and store more carbon than smaller short-lived trees can. However, the carbon in the tree"s aboveground biomass is only stored for as long as the tree is alive, after which most of it is returned to the atmosphere as the tree decomposes. Urban Tree Canopy Tree canopy provides shade that helps reduce ground surface temperatures, making it less expensive to cool our homes and reducing heat -related illnesses. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan V. t� _ i•, • .� � jam}► �,�, a►.• '�� ^".� - � � 1�� � � 6 •� �� -fir' � •f WSJ t �' - � �y �. - •. ' �— .tit. �C',• +� • .^, J ' w� • .I 41 _ - fip niw "OVA . �/►"t � �� � �c� � tea- •�_ ` 'j's�t' 'LIMY .)- •� - ~J S'' V4•.�`/�� r 4.0 Planning Process 4.1 Background The city council originally adopted an Energy Action Plan (EAP) by resolution No. 25-18 in 2018. The 2018 plan was primarily focused on goals and strategies to identify, measure, and act to reduce GHG emissions produced by city government operations and the broader community. The plan identified four areas of emphasis: energy, buildings, transportation, and waste and was broad in its approach. Some goals, strategies, and actions out of the city's control have had varying levels of success, while many of the actions identified as under direct city control have been completed or are in progress. Notable actions that have been completed include the following: • The completion of 10 megawatts of solar power and associated battery storage at the city's two wastewater treatment plants increased the city's clean energy percentage from 16 percent to 72 percent and significantly advanced the EAP goal of 100 percent clean energy for government operations by 2030. • Ongoing energy efficiency upgrades to city government facilities will result in 27 percent energy use reductions. • Fayetteville became a SolSmart designated solar - ready community by permitting commercial and residential solar energy as a use by right in all zoning districts and streamlining the permitting process to incentivize solar energy installations. To view a comprehensive list of actions, refer to Appendix A. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 20 4.2 Public Engagement The CAP was informed by the community. The city's sustainability team worked with project consultant Olsson to develop a Public Engagement Plan at the beginning of the project to direct public and stakeholder engagement activities. The Public Engagement Plan was continually updated throughout the project as schedules and project activities were adjusted to meet the project goals. The Public Engagement Plan broke the engagement process into two steps: (1) project launch and goals, and (2) project strategies. To inform the project's goals, strategies, and actions, the project team engaged stakeholders with subject matter expertise and conducted public outreach. At the project launch, the project team convened a stakeholder committee made up of environmental and sustainability professionals from area nonprofits, environmental and conservation advocacy groups, and city advisory boards. The committee's purpose was to assist with goal setting and provide ongoing project feedback. In February 2023, representatives from the city and the consultant team facilitated an initial virtual stakeholder meeting to educate and connect stakeholders and to gather input on goals and strategies. After an overview presentation of the project, the stakeholder group was divided into breakout rooms on eight different topics: energy, waste, water, transportation, ecosystem services, ecological resilience, carbon sequestration, and climate justice. Breakout rooms reported out priorities identified by their groups. The project team used these priorities to draft goals and strategies for each topic area. In the spring of 2023, the team conducted public outreach on the draft goals and strategies. A suite of educational display boards was created for both in -person and online use that provided background information on emission reduction strategies and nature -based solutions for climate change adaptation. The city hosted four public input events at the following places: (1) the Saturday Farmers Market, (2) Fayetteville Public Library, (3) Earth Day celebrations at the Marion Orton Recycling Center, and (4) Bryce Davis Park. Attendees conversed with staff about the development of the CAP and provided input on strategies and actions that the city could take. Survey access was provided on mobile tablets, and printed cards with the survey webpage and links were handed out for attendees to access the survey at home. In total, the CAP received 367 survey responses and staff estimated that 100 people were reached in person. Considering the comprehensive and technical aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, the project team was pleased with the public input response. A second stakeholder meeting was held in August 2023 to review the public input received, review and prioritize goals and strategies, and gather feedback before the draft and final CAP was prepared in the fall of 2023. Stakeholder Committee 1. Citizen Representative 2. City Council 3. Environmental Action Committee 4. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 5. Active Transportation Committee 6. Urban Forestry Advisory Board 7. Fayetteville Community Development and Assistance Programs Advisory Board 8. Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association 9. Beaver Watershed Alliance 10. Illinois River Watershed Partnership 11. Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission 12. Northwest Arkansas Land Trust 13. Watershed Conservation Resource Center 74. Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission 15. Fayetteville Black Heritage Preservation Commission 21 4.3 What is a climate action plan? A climate action plan is a strategic framework for both mitigating GHG emissions and adapting to a changing climate and extreme weather events. Climate action plans provide the road map for informed decision -making on policy and program initiatives that achieve realistic science -based carbon reduction and long- term resilience goals, strategies, and actions. Climate action plans include inventories of existing emissions, reduction strategies and targets, and prioritized actions. Climate Action Plan Emissions Reduction Strategies Reduce the drivers of climate change Nature -Based Solutions Acquire and improve natural ecosystems that buffer the impacts of extreme weather Energy no Ecosystems Services Reduce consumption and reduce e n Improve the land's ability to absorb/ Greenhoues Gas (GHG) emissions yJ adapt to weather impacts/events Transportation --••••• Climate Equity ....... Provide alternative transportation modes Ensure access and reduce 90 disparities of impacts from Ecosystem Resilience weather events Ow Waste Preserve unique ecosystems of interest Improve recycling rates and reduce landfill waste (. Water (new) Carbon Sequestration C� Improve water system efficiency C�z Improve carbon sinks Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 22 ! 7 1r '�' •r. ?t}. iI mot• 'G�. dd.` , a 4df(.. rhi� t� . CFO • i'r� � 1 +r r �. ow OWE -OFfir. .� :cb>. ►'�r"�� + .. _ �!'�' _ AM AM snow ■ ~ o` ' `Q.t�`' • atT �+ _rrw.� :F�'7� I �� AlII.M ■ a --• �, son r = an IL !ti1i Bmw _ � � •.a ,es: tc• � _i ' � I � c -.�. !6 am ::� it ' All iV ALAN 40 if AI _=7@ 3:,i, i ,.a., �� .<.•-t - , • �,�� . � �1�.4-cif. --- f� I � Mom' . �;•: '� t� k' � . �� e J� T'�.si,� � �' ��_ .,� . •, '� � ' - fir-• a - — - - - '- � - �i�y., _ �� .a -� . 4� +� DIY'_ s a• _ .� 7!� T'?�. 1, .'i `-'��`+liTf -•fix 5.0 Emissions Reduction Goals Stakeholder groups, community members, and City staff developed the following goals across four key sectors: energy, transportation, waste, and water. Over the last five years, our community has seen progress in energy efficiency and renewable energy, while transportation and natural gas usage remain primary contributors to city-wide emissions. As we complete major city government actions, we will shift resources to address these primary and other community -level contributors. In addition to concrete targets and the overarching net -zero by 2050 goal, we have added strategies and goals that capture year -over -year and per capita trends. This shift in approach will make it easier to compare the City of Fayetteville's progress to other communities. A more in-depth discussion of each goal and its related strategies is available below. ` \ 1. Achieve 100% clean energy usage for City of Fayetteville government operations by 2030. 1 ENERGY 2. Achieve community -wide 100% clean energy usage by 2050. • - 3. Reduce community per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions year over year. v 1. Reduce community per capita transportation emissions by 10% by 2030. 2. Create an equitable and sustainable multimodal transportation system for all ages and abilities. TRANSPORTATION 3. Transition City"s fleet to 10% alternative fuel vehicles by the year 2030 and reduce fleet emissions year over year. e) 1. Achieve a 40% waste diversion rate. WASTE2. Increase commercial and residential recycling program participation rates year over year. 0on3. Reduce per capita waste to the landfill by 5% by 2030. 1. Prepare, plan, and develop community response strategies and contingencies for extreme O weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. WATER 2. Reduce per capita water consumption by 5% by 2030. 3. Identify and prioritize the repair and installation of water system infrastructure to alleviate water leakage and accommodate growing system demands. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 24 Fayetteville"s energy goals follow the framework set out in the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. To keep the City aligned with the most up-to-date national and international targets, our goals are moving to include a science -based, net -zero target as our organizing philosophy. We are continuing to use the most up-to-date emissions factors in monitoring community progress. • v ' GOAL #1: Achieve 100% clean energy usage for City of Fayetteville government operations by 2030. ENERGYThe City of Fayetteville is committed to providing a roadmap for broader clean energy usage community wide. Increased energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electric retrofits will help the City lead by example. The strategies and action items below address the City's government operation targets for 2030 and beyond. KEY ACTION: Install ground and structure mounted solar to offset electricity usage for City government operations. STRATEGIES JMMMMMMMMML��ACTIIO Install ground and structure mounted solar to offset electricity usage for City government operations. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% renewable energy for the Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. community's energy supply. Reduce natural gas usage and transition to electric furnaces and appliances to improve efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. Explore the efficacy of purchasing carbon offsets to advance net -zero emissions. Retrofit existing City government facilities to make them more energy efficient. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Transition City government facilities from gas furnaces to heat pumps. 25 GOAL #2: Achieve community -wide 100% clean energy usage by 2050. The City of Fayetteville is committed to working with state and regional stakeholders and utility companies to work towards developing and implementing programs that help residents make their homes and businesses more energy efficient. KEY ACTION: Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. ILRATEGIE Pursue grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income households and neighborhoods. Pursue grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income households and neighborhoods. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% renewable energy for the community's energy supply. Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. Explore the development of local renewable gas capture through waste processing technologies. Improve residential and commercial energy efficiency throughout the Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. community. GOAL #3: Reduce community per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions year over year. Achieving city-wide energy goals will require partnerships and the participation of the entire community. Many of the key players and stakeholders necessary to achieve community level emission reductions are outside the City of Fayetteville's jurisdiction. As a result, the strategies and actions listed below are targeted towards working with utilities and other partners. Our region is well -positioned for increased solar and wind development, which is becoming more cost competitive and accessible year after year. Capturing these opportunities will be critical to achieving the City's community -wide goals. KEY ACTION: Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. Pursue grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income households and neighborhoods. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% renewable energy for the community's energy supply. Improve residential and commercial energy efficiency throughout the community. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. Explore the development of local renewable gas capture through waste processing technologies. Design and construct new City Government facilities that are energy efficient. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 26 TRANSPORTATION Vehicle emissions are the second-largest contribution to city-wide greenhouse gas emissions. In Fayetteville, our daily per capita vehicle miles traveled (VMT) has remained steady at 24.5 miles between 2018 and 2023. Transportation remains a challenging sector for emissions reduction, involving individual behavior changes, infrastructure decisions, local economic strength, and other factors. The following goals emphasize year -over -year change and actions within City control to promote overall success in this sector. GOAL #1: Reduce community per capita transportation emissions by 10% by 2030. Evaluating community transportation emissions on a per capita level will allow the City to better evaluate progress as our population continues to grow. We can also better compare our emissions to other similarly situated communities. Key strategies within the City"s control will include continued investment in active transportation, micro -mobility, electric vehicle, and public transit infrastructure. KEY ACTION: Initiate a City -led rezoning of the 71B-College Ave. corridor to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. Deploy publicly available alternative fuel infrastructure (EV charging stations) Support development of an on -going and sustainable funding source to support regional transit operations. Support and encourage the expansion of alternative and active transportation options Support the creation and implementation of robust and efficient public transportation systems. Utilize funding support opportunities to develop and expand the community's electric vehicle charging stations. Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility and active transportation through the development of safe and convenient infrastructure and amenities. (e.g., E-bikes, scooters, bicycle storage, etc.). Develop an e-bike incentive program to offset costs for low-income e-bike purchases. Initiate a City led rezoning of the 71B-College Ave. corridor to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations 27 GOAL #2: Create an equitable and sustainable multimodal transportation system for all ages and abilities. Common transportation modes include vehicles, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians. Multimodal transportation systems invest in infrastructure for all these modes and more, increasing public transit and active transportation while removing additional vehicles from the street system. This can reduce congestion, pollution, and overall transportation sector emissions. Strategies targeting this goal include investment in local public and active transportation systems, as well as public transit at the regional level. KEY ACTION: Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. STRATEG Support development of an on -going and sustainable funding source to support regional transit operations. ACTIONS Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Support and encourage the expansion of alternative Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. and active transportation options Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility and active transportation through the development of safe and convenient infrastructure and amenities (e.g., E-bikes, scooters, bicycle storage, etc.). Develop an e-bike incentive program to offset costs for low-income e-bike purchases. Initiate a City led rezoning of the 71B-College Ave. corridor to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. Support the creation and implementation of robust and Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. efficient public transportation systems. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 28 GOAL# 3: Transition City s fleet to 10% alternative fuel vehicles by the year 2030 and reduce fleet emissions year over year. The city government fleet includes vehicles used for maintenance, fire and police, and day-to-day operations. Currently, the city fleet is the second largest source of city government greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning the city fleet to electric and hybrid vehicles will significantly reduce the city's carbon footprint and annual fuel costs. KEY ACTION: Transition City fleet vehicles to fuel efficient hybrid, electric vehicles, and other alternative fuel vehicles. STRATEGIES Develop a comprehensive City fleet transition plan and timeline. Increase the percentage of fuel efficient and alternative fuel Transition City fleet vehicles to fuel efficient hybrid, electric vehicles, and other vehicles in City fleet to reduce GHG emissions. alternative fuel vehicles. Transition maintenance equipment to low emissions technology 29 The anaerobic decay of waste in landfills emits greenhouse gases. To reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, the Recycling and Trash Collection Division manages municipal recycling and compost programs for City customers. While upstream reduction of waste at an individual and commercial level are important steps to achieving a reduced waste stream, the following goals and strategies target actions within the City's control. GOAL #1: Achieve a 40% waste diversion rate. WASTEIncreased capture of recyclable and compostable material is vital to achieving the City's waste reduction goals. Individual households and businesses play a role through actively participating in city programs. A significant portion of the City's waste stream is also generated through construction and demolition activities (C&D), which provide a new opportunity for waste diversion on a larger scale. The below strategies will help achieve all three of the City's waste goals. KEY ACTION: Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Engage residents through recycling education and outreach to increase recycling participation and waste diversion rates. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. Utilize capture rate data to design and target Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve effective recycling programs and practices. the community Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Increase community participation rates through the development of new or expanded programs. Grow the City's food waste collection and drop-off program to increase the amount of City generated compost. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 30 Develop public -private partnerships to increase materials collected or reach new customers. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. Expand recycling collection and processing capacity Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve to meet growing demand and increased volume of the community collected materials Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Work with partners and processors to develop a regional construction and demolition (C&D) processing facility. Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Advocate for, and participate in, regional solutions Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects to reduce waste, and increase recycling, and grow city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. demand for regional circular economies. Work with regional partners and cities to plan for the eventual closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. Develop and implement Environmental Purchasing Policy directive for City operations. GOAL #2: Increase commercial and residential recycling program participation rates year over year. The Recycling and Trash Division work continuously on developing recycling outreach programs and testing new or alternative ways to increase recycling and trash diversion rates among residents and businesses. Some examples include the increasing number of food waste drop-off locations and staff"s testing of various recycling programs that can serve many residents living in large apartment complexes. The City's pay -as -you -throw trash program is also designed to incentivize recycling through rate structure design - the less trash you generate the less you pay. This allows customers to utilize smaller and less expensive trash carts by recycling more of their everyday waste. The rate structure for the pay -as -you -throw service needs to be periodically adjusted to ensure that this incentive is effective. KEY ACTION: Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize waste diversion and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. 31 Engage residents through recycling education and outreach to increase recycling participation and Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. waste diversion rates. Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and Utilize capture rate data to design and target ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. effective recycling programs and practices. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Increase community participation rates through the development of new or expanded programs. Develop public -private partnerships to increase materials collected or reach new customers. (Food Waste P-U) Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded Expand recycling collection and processing capacity compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. to meet growing demand and increased volume of Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. collected materials Work with partners and processors to develop a regional construction and demolition (C&D) processing facility. Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 32 GOAL #3: Reduce per capita waste to the landfill by 5% by 2030.. The Recycling and Trash Division records the amount of trash generated for the landfill and the amount and types of materials recycled. In 2023 the City recycled 6,172 tons of material, composted 10,489 tons of organics, and disposed of 77,250 tons of trash to the landfill. Given the size and processing limitations of the existing recycling and transfer station facilities the expansion of new or existing recycling programs is severely limited. Additionally, the City's rapidly increasing population is also straining existing processing capabilities. The City has developed expansion plans for the existing facilities and as these improvements are implemented the City"s processing capabilities will allow for increased diversion of recyclable materials that currently end up in the landfill. KEY ACTION: Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Engage residents through recycling education and outreach to increase recycling participation and Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. waste diversion rates. Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. Utilize capture rate data to design and target Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve effective recycling programs and practices. the community Increase community participation rates through the development of new or expanded programs. Develop public -private partnerships to increase materials collected or reach new customers. (Food Waste P-U) Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. 33 Expand recycling collection and processing capacity to meet growing demand and increased volume of collected materials Work with partners and processors to develop a regional construction and demolition (C&D) processing facility. Advocate for, and participate in, regional solutions to reduce waste, and increase recycling, and grow demand for regional circular economies. Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Work with regional partners and cities to plan for the eventual closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. Develop and implement Environmental Purchasing Policy directive for City operations. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 34 Water is a new sector of focus for the City"s climate mitigation strategy. The water -energy nexus is the nearly inextricable linkage between water and energy. Every step of the municipal water cycle —producing, moving, treating, and heating water, then collecting o g and treating wastewater —consumes energy. In recognition of this energy -water relationship, the City is seeking to address how extreme weather, water consumption, and infrastructure all play a role in climate mitigation and adaptation. GOAL 1: Prepare, plan, and develop community response strategies and contingencies for extreme weather events such WATER as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. The changing climate increases the likelihood of extreme weather, many of which impact water availability and consumption. Normal fluctuations in weather also impact water use. For example, Fayetteville has higher demand for water during summer months when temperatures are higher, which will only be exacerbated as summer temperatures rise. The following strategies and actions address and plan for these realities. KEY ACTION: Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Work with regional partners and the Beaver Water Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, and District on water conservation and watershed outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. protection policies, programs, and projects. Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. (water education position) Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. Explore the adoption of water conservation plumbing regulations for new development. 35 GOAL #2: Reduce per capita water consumption by 5% by 2030. Reduction in consumption will require changes in individual and commercial behaviors. The City can supplement, and support changed behaviors through regulation, education, and infrastructure improvements. By measuring this goal on a per capita and year over year basis, we can ensure continual progress as our community grows. KEY ACTION: Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. Work with regional partners and the Beaver Water Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, and District on water conservation and watershed protection outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. policies, programs, and projects. Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. Improve resource and energy efficiency of water/ wastewater pumping and treatment. Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. (water education position) Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment system. (water education position) Explore the adoption of water conservation plumbing regulations for new development. Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment system. (educator position) Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. Support the creation of a stormwater utility. Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 36 GOAL #3: Identify and prioritize the repair and installation of water system infrastructure to alleviate water leakage and accommodate growing system demands. As Fayetteville's community continues to grow, the City must ensure that our water infrastructure is able to serve both the existing and incoming population. Increased system efficiencies can reduce overall water consumption by preventing unnecessary water loss, as well as overall energy demand. KEY ACTION: Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. Improve resource and energy efficiency of water/ wastewater pumping and treatment. Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment system. (educator position) Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. 37 6.0 Nature -Based Solutions Goals Stakeholder groups, community members, City staff and Olsson developed the following goals across four sectors: ecosystem services, ecosystem resilience, and carbon sequestration & storage. These goals will guide the City's efforts to adapt to extreme weather events while mitigating carbon emissions through Nature - Based Solutions using natural infrastructure in the City's planning area. A more in-depth discussion of each goal and its related strategies is available below. 1. Prepare, plan, and develop strategies and contingencies for extreme weather events. O 2. Identify lands within the City's planning area that provide highest ecosystem services for nECOSYSTEM resilience to extreme weather events. SERVICES3. Preserve lands within the City's planning area that provide high ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. 4. Restore and improve ecosystem services provided by existing preserved natural areas. 5. Reduce climate change threats to public infrastructure and private property. 1. Identify lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. ECOSYSTEM2. Preserve lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. RESILIENCE 3. Restore and enhance City -owned or managed lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. 4. Support on -going ecological education and outreach efforts by local expert organizations. 1 CARBON 1. Measure and track carbon sequestration in the City's tree canopy and natural CO2 SEQUESTRATION environment. 2. Increase carbon sequestration into the City's soils, plants, and tree's biomass. 3. Preserve and enhance existing carbon sinks such as wetlands, prairies, and forests. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 38 00 Nature -based solutions that utilize ecosystem services provided by lands in the City's planning area will help the City adapt to the n O impacts from extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, and extreme heat. The following goals and strategies emphasize actions within City control to identify and improve lands within the City's planning area that provide ecosystem services such as flood and erosion control, surface water retention, groundwater recharge, and shade. � GOAL #1: Prepare, plan, and develop strategies and contingencies for extreme weather events. ECOSYSTEMThe City will take a pro -active approach to extreme weather events, including but not limited to educating the residents of Fayetteville SERVICESon ways in which they can help reduce impacts from these events. KEY ACTION: Update response measures in Fayetteville emergency management plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (heat, drought, flood, winter storms). Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communication and outreach during extreme weather events. Reduce the impacts of drought on the regional water system through water conservation efforts. Update response measures in Fayetteville emergency management plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (heat, drought, flood, winter storms). Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. GOAL #2: Identify lands within the City's planning area that provide the highest ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. For the City to be most effective when implementing nature -based solutions for ecological adaptation, lands which provide the highest ecosystem services for adaptation to extreme weather events must first be identified to understand how these efforts should be prioritized. This includes lands with riparian buffers, wetlands, ponds/reservoirs, tree canopy, and/or little to no impervious surfaces. KEY ACTION: Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. Develop additional parks planning and development tools to help preserve open space and repurpose existing city properties that provide access to nature and deliver environmental services. Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. W GOAL #3: Preserve lands within the City's planning area that provide high ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. Lands identified as having high ecosystem services value for adaptation to extreme weather events should be prioritized for preservation and conservation efforts. Preserved lands can also serve additional purposes, such as locations for city parks, trails, or outdoor recreation. KEY ACTION: Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. Update the Enduring Green Network Map to more closely align with probable acquisition and Update and refine the Enduring Green Network spatial layers and explore additional regulatory preservation pathways and concentrate priorities protections to ensure the development of a complete and connected network of useful public open space. on achievable conservation goals. Conduct a development impact fee study for parkland dedication. Develop a strategy to increase the permanent preservation of lands. Develop a multi -year program with support from additional conservation organizations to allocate funding for land acquisition. Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition Develop zoning and development regulations to and preservation of natural lands. help conserve open space. Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring Green Network. Protect and enhance of the water quality of Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Fayetteville's streams, lakes, and wetlands. Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund infrastructure and preservation of natural lands. and land acquisition investments. Repurpose areas susceptible to repetitive flooding to park/conservation areas with ecosystem benefits. Balance open space land preservation efforts by Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring Green supporting increased density and development Network. within the core of the City with consideration to linked growth concepts. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 40 GOAL #4: Restore and improve ecosystem services provided by existing preserved natural areas. Existing preserved lands identified as having high ecosystem services value for adaptation to extreme weather events should be prioritized for conservation and restoration efforts. KEY ACTION: Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. Develop targets and implement a tree planting program aligned with the canopy goal. Protect and enhance of the water quality of Fayetteville"s streams, lakes, and wetlands. Secure the necessary funding to meet the annual tree planting targets and implement a tree establishment program. Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. Identify new open space maintenance programs and technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. Identify, map, and prioritize streambank erosion locations for Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. restoration. Measure, track, and improve water quality in Fayetteville Create acity-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. watersheds. Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund infrastructure and land acquisition investments. Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. 41 GOAL #5: Reduce climate change threats to public infrastructure and private property. The reduction of threats by climate change to public infrastructure and private property can be accomplished in part by implementing nature -based solutions that reduce flooding, erosion, extreme heat. KEY ACTION: Update response measures in the Fayetteville Emergency Management Plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (heat, drought, flood, winter storms). Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, and Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. on emergency preparedness, communication, and Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. outreach during extreme weather events. Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Explore the use of new technology to reduce urban heat island impacts produced by paved surfaces. Mitigate the impacts of extreme heat to the residents Identify and designate resilience hubs/cooling centers in the Emergency Management/Climate and ecosystems of Fayetteville. Resiliency Plan. Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. Update response measures in the Fayetteville Emergency management Plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (Heat, drought, flood, winter storms). Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Review and implement recommended changes to tree ordinances. Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Update tree lists that prioritize native and climate -resilient tree species. Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund infrastructure and Support the creation of a stormwater utility. land acquisition investments. Identify opportunities to "rewild° parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. Repurpose areas susceptible to repetitive flooding to park/conservation areas with ecosystem benefits. Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 42 Nature -based solution that enhance the ecological resilience of lands within the City"s planning area to the impacts of climate change will improve the ability of these lands to provide ecosystem services that help the City to adapt to the impacts from extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, and extreme heat. The following goals and strategies emphasize actions within City control to improve the resilience of lands within the City"s planning area to environmental stressors associated with climate change. GOAL #1: Identify lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. ECOSYSTEMBiodiversity and topographic diversity improve an ecosystem's resilience to impacts from climate change. For the City to be most RESILIENCE effective when implementing nature -based solutions for ecological adaptation, lands which provide the highest ecosystem resilience to extreme weather events must first be identified to understand how these efforts should be prioritized. This includes lands with high biodiversity, topographic diversity, species of conservation concern, and/or unique habitats. KEY ACTION: Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. Quantify the ecosystem services of the city"s urban forest. Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. Identify opportunities to "rewild" parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. Update the Enduring Green Network Map to more closely align with probable acquisition and Utilize the spatial data provided in the Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map layers to update preservation pathways and concentrate priorities the Enduring Green Network map. on achievable conservation goals. Measure, track, and improve water quality in Create acity-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. Fayetteville watersheds. GOAL #2: Preserve lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Lands identified as having high ecological resilience value for adaptation to extreme weather events should be prioritized for preservation and conservation efforts. Preserved lands can also serve additional purposes, such as locations for city parks, trails, or outdoor recreation. KEY ACTION: Develop a multi -year program with support from additional conservation organizations to allocate funding for land acquisition. 43 Develop additional planning and development tools to help preserve open space and repurpose existing city properties that provide access to nature and deliver environmental services. Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. Identify new open space maintenance programs and technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. Utilize the spatial data provided in the Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map layers to update the Enduring Green Network map. Develop a Conservation Development Overlay District map that identifies appropriate locations for conservation subdivision development. Create environmental or conservation zoning district regulations that can be utilized by property owners to Develop a strategy to increase the permanent set aside land for open space or conservation. preservation of lands. Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition and preservation of natural lands. Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring Green Network. Conduct a development impact fee study for parkland dedication. Acquire at least 100 acres of land with very high value for climate resilience by 2040. Strengthen partnerships with existing natural resource groups to supplement the City's limited capacity for natural resource projects and encourage local Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. stewardship. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in their endeavors to protect, Develop a multi -year program with support from additional conservation organizations to allocate funding enhance, and acquire ecologically valuable open for land acquisition. spaces and riparian corridors. Develop a Conservation Development Overlay District map that identifies appropriate locations for conservation subdivision development. Develop zoning and development regulations to help Create environmental or conservation zoning district regulations that can be utilized by property owners to conserve open space. set aside land for open space or conservation. Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition and preservation of natural lands. Protect and enhance the water quality of Fayetteville"s Implement priority actions identified in the Lake Fayetteville Water Quality Study. streams, lakes, and wetlands. Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 44 GOAL #3: Restore and enhance City -owned or managed lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Biodiversity is essential for healthy ecosystems and improves the ability of an ecosystem to adapt to environmental stressors and adapt to climate change. The greater the species -richness of an ecosystem, the more species are available to fill ecological niches when other species that once filled that niche are wiped out. KEY ACTION: Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Continue to seek grant funding and the use of volunteers to remove invasive plants and replace with native plants in public open spaces. Partner with conservation agencies and non- profits to develop strategies to preserve known species of conservation concern identified on City owned and/or managed property. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in their endeavors to protect, enhance, and acquire ecologically valuable open spaces and riparian corridors. Utilize plant species with characteristics that provide optimal ecological benefit on City owned and/or managed properties. Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Identify opportunities to "rewild" parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Implement priority actions identified in the Lake Fayetteville Water Quality Study Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Update tree lists that prioritize native and climate -resilient tree species. Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Host native milkweed and pollinator plant giveaway events to promote pollinator friendly habitat. 45 GOAL #4: Support on -going ecological education and outreach efforts by local expert organizations. Environmental education is key to build public awareness and support of the initiatives implemented by the City, as well as helping residents of Fayetteville understand how they can reduce their own impacts and improve the ecosystem services and ecological resilience where they live. KEY ACTION: Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. Partner with conservation agencies and non- profits to develop strategies to preserve known species of conservation concern identified on City owned and/or managed property. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in their endeavors to protect, enhance, and acquire ecologically valuable open spaces and riparian corridors. Utilize plant species with characteristics that provide optimal ecological benefit on City owned and/or managed properties. Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Host native milkweed and pollinator plant giveaway events to promote pollinator friendly habitat. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 46 Nature -based solutions that preserve existing carbon stocks and improve carbon sequestration on lands within the City's planning area will help the City to mitigate carbon emissions from land development and other sources. The following goals and strategies emphasize actions within City control to preserve existing carbon stocks and increase carbon sequestration of CO2 lands within the City's planning area. \ GOAL #1: Measure and track carbon sequestration in the City's tree canopy and natural environment. CARBONMeasuring the quantity of existing carbon stocks in the City's urban tree canopy, prairies, and wetlands and tracking SEQUESTRATION changes to these carbon stocks is essential for understanding the ability of lands within the City to contribute to the mitigation carbon emissions originating from deforestation, soil disturbance, and technological sources. KEY ACTION: Calculate the carbon sequestration, storage, and avoided carbon generated from the citywide urban tree canopy cover. Quantify the ecosystem services of the city's urban forest. Calculate the carbon sequestration, storage, and avoided carbon generated from the citywide urban tree canopy cover. GOAL #2: Increase carbon sequestration into the City's soils, plants, and trees biomass. Strategies to increase carbon sequestration on lands within the City planning area can also provide additional benefits that improve ecological resilience and provide ecosystem services. KEY ACTION: Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Identify best management practices to increase carbon sequestration on city -owned lands. Identify, promote, and utilize native tree and plant species with characteristics that enable them to provide optimal carbon sequestration into their biomass. Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Distribute native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Encourage the continued growth and expansion of organics Grow the City's food waste collection and drop-off program to increase the amount of City capture and composting programs to build and support local soil health and carbon sequestration. generated compost. 47 GOAL #3: Preserve and enhance existing carbon sinks such as wetlands, prairies, and forests. In general, reducing emissions by preventing the loss or degradation of natural ecosystems is more cost-effective and immediate than restoring carbon to damaged ecosystems. However, reforestation of degraded ecosystems can include a range of practices. While natural regeneration is a more cost-effective approach than planting23 and leads to more resilient and biodiverse forests,24 planting can result in more rapid absorption of CO2 over the first twenty years.L5 "Reforestation" as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is carried out on lands which have been forested at some point in the previous 50 years, while "afforestation" involves creating a forest on other non -forested lands.26 While afforestation of natural grasslands, wetlands, or savannas can contribute to climate change mitigation, it is often harmful to biodiversity27 and is therefore not seen as a nature -based solution.28 KEY ACTION: Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Include carbon sequestration as a consideration for land conservation and acquisition. Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Distribute native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Acquire lands with high carbon sequestration value. Generally, tree species that provides optimal carbon sequestration and storage have more than one of the following characteristics: • Tree species that are naturally long-lived will store carbon for a longer period, • Tree species that produce large quantities of woody biomass can store more carbon than species that provide less woody biomass, • Tree species that have a fast growth -rate will sequester more carbon in a shorter amount of time than slow -growing species, • Tree species with large crowns and/or large leaf sizes provide optimal photosynthetic activity and removal of carbon from the atmosphere. Herbaceous species that provide optimal carbon sequestration and storage have both of the following characteristics: • Species with dense, deep fibrous root systems sequester a greater amount of carbon into the soil due to having higher root biomass than species with other types of root systems and can store carbon deeper into the soil than species with shorter root systems. • Long-lived perennial species sequester carbon into the soil for a longer period than short-lived species such as annuals, biennials, and short-lived perennials. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 48 7.0 Climate Equity Goals Equity considerations include measures that align with both the Emissions Reduction and Nature -Based Solutions sections. Emission reduction strategies include clean energy procurement for the community, home weatherization programs, and equitable recycling services for all residents. Nature -Based Solutions for climate equity are focused on access to meaningful open space, mitigating property loss and resident displacement due to flooding events and providing shade to combat the effects of urban heat islands. Stakeholder groups, community members, City staff and Olsson developed the following goals for climate equity. These goals will guide the City's efforts to ensure that all people share the benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. A more in-depth discussion of each goal and its related strategies is available below. / 1. Identify, prioritize, and mitigate climate change impacts on underserved or vulnerable neighborhoods and populations. CLIMATE2. Provide access to useful public open space in proximity to low-income or disadvantaged EQUITY populations. 3. Build a complete and connected active transportation network withing a 10-minute walk of every resident by 2030. 49 The Climate Resilience Map developed with this Climate Action Plan will be used to help guide the decision -making process around policies, projects and programs that will create equitable outcomes to the social impacts of climate change for all Fayetteville residents. Strategies such as documenting, mapping, and mitigating the impacts of re -occurring flood loss in low-income or disadvantaged [� neighborhoods create stronger and more resilient communities. Similarly, tree planting programs directed at low-income and �J disadvantaged communities will help reduce urban heat and improve human health outcomes. GOAL #1: Identify, prioritize, and mitigate climate change impacts on underserved or vulnerable neighborhoods and CLIMATE populations. EQUITYAs the City considers which nature -based solutions to implement, lands which provide ecosystem services that mitigate impacts of extreme weather events on underserved or vulnerable populations must first be identified in order to understand how these efforts should be prioritized to ensure climate equity. KEY ACTION: Coordinate with Urban Forestry to continue implementing tree planting initiatives in low-income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. Develop mapping tools to better understand the spatial proximity of low-income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to public open space and trail corridors. Formalize and integrate climate justice and equity considerations into planning processes. Include climate action initiatives and infrastructure improvements in low- income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events such as heat, drought and floods brought on by climate change. Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Coordinate with Urban Forestry to continue implementing tree planting initiatives in low- income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. Incrementally acquire land and construct stormwater infrastructure improvements to reduce flooding especially in low-income neighborhoods. Support the creation of a stormwater utility. Support community housing policies, programs and initiatives that provide Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. housing assistance and support services for low-income and disadvantaged Develop mitigation, acquisition, or relocation measures to minimize flooding loss and families and individuals displaced by extreme weather events. displacement of low-income or disadvantaged groups or individuals. Pursue grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income households and neighborhoods. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 50 GOAL #2: Provide access to useful public open space in proximity to low-income or disadvantaged populations. Useful public open space can provide locations for residents to seek refuge from extreme heat, or provide ecosystem services, such as flood control, that benefit low-income or disadvantaged populations. KEY ACTION: Coordinate with the Parks Master Plan to continue to incrementally acquire parkland and trail corridors in areas with low accessibility or proximity to public open space. Develop mapping tools to better understand the spatial proximity of low- Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to public open space and trail corridors. and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Include climate action initiatives and infrastructure improvements in low-income/ disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events such as heat, drought and floods brought on by climate change. Coordinate with the Parks Master Plan to continue to incrementally acquire parkland and trail corridors in areas with low accessibility or proximity to public open space. Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). GOAL #3: Build a complete and connected active transportation network withing a 10-minute walk of every resident by 2030. An active transportation network includes infrastructure for bicycles and pedestrians, which provides safe, equitable mobility for those with limited access to vehicles, while simultaneously improving health, reducing traffic congestion, air pollution, and overall transportation sector emissions. KEY ACTION: Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Support compact, complete and connected land use development patterns that encourage multi - modal transportation options and reduce automobile dependency. Support and encourage the expansion of alternative and active transportation options Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 51 8.0 Planning Tools 8.1 Climate Resilience Map Background With feedback from the public survey, stakeholders, and the city's Environmental Action Committee, the project team and city geographic information system (GIS) staff developed a mapping tool to understand the climate resilience value of each parcel in the city's planning area. Each parcel is assigned a climate resilience score, which is a composite of three subscores related to the features and characteristics of that parcel that provide nature - based solutions to climate change. The climate resilience score is ranked as follows: 1. Ecosystem Services Subscore (adaptation) 2. Ecosystem Resilience Subscore (adaptation) 3. Carbon Sequestration and Storage Subscore (mitigation) For the subscores related to adaptation, equal weight is given to both Ecosystem Services and to Ecosystem Resilience; eight indicators were analyzed for each of the two categories. The tool also identifies locations for potential projects to improve climate adaptation, such as parcels with identified streambank erosion risks, impaired streams, floodways, or potential sites where the construction of ponds for surface water retention and groundwater recharge may be considered at some point in the future. For the mitigation subscore, four indicators of the carbon sequestration and storage value of a parcel were used to identify high -value natural carbon stocks for potential preservation. Some parcels have multiple indicators. This is intentional, because these features on the landscape provide multiple benefits for climate resilience. For example, wetlands and riparian areas can each provide flood control, wildlife habitat, and carbon sequestration while also improving water quality. Similarly, tree canopy can reduce urban heat while also indicating the presence of high - quality riparian areas and forested carbon stocks. Additional details on the background and logic used for the Climate Resilience Map can be found on the Climate Action Plan webpage. Recommended Uses The Climate Resilience Map is public -facing and intended for a wide range of uses and users, including the following: • Helping appointed or elected officials gain a fuller understanding of any impacts their decisions may or may not have on the natural resources within the city's planning area. • Allowing city staff to objectively quantify and compare different parcels as policies, ordinances, and city master plans are developed or updated. • Helping city staff and community advocacy organizations assess the benefits a particular natural resource may have to underserved or disadvantaged communities or identify where improvements to natural resources are needed to assure the equitable distribution of benefits from nature -based solutions to underserved or disadvantaged communities. • Informing environmental organizations and nonprofits as they work to improve, restore, or preserve natural areas within the city. • Helping private landowners or land managers understand the ecological value of land they own or manage and what improvements to advance climate resilience may be needed. • Helping residents to better understand their natural environment and engage with city initiatives. A Dynamic, Living Tool The Climate Resilience Map lays a foundation that can be improved and built on over time. Additional layers can be added as more data becomes available or as additional parcels are improved or preserved. City staff members may become aware of additional details about certain parcels through ground-truthing efforts or from local and regional experts in natural resources, and the Climate Resilience Map should be updated to include this additional data to improve the accuracy and level of detail captured by the tool. Finally, additional components may also be added to allow the tool to be implemented across a greater sphere within the region by linking this tool with other GIS tools or by using the Climate Resilience Score as a component to inform additional geospatial analyses conducted by the city or by regional organizations. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 52 1 r-•-•-- - - 71B q - ' i.______.____... . `- .�`. ro ................ ..... •t .i, r JIL I -fit' , :f • ti �� - j• rtrl rJ' 62 L �� --1 I e. I zss __:;r!i� - - - _ • - D % 1 2 3 Miles s2B ;� ,ti The data cord —d herein vies compiled ham various source fir the mle us and { r I city Limits ------- Planned Shared_U se Trail + High Climate Resilience Score �� a Ind bnd if th Cit oo'f F,yHI ii, ... Ada tit rbt Ci d F g noiill1,n r 1- k P anfin Area Low v High Ina a the at . m aeeree, es d a b mw — from the r . _ g iiiiiii■ g / u f thls date. Th C h :f Fe ftelmll k s n, em plied •nerr—b: vulh kren¢ to th dibiii. N, — ph , n clew t M heen sha'I be Existing Shared -Use Trail Medium + Proteded Parcel CITY of mnn.m dt,w,Po tldlm,,Myaettdhu,d,rAM,neas law. Fayetteville, AR FAYETTEVILLE cre. ea a�noz• A. KANSAS path G:USN.pb ,,2a221Clinete Resilence PI.ICrmete Resilencel"limete Resiienm.epn 53 8.2 Prioritization Tool The project team compiled the data, comments, and aspirations gathered during the community and stakeholder input to develop goals, strategies, and actions for both the emission reductions and nature -based solutions sections of the plan. This culminated in a hierarchy of 27 goals, with 53 underlying strategies and 80 actions. The 80 actions were further refined by analyzing and scoring their efficacy and feasibility based on the following factors: necessary funding, feasibility, revenue potential, climate equity potential, GHG emissions reductions, resilience impact potential, city control, and community support. A score was then assigned to the action for each prioritization factor. A final relative priority score was assigned by summing the scores from each of the efficacy and feasibility factors. The prioritization tool and factor definitions are found in Appendix C of this document. Below is a list of the highest priority actions for each category in this plan. SECTOR ACTION ID CAP ACTION E.A-3 Install ground and structure mounted solar to offset electricity usage for City government operations. E.A-6 Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. ENERGY TA-2 Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive TA-3Install users TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. TRANSPORTATION TA-7 Transition City fleet vehicles to fuel efficient hybrid, electric vehicles, and other alternative fuel vehicles. W.A-2 Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, n ^ processing, and storage capacity. Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and WA-4 WASTE ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 54 SECTOR ACTION ID CAP ACTION Wtr.A-5 Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. 0 Wtr.A-6 Support the creation of a stormwater utility. WATER Wtr.A-8 Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. Update and refine the Enduring Green Network spatial layers and explore additional regulatory EcoSrv.A-1 protections to ensure the development of a complete and connected network of useful public open space. EcoSrv.A-3 Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. (Resilient Natural Systems) D Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur EcoSrv.A-4 acquisition and preservation of natural lands. (Parks Master Plan) (Conservation Plan) EcoSrv.A-5 Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring ECOSYSTEM Green Network. SERVICES EcoSrv.A-6 Conduct a development impact fee study for parkland dedication. EcoSrv.A-9 Identify new open space maintenance programs and technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. 55 SECTOR ACTION ID CAP ACTION EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Secure the necessary funding to meet the annual tree planting targets and implement a tree QD EcoSrv.A 12 establishment program. Develop a multi -year program with support from additional conservation organizations to ECOSYSTEM EcoSrv.A 13 allocate funding for land acquisition. SERVICES (Continued) EcoSrv.A-14 Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. EcoSrv.A-15 Update response measures in Fayetteville emergency management plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (Heat, drought, flood, winter storms). EcoRes.A-5 Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of - way. 0 EcoRes.A-7 Update tree lists that prioritize native and climate -resilient tree species. ECOSYSTEM RESILIENCEEcoRes.A-11 Acquire at least 100 acres of land with very high value for climate resilience by 2040. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 56 SECTOR ACTION ID CAP ACTION CrbSq.A-2 Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. CO2 CrbSq.A-3 Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. CARBON SEQUESTRATION CrbSq.A-6 Acquire lands with high carbon sequestration value. Egty.A-2 Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Egty.A-3 Coordinate with Urban Forestry to continue implementing tree planting initiatives in low-income/ disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. 9 Incrementally acquire land and construct stormwater infrastructure improvements to reduce Egty.A 4 flooding especially in low-income neighborhoods. CLIMATE EQUITY Egty.A-5 Coordinate with the Parks Master Plan to continue to incrementally acquire parkland and trail corridors in areas with low accessibility or proximity to public open space. Egty.A-6 Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Egty.A-7 Develop mitigation, acquisition, or relocation measures to minimize flooding loss and displacement of low-income or disadvantaged groups or individuals. 57 Endnotes 1 University of Oxford. (2023). What is Net Zero? Net Zero Climate. https://netzeroclimate.org/what-is-net-zero-2/ 2 Environmental Protection Agency. (2016). What climate change means for Arkansas, EPA 430-F-16-006. https://19january20l7snapshot.epa.gov/sites/ prod uction/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-ar.pdf 3 Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. (2015). Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1736V6TbMlgQBgl72hcEpVivohnBMgR9u/view 4 Kusler, J. (2006). Common questions: Wetland, climate change, and carbon sequestering. Association of State Wetland Managers & The International Institute for Wetland Science and Public Policy. https://www.nawm.org/pdf_lib/11_carbon_6_26_06.pdf 5 Kunkel, K.E., Stevens, L.E., Stevens, S.E., Sun, L., Janssen, E., Weubbles, D., Konrad, C.E., Fuhrmann, C.M., Keim, B.D., Kruk, M.C., Billot, A., Needham, H., Shafer, M., & Dobson, J.G. (2013). Regional climate trends and scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 2. Climate of the Southeast U.S., NESDIS 142 2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. kttps://scenorios.globoIchange.gov/sites/default/files/NOAA_NESDIS_Tech_Report_142-2-CIimate_of_ the_ Southeast_U.S_O.pdf 6 Carter, L. M., Jones, J. W., Berry, L., Burkett, V., Murley, J.F., Obeysekera, J., Schramm, P.J., & Wear, D. (2014). Southeast and the Caribbean. In J.M. Melillo, T.C. Richmond, & G.W. Yoke (Eds.), Climate change impacts in the United States: The third National Climate Assessment (pp. 396-417). U.S. Global Change Research Program. kttps://nca20l4.globalchange.gov/report/regions/southeast 7 Boyett, B., & Lee, T. (2022, May 5). More than 60 rescued in flash flooding throughout Northwest Arkansas. 5NEWS. https://www.5newsonline.com/article/ weather/severe-weather/more-than-60-rescued-in-flash-flood ing-throughout-northwest-arkansas/527-89e29afa-e710-4936-bf7a-766f0a2572e4. 8 Early, N. (2021, April 30). Flash floods hit state's Northwest; 3 counties declare disasters after 6 inches of rain. Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette. https:// www.a rka nsasonl ine.com/news/2021/apr/30/flash-floods-hit-states-northwest. 9 Lindsey, R. & Dahlman, L. (2023). Climate change: Global temperature. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.climate.gov/news- features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature 10 Lindsey, R. (2023). Climate change: Atmospheric carbon dioxide. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/ understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide 11 Lindsey, R. (2022). Climate change: Global sea level. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/ understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level 12 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. (2023). U.S. Billion -Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/billions/ Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 58 13 City of Fayetteville. (2018). Climate Resilience Assessment. https://sustaina6ility.uark.edu/_resources/pdfs/REPORTS/ua_cof_climate_resilience_ assessment_2018_v6.pdf 14 Association of State Wetland Managers. (2015). Wetlands and climate change: Considerations for wetland program managers. https://www.nawm.org/pdf_ lib/wetlands_and_climate_change_consideratons_for_wetland_program_managers_0715.pdf. 15 The International Union for Conservation. (2023). Nature -based solutions. https://www.iucn.org/our-work/nature-based-solutions 16 Intergovernmental Science -Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. (2019). Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science -Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. E.S. Brondizio, J. Settele, S. Diaz, & H.T. Ngo (Eds). https://www.ipbes.net/ global -assessment 17 Griscom, B.W., Adams, J., Ellis, P.W., Houghton, R.A., Lomax, G., Miteva, D.A., Schlesinger, W.H., Shock, D., Siikamaki, J.V., Smith, P., Woodbury, P., Zganjar, C., Blackman, A., Campari, J., Conant, R.T., Delgado, C., Elias, P., Gopalakrishna, T., Hamsik, M.R., Herrero, ... Fargione, J. (2017). Natural climate solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(44), 11645-11650. kttps://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1710465114 18 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2023). Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Core Writing Team, H. Lee & J. Romero (eds.). https://www. ipcc.ch/report/or6/syr/downloads/report/I PCC_AR6_SYR_ FuIlVolume.pdf. 19 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies & World Wide Fund for Nature. (2022). Working with nature to protect people: How nature -based solutions reduce climate change and weather -related disasters. https://www.ifrc.org/document/working-nature-protect-people 20 Prentice, I.C., Farquhar, G.D., Fasham, M.J.R., Goulden, M.L., Heimann, M., Jaramillo, V.J., Kheshgi, H.S., Le Quere, C., Scholes, R.J., & Wallace D.W.R. (2001). The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. In: Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell, and C.A. Johnson WIS.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 881pp. 21 Naiman, R.J., Decamps, H., & Pollock, M. (1993). The role of riparian corridors in maintaining regional biodiversity. Ecological applications, 3(2), 209-212. 22 Anderson, M.G., Clark, M.M., Olivero, A., & Prince, J. (2019). Resilient Sites and Connected Landscapes for Terrestrial Conservation in the Lower Mississippi - Ozark Region. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 23 Crouzeilles, R., Beyer, H.L., Monteiro, L.M., Feltran-Barbieri, R., Pessoa, A.C.M., Barros, F.S.M., Lindenmayer, D., Lino, E.D.S.M., Grelle, C.E.V., Chazdon, R.L., Matsumoto, M., Rosa, M., Latawiec, A., & Strassburg, B. (2020). Achieving cost-effective landscape scale forest restoration through targeted natural regeneration. Conservation Letters, 13(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/con1.12709 24 Chazdon, R.L. & Uriarte, M. (2016). Natural regeneration in the context of large-scale forest and landscape restoration in the tropics. Biotropica, 48(6), 709-715. https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12409 WE 25 Bernal, B., Murray, L.T., & Pearson, T.R.H. (2018). Global carbon dioxide removal rates from forest landscape restoration activities. Carbon Balance and Management, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/sl302l-Ol8-0110-8 26 Penman, J., Gytarsky, M., Hiraishi, T., Krug, T., Kruger, D., Pipatti, R., Buendia, L., Miwa, K., Ngara, T., Tanabe, K., & Wagner, F. (Eds.). (2003). Good practice guidance for land use, land -use change and forestry. IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme. http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/gpglulucf/ gpglulucf.html. 27 Portner, H.O., Scholes, R.J., Agard, J., Archer, E., Arneth, A., Bai, X., Barnes, D., Burrows, M., Chan, L., Cheung, W.L., Diamond, S., Donatti, C., Duarte, C., Eisenhauer, N., Foden, W., Gasalla, M. A., Handa, C., Hickler, T., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., ... Ngo, HT (2021). IPBES-IPCC co -sponsored workshop report on biodiversity and climate change. Intergovernmental Science -Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. https://files.ipbes.net/ipbes-web-prod-public-files/2021-06/20210609_workshop_report_embargo_3pm_C EST— 10_june_O.pdf 28 Miles, L., Agra, R., Sengupta, S., Vidal, A., & Dickson, B. (2021). Nature -based solutions for climate change mitigation. United Nations Environment Programme & International Union for Conservation of Nature. https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/37318. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 60 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. IF I WX E3 0 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 63 �� ��� �� � � ,�-�,— t;11,����: ���� ill1111��11J����..���d�oa..:::�l,l M,-M Buildings ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Partner with utility providers to create an education and outreach campaign to Sustainability, Community Resources, connect homeowners and renters to existing energy efficient programs provided Ongoing Communications, Non -profits High by utility companies. Publish local government energy benchmarking reports and maintain a web Ongoing Sustainability, Low based interface to provide local government energy data to the public. IT Require that public infrastructure and facility managers consider energy and Ongoing Facilities, Water & Sewer, Medium water consumption implications for new or upgraded infrastructure investments. Transportation Create a program to connect low-income renters and homeowners with utility- Ongoing Sustainability, Community Resources, Medium sponsored programs to reduce their energy costs. Communications, Non -profits, Utilities Identify high energy use City facilities and develop an energy efficiency Facilities, and renewable energy innovation agenda to realize long-term savings and Complete Water & Sewer, Medium demonstrate the financial impact of energy improvements. Sustainability Encourage green roofs on new and existing buildings and consider the feasibility Complete Development Services Medium of incentivizing green roofs through a mechanism like a storm water utility fee. Encourage heat island mitigation features to help lower utility costs for residents Ongoing Urban Forestry, Medium and businesses. Sustainability Encourage local utility providers to offer energy commissioning programs. Ongoing Sustainability, Utility Companies Medium Evaluate the feasibility of creating incentives to encourage the new construction Ongoing Development Services, Economic High of energy efficient buildings. Development, Sustainability Promote the use of cooling and light-colored roofing materials and coatings for Ongoing Development Services, Medium both new and existing building stock. Urban Forestry 65 Energy ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Procure clean energy from utilities or other generators Ongoing Sustainability High when feasible. Assess if regulatory restrictions or undue burden exists for the development of Ongoing Building Safety, Sustainability, IT Medium residential and small businesses renewable energy installations. Create a policy to ensure that the local governments energy supplies increasingly Sustainability, come from renewable sources and/or enter into direct purchase agreement with Complete Purchasing High utility companies for clean energy sources. Earn recognition as a Solar -Ready community. Complete Building Safety, Sustainability, IT Medium Encourage the development of residential and small business renewable energy Ongoing Sustainability Medium sources using the existing net -metering program. Explore incentives to support the development of Ongoing Sustainability, Finance Medium renewable energy. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 66 Open Space ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Conduct an assessment to determine heat island mitigation feature distribution Ongoing GIS, Urban Forestry Low across the City to identify locations with disproportionate heat island effects. Conduct an assessment to discover if there is a park or natural space within a Complete Parks and Recreation, Low 10-minute walk of all residents. Sustainability, GIS Encourage tree planting, green roofs, and other energy -saving techniques across Ongoing Urban Forestry Low the City through education, outreach, and tree giveaways. Explore options to develop a tree planting program partnering with residents, Urban Forestry, business owners, and institutions for the planting of trees in right-of-way, on Ongoing Sustainability, Medium easements, or on private properties. Facilities Target areas in need of additional tree canopy by creating a tree canopy map Comp lete Urban Forestry, Low layer. GIS 67 TranSoortation ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Continue to implement the City's complete streets policy and street cross -sections Ongoing Planning, Transportation, High for all street projects. Engineering Install public use electric vehicle fueling stations on city owned properties and Sustainability, Fleet, encourage public -use alternative charging stations at publicly accessible locations Ongoing Facilities Management Medium across the City. Partner with private businesses to ensure that more electric vehicle charging Sustainability, stations become available at workplaces, residential developments, and other Ongoing Fleet, Medium frequently visited locations. Install public alternative fueling stations on City - Facilities Management owned properties. Establish a community -wide bike -share program. Complete University, Sustainability Medium Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 68 waste ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Develop a new education and community outreach plan to announce the city's Complete Recycling and Trash, Medium commitment to waste diversion and to build community buy -in for new initiatives. Communications Modify City development codes to require new commercial, institutional, and Recycling and Trash, multi -family developments to provide adequate space and access for recycling Complete Planning Medium and organics recovery. Develop a technical assistance program to inform businesses, institutions, and Recycling and Trash, multi -family complexes of the City's waste diversion commitment and help them Ongoing Communications Low prepare for new recycling initiatives. Explore options for curbside recycling at small multi -family complexes or Ongoing Recycling and Trash Medium complexes that make curbside collection feasible Develop a detailed plan and schedule to initiate a voluntary organics recovery Recycling and Trash, program focused initially on large food waste generators like schools, grocery Complete Communications High stores, and institutions. Require private haulers of food waste to enter into franchise agreements with the Complete City so that these quantities can be reported for the City's diversion rate. Recycling and Trash, Low Legal no fi I� 60 WWI 69 Cross -Sector ACTION ITEM PROGRESS PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS GHG IMPACT Work with the University of Arkansas Office of Sustainability to collaboratively Complete Sustainability, Low complete a regional resilience assessment and publish a report of findings. University Consider amending the "Purpose and Duties of the Environmental Action Committee" to include consideration of climate mitigation and adaptation Complete Environmental Action Committee Low strategies. Consider amending the "Purpose and Duties of the Environmental Action Committee" to include policy recommendations regarding energy efficiency efforts Complete Environmental Action Committee Low and clean energy purchasing decisions. Investigate the feasibility of a stormwater utility fee to improve green stormwater Ongoing Engineering, Legal, Finance Medium infrastructure. Integrate Fayetteville's sustainability brand and energy action goals into future Ongoing Communications, Economic Vitality, Medium marketing and outreach efforts for business and talent retention. Sustainability Reinvigorate the support for and momentum around Fayetteville Resolution no. Ongoing Sustainability High 164-13 to support a national revenue -neutral carbon fee and dividend program. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 70 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. alb ' - _,g r► .r- T ` 4c 'G► � �.%i^ - ��. �" � err •. 4 !� Nis RE 1 rA ILK 4: "" a ;'" ~ �•: a _may,+ ,Cj �'•� -"fY� �7i`3 4."A'� :. ','1°.w t'� J5. � r�`v� - � R�7•� ', ..frr'i P. � M ^'C * • .'4�Y�."l ..Y �.9-" y . S ,'..� r ♦�(�. jjr :a%' J 5 C 4 Y 1 Sys �i �,_ j��/' 'f�c A i 1' -'�'� a+�..�'yn��i.� '`�••4 I_ -,f y i ,mi/r+ '. � , _ �� •� � �" 7R ` fir( �r it w ..err ` �� ' L �� --e P"=- -�',�. r i• ��4. T/ - �< � 1' • �Olk. . _ � - - —_ y /i 11 111 ��� 11/11 ENERGY STRATEGY STRATEGIES ACTION ACTIONS IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER GOAL #1: Achieve 100% clean energy usage for City of Fayetteville government operations by 2030. E.A-3 Install ground and structure mounted solar to offset electricity usage for City government operations. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% E.S-2 renewable energy for the community's EA-6 Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. energy supply. E.A-10 Explore the efficacy of purchasing carbon offsets to advance net -zero emissions. E.A-1 Retrofit existing City government facilities to make them more energy efficient. Reduce natural gas usage and transition E.S-4 to electric furnaces and appliances to E.A-4 Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. improve efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. E.A-9 Transition City government facilities from gas furnaces to heat pumps. GOAL #2: Achieve community -wide 100% clean energy usage by 2050. Pursue grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency E.A-5 Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and programs and projects for low-income neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. households and neighborhoods Pursue E.S-1 grants and other funding opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income households and E.A-4 neighborhoods. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% E.S-2 renewable energy for the community's energy supply. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. E.A-6 Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. E.A-7 Explore the development of local renewable gas capture through waste processing technologies. E.S-3 Improve residential and commercial energy E.A-4 efficiency throughout the community. Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. 73 GOAL #3: Reduce community per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions year over year. Pursue grants and other funding E.A-4 Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. E.S-1 opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low-income E.A-5 Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and households and neighborhoods. neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. Partner with utilities to achieve 100% E.A-6 Develop community -scale solar and alternative energy systems. E.S-2 renewable energy for the community's energy supply. E.A-7 Explore the development of local renewable gas capture through waste processing technologies. Improve residential and commercial E.S-3 energy efficiency throughout the community. E.A-2 Design and construct new City Government facilities that are energy efficient. E.A-4 Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 74 TRANSPORTATION STRATEGY STRATEGIES ACTION ACTIONS IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER GOAL #1: Reduce community per capita transportation emissions by 10% by 2030. T.S-1 Deploy publicly available alternative fuel 1A-5 Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. infrastructure (EV charging stations). Support development of an on -going T.S-3 and sustainable funding source to TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. support regional transit operations. TA-2 Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. TA-3 Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Support and encourage the expansion TA-5 Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. T.S-4 of alternative and active transportation options. T.A 8 Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility and active transportation through the TA-9 development of safe and convenient infrastructure and amenities (e.g., E-bikes, scooters, bicycle storage, etc.). TA-10 Develop an e-bike incentive program to offset costs for low-income e-bike purchases. TA-1 Initiate a City led rezoning of the 71B-College Ave. corridor to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. Support the creation and T.S-5 implementation of robust and efficient TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. public transportation systems. TA-9 Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). Utilize funding support opportunities to T.S-9 develop and expand the community's TA-5 Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. electric vehicle charging stations. 75 GOAL #2: Create an equitable and sustainable multimodal transportation system for all ages and abilities. Support development of an on -going T.S-3 and sustainable funding source to TA-4 support regional transit operations. T.S-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. TA-2 Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. TA-3 Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. Support and encourage the expansion of alternative and active transportation TA-5 Install publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. options. TA-8 Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility and active transportation through the TA-9 development of safe and convenient infrastructure and amenities (e.g., E-bikes, scooters, bicycle storage, etc.). TA-10 Develop an e-bike incentive program to offset costs for low-income e-bike purchases. Support the creation and T.S-5 implementation of robust and efficient public transportation systems. TA-1 Initiate a City led rezoning of the 7113-College Ave. corridor to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. TA-9 Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). W GOAL #3: Transition City"s fleet to 10% alternative fuel vehicles by the year 2030 and reduce fleet emissions year over year. Increase the percentage of fuel efficient T.S-2 and alternative fuel vehicles in City fleet to reduce GHG emissions. TA-6 Develop a comprehensive City fleet transition plan and timeline. TA-7 Transition City fleet vehicles to fuel efficient hybrid, electric vehicles, and other alternative fuel vehicles. E.A-8 Transition maintenance equipment to low emissions technology Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 76 diversion rate. Engage residents through WS-1 recycling education and outreach WA-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. to increase recycling participation and waste diversion rates. Utilize capture rate data to WS-2 design and target effective recycling programs and practices. W.A-4 Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community WA-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community W.A-6 Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. Increase community participation WA-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.S 3 rates through the development of new or expanded programs. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. WS-4 Develop public -private partnerships to increase materials collected or reach new customers. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. 77 W.A-2 Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. WA 3 Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. WA 5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers Expand recycling collection and to serve the community processing capacity to meet W.S-5 growing demand and increased W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. volume of collected materials. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. WA 10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. WA 1 Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Work with partners and processors to develop a regional construction �/A_q Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects WS-6 and demolition (C&D) processing once a regional C&D facility comes online. facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. W.A-9 Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects Advocate for, and participate once a regional C&D facility comes online. in, regional solutions to reduce Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition W.S-7 waste, and increase recycling, and W.A-10 projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. grow demand for regional circular economies. WA 11 Work with regional partners and cities to plan for the eventual closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. W.A-12 Develop and implement Environmental Purchasing Policy directive for City operations. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 78 WASTE [CONTINUED] STRATEGY STRATEGIES ACTION ACTIONS IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER AL M1 GOAL #2: Increase commercial and residential recycling program participation rates year over year. Engage residents through recycling W.S-1 education and outreach to increase WA-7 recycling participation and waste diversion rates. Utilize capture rate data to design W.S-2 and target effective recycling programs and practices. Increase community participation W.S-3 rates through the development of new or expanded programs. Develop public -private partnerships W.S-4 to increase materials collected or reach new customers. (Food Waste P-U) Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. WA 4 Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate structures to incentivize recycling and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community W.A-6 Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. 79 Expand recycling collection and processing capacity to meet growing WS 5 demand and increased volume of collected materials Work with partners and processors to W.S-6 develop a regional construction and demolition (C&D) processing facility. Advocate for, and participate in, regional solutions to reduce W.S-7 waste, and increase recycling, and grow demand for regional circular economies. W.A-2 Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. WA 3 Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-8 Develop a permanent hazardous household waste and consumer electronics drop-off facility. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. WA 1 Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. WA 9 Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community W.A-9 Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. WA-11 Work with regional partners and cities to plan for the eventual closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 80 Reduce per capita waste to the landfill by 5% by 2030. Engage residents through recycling W.S-1 education and outreach to increase WA-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. recycling participation and waste diversion rates. Utilize capture rate data to design and W.S-2 target effective recycling programs and practices. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community Increase community participation rates W.A-6 Continue to incrementally increase the number of food waste drop-off locations. W.S-3 through the development of new or expanded programs. W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Develop public -private partnerships to W.A-7 Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. W.S-4 increase materials collected or reach new customers. (Food Waste P-U) WA-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. E:31 WA-2 Expand recycling collection and WA-3 processing capacity to meet growing W.S 5 demand and increased volume of collected materials W.A-7 WA-10 Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements project to increase materials collection, processing, and storage capacity. Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent City -owned lands to develop an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. Develop and implement a subscription based residential curb -side food waste collection program. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. WA-1 Establish options for alternative waste disposal and measurable criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Work with partners and processors to W.S-6 develop a regional construction and W.A-9 Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a demolition (C&D) processing facility. regional C&D facility comes online. W.A-10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city- wide after a regional C&D facility is established. W.A-5 Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling collection methods and containers to serve the community W.A-9 Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling requirements on City -led projects once a Advocate for, and participate in, regional C&D facility comes online. WS 7 regional solutions to reduce waste, and WP 10 Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all construction and demolition projects city - increase recycling, and grow demand for wide after a regional C&D facility is established. regional circular economies. W.A-11 Work with regional partners and cities to plan for the eventual closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. WA-12 Develop and implement Environmental Purchasing Policy directive for City operations. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 82 WAT E ACTION 19 ACTIONS IDENTIFIER GOAL #1: Prepare, plan, and develop community response strategies and contingencies for extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. Work with regional partners and the Beaver Water District on water Wtr.S-1 Wtr.A-1 Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, conservation and watershed protection and outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. policies, programs, and projects. Wtr.A-2 Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Work with community partners and Wtr.S-2 residents to reduce summer irrigation Wtr.A-5 Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. demand. (water education position) Wtr.A-7 Explore the adoption of water conservation plumbing regulations for new development. GOAL #2: Reduce per capita water consumption by 59 Work with regional partners and the Beaver Water District on water Wtr.S-1 conservation and watershed protection policies, programs, and projects. Wtr.A-1 Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, and outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. Wtr.A-2 Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Wtr.A-3 Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. (water Work with community partners and education position) Wtr.S-2 residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. (water education position) Wtr.A-4 Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment system. (educator position) Wtr.A-7 Explore the adoption of water conservation plumbing regulations for new development. 83 Wtr.A-4 Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment system. (educator position) Improve resource and energy efficiency Wtr.A-5 Adopt water utility rate adjustments that encourage water conservation. Wtr.S-3 of water/wastewater pumping and treatment. Wtr.A-6 Support the creation of a stormwater utility. Wtr.A-8 Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. GOAL #3: Identify and prioritize the repair and installation of water system infrastructure to alleviate water leakage and accommodate growing system demands. Improve resource and energy efficient Wtr.A-4 Continue to work on efforts to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater treatment p 9Y Y system. (educator position) Wtr.S-3 of water/wastewater pumping and treatment. Wtr.A-8 Incrementally retrofit water infrastructure with smart technologies. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 84 GOAL #1: Prepare, plan, and develop strategies and contingencies for extreme weather events. Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that EcoSrv.S-4 focuses on emergency preparedness, EcoSrv.A-15 Update response measures in Fayetteville emergency management plan to account for more communication and outreach during frequent and extreme weather events (Heat, drought, flood, winter storms). extreme weather events. Reduce the impacts of drought on the EcoSrv.S-10 regional water system through water conservation efforts. Wtr.A-2 Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. Wtr.A-3 Work with community partners and residents to reduce summer irrigation demand. (water education position) GOAL #2: Identify lands within the City"s planning area that provide highest ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. Develop additional parks planning and development tools to help preserve EcoSrv.S-1 open space and repurpose existing city properties that provide access to nature and deliver environmental services. EcoSrv.A-2 Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. EcoSrv.A-3 Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. 85 GOAL #3: Preserve lands within the City's planning area that provide high ecosystem services for resilience to extreme weather events. Wd Update the Enduring Green Network Map to more closely align with probable Update and refine the Enduring Green Network spatial layers and explore additional regulatory EcoRes.S-2 acquisition and preservation pathways EcoSrv.A-1 protections to ensure the development of a complete and connected network of useful public and concentrate priorities on achievable open space. conservation goals. EcoSrv.A-6 Conduct a development impact fee study for parkland dedication. Develop a strategy to increase the EcoSryDevelop a multi -year program with support from additional conservation organizations to EcoSrv.S 2 permanent preservation of lands. .A-13 allocate funding for land acquisition. EcoSrv.A-14 Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. EcoSrv.A-4 Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition and preservation of natural lands. EcoRes.S-6 Develop zoning and development regulations to help conserve open space. EcoSrv.A-5 Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring Green Network. Protect and enhance of the water EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. EcoSrv.S-9 quality of Fayetteville"s streams, lakes, and wetlands. EcoSrv.A-11 Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. EcoSrv.A-4 Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund acquisition and preservation of natural lands. EcoSrv.S-13 infrastructure and land acquisition investments. Repurpose areas susceptible to repetitive flooding to park/conservation areas with ecosystem EcoRes.S 8 benefits. Balance open space land preservation efforts by supporting increased density Develop t environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring EcoSrv.S-14 and development within the core of the EcoSrv.A-5 City with consideration to linked growth Green Network. concepts. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 86 GOAL #4: Restore and improve ecosystem services provided by existing preserved natural areas. Develop targets and implement a tree Secure the necessary funding to meet the annual tree planting targets and implement a tree EcoSrv.S-7 planting program aligned with the EcoSrv.A-12 establishment program. canopy goal. Protect and enhance of the water EcoSrv.S-9 quality of Fayetteville"s streams, lakes, and wetlands. EcoSrv.A-7 Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. EcoSrv.A-9 Identify new open space maintenance programs and technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. EcoSrv.A-16 Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. EcoSrv.S-11 Identify, map, and prioritize streambank EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. erosion locations for restoration. EcoSrv.S-12 Measure, track, and improve water EcoSrv.A-2 Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. quality in Fayetteville watersheds. Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund EcoSrv.S-13 infrastructure and land acquisition EcoRes.A-11 Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. investments. 87 GOAL #5: Reduce climate change threats to public infrastructure and private property. Wtr.A-1 Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, communications, and outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency preparedness, EcoSrv.S 4 communication, and outreach during Wtr.A-2 Create a water education position to do community outreach on water conservation. p Y extreme weather events. Egty.A-1 Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. CrbSq.A-2 Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. T.S-7 Explore the use of new technology to reduce urban heat island impacts produced by paved surfaces. Mitigate the impacts of extreme heat Egty.A-9 Identify and designate resilience hubs/cooling centers in the Emergency Management/Climate EcoSrv.S-5 to the residents and ecosystems of Resiliency Plan. Fayetteville. EcoRes.A-11 Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. EcoSrv.A-15 Update response measures in the Fayetteville Emergency management Plan to account for more frequent and extreme weather events (Heat, drought, flood, winter storms). CrbSq.A-2 Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. EcoSrv.S-8 Review and implement recommended EcoRes.A-5 Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of - changes to tree ordinances. way. EcoRes.A-7 Update tree lists that prioritize native and climate -resilient tree species. Adopt a Stormwater utility to fund EcoSrv.S-13 infrastructure and land acquisition Wtr.A-6 Support the creation of a stormwater utility. investments. EcoRes.A-4 Identify opportunities to °rewild" parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. Repurpose areas susceptible to repetitive EcoRes.S-8 flooding to park/conservation areas with EcoRes.A-11 Promote stormwater infiltration of soil on the landscape by reducing impervious surfaces. ecosystem benefits. EcoSrv.A-14 Explore bond potential for land acquisition and conservation. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 88 GOAL #1: Identify lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. EcoRes.S-1 Quantify the ecosystem services of the city's urban forest. EcoSrv.A-2 Create a city-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. EcoRes.A-4 Identify opportunities to `rewild° parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. Update the Enduring Green Network Map to more closely align with probable Utilize the spatial data provided in the Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map layers to EcoRes.S-2 acquisition and preservation pathways EcoRes.A-1 update the Enduring Green Network map. and concentrate priorities on achievable conservation goals. Measure, track, and improve water EcoSrv.S-12 EcoSrv.A-2 Create acity-wide tool to track environmental assets and ecosystem services. quality in Fayetteville watersheds. GOAL #2: Preserve lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. EcoSrv.A-3 Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify and preserve unique ecosystems and habitats. Develop additional planning and development tools to help preserve EcoSrv.S-1 open space and repurpose existing city EcoSrv.A-7 Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. properties that provide access to nature and deliver environmental services. EcoSrv.A-9 Identify new open space maintenance programs and technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. :• EcoRes.A-1 Utilize the spatial data provided in the Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map layers to update the Enduring Green Network map. EcoRes.A 2 Develop a Conservation Development Overlay District map that identifies appropriate locations for conservation subdivision development. EcoRes.A 3 Create environmental or conservation zoning district regulations that can be utilized by property owners to set aside land for open space or conservation. EcoSrv.S-2 Develop a strategy to increase the EcoSrv.A-4 Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur permanent preservation of lands. acquisition and preservation of natural lands. EcoSrv.A 5 Develop an environmental or conservation zoning district for inclusion in the City's Enduring Green Network. EcoSrv.A-6 Conduct a development impact fee study for parkland dedication. EcoRes.A-11 Acquire at least 100 acres of land with very high value for climate resilience by 2040. Strengthen partnerships with existing natural resource groups to supplement EcoSrv.S-3 the City's limited capacity for natural EcoSrv.A-16 Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. resource projects and encourage local stewardship. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in EcoRes.S-5 their endeavors to protect, enhance, EcoSrv.A-13 Develop amulti-year program with support from additional conservation organizations to and acquire ecologically valuable open allocate funding for land acquisition. spaces and riparian corridors. EcoRes.A-2 Develop a Conservation Development Overlay District map that identifies appropriate locations for conservation subdivision development. EcoRes.S-6 Develop zoning and development EcoRes.A-3 Create environmental or conservation zoning district regulations that can be utilized by property regulations to help conserve open space. owners to set aside land for open space or conservation. EcoSrv.A-4 Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as necessary to spur acquisition and preservation of natural lands. Protect and enhance the water quality EcoSrv.S-9 of Fayetteville's streams, lakes, and wetlands. EcoRes.A-10 Implement priority actions identified in the Lake Fayetteville Water Quality Study. EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 90 GOAL #3: Restore and enhance City -owned or managed lands with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Continue to seek grant funding and the EcoRes.S-3 use of volunteers to remove invasive EcoRes.A-5 Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and plants and replace with native plants in rights -of -way. public open spaces. Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to develop strategies to EcoRes.S-4 preserve known species of conservation concern identified on City owned and/or managed property. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in EcoRes.S-5 their endeavors to protect, enhance, and acquire ecologically valuable open spaces and riparian corridors. EcoRes.A-4 Identify opportunities to "rewild° parks that contribute to ecosystem resilience. EcoSrv.A-7 Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. EcoRes.A-8 Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. EcoRes.A-10 Implement priority actions identified in the Lake Fayetteville Water Quality Study EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. EcoSrv.A-16 Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. IN EcoRes.A-5 Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. EcoRes.A-6 Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Utilize plant species with characteristics that provide optimal ecological benefit EcoRes.S-7 EcoRes.A-7 Update tree lists that prioritize native and climate -resilient tree species. on City owned and/or managed properties. EcoRes.A-8 Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. EcoRes.A-9 Host native milkweed and pollinator plant giveaway events to promote pollinator friendly habitat. GOAL #4: Support on -going ecological education and outreach efforts by local expert organizations. Partner with conservation agencies and EcoSrv.A-7 Create a dedicated natural resources team within parks maintenance to focus on natural areas. non -profits to develop strategies to EcoRes.S-4 preserve known species of conservation concern identified on City owned and/or EcoRes.A-8 Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to managed property. support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Support land trusts, watershed alliances and other non-profit organizations in EcoRes.S-5 their endeavors to protect, enhance, and acquire ecologically valuable open spaces and riparian corridors. Utilize plant species with characteristics EcoRes.S-7 that provide optimal ecological benefit on City owned and/or managed properties. EcoSrv.A-10 Restore urban streambanks to reduce erosion and improve water quality. EcoSrv.A-16 Partner with conservation agencies and non -profits to support watershed resource conservation. EcoRes.A-5 Plant species that provide optimal ecological benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of - way. EcoRes.A-6 Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. EcoRes.A-8 Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's Monarch Pledge and continue to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Host native milkweed and pollinator plant giveaway events to promote pollinator friendly EcoRes.A 9 habitat. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 92 Measure and track carbon sequestration in the City's tree canopy and natural environment. EcoRes.S-1 Quantify the ecosystem services of the CrbS A-1 Calculate the carbon sequestration, storage, and avoided carbon generated from the citywide city"s urban forest. q urban tree canopy cover. W GOAL #2: Increase carbon sequestration into the City s soils, plants, and tree"s biomass. Identify best management practices to CrbSq.S-1 increase carbon sequestration on city - owned lands. CrbSq.A-2 Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. CrbSq.A-3 Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. CrbSq.A-3 Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City Identify, promote, and utilize native tree owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. CrbSq.S-2 and plant species with characteristics that enable them to provide optimal carbon sequestration into their biomass. CrbSq.A-4 Distribute native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Encourage the continued growth and expansion of organics capture and Grow the City"s food waste collection and drop-off program to increase the amount of City CrbSq.S-3 composting programs to build and CrbSq.A-5 support local soil health and carbon generated compost. sequestration. 93 GOAL #3: Preserve and enhance existing carbon sinks such as wetlands, prairies, and forests. Include carbon sequestration as a CrbSq.S-4 consideration for land conservation and acquisition. CrbSq.A-2 Implement strategies and actions identified in the 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. CrbSq.A-3 Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. CrbSq.A-4 Distribute native tree and plant species that provide optimal carbon sequestration benefit for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. CrbSq.A-6 Acquire lands with high carbon sequestration value. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 94 GOAL #1: Identify, prioritize, and mitigate climate change impacts on underserved or vulnerable neighborhoods and populations. Develop mapping tools to better Egty.S-1 understand the spatial proximity of low- income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to public open space and trail corridors. Formalize and integrate climate justice Egty.S-2 and equity considerations into planning processes. Include climate action initiatives and infrastructure improvements in low- Egty.S-3 income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events such as heat, drought and floods brought on by climate change. Support community housing policies, programs and initiatives that provide Egty.S-4 housing assistance and support services for low-income and disadvantaged families and individuals displaced by extreme weather events. Pursue grants and other funding E.S-1 opportunities to develop energy efficiency programs and projects for low- income households and neighborhoods. Egty.A-2 Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans Egty.A-6 with Disabilities Act (ADA). Egty.A-1 Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. Egty.A-2 Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Egty.A-3 Coordinate with Urban Forestry to continue implementing tree planting initiatives in low-income/ disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. Egty.A-4 Incrementally acquire land and construct stormwater infrastructure improvements to reduce flooding especially in low-income neighborhoods. Wtr.A-6 Support the creation of a stormwater utility. Egty.A-1 Record, track and map areas of reoccurring flooding and extreme heat. Egty.A-7 Develop mitigation, acquisition, or relocation measures to minimize flooding loss and displacement of low-income or disadvantaged groups or individuals. E.A-4 Advocate for the expansion of energy efficiency programs at the State and utility scale. E.A-5 Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted at low-income households and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. 95 GOAL #2: Provide access to useful public open space in proximity to low-income or disadvantaged populations. Develop mapping tools to better Egty.S-1 understand the spatial proximity of low- Egty.A-2 Develop a public -facing Nature -Based solutions parcel score and map that identifies and income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. public open space and trail corridors. Include climate action initiatives and infrastructure improvements in low- Egty.S-3 income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events such as heat, drought and floods brought on by climate change. Egty.A-5 Coordinate with the Parks Master Plan to continue to incrementally acquire parkland and trail corridors in areas with low accessibility or proximity to public open space. Egty.A-6 Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 1W W GOAL JrBuild a complete and connected active transportation network withing a 10-minute walk of every resident by 2030. Support compact, complete and connected land use development T.S-8 patterns that encourage multi -modal transportation options and reduce automobile dependency. Support and encourage the expansion T.S-4 of alternative and active transportation options TA-2 Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. TA-8 Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Egty.A-6 Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes to ensure active transportation TA-2 infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. TA-3 Install safe and accessible bus stops and shelters to make transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users TA-4 Support local and regional transit through City funding of transit. TA-8 Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro -mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. TA-9 Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, etc.). Egty.A-6 Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet the access standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 96 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 97 `� .,�, �� � � sus ...�! � a � :� " L - 2 .•� } ' I � �i�l� . ' >t or rot 14 �� t � %F" ` A' . �>.• s. • • � sty `� ` "'ray. , . r#^ �.`` -• �'''��` .. :'• 'SIP . � • fo J • � ' 1 j , � Ili. '.� . � ���f �_ it �y- � •f. • • �• � �� t ' fir- �. ,,.,.'` ...>,.- - _ -' . 111' ■ � i r r � 0 .t . .vw, , w J 99 Action Prioritization Tool The 80 actions in the Climate Action Plan were scored on the following factors: necessary funding, feasibility, revenue potential, climate equity potential, GHG emissions reductions, resilience impact potential, city control, and community support. A score was then assigned to the action for each prioritization factor. A final relative priority score was assigned by summing the scores from each of the efficacy and feasibility factors. Factors • Funding Needed - Will the action need funding to implement? Factor is scored with a yes/no. • Feasibility - What is the political viability of the action, is their staff capacity to complete the action, what are the anticipated costs or potential funding sources for the project? Factor is scored 1-Low; 3-Medium; 5-High. • Revenue Potential - Will the action create a revenue stream that can support further action? Factor is scored 0 - No; 1 - Yes • Climate Equity Potential - Will the project center equitable distribution of services to city residents? Factor is scored by: 1 - N/C; 3 - Low; 5 - High. • GHG Emissions Reduction Potential - How much will the action reduce GHG emissions within the city operations or the community at large? Factor is scored by: 1 - No/Low Reduction (less than 1%); 3 - Medium Reduction (1% to 10%); 5 - High Reduction (10%+). This factor is counted twice in the Emissions Reduction sectors of energy, transportation, waste, and water. • Resilience Impact Potential - How will this action improve the City's resilience to extreme weather impacts? Factor is counted twice in the Nature -Based Solutions sectors of equity, ecosystem services, ecosystem resilience, and carbon sequestration. • City Control - Does the city have jurisdiction to implement this action or is it outside of local government control? • Community Support - What is the level of community support for this action. Community support was based on the survey conducted as part of development of the Climate Action Plan. Factor is scored by: 1 - Controversial; 3 - Neutral/Divided; 5 - Supportive • Relative Priority Score - This score is the aggregate score based on each factor listed above. This score helps prioritize actions within sectors. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan •• z z . . 0 0 0 v v O ao o - ENERGY � US W ~ N W0 .-� W 0 �' W p Of 01 33�a� 3p Q> W °L� a L Lu0 0� � Lzw0 > Uz� Off�0_j z"O or —INGHG EMISSIONS RESILIENCE CLIMATE REDUCTION IMPACT RELATIVE ACTION CAP FUNDING FEASIBIL- REVENUE EQUITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL CITY COMMUNITY PRIORITY ID ACTION NEEDED ITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL (2 FOR EMS) (2 FOR NBS) CONTROL SUPPORT SCORE Retrofit existing City E.A-1 government facilities to make Yes 4 0 0 2 1 5 5 19 them more energy efficient. Design and construct new City E.A-2 Government facilities that are Yes 4 0 0 1 1 5 5 17 energy efficient. Install ground and structure E.A-3 mounted solar to offset Yes 4 0 0 5 2 5 5 22 electricity usage for City government operations. Advocate for the expansion of E.A-4 energy efficiency programs at No 2 0 3 2 1 0 5 15 the State and utility scale. Develop clean and renewable energy sources targeted E.A-5 at low-income households Yes 3 0 5 1 2 2 5 19 and neighborhoods through partnerships, grants, and utility rebate programs. 101 Z Z . . O O o ' • V V O Q D V •,�,- ENERGY LU L w �> ^ U w N ^ iv O3p�u 3x 3...JiJ �2oLU 2 2: oaQJ 0 a D 0 \w—oZ"H3 LLJ�= wOw 0O 0LU 0w ZOOL ZO3J_�Vo mow or : rr GHG EMISSIONS RESILIENCE CLIMATE REDUCTION IMPACT RELATIVE ACTION CAP FUNDING FEASIBIL- REVENUE EQUITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL CITY COMMUNITY PRIORITY ID ACTION NEEDED ITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL (2 FOR EMS) (2 FOR NBS) CONTROL SUPPORT SCORE E.A-6 Develop community -scale solar Yes 2 0 4 3 2 2 4 20 and alternative energy systems. Explore the development of E.A-7 local renewable gas capture Yes 2 0 1 2 2 5 3 17 through waste processing technologies. Transition Maintenance E.A-8 Equipment to low emissions Yes 3 0 1 1 1 5 3 15 technology Transition City government E.A-9 facilities from gas furnaces to Yes 3 0 0 2 1 5 3 16 heat pumps. Explore the efficacy of E.A-10 purchasing carbon offsets to No 2 0 0 1 0 5 1 10 advance net -zero emissions. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 102 Z Z O 0 0 �} �4F v v O Q o � r_ TRANSPORTATION '- w N o--•0 Lu i�� J H m 3 C� w p a��� > > 0 ��p J3o Q w 3 10 0Ln v3� - �� (D 3�� 3�� zwa 0LU j z> z0= ZZ "�Z7— off= _j °z� �O� 0 ��� ��� �� �V3 EMISSIONS RESILIENCE CLIMATE REDUCTION IMPACT RELATIVE FUNDING FEASIBIL- REVENUE EQUITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL CITY COMMUNITY PRIORITY NEEDED ITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL (2 FOR EMS) (2 FOR NBS) CONTROL SUPPORT SCORE Initiate a City led rezoning of the 7113-College Ave. corridor TA-1 No 3 0 0 1 1 5 4 15 to set the stage for thoughtful urban redevelopment. Evaluate and prioritize sidewalks, trails and bike lanes TA-2 to ensure active transportation No 4 0 5 3 3 5 5 28 infrastructure is distributed equitably across the City. Install safe and accessible bus TA-3 stops and shelters to make Yes 5 0 4 1 2 5 d 22 transit comfortable, safe and attractive for users Support local and regional TA-4 transit through City funding of Yes 4 0 5 2 3 2 4 22 transit. Install publicly accessible TA-5 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging Yes 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 18 stations. Develop a comprehensive TA-6 City fleet transition plan and No 4 0 1 1 1 5 4 17 timeline. 103 z z O O V V O o Q V s,��1rC TRANSPORTATION >- Lu � N _ � 3 �w � � oQ� J3o o= owe O w 3= V 0 aD_� ��o _' � o "w�`-'o > o= owe > o= owe �� z =�a Q 'w ° yam J�= z> on zJ= z _2Z7- c J�= Jam= owe UZin Of �0 o_- LnU3 EMISSIONS RESILIENCE CLIMATE REDUCTION IMPACT RELATIVE FUNDING FEASIBIL- REVENUE EQUITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL CITY COMMUNITY PRIORITY NEEDED ITY POTENTIAL POTENTIAL (2 FOR EMS) (2 FOR NBS) CONTROL SUPPORT SCORE Transition City fleet vehicles to fuel efficient hybrid, electric TA-7 Yes 4 0 1 3 1 5 5 22 vehicles, and other alternative fuel vehicles. Gather, track, and evaluate active transportation and micro- TA-8 No 4 0 1 1 1 5 3 16 mobility user numbers and trends and measure success. Expand opportunities to advance micro -mobility and active transportation through TA-9 the development of safe and No 4 1 3 1 1 5 3 19 convenient infrastructure and amenities. (e.g., E-bikes, scooters, bicycle storage, etc.). Develop an e-bike incentive TA-10 program to offset costs for low- Yes 4 0 4 1 1 3 3 17 income e-bike purchases. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 104 *WASTE z z O O o U U 0 J LU Q O_ _ > ~ � i Of U N ^� i� _J CO 3 �� �w Oar _J Ow ° o��� �° o w > 3w > w OfOf° " Q w 0wz°w Z = _ -o o_ � o _ ow° �o� OJ V)C3=� Establish options for alternative WA 1 waste disposal and measurable No 5 0 0 0 0 5 3 13 criteria for evaluating emissions impact. Implement the Recycling Processing Facility improvements W.A-2 project to increase materials Yes 3 0 1 2 2 5 3 18 collection, processing, and storage capacity. Mitigate the environmental degradation of adjacent WA 3 City -owned lands to develop Yes 4 0 1 1 1 5 4 17 an expanded compost facility to increase collection and processing capacity. Review and amend the current trash and recycling rate W.A-4 structures to incentivize recycling No 5 O 3 1 1 5 4 20 and ensure equitable trash and recycling services are provided. Continue to develop, test, and implement new recycling W.A-5 collection methods and Yes 4 1 3 1 1 3 5 19 containers to serve the community. W.A-6 Increase the number of food Yes 4 O 1 1 1 5 3 16 waste drop-off locations. 105 *WASTE Z Z O O o v v O ao L^L �> wo> Of Of D ^ � > _} J CO D 3 � � LU O 0 -Of > > 0 0 _J Q Lu w o � oo o owe owe ° �0° Zw Z Z V Z O o� �� K ��� �� �� V)U3 Develop and implement a WA 7 subscription based residential Yes 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 16 curb -side food waste collection program. Develop a permanent WA 8 hazardous household waste and Yes 3 0 1 1 1 3 4 14 consumer electronics drop-off facility. Incorporate construction and demolition (C&D) recycling W.A-9 requirements on City -led No 3 0 3 3 1 1 4 18 projects once a regional C&D facility comes online. Develop and implement C&D recycling regulations for all W.A-10 construction and demolition No 3 0 1 1 1 5 3 15 projects city-wide after a regional C&D facility is established. Work with regional partners and WA 11 cities to plan for the eventual No 5 0 1 1 1 1 3 13 closing of the regional EcoVista landfill. Develop and implement W.A-12 Environmental Purchasing Policy No 5 0 0 1 0 5 5 17 directive for City operations. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 106 0 lJ WATER z z 0 0 0 V V o_ Q _ > ~ � iLLJ N ^ 0 > � J H CO3 �� �w 0aCc -1 0 30= w� oLU 3= u � 0 0�—cl� ��o �_' �w > 30= w > 30= w cf010 Z�0- w Q w 0LU oOf 02 Z> z°= ° "��_� °�_ °2_ °Z� moo`-' 0- �� �� ��� �� V)�3 Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan that focuses on emergency Wtr.A-1 preparedness, communications, Yes 4 0 1 1 2 5 3 17 and outreach for water conservation during extreme weather events. Create a water education Wtr.A-2 position to do community Yes 4 0 1 1 1 5 5 18 outreach on water conservation. Work with community partners Wtr.A-3 and residents to reduce summer Yes 4 O 3 1 2 3 3 17 irrigation demand. (water education position) Continue to work on efforts to Wtr.A-4 reduce stormwater infiltration Yes 5 0 1 1 1 5 3 17 into the wastewater treatment system. (educator position) 107 0 lJ WATER z z 0 0 0 V V 0 Q D _ > U L^L �> OOf f _> _ LU = 0 0D0� J i E �0 = + > 0 = > 0 = ��0 ~ ~ d z�" LU Q Lu LL N H LU ��= O> z0= v� =0 0�= 0�= OZ� 2: U)U3 Adopt water utility rate Wtr.A-5 adjustments that encourage No 4 1 3 1 3 5 3 21 water conservation. Wtr.A-6 Support the creation of a Yes 4 0 5 1 4 5 5 25 stormwater utility. Explore the adoption Wtr.A-7 of water conservation No 2 0 1 1 1 4 5 15 plumbing regulations for new development. Incrementally retrofit water Wtr.A-8 infrastructure with smart Yes 5 0 1 1 3 5 5 21 technologies. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 108 C ECOSYSTEM SERVICES z z 0 0 0 u u 0 Q of> LLJ 30= LU 0� 3x 0 a o _j wo o Z�w > w � > 3� w Of a, 0 z1 Q w 0w= ZLU z_jl = z off _j_ z Uwi ��0021 O V)U3 Update and refine the Enduring Green Network spatial layers and explore additional EcoSrv.A-1 regulatory protections to ensure No 5 0 3 1 3 5 4 24 the development of a complete and connected network of useful public open space. Create a city-wide tool to EcoSrv.A-2 track environmental assets and Yes 3 0 3 2 3 4 3 21 ecosystem services. Support Parks efforts to develop a conservation plan to identify EcoSrv.A-3 and preserve unique ecosystems Yes 3 0 1 1 4 5 4 22 and habitats. (Resilient Natural Systems) Review development code regulations related to open space and amend as EcoSrv.A-4 necessary to spur acquisition No 4 1 3 1 3 5 4 24 and preservation of natural lands. (Parks Master Plan) (Conservation Plan) Develop an environmental or EcoSrv.A-5 conservation zoning district for No 4 0 3 1 3 5 4 23 inclusion in the City"s Enduring Green Network. Conduct a development EcoSrv.A-6 impact fee study for parkland Yes 3 1 2 1 3 4 3 20 dedication. 109 AO ECOSYSTEM SERVICES z z 0 0 0 V V O Q D V _ U U �> Of LU ^� i�� JHm 3 t� �w Oar J3o w� oLU V 0 a �w Oz > w > w Of 01 0 w Q w 0w= 0Of 0�S Z> z1 "mac=c 0�= 0�_ �z� O� V)�3 Create a dedicated natural EcoSrv.A-7 resources team within parks Yes 2 0 2 2 3 4 4 20 maintenance to focus on natural areas. Plant drought resistant native EcoSrv.A-8 vegetation on City owned and Yes 5 0 1 1 1 5 5 19 managed properties. Identify new open space EcoSrv.A-9 maintenance programs and Yes 2 0 2 3 3 4 3 20 technologies to address climate issues and resiliency needs. Restore urban streambanks to EcoSrv.A-10 reduce erosion and improve Yes 4 0 4 1 5 5 4 28 water quality. Promote stormwater infiltration EcoSrv.A-11 of soil on the landscape by Yes 4 0 4 2 5 4 3 27 reducing impervious surfaces. Secure the necessary funding to EcoSrv.A-12 meet the annual tree planting Yes 3 O 3 4 3 4 4 24 targets and implement a tree establishment program. Develop a multi -year program with support from additional EcoSrv.A-13 conservation organizations Yes 3 0 3 3 4 3 3 23 to allocate funding for land acquisition. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 110 C ECOSYSTEM SERVICES z z 0 0 0 V V 0 Q 0 H LLJ^LLJ IN > W S} 3 �2: �w 0 _j o= ow`-' ow 3= -0�' � �o 0_ o w o= 0LLJ0 o= ow0 z�a LLJ °O� JCS Z} ZJ= �"o Z��..�C=�.. JCS JCS owe VZv) �0 o V)�3 EcoSrv.A-14 Explore bond potential for land Yes 3 0 3 3 4 4 2 23 acquisition and conservation. Update response measures in Fayetteville emergency EcoSrv.A-15 management plan to account No 2 0 5 1 4 4 3 23 for more frequent and extreme weather events (Heat, drought, flood, winter storms). Partner with conservation EcoSrv.A-16 agencies and non -profits to Yes 3 O 2 1 4 3 3 20 support watershed resource conservation. ECOSYSTEM ow RESILIENCE z z 0 0 0 V V O Q l3 _ > L U of w l7N ^L LU ^ i J J H m 3 �� �w OaI J3o 30= w(3 0U 3= 0 O D ��o °= �w > 30� w > 3�� w Of 0 z�1 w Q w 0w= LU o� �� M �� �� V)�3 Utilize the spatial data provided in the Nature -Based solutions EcoRes.A-1 parcel score and map layers No 5 0 1 1 1 5 4 18 to update the Enduring Green Network map. Develop a Conservation Development Overlay District EcoRes.A-2 map that identifies appropriate No 3 0 1 1 1 5 3 15 locations for conservation subdivision development. Create environmental or conservation zoning district EcoRes.A-3 regulations that can be utilized No 2 0 1 1 2 5 3 16 by property owners to set aside land for open space or conservation. Identify opportunities to EcoRes.A-4 °rewild° parks that contribute to Yes 3 0 2 2 2 3 3 17 ecosystem resilience. Plant species that provide EcoRes.A-5 optimal ecological benefit in Yes 5 0 3 1 2 5 3 21 City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit EcoRes.A-6 for the annual tree and plant Yes 5 0 2 1 1 5 5 20 giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 112 owECOSYSTEM RESILIENCE z z 0 0 0 V V 0 Q l3 _ > L^LU LU U 0, Q w CV �^ 0 i J J H m 30= o� 0 0��� �° > 3 � > 3w � �Of0 " Q w 0wz0w j z> z° ° � °w _j z Ui � 0L=`u V)�o Identify opportunities to EcoRes.A-4 °rewild" parks that contribute to Yes 3 0 ecosystem resilience. Plant species that provide EcoRes.A-5 optimal ecological benefit in Yes 5 0 City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Provide native plant species that offer optimal ecological benefit EcoRes.A-6 for the annual tree and plant Yes 5 0 giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Update tree lists that prioritize EcoRes.A-7 native and climate -resilient tree No 4 0 species. 2 2 2 3 3 17 3 1 2 5 3 21 2 1 1 5 5 20 3 3 5 5 4 29 113 owECOSYSTEM RESILIENCE z z 0 0 0 V V 0 Q D _ > U OQw l7N LU- ^ i J J H m 3 �� �w Oar _j o=3= 0 O D - J wo 0 �LLJ > > Of Of 0 HHI z � a Q w � O> � d��=0 0 zn �0� ��w Of (=D 0 o V)C3 Participate in the National Wildlife Federation's Mayor's EcoRes.A-8 Monarch Pledge and continue Yes 5 0 to support the creation of monarch waystations and habitats on City -owned lands. Host native milkweed and EcoRes.A-9 Pollinator plant giveaway events Yes 5 0 to promote pollinator friendly habitat. Implement a plan for Lake EcoRes.A-10 Fayetteville to improve water Yes 3 0 quality. Acquire at least 100 acres of EcoRes.A-11 land with very high value for Yes 5 0 climate resilience by 2040. 1 1 3 5 5 23 1 1 3 3 1 2 5 5 23 4 3 18 3 1 4 5 5 27 Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 114 CO2 CARBON SEQUESTRATION z z O 0 0 V V 0 Q 0 _ > � ~ � i N of 3 �2 6w Oar J3o D o= 3= O O— J wo 0_ O > o= > o= Of of O HHI z � a Q w w =� OLU � �:E O 0 �0�zn �Of O o— ��u �� �� �� V)C3 Calculate the carbon sequestration, storage, and CrbSq.A-1 avoided carbon generated from No 5 0 1 1 1 5 3 17 the citywide urban tree canopy cover. Implement strategies and CrbSq.A-2 actions identified in the No 4 0 1 1 3 5 3 20 2023 Urban Tree Plan and Assessment. Plant native tree and plant species that provide optimal CrbSq.A-3 carbon sequestration benefit Yes 3 0 1 1 1 5 3 15 in City owned parks, trails, and rights -of -way. Distribute native tree and plant species that provide optimal CrbS A-4 q carbon sequestration benefit Yes 3 0 1 1 1 5 3 15 for the annual tree and plant giveaway events hosted by the Urban Forestry Division. Grow the City's food waste CrbSq.A-5 collection and drop-off program Yes 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 19 to increase the amount of City generated compost. CrbSq.A-6 Acquire lands with high carbon Yes 3 0 1 1 3 5 3 19 sequestration value. 115 Oe- z z 0 0 V V 0 Q D CLIMATE "' EQUITY 3 �� o 2 � Uj 0<cf J30 D 0 a�oOf > > �Ofp Q w z�a w= 0�_ LU LU �> z�= Oz ���=o Off= _j �z� �p0 0- ��u ��� ��� ��u �V3 Record, track and map areas Egty.A-1 of reoccurring flooding and No 3 0 3 1 3 5 3 21 extreme heat. Develop a public -facing Nature - Based solutions parcel score Egty.A-2 and map that identifies and No 5 0 3 1 3 5 5 25 spatially represents proximity and accessibility to public open space. Coordinate with Urban Forestry to continue implementing Egty.A-3 tree planting initiatives in Yes 5 0 5 1 3 5 5 27 low-income/disadvantaged neighborhoods to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. Incrementally acquire land and construct stormwater Egty.A-4 infrastructure improvements to Yes 3 0 5 1 5 5 5 29 reduce flooding especially in low-income neighborhoods. Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 116 i Z Z 0 0 U U 0 Q [� CLIMATE Uj �UJ U �' V o� wo> _> EQUITY Uj 'OQc J30 D O o�-cl� > Of Q Lu Q= = J w L] O= + E= Q= H H d LL N H _ w w Zwa Ow= Owl? Ow UO17 O �w �0o O O O � ��7 J= Z} ZJ= Z:�.,�C=� J�= J�= UZin �O ��3 Coordinate with the Parks Master Plan to continue to Egty.A-5 incrementally acquire parkland Yes 5 0 5 1 3 5 5 27 and trail corridors in areas with low accessibility or proximity to public open space. Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to Egty.A-6 meet the access standards in Yes 3 0 5 1 3 5 5 25 the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Develop mitigation, acquisition, or relocation measures to Egty.A-7 minimize flooding loss and Yes 4 0 5 1 5 5 5 30 displacement of low-income or disadvantaged groups or individuals. Identify and designate resilience Egty.A-8 hubs/cooling centers in Climate Yes 3 0 4 1 4 3 3 22 Resiliency Plan 117 1 /0. ri Greenhouse Gas Inventory Since 2018 the City of Fayetteville has been completing an annual greenhouse gas inventory based on U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This inventory was created using Microsoft Excel and imported emission factors from outside sources like the Environmental Protection Agency. Two inventories were created- City of Fayetteville which covers government operations and a community - wide inventory which covers activities within the City boundaries. In 2023 the City of Fayetteville began using ClearPath, an online software platform for completing greenhouse gas inventories, forecasts, climate action plans, and monitoring at the community -wide or government -operations scales. This tool auto calculates many emission factors and automatically updates the global warming potential of different gases to reflect the latest science. Reporting categories were rearranged based on sector rather than fuel type and AFOLU and Process & Fugitive Emissions were added. AFOLU stands for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use. This is a way of calculating carbon emissions and removals from changes to the tree canopy using ICLEI's LEARN tool. 1F YEAR TRANSPORTATION & MOBILE SOURCES SOLID WASTE Community GHG WATER & RESIDENTIAL WASTEWATER ENERGY Emissions *all in MTCO2e AGRICULTURE, PROCESS & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FORESTRY, FUGITIVE ENERGY ENERGY & LAND USE EMISSIONS (AFOLU) TOTAL MTCO2E MTCO2 PER CAPITA POPULATION 2010 300,710 29,627 13,517 404,306 440,023 189,891 -23,794 7,037 1,361,317 18.40 73,970 2011 350,836 30,803 14,071 388,921 423,279 182,665 -23,794 7,037 1,373,818 18.18 75,586 2012 357,936 30,998 13,575 393,298 428,043 184,721 -23,794 7,037 1,391,814 18.07 77,003 2013 367,921 33,914 14,171 401,637 437,118 188,637 -23,794 7,037 1,426,641 18.07 78,929 2014 354,945 32,948 13,681 419,005 456,021 196,795 -23,794 7,037 1,456,638 18.02 80,822 2015 412,371 38,410 14,435 390,387 424,874 183,354 -23,794 7,037 1,447,073 17.47 82,830 2016 422,280 39,714 12,920 333,892 363,389 156,820 -23,794 7,037 1,312,257 15.65 83,826 2017 425,093 38,925 12,768 298,431 355,879 189,612 -23,794 7,037 1,303,951 15.12 86,247 2018 436,427 39,526 11,434 335,081 357,894 180,349 -23,794 7,037 1,343,954 15.33 87,669 2019 444,948 41,352 9,061 294,868 330,527 154,000 -23,794 7,037 1,257,999 13.76 91,400 2020 405,057 38,464 3,048 267,664 278,482 108,940 -23,794 7,037 1,084,898 11.69 92,842 2021 432,185 39,280 3,967 307,207 320,162 115,556 -23,794 7,037 1,201,600 12.79 93,949 2022 438,716 40,206 1,044 302,052 326,725 111,858 -23,794 7,037 1,203,844 12.42 96,904 Community GHG Emissions 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 N 11000,000 r O V 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YEARS ■ Transportation & ■ Solid ■ Water & ■ Residential ■ Commercial ■ Industrial ■ Agriculture, Forestry, & ■ Process & Fugitive Mobile Sources Waste Wastewater Energy Energy Energy Land Use (AFOLU) Emissions Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 120 YEAR City GHG BUILDINGS & FACILITIES Emissions *all in MTCO2e VEHICLE FLEET WATER & WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES TOTAL MTCO2E 2010 8,754 4,415 13,517 26,686 2011 8,865 4,342 14,071 27,278 2012 8,263 4,698 13,912 26,873 2013 8,284 4,691 14,171 27,146 2014 8,194 4,349 13,681 26,224 2015 7,850 4,900 14,435 27,185 2016 6,913 4,942 12,920 24,775 2017 6,778 4,988 12,768 24,534 2018 6,035 5,122 11,434 22,591 2019 6,865 5,163 9,061 21,089 2020 6,104 5,162 3,048 14,314 2021 6,817 5,252 3,014 15,083 2022 6,132 5,276 City GHG Emissions 1,044 12,452 30,000 25,000 b 20,000 n 0 V 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YEARS Buildings & Facilties Vehicle Fleet 0 Water & Wastewater Treatment Facilities 121 Woody Species Native to Northwest Arkansas for Riparian Buffers: • Acer rubrum (red maple) • Acer negunclo (box elder) • Alnus serrulata (smooth alder) • Betula nigra (river birch) • Celtis laevigata (sugarberry) • Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) • Liquiclambar styraciflua (sweetgum) • Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore) • Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood) • Quercus phellos (willow oak) • Salix nigra (black willow) • Ulmus americana (American elm) Herbaceous Species Native to Northwest Arkansas for Riparian Buffers: • Bouteloua curtipenclula (side oats grama) • Carex vulpinoidea (fox sedge) • Chasmanthium latifolium (river oats) • Dichanthelium clandestinum (deer tongue grass) • Elymus canadensis (Canada wild rye) • Elymus hystrix (bottlebrush grass) • Lobelia siphilitica (great blue lobelia) • Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) • Tripsacum dactyloides (eastern gamagrass) Tree Species Native to Northwest Arkansas That Improve Stormwater Quality by Degrading Contaminants: • Betula nigra (river birch) • Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood) • Quercus phellos (willow oak) • Salix nigra (black willow) Herbaceous Species Native to Northwest Arkansas That Improve Stormwater Quality by Degrading Contaminants: • Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem) • Elymus canadensis (Canada wild rye) • Elymus hystrix (bottlebrush grass) • Juncus effusus (common rush) • Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) • Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) • Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass) • Tripsacum dactyloides (eastern gamagrass) Herbaceous Species Native to Northwest Arkansas That Improve Biodiversity: • Achillea millefolium (yarrow) • Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem) • Asclepias purpurascens (purple milkweed) • Asclepias quadrifolia (four-leaved milkweed) • Asclepias viridiflora (green comet milkweed) • Asclepias viridis (green milkweed) • Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) • Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed) • Echinacea pallida (pale purple coneflower) • Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower) • Liatris aspera (rough blazing star) • Liatris hirsuta (hairy gayfeather) • Liatris pycnostachya (prairie blazing star) • Monarda braclburiana (short beebalm) • Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot) • Monarda punctata (spotted beebalm) • Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) • Phlox piilosa (downy phlox) • Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan) • Rudbeckia triloba (brown -eyed Susan) • Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) • Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass) • Vernonia baldwinii (Baldwin"s ironweed) • Vernonia gigantea (giant ironweed) • Vernonia missurica (Missouri ironweed) • Viola pedata (bird's foot violet) 123 Woody Species Native to Northwest Arkansas That Improve Biodiversity: • Acer rubrum (red maple) • Acer saccharinum (silver maple) • Acer saccharum (sugar maple) • Acer negundo (box elder) • Alnus serrulata (smooth alder) • Asimina triloba (pawpaw) • Betula nigra (river birch) • Callicarpa americana (American beautyberry) • Carya cordiformis (bitternut hickory) • Carya illinoinensis (pecan) • Carya ovata (shagbark hickory) • Pinus echinata (short -leaf pine) • Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood) • Prunus mexicana (Mexican plum) • Prunus serotina (black cherry) • Quercus alba (white oak) • Quercus phellos (willow oak) • Quercus rubra (northern red oak) • Quercus falcate (southern red oak) • Quercus velutina (black oak) • Quercus muehlenbergii (Chinquapin oak) • Salix nigra (black willow) • Ulmus alata (winged elm) • Ulmus americana (American elm) • Ulmus rubra (slippery elm) • Vaccinium arboretum (farkleberry) • Vaccinium pallidum (hillside blueberry) • Vaccinium stamineum (deerberry) Trees Species Native to Arkansas that Provide Optimal Carbon Sequestration & Storage: • Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip poplar) • Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) • Pinus echinata (shortleaf pine) • Quercus rubra (red oak) • Quercus alba (white oak) • Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) Herbaceous Species Native to Northwest Arkansas that Provide Optimal Carbon Sequestration & Storage: • Andropogon gerarclii (big bluestem) • Baptisia alba (white wild indigo) • Bouteloua curtipendula (sideoats gramma) • Liatris pycnostachya (prairie blazing star) • Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) • Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) • Silphium laciniatum (compass plant) • Silphium integrifolium (rosinweed) • Soliclago missouriensis (Missouri goldenrod) • Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass) • Spartina pectinate (prairie cordgrass) • Symphyotrichum ericoides (white heath aster) Fayetteville Climate Action Plan 124 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 125 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. '"WAbP— .*=Now or 4 7 OF FPYE rT< F'k4N 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 288-21 File Number: 2021-0871 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS, AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE CHAPTER IN AN EXISTING OR FUTURE CITY PLAN: A RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT MAYOR JORDAN DIRECT THE CITY STAFF OR CONTRACT FOR SERVICES TO DRAFT A NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS. AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE CHAPTER IN AN EXISTING OR FUTURE CITY PLAN THAT WILL INFORM FUTURE POLICIES, PROGRAMS AND ACTIONS THAT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOSYSTEM ISSUES, TO ASSESS AND EXPAND THE FOOTPRINT OF LANDS OF HIGH ECOLOGICAL VALUE. TO PROVIDE FUNDING IF NEEDED TO DRAFT THE PLAN. AND TO CREATE A PERMANENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BUDGET FOR THE PURCHASE OF LANDS WITH HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL OR ECOLOGICAL VALUE WHEREAS, climate change is rapidly accelerating and altering historically predictable rainfall and temperatures in our environment;. and WHEREAS, cities, counties and countries must begin the process of planning and responding to climate change by implementing new policies and tracking key environmental parameters; and WHEREAS, a network of preserved green spaces will help provide climate resilience by buffering climate change impacts such as flooding from more intense rainfall events and heat stress and associated heat island impacts from severe heat waves and droughts; and WHEREAS, a network of these future and preserved properties would help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration, protect sensitive areas prone to flooding, improve water quality, mitigate stream bank erosion and restore and expand natural habitats; and WHEREAS. Fayetteville's City Plan 2040 endorses the creation and preservation of an Enduring Page 1 Printed on 11/17121 Resolution 288-21 File Number: 2021-0871 Green Network and natural resources or green spaces for our city, to identify and preserve high -value open spaces and create a network of greenspaces and greenways throughout the city; and WHEREAS. for many years. the City of Fayetteville with a variety of partners has continued to make significant progress in protecting important preserved woodlands and waterways (e.g.: ( I ) Mount Sequoyah Woods: (2) Brooks -pummel Nature Preserve: (3) Kessler Mountain Regional Park: (4) Centennial Park on Millsap .Mountain; (5) Fay Jones Woodland: and (6) a portion of Markham Hill: (7) Underwood Park: (8) Clabber Creek; (9) West Fork of the White River. and prairie. wetlands and other natural areas (e.g.: (I ) Wilson Springs, (2) Woolsey Wet Prairie, (3) World Peace Prairie, (4) Westside Prairie and (5) the Wetlands at Deadhorse Mountain; and WHEREAS. more study is needed in order to update the inventory of assets in areas of the city with identifiable ecological, environmental, and agricultural values that would provide human and biological greenway linkages between major open space anchors including, significant forests, riparian corridors, parks, trails, and land identified as having high ecological value; and WHEREAS, the city of Fayetteville is a member of the N WA Regional Planning Commission and has developed an N WA Open Space Plan for the region that can be used to inform Fayetteville's plan development process: and WHEREAS. a natural environment, ecosystems, and climate resilience chapter in an existing or future plan can help coordinate future efforts to protect other urban forests and preserve undeveloped areas which could serve as wildlife corridors and pedestrian paths between preserved woodlands, prairies, streams, historical and cultural resources, wetlands, sensitive habitats, and other natural areas; and WHEREAS, the city of Kirkland, WA and numerous peer cities have created similar plans that can serve as models for developing a chapter with quantifiable goals, implementation actions, and assessment and tracking tools: and WHEREAS. a sustainability decision making matrix could be used to better guide the city of Fayetteville in development, growth, and conservation in natural resource areas and greenspaces and can be used to identify criteria to assess existing public lands and associated ecosystems and determine appropriate land preservation policies and best management practices. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Page 2 Printed on 11/17121 Resolution: 288-21 File Number: 2021-0871 Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas hereby requests that Mayor Jordan direct appropriate staff or contract for services to draft a natural environment, ecosystems. and climate resilience chapter for an existing or future integrated sustainability plan that will inform future policies. programs and actions that impact environmental issues, to assess and expand the footprint of lands of high ecological value that will create the conditions for a resilient, equitable. and thriving economy that also provides environmental benefits. such as flood mitigation, habitat conservation.. and carbon sequestration. and to analyze environmental justice considerations (low income or minority population's vulnerability to climate change) when reviewing. prioritizing and implementing land conservation and preservation measures. Section 1 That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas hereby requests that Mayor Jordan allocate S 100,000 to help fund and augment, if needed, the drafting of a natural environment. ecosystem and climate resilience chapter for an existing or future integrated sustainability plan. Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby requests that Mayor Jordan request that a permanent capital improvement project budget line be created and a minimum annual amount of $100,000 be allocated to purchase land, fund conservation easements or for other expenditures that would be used to fulfill the mission of the city of Fayetteville's natural environment. ecosystems. and climate resilience chapter in an existing or new plan. PASSED and APPROVED on 1 1/16/2021 Attest: CAE R K .G� rri Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treaggt y•y ••...••mil �`41 ON CO 0k�w�� Page 3 Printed on 11/17121 Environmental Action Committee Letter of Support Climate Action Plan (CAP), and the Climate Resilience Mapping Tool The Environmental Action Committee (EAC) would like to enthusiastically encourage the City of Fayetteville to adopt and implement the Climate Action Plan and the Climate Resilience Mapping Tool being presented tonight for discus- sion. The EAC has worked diligently for some time evaluating and providing feedback for both the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and the associated Climate Resilience Mapping Tool. This Climate Action Plan is designed to be the framework to guide and energize actions around the City's efforts to be a resource and energy efficient community. This plan sets ambitious mitigation targets, including an overarching goal of net -zero emissions by 2050. Setting a net -zero goal aligns Fayetteville with international targets that aim to balance greenhouse gas (GHG) production with atmos- pheric removals. To be on track to be net zero by 2050, the community will need to decrease our cumulative GHG emissions by 37 percent by 2030. The Climate Resilience Mapping Tool was developed to understand and objectively describe parcels of land in the city in relation to how much (or little) they can support the city's long-term resiliency necessary to withstand pre- dicted changes in the climate. When paired with the CAP, the Climate Resilience Map is a scientific tool to assist in making decisions for our rapidly growing city. City staff and Olsson Engineering have done an excellent job of creat- ing this tool which can help all involved to make better informed decisions associated with future development. It is now possible to look at any parcel of land in the city to reference its ranking on this interactive mapping tool from least to most impactful on climate resiliency. The map is designed to establish an aggregate score based on 24 unique parameters divided into 4 major categories or classifications to establish a "score" for each parcel in the city. Higher scores indicate ecologically valuable parcels that warrant protection due to the ecosystem benefits and services they provide. While not all fields currently pos- sess values, we recognize that this is an ongoing process, and additional fields will be populated as the information becomes available. As this effort is new and innovative, we fully expect that over time some parameters may fall away while new ones may be added. Such evolution is reasonable and to be expected to make the process more ac- curate, effective, and efficient overtime. We are now fully immersed in a data driven world. Even the most mundane decisions rely on volumes of relevant and associated data that has been processed by computers using the latest machine learning and artificial intelli- gence algorithms to reveal insights and trends unavailable to us just a few years ago. Today, information such as sen- sor and imaging data are vital to essentially every decision made in modern society. Given what we have learned from the two items being presented for discussion tonight, the EAC would recommend that these complementary components become policy and that they be referenced as applicable going forward. Jeff Pummill — EAC Chair Margaret Britain Stacey Buff Thomas Deere Joseph Donahue Teresa Turk —City Council Liason Glenda Patterson — EAC Vice Chair Grimsley Graham Alexander Mauroner Vicki Spencer Tod Yeslow