HomeMy WebLinkAbout164-24 RESOLUTIONFile Number: 2024-171 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville , AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 164-24 AP AC-CENTRAL, INC. (CHANGE ORDER #1): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I TO THE CONTRACT WITH APAC-CENTRAL, INC . IN THE AMOUNT OF $371 ,992 .50 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 15TH AND RAZORBACK ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, City Staff recommends adding to the contracted work with APAC-Central , Inc . for the 15 th Street and Razorback Road Intersection Improvement the asphalt overlay and striping of Razorback Road from 15 th Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard which is on the 2024 asphalt overlay list. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign Change Order No . I to the contract with AP AC-Central , Inc . in the amount of $371 ,992 .50 for the construction of the 15 th and Razorback Road Intersection Improvements Project to add asphalt overlay and striping of Razorback Road from 15 th Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard. A copy of Change Order No . I is attached to this Re so lution and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution . PASSED and APPROVED on June 18 , 2024 Attest: L Page 1 ...... CITY OF ~~ FAYETTEVILLE ,,., ARKANSAS MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2024 TO: THRU: FROM: Mayor Jordan and City Council Chris Brown , Public Works Director Susan Norton , Ch ief of Staff Matt Casey , Engineering Design Manager CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-171 SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $371 ,992 .50 with APAC-Central, Inc. for the construction of the 15th and Razorback Rd. Intersection Improvements Project, and approval of a budget adjustment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1 in the amoun t of $371 ,992 .50 with APAC-Central , Inc . for the construction of the 15 th and Razorback Rd. Intersection Improvements Project, and approval of a budget adjustment. BACKGROUND: The intersection of Razorback Road and 15 th Street is a large intersection with multiple lanes entering the intersection on each leg . The intersection is currently controlled as a four way stop with stop signs on each leg. Being located in close vicinity of the Baum-Walker Stadium , Pinnacle Foods , and multiple apartment complexes , this intersection sees a high volume of traffic. Improvements to this intersection were identified as a priority project in the 2019 Transportation Bond Program . The City of Fayetteville Engineering Division has prepared the design for this project. On September 5, 2023 , the City Council approved a construction contract with APAC-Central , Inc. in the amount of $1,809,765.00. The construction is currently underway and will be completed in July of 2024 . DISCUSSION: Razorback Road from the intersection with 15th Street to the Intersection with MLK Jr. Blvd. is on the 2024 list to receive an asphalt overlay . Staff has worked with the contractor to provide pr icing fo r the overlay and striping since the contractor is already onsite . This work will be done in conjunction with the paving planned for the 15th street intersection project. In addition to the pavement addition , th is change orde r adds an item for some additional concrete removal that was encountered during the construction . This amount ($1 ,680 .00) will be covered by the approved project contingency . BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The change order is funded by the 2019 Transportation Bond Program using funds from t he Pavement Maintenance and Overlays Project. The Budget Adjustment moves the funds from this project into the 15 th and Razorback Project. Mailing address : 113 W . Mounta i n Street Fayettev i lle, AR 72701 www. fayettevi lie -a r.gov CCOUNT PROJECT 702. 860 . 7222-5809 . 0046020 . 7222 AMOUNT $371 ,992 .50 ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), BA (#4), Change Order #1 -Signed (#5) Mailing address : 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www. fayettevi lie-a r.gov City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Legislation Text File#: 2024-171 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville , AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $371,992.50 with AP AC-Central, Inc. for the construction of the 15 th and Razorback Rd. Intersection Improvements Project, and approval of a budget adjustment. A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I TO THE CONTRACT WITH APAC- CENTRAL , INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $371 ,992.50 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 15TH AND RAZORBACK ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS , City Staff recommends adding to the contracted work with APAC-Central , Inc . for the I 5th Street and Razorback Road Intersection Improvement the asphalt overlay and striping of Razorback Road from 15 th Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard which is on the 2024 asphalt overlay list. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign Change Order No . 1 to the contract with APAC-Central , Inc. in the amount of $371 ,992.50 for the construction of the 15 th and Razorback Road Intersection Improvements Project to add asphalt overlay and striping of Razorback Road from I 5th Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard. A copy of Change Order No. I is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. Page 1 Matt Casey Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-171 Item ID 6/18/2024 City Council Meeting Date -Agenda Item Only N/ A for Non-Agenda Item 5/30/2024 Submitted Date Action Recommendation: ENGINEERING (621) Division/ Department Approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $371,992.50 with APAC-Central, Inc. for the construction of the 15th and Razorback Rd . Intersection Improvements Project, and approval of a budget adjustment. Budget Impact: 4 702.860. 7222-5809.00 Street Project 2022 Bonds Account Number Fund 46020.7222 15th St/ Razorback Rd. Int Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Total Amended Budget $ 2,163,018.00 Expenses (Actual+Encum) $ 1,903,017.93 Available Budget I s 260,000.07 1 Does item have a direct cost? Yes Item Cost $ 371,992.50 Is a Budget Adjustment attached? Yes Budget Adjustment $ 371,993.00 Remaining Budget $ 260,ooo.s1 I V20221130 Purchase Order Number: 2023-00000780 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # 183-23 Change Order Number: 1 Approval Date: Original Contract Number: 2023-00000046 Comments: City of Fayetteville, Arkansas -Budget Adjustment (Agenda) Budget Year Division /Org2 ENGINEERING (621) Adjustment Number 2024 Requester: Matt Casey BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION/ JUSTIFICATION: Approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $371,992 .50 with APAC-Central , Inc. for the construction of the 15th and Razorback Rd . Intersection Improvements Project, and approval of a budget adjustment . RESOLUTION/ORD INANCE TOTAL Account Number 4702 .860 . 7222-5809 .00 4702 .860. 7252-5417 .00 4 702.860. 7222-5911 .99 Increase/ (Decrease) Expens e 371 ,993 (370,313) (1,680) Revenue COUNCIL DATE : 6/18/2024 --------------1 TE M ID#: 2024-171 /.-lolly Black 5/30/2024 77:74 fl/YI Budget Division Date TYPE: D -(City Council) JOURNAL#: GLDATE: CH KO /POSTED : I Project .Sub# Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 46020 46020 46020 7222 7252 7222 EX Improvements -St r eet EX Maintenance -Street EX Contingency -Capital Project v.202 45 22 G :\Divs\Engineering\Engineering Des ign Serv ices\Projects\BOND PROGRAM\20 19 Bo nd Progra m \Razorb ack and 15th\Council and Com m ittee Actions\Change Order 1\2024-171 BA COl Razo rback 1 o f 1 Change O rd er No. C I TY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS To Co ntractor: APAC Ce ntral T he Contract is changed as fo llows: Bid Bid Co ntract Item Item C han ges No. Descript i on I OI R & D of PCC Base CO-I 102 Mobilization CO-I 103 2" Asp halt Co ncrete Hot Mix Surface Co urse CO-I 6" So lid W hite Pave ment 104 Marking Thermo CO-I 105 Maintenance of Traffic CO-I 6" Solid Double Yellow 106 Paveme nt Marking T herm o CO I 12" So lid White Pavement 107 Marking Thermo CO-I 108 Brick Panem Trail Crossing T hermo CO-I 109 Left A rrow Paveme nt Sy mbol T hermo CO-I 11 0 Only Pave ment Sy mb ol T hermo CO-I Not valid until signed by the Owner T he original Co ntract Price was Ne t change by previous ly auth orize d change ord ers T he Contract Price pri or to th is C hange Ord er was Th e Co ntrac t Price will be adj usted by Prev i ous Est imated Quant ity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T he new Contract Price including thi s Change O rd er w ill be T he Contrac t Time(s) w ill be increased by CHANGE ORDER Co ntra ct Titl e: Razo rba ck and 15th Int ersec tion Improvements Date of Iss uance May 29 , 2024 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION : 183-23 Effec ti ve Se pt ember 5, 2023 Unit Co nt rac t Revised Revised Origi nal of U nit Es timated Unit Es timated Measure Price Qua nt ity Pri ce Cos t SY $0 .00 15 $11 2.00 - LS $0 00 I $5 ,000 .00 - SY $0 .00 18,483 $16 .50 - LF $0 .00 2,256 $2 .00 - LS $0 .00 I $2 1,500 .00 - LF $0 .00 898 $2 .00 - LF $0 .00 63 1 $17.00 - LF $0 .00 34 $480 .00 - EA $0 .00 7 $364 .00 - EA $0.00 7 $420.00 - S ummation of Cost Net Cos t for thi s C han ge Order Revised Es timated Cos t $1,680 .00 $5,000 .00 $304 ,969 .50 $4 ,5 12.00 $2 1,500 .00 $1,796 .00 $10,727 .00 $16,320 .00 $2 ,548 .00 $2 ,940 .00 $37 1,992.50 $37 1,992.50 ............................................... ----·············· .......................................................... _ ___;s ___ ""'1,-'-so_9 .... ,1_6'-5.;...o""'o_ $ ----········ .................................................................................................................. _________ _ $ 1,809 ,76 5.00 .......................................................................................................................................................... ·----~-~--- ........................................................................................................................................................... _$ ____ 3_7_1,'-9_92_.5_0_ $ 2,181,757.50 ................................................................... -------------------~-~-- 65 ca lend ar days ......................................................... ·----------"-'-'--"-'......C=;..._- Required da tes of Co mpl eti on as of the date of thi s Change Ord er th erefore are: ------..................................... _________ _ Sub stantial Completion Final Co mpleti on ----------------------------------------------------------------------5'--.;..A;..;;u._g...;-2;_4;..._ __ ---------------------------------------------------4-Sep-24 NOTE : ll1is s wnmary does not re fl ect changes in th e Contract Price or Time(s) whi ch have been authorized by Work Change Directi ve s not incorporated in thi s or previous Change Orders. A PA C CENTRAL 05-30-24 BY D ATE