HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6747 !IPOIRUP!!"11!m 52 /2024 at 01:42:5 !• ) Recorded: 05/200 Page 1 of 39 III�Fw Fee County AR Clerk Washington circuit J aR �Ns'j Kyle gVlvester_ oO1 1 Fi1e2o24 0 G 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6747 File Number: 2024-25 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT-2024-0002: (WEST OF N.54TH AVE/COLESON BROOK, LLC,397): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT ENTITLED PZD-2024-002 FOR APPROXIMATELY 12.13 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF NORTH 54TH AVENUE IN WARD 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section I: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves PZD-2024-02 as described in Exhibits"A","B",and"C"attached to the Planning Division's Agenda Memo which allows the development of 12.13 acres of mixed residential units. Section 2: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning criteria change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED and APPROVED on May 7,2024 Approv Attest: .��;'GASYOff'u.6 • —"�FAYETTEVILLE: one Jordan, r ara Paxton,City CI rk Treasurer This publication was paid for by the City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Amount Paid: $ (rt3tp u Lk Page 1 R-A RI-U RI-12 54TH AVE RELIANCE ST TRADITION AVE FOUNTAIN ST LEGACY ST P L A N TATION AVE LAVA LOOP DI O R I T E A V E ALLEY 1315 CHATTEL ST ALLEY 1449 ALLEY 1381 PINK T ER Unclassified Alley Residential Link Planned Residential Link Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Trail (Proposed) Residential-Agricultural RSF-1 RI-12 RI-U Community Services Close Up View PZD-2024-0002 West side of N. 54th Ave N 0 175 350 525 70087.5 Feet Subject Property 1:2,800 PZD-2024-0002 "EXHIBIT A" PZD-2024-0002 “EXHIBIT B” SITE DESCRIPTION BEING A PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST OF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11; THENCE NORTH 02° 19’ 07” EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 429.48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 87° 35’ 30” WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THAT PARTICULAR TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AS FILE NO. 2021-00032587, A DISTANCE OF 329.74 FEET TO A FOUND CAPPED 1/2” REBAR EMBOSSED PLS 1834; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 02° 16’ 16” EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 49.86 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE QUIET TITLE CLAIM FILED AS CASE NO. 72CV-23-1129; THENCE NORTH 87° 32’ 50” WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 10.60 FEET TO THE A FOUND CAPPED ILLEGIBLE 1/2” REBAR MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 47 OF HERITAGE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION PHASE I; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 02° 17’ 27” EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID HERITAGE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION OF PHASES I AND II, A DISTANCE OF 1503.00 FEET TO A 2” ALUMINUM MONUMENT IN CONCRETE EMBOSSED PLS 1274 MARKING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 145 OF SAID HERITAGE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION PHASE II; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 87° 33’ 35” EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID QUIET TITLE CLAIM, A DISTANCE OF 10.08 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2” REBAR EMBOSSED PLS 1834 MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AFOREMENTIONED TRACT; THENCE DEPARTING SAID QUIET TITLE CLAIM AND CONTINUING SOUTH 87° 33’ 35” EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 331.03 FEET TO A FOUND CAPPED 1/2” REBAR EMBOSSED PLS 1834 AND REGAINING AFOREMENTIONED EAST LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 02° 19’ 07” WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1552.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 12.13 ACRES MORE OR LESS BEING SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. Prepared by: 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 l Fayetteville, AR 72701 l 479-455-2207 l www.craftontull.com March 26, 2024 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT BOOKLET Submitted to: City of Fayetteville 125 W. Mountain St Fayetteville, AR 72701 Owner: Coleson Brook, LLC 234 E. Millsap Fayetteville, AR 72703 CT JOB NO. 23305000 Prepared by: 300 North College, Suite 317 l Fayetteville, AR 72701 l 479-455-2207 l www.craftontull.com Table of Contents A) Current Ownership.………………………………………………..………………..…3 B) Project Summary....……………………………………………..……………………..3 C) General Project Concept..…………………………………………...…………….…3 D) Proposed Planning Areas…………………………………………..……………..…4 E) Proposed Zoning Standards……………………………………..………………..…4 F) Zoning Charts…………………………………………………………..………………6 G) Analysis of Site Characteristics……………………………….…………….……..7 H) Recreational Facilities…………………………………………….…………..……...8 I) Reason for Rezone Request…………………………………………….…………….8 J) Relation to Existing and Surrounding properties………………….….…………8 K) Compliance with Fayetteville Comprehensive Land Use Plan……….…….....8 L) Traffic Study………………………………………………………..……………….…..9 M) Impacts on City Services………………………………………..……….………..…9 N) Conceptual Description of Development Standards………..…………..……..10 O) Proposals Intent/Purpose…………………………………………………………..11 P) Legal Descriptions……………………………………………………………………11 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com A) Current Ownership: The 12.13-acre property is currently owned by Coleson Brook, LLC. The owner is being represented by Crafton Tull & Associates. The site is located on Washington County Parcel Numbers 765-16164-400 and 765-16168-000, which is located on the west side of N 54th Street in Fayetteville, AR. See vicinity map below for location: B) Project Summary: The proposed development will consist of two planning areas, consisting of single-family detached homes, and open green space. The intent is to have a walkable, vibrant, sustainable, and higher-density neighborhood with useable common open space. In addition, smaller lot sizes, alley access, and shorter setbacks will promote the vitality of the proposed neighborhood and incorporate open green spaces. C) General Project Concept: 1) Street and lot layout will consist of the continuation of a two Residential Streets on site. 54th Street will be extended along the east side of the property as well as W Fountain Street, through the middle of the site. An alley is being proposed which connects to 54th Street on the north and south sides, as well as W Fountain Street in the middle of the site, promoting a highly connected, walkable community. Alleys will conform to the Master Street Plan, except where fire hydrants are needed. In these areas, they will utilize a bump-out detail, making the alley 26’ wide, 20’ either side of the hydrant. Houses on-site will be rear loaded to the alley. Lots will not be required to have frontage to a public street. 2) A site and master plan will be attached with this Booklet. 3) No buffer areas are located on this site. 4) Tree preservation on site will be located mainly along the western side. Tree preservation requirements within the PZD will adhere to the 25% minimum canopy requirement as codified in the UDC Chapter 167. Tree preservation areas and amount of canopy to be preserved will be noted on the development plans. Should the existing canopy on-site be less than this requirement, then this percentage will be either preserved or mitigated for, in accordance with UDC Chapter 167. Existing Trees within Planning Area 1 will be removed and mitigated. Tree preservation will be a priority in Planning Area 2, with common spaces and drainage designed around preservation. 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 5) Stormwater facilities will likely include two detention ponds to be provided within the development. The detention ponds will be located along the western side on the north and south half of the development. The drainage report will further detail the proposed system and how it will convey stormwater. Should other drainage features be utilized (pavers, etc.) and detention ponds be deemed unnecessary, then they will be omitted from the open space. 6) Portions of Planning Area 2 will remain undisturbed in order to preserve tree canopy and existing ground cover on-site. This will serve as somewhat of a natural buffer between the proposed development and the existing western subdivision. 7) Existing utilities around the proposed PZD will be utilized and extended throughout the site. The development’s sanitary sewer main will drain from the north to south connecting to an existing manhole at the intersection of 54th Street and Wedington. The water mains will be connected to existing mains on 54th Street and Fountain Street and be extended throughout the development. 8) Base architectural design standards for homes shall be similar in nature and character to those attached in Exhibit A. Lots and houses can be of any size the developer wants, but the end product will be similar in material and roofline to what is included in this packet. Developer may elect to vary house exterior color. 9) Example building elevation/floorplans (Exhibit A) are included with this booklet. These example housing styles highlight potential options for a higher density lot configuration, while also conveying materials and prominent features of potential housing within any future development. Ultimately, there is no minimum or maximum lot size, and the developer may build different house plans as long as they generally conform to the material and roof form of the included drawings. Developer may elect to vary house exterior color. Final elevations shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. Additionally, where buildings will be visible from the open areas and public right-of-way, additional windows and/or other architectural features such as a bays, porches, dormers, etc. shall be provided for visual interest. D) Proposed Planning Areas: Proposed planning areas for this development will include: Planning Area 1 (Single Family Detached Homes) – This area will encompass any lots, streets, alleys, and uses where single family is proposed. This area will have a “build-to-zone”, which shall not exceed 25’ from the street right-of-way. “Build-to-zones” and setbacks are further discussed in Section E and F of this booklet. Planning Area 2 (Non-Residential Uses) – This area will encompass all the detention, drainage features, forested areas, natural areas, and recreational features. The zoning district is designed to permit and encourage the minimum amount of development, protect natural features, and encompass all common and recreational areas for the development. Open Space will be accessible for residents to use through a sidewalk network via the master street plan and so that residents can use common open space for outdoor and recreational uses. E) Proposed Zoning Standards: Planning Area 1 - Residential Zoning District: (a) Permitted uses by Use Unit: Unit 1: City-wide uses by right Unit 8: Single-family dwellings 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com Unit 41: Accessory Dwelling Units Unit 46: Short-term rentals b) Conditional uses by Use Unit: Unit 2: City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3: Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4: Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 9: Two-Family Dwellings Unit 10: Three (3) and Four (4) family dwellings Unit 12a: Limited business Unit 24: Home occupations Unit 44: Cluster Housing Development c) Residential Density and/ or Nonresidential Intensity: 10 units/acre Maximum Bulk and area regulations: d) Lot width minimum: No Minimum e) Lot area minimum: No Minimum h) Height regulations: 2 stories i) Building area: less than 65% of lot area. Minimum buildable street frontage: 50% of lot width (for only those lots along Public Streets, of which Alleys are not included). Site Planning: j) Landscaping: Landscaping shall be consistent with chapter 177 of the Unified Development Code. k) Parking: Parking shall be accessible by rear of houses. Each house shall have a driveway for parking. Parking spaces will be available throughout the development as shown on preliminary plat. l) Architectural Design Standards: Base architectural design standards for homes are included in Exhibit A. Single-family homes shall be similar in nature and character to these plans and images as shown in Exhibit A. An architectural projection, such as an eave, utility chase, chimney or bay window shall not be considered to be in violation of a setback requirement as long as the projection does not intrude into a public right-of-way or extend more than 3 feet into a setback. A projection which encroaches into a setback shall not come closer than 3 feet to a property line. All lots less than 50 feet in width shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. m) Signage: Non-commercial signage shall be allowed under Chapter 174 of the UDC. No illuminated signs or signs larger than 8 sqft. Planning Area 2 – Non-residential Zoning District: (a) Permitted uses by Use Unit: Unit 1: City-wide uses by right b) Conditional uses by Use Unit: Unit 2: City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3: Public protection and utility facilities c)Residential Density and/ or Nonresidential Intensity: 0 units/acre Maximum Bulk and area regulations: d) Lot width minimum: 50’ e) Lot area minimum: .5 acres 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com h) Height regulations: 2 story maximum i) Building area: none Note: There shall be no lot minimum requirements for non-buildable lots. Site Planning: j) Landscaping: Landscaping shall be consistent with chapter 177 of the Unified Development Code. k) Parking: Parking shall be associated with proposed use and will conform to Chapter 172 in the UDC. l) Architectural Design Standards: Architectural design standards shall conform to building and development requirements within UDC. m) Signage: Subdivision Entrance Signage is allowed within this Planning Area but shall be applied by separate permit. No other signs shall be allowed, except as approved by the Property Owner’s Association. *By right, common mailbox units shall be allowed within Planning Area 2. These units shall be installed near Fountain Street. **Accessory uses shall conform to UDC 164.02, Accessory Structures and Uses. F) Zoning Chart: Planning Area 1 (Residential Zoning District): Below is a chart comparing Planning Area 1 (Residential Zoning District) within this PZD versus City of Fayetteville current RI-12 zoning of the property: Regulation RI-12 Proposed PZD Planning Area 1 Uses Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 41, Unit 44, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 36 Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 41, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 44 Front Setback A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. For lots facing the open space (front), a build-to- zone of 0-25’ shall apply off of the front property line. Side Setback Adjacent to Single & Two Family 5’ both sides 5’ both sides or 0’ one side, 10’ other side Side Setback Other Uses 8’ 5’ Rear Setback Single Family 5’ 20’ (from either edge of Alley R/W or Access Easement, depending on if public or private) Rear Setback Other Uses 20’ 20’ (from either edge of Alley R/W or Access Easement, depending on if public or private) Density 12 units/acre 10 units/ acre Minimum Lot Width 50’ single family 50’ two family No minimum 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 90’ three & four family Minimum Lot Area 5,000 sqft single family 7260 sqft two family 10,890 sqft three & four family No minimum Maximum height 2 stories/3 stories* 2 stories Building area Less than 50% of lot area Less than 65% of lot area Planning Area 2 (Non-residential Zoning District): Below is a chart comparing Planning Area 2 (Non-residential Zoning District) within this PZD versus City of Fayetteville current RI-12 zoning of the property: Regulation RI-12 Proposed PZD Planning Area 2 Uses Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 41, Unit 44, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 36 Permitted uses: Unit 1 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3 Front Setback A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. 20’ Side Setback Adjacent to Single & Two Family 5’ both sides 10’ Side Setback Other Uses 8’ 10’ Rear Setback Single Family 5’ 20’ Rear Setback Other Uses 20’ 20’ Density 12 units/acre Nonresidential: ½ acre Minimum Lot Width 50’ single family 50’ two family 90’ three & four family 50’ Minimum Lot Area 5,000 sqft single family 7260 sqft two family 10,890 sqft three & four family .5 acre Maximum height 2 stories/3 stories* 2 stories Building area Less than 50% of lot area None* *There shall be no lot requirements for non-buildable lots. **By right, common mailbox units shall be allowed within Planning Area 2. These units shall be installed near Fountain Street. ***Accessory uses shall conform to UDC 164.02, Accessory Structures and Uses. G) Analysis of Site Characteristics: The 12.13-acre site is primarily grass with trees along the western border. This site looked to previously be a single-family resident. This site has moderately sloped topography. Half of the site drains south, the other half drains west/northwest. There are no known environmental hazards, sensitive or natural resources areas, or manmade hazards. 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com H) Recreational Facilities: The future development of this property will have open space on the west side of the property to be utilized for the subdivision’s residents. The open space will be a central design feature, with many houses fronting the space. The space will have pedestrian connectivity to it from all directions of the site, and through the open space with an inner sidewalk or trail. This recreational facility is also connected to the western adjacent subdivision, which has an existing city park, and the eastern adjacent development and trail system. I) Reason for Rezone Request: The subject property is currently zoned RI-12, which allows for 1-4 family dwellings with a density of up to 12 units per acre. For single family, however, the minimum lot size is 50’. Due to the developer’s desire to create a more compact, walkable, open-space driven design, it was requested that the minimum lot size be removed to allow for a smaller lot size. The site drawing submitted with this packet is based on a 35’ lot width, but allows the developer to create bigger or smaller lots, depending on their preference at the time of development. A Planned Zoning District (PZD) was the method chosen to do this for two reasons. 1. Other zoning districts (Community Services, Residential Intermediate-Urban, etc) could allow for a similar flexibility to what is being proposed here, but not without it seeming like the developer was building apartments or a really high-density development. This is not their desire nor how they wish for the public to see this request as. It is their intent to build smaller single family lots with a zoning density of no more than 10 units per acre. 2. Many of the lots in Planning Area 1 will be alley loaded and front on the park with no public street frontage. This is not allowed by-right in any zoning district. The Planned Zoning District provides an avenue to address this and make this possible. J) Relation to Existing and Surrounding Properties: The subdivision located west of this development is zoned RI-12 having medium/low density (12 units/acre). The development east of the site is zoned RI-U having a variety of housing types. The property south of the development is zoned R-A having low-density single-family houses. The development north is in Washington County jurisdiction. This development, being moderate density residential, will serve as a good transition between surrounding neighborhoods while still conforming to the general residential uses within the area. This development will have street connections to the subdivision located west and 54th Street. Traffic within this development will have egress/ingress from Fountain Street and 54th Street. All signage shall meet UDC Chapter 174. Although no signage is proposed for this development. K) Compliance with Fayetteville’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Fayetteville’s Future Land Use Plan calls this area to be Residential Neighborhood, which offers a wide variety of housing types, with highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns. This Planned Zoning District is in compliance with that, as it allows a wide array of single-family housing with no minimum lot width or size. Two to four family dwellings are also conditionally allowed with this Planned Zoning District. This development is highly connected to existing subdivisions to the east and west, as well as internally, with the open space being a central focal point. Below are the six 2040 City Plan goals and how this development aligns with them: Goal 1: We will make appropriate infill and revitalization our highest priority. 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com This site is essentially an infill project, between two existing residential developments. This project connects vehicles and pedestrians throughout this area in a logical and concise manner. This development is intended to be primarily single-family residential, although it does allow 2-4 family dwellings by conditional use. Single-family residential on this site compliments the context and character of the existing neighborhood to the west of the site, while obtaining the density needed to promote affordable housing in the region. Goal 2: We will discourage suburban sprawl. This development would not be considered suburban sprawl having high and medium density neighborhoods surrounding it. This development connects the two existing developments, extended vehicular and pedestrian access through this site and surrounding sites to local parks and amenities. This Planned Zoning District has a density that is less than what is currently on the site for RI-12, while being a concise development which minimizes public street construction and centers on a internal open space for residents to enjoy. Goal 3: We will make traditional town form the standard. This development meets this goal by being a compact and dense subdivision thus being able to preserve open space and trees, having interconnected streets and sidewalks, having build-to-zones, and having an alley. With the alley, the development will have a more beautified streetscape with services and utilities being here. The houses will be able to front either open space or 54th Street. Goal 4: We will grow a livable transportation network. This development will promote walkability and bicycling by having interconnected tree-lined streets, and sidewalks. Fayetteville’s trail network is adjacent to this development, located on the east side of 54th Street. If public transportation decides to extend west, this development will provide connection with surrounding neighborhoods thus making bus stops more accessible. Goal 5: We will assemble an enduring green network. This development will meet this goal by preserving trees and open space. Additionally, the proposed development will consist of tree-line streets, interconnected sidewalks, and will connect to a trail adjacent to the development. Goal 6: We will create opportunities for attainable housing: This goal will be met by providing the developer an opportunity for a mixture of housing sizes. With only one public street and an alley for this site for the many houses on this development, the cost per lot has been reduced giving opportunity for more affordable housing, depending on the configuration. L) Traffic Study Per pre-application discussions with city staff, a traffic study wouldn’t be required. M) Impact of City Services An 8” water main will be extended throughout the site to serve all residential lots. An 8” gravity sanitary sewer main will be extended throughout the site to serve all residential lots. Initial discussions with city staff stated sanitary sewer capacity, water pressures and flows should not be a concern. Emergency services, police and fire, will be able to serve houses by either the alley or streets throughout the development. Fire hydrants will be installed strategically throughout the development. Fire hydrants installed in the alley will have bumpouts to provide the required 26’ for a fire truck. Each house will have an individual trash service that will be provided in the alley. 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com N) Conceptual Description of Development Standards The proposed PZD will set forth development standards and conditions aimed at encouraging harmonious development, ensuring continuity in development, enhancing the appeal and practicality of the area as a residential space, overall, elevating the community. 1) Screening and Landscaping: Landscaping for this development will be consistent with chapter 177. Residential lots shall have a consistent foundation and high-quality design at the front of the house and throughout the development. Natives and high-quality design are encouraged for new construction of homes. A basic landscape plan will be submitted with building elevations and floor plans. Vegetative screening and fences may be erected between homes and planning uses if required by UDC. No trees are proposed along the alley, due to franchise utilities traversing through this space and the likelihood that these trees will not survive. 2) Traffic and Circulation: This development will provide connectivity for surrounding neighborhoods and create another route of egress/ingress thus alleviating traffic congestion within existing subdivisions. It will also extend two master street plan streets and pedestrian facilities. 3)Parking Standards: Parking standards will meet City of Fayetteville Minimum Street Standards where on-street parking and parking spaces are to be proposed. Parking is to be located within the PZD district it serves. Parking will be available in garages and driveways at each residence as well as on-street where allowed by this planned zoning district and the master street plan. 4) Perimeter Treatment: This development is compatible with adjacent developments, and proposes to meet the future land use map. Because of this, no perimeter treatment is proposed. 5) Sidewalks: Sidewalks will be provided throughout the development and along Residential Link Streets. 6) Streetlights: Streetlights shall be of a uniform type throughout the development. All streetlights shall be full cut-off fixtures and a lighting system shall appropriately light all public areas. All streetlights shall be per Ozark Electric cooperative and meet UDC code 166.04(B)(3)(g). Street Lights shall also be installed in the alley for vehicular safety. 7) Water: Water mains and services shall be provided for each dwelling and residence. Water mains shall be per Fayetteville 2022 Water and Sewer Specifications, utilizing an 8” AWWA C900 PVC, DR14 material. Water services shall follow these same specifications for meters and service lines. 8) Sewer: Sewer services shall be provided for all dwellings and buildings. Sewer mains shall be per Fayetteville 2022 Water and Sewer Specifications, utilizing an 8” PVC SDR 26. Sewer services shall follow these same specifications for any meters and service lines. 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 9) Street and Drainage: Streets shall conform to City of Fayetteville Minimum Street Standards. Street design shall be reviewed by the Engineering department of the City of Fayetteville. Drainage and storm design will be provided on the attached site design/master plan. Drainage and storm design will be reviewed by the Engineering Department of the City of Fayetteville. 10) Construction of Nonresidential Facilities: Non-residential facilities are not proposed within this development apart from those stated previously. 11) Tree Preservation: Tree preservation plans and landscape plans will be required and submitted once development begins on a preliminary plat application and development plan is submitted. The intent is to preserve trees where possible in Planning Area 2. Planning Area 1 will have no preservation. Mitigation will be shown in Planning Area 2. 12) Architectural design standards: Architectural design standards have been attached to this application as Exhibit A. Residential buildings must be consistent with the style and look of examples set in Exhibit A. Houses may be larger or smaller, but will have the same general look as attached. All lots less than 50 feet in width shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. 13) Propose signage: No signage is proposed with this development. There is the potential that the developer may want a subdivision sign. This is allowable by right in Planning Area 2, as is the common mailbox unit. 14) View Protection: View protection shall be considered if any proposed work is to occur outside the scope of the proposed PZD and its master plan. 15) Covenants, trust, and homeowner association: Homeowners association shall be created with future development, with restrictive covenants enacted to ensure that development is well maintained and attractive for the future. Neither is proposed at this time. O) PZD Intent/Purpose The intent of this Proposed PZD is to create and expand the City Residential Neighborhood Area as outlined in the City of Fayetteville’s 2040 Land Use Plan. The proposed PZD wishes to expand the existing infrastructure, while creating a livable, harmonious, and vibrant community compatible to surrounding uses. P) Legal Description Planning Area 1: PART OF THE E 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 429.48 FEET; THENCE N87°35'30"W 41.81 FEET; 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com THENCE N2°20'25"E 81.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N87°39'35"W 95.00 FEET; THENCE 62.83 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET AND A LONG CHORD OF N42°39'35"W 56.57 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 19.32 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 510.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 49.10 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 52.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 49.14 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 755.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 55.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 20.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 10.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 1441.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 7.99 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. Planning Area 2: PART OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 429.48 FEET; THENCE N87°35'30"W 41.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N87°35'30"W 287.92 FEET; THENCE N02°16'16"E 49.86 FEET; THENCE N87°32'50"W 10.60 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 600.16 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 49.10 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 510.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 19.32 FEET; THENCE 62.83 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET AND A LONG CHORD OF S42°39'35"E 56.57 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 95.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 81.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.35 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. ALSO PART OF THE E 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 1982.15 FEET; THENCE N87°33'35"W 41.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S02°20'25"W 30.31 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 10.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 20.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 55.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 755.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 49.14 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 850.84 FEET; THENCE S87°33'35"E 299.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.32 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. Washington County,AR I certify this instrument was filed on 05/24/2024 01:42:50 PM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2024-00012731 Kyle Sylvester- Circuit Clerk by EXHIBIT D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Revise the PZD booklet and plans to reflect the following: a. Add a requirement that states that “Any parking lots of 5 spaces or greater shall be subject to UDC 177.04 Site Development and Parking Lot Landscape Standards.” b. Add a requirement that states that “Any and all signage shall meet the requirements as set forth in UDC section 174.” c. Updating booklet to state that “Tree Preservation within Planning Area 1 will be evaluated with development plans. Existing trees will be preserved where possible.” d. Add a note about how common areas will be maintained. 2. Parkland dedication must be reviewed by PRAB with the associated development plans; 3. Compliance with UDC 177 Landscape Regulations shall be reviewed with the associated development plans; 4. Compliance with USC 164.23 Small Lot Design Standards shall be confirmed with building permit submittal; 5. A conditional use permit will be required for any proposed off-site parking lots prior to the platting of the lots per the requirements of UDC 172.06(C). 6. Any parking lots must meet all standard design and development standards as outlined in the Unified Development Code, including, but not limited to, paving and construction, dimensional standards, landscape requirements, and drainage requirements; 7. Any proposed lots without frontage shall provide adequate access for water, sewer, and emergency services; and 8. A downstream sewer capacity analysis in accordance with the current edition of the City’s Standard Specifications for Design and Construction of Water Lines and Sewer Lines must be included with the development entitlement submittal to determine if there is adequate capacity within the existing sewer system. The developer shall perform any downstream sewer upgrades to accommodate any additional capacity necessitated by the development. 9. This approval does not grant permit approval for the associated development. The project shall still be subject to any and all development entitlement requirements, including, but not limited to, site improvement plan, large-scale development, and/or other required permits. Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-25 MEETING OF MAY 7, 2024 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Jonathan Curth, Development Services Director Jessica Masters, Development Review Manager FROM: Donna Wonsower, Planner SUBJECT: PZD-2024-0002: Planned Zoning District (WEST OF N. 54TH AVE / COLESON BROOK, LLC, 397): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL for property located WEST OF N. 54TH AVE in WARD 4. The property is zoned RI-12, RESIDENTIAL INTERMEDIATE, 12 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 12.13 acres. The request is to rezone the property to a PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: City Planning staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a request to rezone the subject property as described and shown in the attached Exhibits ‘A’, ‘B’, 'C', and 'D'. BACKGROUND: The subject property is in west Fayetteville, approximately 400 feet north of the intersection of N. 54th Ave. and W. Wedington Dr. The property was annexed into Fayetteville city limits and rezoned to its current designation in 2021. It contains roughly 12.13 acres and is zoned RI-12, Residential Intermediate, 12 Units per Acre. The property is currently undeveloped and is not part of any overlay or master planning areas. The applicant requests to rezone the property to a Planned Zoning District with two Planning Areas, as described below: Planning Area #1 – 7.99 acres: The intention of this planning area is to provide single-family homes at a maximum density of 10 units per acre. The proposal includes alley-loaded single-family home lots which would front either N. 54th Ave. or the proposed greenspace within Planning Area 2. The allowable uses are similar to but more limited than those allowed in other single-family zoning districts such as RSF-4 or NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Planning Area #2 – 1.32 acres: This planning area is intended for a combination of open space, tree preservation, and stormwater facilities. The area in question currently has some existing tree canopy and abuts an existing residential neighborhood to the west. Any proposed parkland dedication would be required to be evaluated by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and a full evaluation of its suitability for City acquisition would take place during development process. Compliance with the tree preservation ordinance and stormwater design would be fully evaluated with development plan submittal. The permitted uses are restricted to Use Unit 1: City-wide Uses permitted by right. Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov Public Comment: To date, staff has received multiple inquiries regarding the proposed rezoning and requesting additional information. One comment was emailed to staff in opposition to the request, citing drainage concerns, safety of children around drainage facilities, the potential draw of detention ponds to nuisance animals such as geese, snakes, and mosquitoes, and potential impact to property values. Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds the applicant’s request to be compatible with existing surrounding land uses. An existing RI-12 neighborhood is located directly west, with a mixed-density residential development known as Cobblestone Farms currently under construction to the east. Staff finds the proposed density could provide a good transition area between these two developments. The applicant’s request reflects slightly lower density than the existing zoning district that reduces impervious surface by allowing the parcels along the western portion of the development access from solely a proposed alley with frontage along open space in Planning Area 2. The separation of the PZD into two planning areas indicates a specific intention to work within the confines of existing amenities on the site, tree preservation, detention, and open space along the western boundary that will also serve to provide a buffer between the proposed development and an existing residential neighborhood. The applicant’s request would also allow for short-term rentals within Planning Area 1. However, since the overall planned zoning district is strictly residential and does not include any commercial or mix of uses by right, staff finds that any single-family homes that would like to pursue a Type 2 short-term rental would require a conditional use permit. Any commercial uses would be subject to a conditional use permit in Planning Area 1. Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff finds that the request is consistent with the City’s land use and zoning plans. The proposed PZD is substantially similar to what could be developed by right under the existing zoning district, with the notable exception of allowing parcels to have frontage along an alley / green space rather than a public street and an elimination of minimum lot widths (currently 50 feet). Proposed plans indicate lot widths of approximately 35 feet, which would be subject to UDC 164.23 Small Lot Design Standards and their intent of promoting public space interaction along with natural surveillance. Staff finds that the proposal meets City Plan 2040 goal by making appropriate infill a high priority; the infill score for the site is currently quite low, so inserting single-family units in the area acts as a good transitional development to future high-density development. The proposal also capitalizes on proximity to the trail network and adjacent street stub-outs. CITY PLAN 2040 INFILL MATRIX: City Plan 2040’s Infill Matrix indicates a low infill score for the subject property of 3-5. The elements vary by the area of the property being considered, and include the following: • Adequate Fire Response (Station #7, 835 N. Rupple Rd.) • Near Sewer Main (8” Main, N. 54th Ave. and W. Fountain St.) • Near Water Main (8” Main, N. 54th Ave.) • Near City Park (Bundrick Park) • Near Paved Trail (Wedington Trails and N. 54th Ave. Trail currently under construction) DISCUSSION: At the April 8, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, a vote of 7-0-0 forwarded the request to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Commissioner Garlock made the motion which was seconded by Commissioner Payne. The applicant spoke briefly, citing the intent for the property to be a transitional development between higher density to the east and lower density to the west, and stated that they had no concerns regarding recommended conditions of approval. Commissioner Garlock appreciated the ability to view the conceptual plans with the proposed PZD and approved of the reduction in density. Commissioners also asked for clarification on the project number (PZD-2024-0002), the regulation of short-term rentals within Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov the PZD, and the proposed lot orientation. Staff clarified that Type 1 STRs would be permitted by right, and Type 2 STRs would require a conditional use permit. Staff also confirmed that houses would be alley-loaded with homes fronting either N. 54th Ave or the open space. No members of the public spoke at the hearing. Prior to the meeting, staff held an in-person meeting at Development Services to confirm with members of the public that drainage designs and potential stormwater facilities would be determined at the development plan stage and were not yet known. Staff confirmed this at the meeting with the Commission. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: NA ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), Exhibit A (#4), Exhibit B (#5), Exhibit C (#6), Exhibit D (#7), Planning Commission Staff Report (#8) Page 1 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Legislation Text 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 File #: 2024-25 PZD-2024-0002: Planned Zoning District (WEST OF N. 54TH AVE / COLESON BROOK, LLC, 397): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL for property located WEST OF N. 54TH AVE in WARD 4. The property is zoned RI-12, RESIDENTIAL INTERMEDIATE, 12 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 12.13 acres. The request is to rezone the property to a PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT. AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT ENTITLED PZD-2024-002 FOR APPROXIMATELY 12.13 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF NORTH 54TH AVENUE IN WARD 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves PZD-2024-02 as described in Exhibits “A”, “B”, and “C” attached to the Planning Division’s Agenda Memo which allows the development of 12.13 acres of mixed residential units. Section 2: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning criteria change provided in Section 1 above. Comments: Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Project Number Budget Impact: FundAccount Number Project Title City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-25 Item ID 5/7/2024 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only PZD-2024-0002: Planned Zoning District (WEST OF N. 54TH AVE / COLESON BROOK, LLC, 397): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL for property located WEST OF N. 54TH AVE in WARD 4. The property is zoned RI-12, RESIDENTIAL INTERMEDIATE, 12 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 12.13 acres. The request is to rezone the property to a PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT. N/A for Non-Agenda Item Action Recommendation: Submitted By Jonathan Curth DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (630) Division / Department 4/19/2024 Submitted Date No -$ -$ V20221130 Budgeted Item? Does item have a direct cost? Is a Budget Adjustment attached? Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget -$ -$ No No -$ -$ TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Jessie Masters, Development Review Manager FROM: Donna Wonsower, Planner MEETING: April 8, 2024 SUBJECT: PZD-2024-0002: Planned Zoning District (WEST OF N. 54TH AVE / COLESON BROK, LLC, 397): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL for property located WEST OF N. 54TH AVE. The property is zoned RI-12, RESIDENTIAL INTERMEDIATE, 12 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 12.13 acres. The request is to rezone the property to a PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding PZD-2023-0002 to City Council with a recommendation of approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “I move to forward PZD-2023-0002 to City Council with a recommendation of approval, with conditions as outlined by staff.” BACKGROUND: The subject property is in west Fayetteville, approximately 400 feet north of the intersection of N. 54th Ave. and W. Wedington Dr. The property was annexed into Fayetteville city limits and rezoned to its current designation in 2021. It contains roughly 12.13 acres and is zoned RI-12, Residential Intermediate, 12 Units per Acre. The property is currently undeveloped and is not part of any overlay or master planning areas. Surrounding land uses and zoning is depicted in Table 1. Table 1: Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Direction Land Use Zoning North Quarry Fayetteville Planning Area South Single-Family Residential RA, Residential Agricultural East Agricultural Mixed-Density Residential RA, Residential Agricultural RI-U, Residential Intermediate Urban West Single-Family Residential RI-12, Residential Intermediate, 12 Units per Acre Proposal: The applicant requests to rezone the property to a Planned Zoning District with two Planning Areas, as described below: • Planning Area #1 – 7.99 acres: The intention of this planning area is to provide single- family homes at a maximum density of 10 units per acre. The proposal includes alley- loaded single-family home lots which would front either N. 54th Ave. or the proposed greenspace within Planning Area 2. The allowable uses are similar to but more limited than those allowed in other single-family zoning districts such as RSF-4 or NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 1 of 53 (UPDATED WITH MEETING RESULTS) • Planning Area #2 – 1.32 acres: This planning area is intended for a combination of open space, tree preservation, and stormwater facilities. The area in question currently has some existing tree canopy and abuts an existing residential neighborhood to the west. Any proposed parkland dedication would be required to be evaluated by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and a full evaluation of its suitability for City acquisition would take place during the large-scale development process. Compliance with the tree preservation ordinance and stormwater design would be fully evaluated with development plan submittal. The permitted uses are extremely restrictive, with only use unit 1: city-wide uses permitted by right. Public Comment: Staff has received multiple inquiries regarding the proposed rezoning and requesting additional information. One comment was emailed to staff in opposition to the request, citing drainage concerns, safety of children around drainage facilities, the potential draw of detention ponds to nuisance animals such as geese, snakes, and mosquitoes, and potential impact to property values. INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The Planned Zoning District subject area has access to N. 54th Ave. and a stub- out on W. Fountain St. N. 54th Ave is an unimproved residential link street that must be improved with future development. W. Fountain St. is an improved residential link street with asphalt paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalk and green space on both sides. Any street or drainage improvements required in these areas would be determined at the time of development. Water: Public water is available to the subject area. An existing 8” water main is stubbed out in W. Fountain St. An 8” water main is also being installed in N. 54th Ave with the Cobblestone Farms development along the southern portion of the subject area’s frontage that future development could connect to once the water main being installed has been accepted by the city. Sewer: Sanitary Sewer is available to the subject area. There are existing 8” sanitary sewer mains in W. Fountain St. and in N. 54th Ave. at the southeast corner of the subject area that can be tied into to serve the future development. A downstream sewer capacity analysis in accordance with the current edition of the City’s Standard Specifications for Design and Construction of Water Lines and Sewer Lines must be included with the development entitlement submittal to determine if there is adequate capacity within the existing sewer system. The developer shall perform any downstream sewer upgrades to accommodate any additional capacity necessitated by the development. Drainage: No portion of the subject area lies within a FEMA floodplain, a protected stream, Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District, or contain hydric soils. Fire: Fire apparatus access and fire protection water supplies will be reviewed for compliance with the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code at the time of development. Station 7, located at 835 N. Rupple Rd., protects this site. The property is located approximately 1.5 miles from the fire station with an anticipated drive time of approximately 3 minutes using existing streets. The anticipated response time would be approximately 5.2 minutes. Fire Department response time is calculated based on the drive time plus 1 minute for dispatch and 1.2 minutes for turn-out Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 2 of 53 time. Within the City Limits, the Fayetteville Fire Department has a response time goal of 6 minutes for an engine and 8 minutes for a ladder truck. Police: The Police Department did not comment on this request. Tree Preservation: The proposed PZD, Residential Planned Zoning District, requires 25% minimum canopy preservation. The current zoning district RI-12, Residential-Agricultural requires 20% minimum canopy preservation. CITY PLAN 2040 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2040 Future Land Use Plan designates the property within the proposed rezone as Residential Neighborhood. Residential Neighborhood Areas are primarily residential in nature and support a wide variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context: single-family, duplexes, rowhouses, multifamily and accessory dwelling units. Residential Neighborhood encourages highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns and reduced building setbacks. It also encourages traditional neighborhood development that incorporates low-intensity nonresidential uses intended to serve the surrounding neighborhoods, such as retail and offices, on corners and along connecting corridors. This designation recognizes existing conventional subdivision developments which may have large blocks with conventional setbacks and development patterns that respond to features of the natural environment. Building setbacks may vary depending on the context of the existing neighborhood. CITY PLAN 2040 INFILL MATRIX: City Plan 2040’s Infill Matrix indicates a low infill score for the subject property of 3-5, which translates to a weighted score of 4.5. The elements vary by the area of the property being considered, and include the following: • Adequate Fire Response (Station #7, 835 N. Rupple Rd.) • Near Sewer Main (8” Main, N. 54th Ave. and W. Fountain St.) • Near Water Main (8” Main, N. 54th Ave.) • Near City Park (Bundrick Park) • Near Paved Trail (N. 54th Ave, Under Construction) FINDINGS OF THE STAFF 1. A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds the applicant’s request to be compatible with existing surrounding land uses. An existing RI-12 neighborhood is located directly west, with a mixed-density residential development known as Cobblestone Farms currently under construction to the east. Staff finds the proposed density could provide a good transition area between these two developments. The applicant’s request reflects slightly lower density that reduces impervious surface by allowing the parcels along the western portion of the development access from solely a proposed alley with frontage along open space in Planning Area 2. The separation of the PZD into two planning areas indicates a specific intention to work within the confines of existing amenities on the site, tree preservation, detention, and open space along the western boundary that will also serve to provide a Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 3 of 53 buffer between the proposed development and an existing residential neighborhood. The applicant’s request would also allow for short-term rentals within Planning Area 1. However, since the overall planned zoning district is strictly residential and does not include any commercial or mix of uses by right, staff finds that any single-family homes that would like to pursue a short-term rental would require a conditional use permit. All proposed commercial uses are available via conditional use permit in Planning Area 1 only. Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff finds that the request is consistent with the City’s land use and zoning plans. The proposed PZD is substantially similar to what could be developed by right under the existing zoning district, with the notable exception of allowing parcels to have frontage along an alley / green space rather than a public street and an elimination of minimum lot widths (currently 50 feet). Proposed plans indicate lot widths of approximately 35 feet, which would be subject to UDC 164.23 Small Lot Design Standards. Staff finds that the proposal meets City Plan 2040 goal by making appropriate infill a high priority; the infill score for the site is currently quite low, so inserting single-family units in the area acts as a good transitional development to future high-density development. The proposal also capitalizes on proximity to the trail network and adjacent street stub- outs. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: Staff finds that the proposed rezoning is justified in order to develop a potentially difficult site in a way that is compatible with both current and long-term land uses for the area. The concentrated density allows for additional land on the overall site to be set aside for potential open space and recreational features. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: The proposed PZD is not likely to have a significant impact on traffic danger or congestion in the area. The overall proposed vehicular access will be primarily from N. 54th Ave. with an additional connection available through W. Fountain St. A planned future trail within Cobblestone Farms is currently under construction directly to the east which will connect to the existing trail along W. Wedington Dr., providing an alternative source of transportation. The density in the PZD is also less than what is permitted under most of the site’s current zoning which may be developed with up to 12 units per acre under the RI-12 zoning district. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: The proposed RPZD would not alter the population density in a way that would undesirably increase the load on public services. New sewer lines Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 4 of 53 would be required to be extended to the proposed development, at a cost that would be born by the developer, and a new water main is currently under construction in the adjacent Cobblestone Farms development. Additionally, a sewer capacity analysis may need to occur during an associated large- scale development or preliminary plat. That said, given the proximity to W. Wedington Dr., staff finds that any lack of water and sewer facilities at this time are of a limited concern. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A Sec. 161.35. Planned Zoning Districts (PZD) (B) Purpose. The intent of the Planned Zoning District is to permit and encourage comprehensively planned zoning and developments whose purpose is redevelopment, economic development, cultural enrichment or to provide a single-purpose or mixed-use planned development and to permit the concurrent processing of zoning and development. The City Council may consider any of the following factors in review of a Planned Zoning District application. (1) Flexibility. Providing for flexibility in the distribution of land uses, in the density of development and in other matters typically regulated in zoning districts. (2) Compatibility. Providing for compatibility with the surrounding land uses. (3) Harmony. Providing for an orderly and creative arrangement of land uses that are harmonious and beneficial to the community. (4) Variety. Providing for a variety of housing types, employment opportunities or commercial or industrial services, or any combination thereof, to achieve variety and integration of economic and redevelopment opportunities. (5) No negative impact. Does not have a negative effect upon the future development of the area; (6) Coordination. Permit coordination and planning of the land surrounding the PZD and cooperation between the city and private developers in the urbanization of new lands and in the renewal of existing deteriorating areas. (7) Open space. Provision of more usable and suitably located open space, recreation areas and other common facilities that would not otherwise be required under conventional land development regulations. (8) Natural features. Maximum enhancement and minimal disruption of existing natural features and amenities. (9) Future Land Use Plan. Comprehensive and innovative planning and design of mixed use yet harmonious developments consistent with the guiding policies of the Future Land Use Plan. (10)Special Features. Better utilization of sites characterized by special features of geographic location, topography, size or shape. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 5 of 53 (11)Recognized zoning consideration. Whether any other recognized zoning consideration would be violated in this PZD. Findings: As outlined in previous findings, staff finds that the proposal is generally in line with the factors that may be considered with a Planned Zoning District. The proposed PZD is particularly well suited to meet the flexibility, harmony, no negative impact, and natural feature tenets of the ordinance. Staff notes that, while the architectural designs provided in the packet are limited in variety, the PZD booklet encourages a variety of housing sizes with increased architectural requirements along facades that are visible from either public ROW or common open space. Single-family homes are note subject to UDC 166.23 Urban Residential Design Standard; however, any lots of 50 feet or less shall be subject to UDC 164.23 Small Lot Design Standards, which includes limitations on the proportion of a garage within the principal façade and requirements for clearly defined front doors and windows on the façade facing the street. However, staff has some concerns regarding the PZD booklet’s statement that “existing trees within Planning Area 1 will be removed and mitigated.” Staff recommends updating the booklet to state that “Tree Preservation within Planning Area 1 will be evaluated with development plans. Existing trees will be preserved where possible.” RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding PZD-2023-0002 to City Council, with a recommendation of approval, with conditions as outlined below. Conditions of Approval: 1. Revise the PZD booklet and plans to reflect the following: a. Add a requirement that states that “Any parking lots of 5 spaces or greater shall be subject to UDC 177.04 Site Development and Parking Lot Landscape Standards.” b. Add a requirement that states that “Any and all signage shall meet the requirements as set forth in UDC section 174.” c. Updating booklet to state that “Tree Preservation within Planning Area 1 will be evaluated with development plans. Existing trees will be preserved where possible.” d. Add a note about how common areas will be maintained. 2. Parkland dedication must be reviewed by PRAB with the associated development plans; 3. Compliance with UDC 177 Landscape Regulations shall be reviewed with the associated development plans; 4. Compliance with USC 164.23 Small Lot Design Standards shall be confirmed with building permit submittal; 5. A conditional use permit will be required for any proposed off-site parking lots prior to the platting of the lots per the requirements of UDC 172.06(C). Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 6 of 53 6. Any parking lots must meet all standard design and development standards as outlined in the Unified Development Code, including, but not limited to, paving and construction, dimensional standards, landscape requirements, and drainage requirements; 7. Any proposed lots without frontage shall provide adequate access for water, sewer, and emergency services; and 8. A downstream sewer capacity analysis in accordance with the current edition of the City’s Standard Specifications for Design and Construction of Water Lines and Sewer Lines must be included with the development entitlement submittal to determine if there is adequate capacity within the existing sewer system. The developer shall perform any downstream sewer upgrades to accommodate any additional capacity necessitated by the development. 9. This approval does not grant permit approval for the associated development. The project shall still be subject to any and all development entitlement requirements, including, but not limited to, site improvement plan, large-scale development, and/or other required permits. Planning Commission Action: ❒ Forwarded ❒ Tabled ❒ Denied Meeting Date: April 8, 2024 Motion: Second: Vote: BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Urban Forestry Memo • Applicant Request Letter • PZD Booklet • One Mile Map • Close Up Map • Current Land Use Map • Future Land Use Map Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 7 of 53 X GARLOCK 7-0-0 PAYNE FORWARD WITH A RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL, WITH ALL CONDITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Urban Forestry Memo TO: Technical Plat Review THRU: Donna Wonsower, Planner FROM: Melissa Evans, Urban Forester MEETING DATE: April 8, 2024 SUBJECT: PZD-2024-0002: Coleson Brook: Submitted by CRAFTON TULL for property located WEST OF N. 54TH AVE. The property is zoned RI-12 RESIDENTIAL INTERMEDIATE, TWELVE (12) UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 12.13 acres. The request is for the property to be zoned to a PZD, PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: Urban Forestry Staff recommends the approval of PZD-2024-0002 since the PZD booklet essentially states that Chapter 167 Tree Preservation and Protection and Chapter 177 Landscape Regulations requirements will be met. The required minimum existing tree canopy coverage is 25% for PZDs. The booklet also states on page 3 in section 4) that “Existing Trees within Planning Area 1 will be removed and mitigated.” Urban Forestry staff recommends the condition that tree preservation for Planning Area 1 needs to be reviewed with development plans. Section 4) needs to be amended to say “Tree Preservation within Planning Area 1 will be evaluated with development plans. Existing trees will be preserved where possible.” Though there are not many trees on the site with the exception of the western side, it is highly recommended that as many trees be preserved as possible to meet the requirement, and that buildings, parking, utilities, and other infrastructure elements be designed around the trees. According to the PZD booklet, “Tree preservation will be a priority in Planning Area 2, with common spaces and drainage designed around preservation.” If natural areas and detention are incorporated in the tree preservation area, it may be too much for successful tree preservation. Chapter 177 Landscape Regulations must be met also, including street trees along public or private streets and for parking and detention ponds. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 8 of 53 300 North College, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com February 27, 2024 City of Fayetteville Planning Department 125 W Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Planning Zoned District-54th Street CT Job #: 23305000 Planning Staff, On behalf of our client, Coleson Brooks, LLC, we are submitting a Planned Zoning District (PZD) for your consideration. The site is 12.13 acres. Parcel IDs 765-16164-400 and 765-16168-000. The subject project is currently zoned RI-12. The proposed PZD will consist of two planning areas, consisting of single-family detached homes, and open green space. PZD will provide an efficient use of the land to better accommodate future residents, economic viability, and allow an aesthetically pleasing development that fits well within the City of Fayetteville. This development will serve as a good transition between medium/low density neighborhoods located west of this development, high-density neighborhoods located east of this development, and low-density single-family houses located south of the development. This residential development aligns with Fayetteville’s Future Land Use (2040) map of being Residential Neighborhood. We appreciate your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Caroline Gardner, PE Project Engineer Crafton Tull & Associates, Inc. CarolineGardner Reviewed by: Donna Wonsower, Planner Development Services APPROVED Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 9 of 53 Prepared by: 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 l Fayetteville, AR 72701 l 479-455-2207 l www.craftontull.com March 26, 2024 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT BOOKLET Submitted to: City of Fayetteville 125 W. Mountain St Fayetteville, AR 72701 Owner: Coleson Brook, LLC 234 E. Millsap Fayetteville, AR 72703 CT JOB NO. 23305000 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 10 of 53 Prepared by: 300 North College, Suite 317 l Fayetteville, AR 72701 l 479-455-2207 l www.craftontull.com Table of Contents A) Current Ownership.………………………………………………..………………..…3 B) Project Summary....……………………………………………..……………………..3 C) General Project Concept..…………………………………………...…………….…3 D) Proposed Planning Areas…………………………………………..……………..…4 E) Proposed Zoning Standards……………………………………..………………..…4 F) Zoning Charts…………………………………………………………..………………6 G) Analysis of Site Characteristics……………………………….…………….……..7 H) Recreational Facilities…………………………………………….…………..……...8 I) Reason for Rezone Request…………………………………………….…………….8 J) Relation to Existing and Surrounding properties………………….….…………8 K) Compliance with Fayetteville Comprehensive Land Use Plan……….…….....8 L) Traffic Study………………………………………………………..……………….…..9 M) Impacts on City Services………………………………………..……….………..…9 N) Conceptual Description of Development Standards………..…………..……..10 O) Proposals Intent/Purpose…………………………………………………………..11 P) Legal Descriptions……………………………………………………………………11 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 11 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com A) Current Ownership: The 12.13-acre property is currently owned by Coleson Brook, LLC. The owner is being represented by Crafton Tull & Associates. The site is located on Washington County Parcel Numbers 765-16164-400 and 765-16168-000, which is located on the west side of N 54th Street in Fayetteville, AR. See vicinity map below for location: B) Project Summary: The proposed development will consist of two planning areas, consisting of single-family detached homes, and open green space. The intent is to have a walkable, vibrant, sustainable, and higher-density neighborhood with useable common open space. In addition, smaller lot sizes, alley access, and shorter setbacks will promote the vitality of the proposed neighborhood and incorporate open green spaces. C) General Project Concept: 1) Street and lot layout will consist of the continuation of a two Residential Streets on site. 54th Street will be extended along the east side of the property as well as W Fountain Street, through the middle of the site. An alley is being proposed which connects to 54th Street on the north and south sides, as well as W Fountain Street in the middle of the site, promoting a highly connected, walkable community. Alleys will conform to the Master Street Plan, except where fire hydrants are needed. In these areas, they will utilize a bump-out detail, making the alley 26’ wide, 20’ either side of the hydrant. Houses on-site will be rear loaded to the alley. Lots will not be required to have frontage to a public street. 2) A site and master plan will be attached with this Booklet. 3) No buffer areas are located on this site. 4) Tree preservation on site will be located mainly along the western side. Tree preservation requirements within the PZD will adhere to the 25% minimum canopy requirement as codified in the UDC Chapter 167. Tree preservation areas and amount of canopy to be preserved will be noted on the development plans. Should the existing canopy on-site be less than this requirement, then this percentage will be either preserved or mitigated for, in accordance with UDC Chapter 167. Existing Trees within Planning Area 1 will be removed and mitigated. Tree preservation will be a priority in Planning Area 2, with common spaces and drainage designed around preservation. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 12 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 5) Stormwater facilities will likely include two detention ponds to be provided within the development. The detention ponds will be located along the western side on the north and south half of the development. The drainage report will further detail the proposed system and how it will convey stormwater. Should other drainage features be utilized (pavers, etc.) and detention ponds be deemed unnecessary, then they will be omitted from the open space. 6) Portions of Planning Area 2 will remain undisturbed in order to preserve tree canopy and existing ground cover on-site. This will serve as somewhat of a natural buffer between the proposed development and the existing western subdivision. 7) Existing utilities around the proposed PZD will be utilized and extended throughout the site. The development’s sanitary sewer main will drain from the north to south connecting to an existing manhole at the intersection of 54th Street and Wedington. The water mains will be connected to existing mains on 54th Street and Fountain Street and be extended throughout the development. 8) Base architectural design standards for homes shall be similar in nature and character to those attached in Exhibit A. Lots and houses can be of any size the developer wants, but the end product will be similar in material and roofline to what is included in this packet. Developer may elect to vary house exterior color. 9) Example building elevation/floorplans (Exhibit A) are included with this booklet. These example housing styles highlight potential options for a higher density lot configuration, while also conveying materials and prominent features of potential housing within any future development. Ultimately, there is no minimum or maximum lot size, and the developer may build different house plans as long as they generally conform to the material and roof form of the included drawings. Developer may elect to vary house exterior color. Final elevations shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. Additionally, where buildings will be visible from the open areas and public right-of-way, additional windows and/or other architectural features such as a bays, porches, dormers, etc. shall be provided for visual interest. D) Proposed Planning Areas: Proposed planning areas for this development will include: Planning Area 1 (Single Family Detached Homes) – This area will encompass any lots, streets, alleys, and uses where single family is proposed. This area will have a “build-to-zone”, which shall not exceed 25’ from the street right-of-way. “Build-to-zones” and setbacks are further discussed in Section E and F of this booklet. Planning Area 2 (Non-Residential Uses) – This area will encompass all the detention, drainage features, forested areas, natural areas, and recreational features. The zoning district is designed to permit and encourage the minimum amount of development, protect natural features, and encompass all common and recreational areas for the development. Open Space will be accessible for residents to use through a sidewalk network via the master street plan and so that residents can use common open space for outdoor and recreational uses. E) Proposed Zoning Standards: Planning Area 1 - Residential Zoning District: (a) Permitted uses by Use Unit: Unit 1: City-wide uses by right Unit 8: Single-family dwellings Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 13 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com Unit 41: Accessory Dwelling Units Unit 46: Short-term rentals b) Conditional uses by Use Unit: Unit 2: City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3: Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4: Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 9: Two-Family Dwellings Unit 10: Three (3) and Four (4) family dwellings Unit 12a: Limited business Unit 24: Home occupations Unit 44: Cluster Housing Development c) Residential Density and/ or Nonresidential Intensity: 10 units/acre Maximum Bulk and area regulations: d) Lot width minimum: No Minimum e) Lot area minimum: No Minimum h) Height regulations: 2 stories i) Building area: less than 65% of lot area. Minimum buildable street frontage: 50% of lot width (for only those lots along Public Streets, of which Alleys are not included). Site Planning: j) Landscaping: Landscaping shall be consistent with chapter 177 of the Unified Development Code. k) Parking: Parking shall be accessible by rear of houses. Each house shall have a driveway for parking. Parking spaces will be available throughout the development as shown on preliminary plat. l) Architectural Design Standards: Base architectural design standards for homes are included in Exhibit A. Single-family homes shall be similar in nature and character to these plans and images as shown in Exhibit A. An architectural projection, such as an eave, utility chase, chimney or bay window shall not be considered to be in violation of a setback requirement as long as the projection does not intrude into a public right-of-way or extend more than 3 feet into a setback. A projection which encroaches into a setback shall not come closer than 3 feet to a property line. All lots less than 50 feet in width shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. m) Signage: Non-commercial signage shall be allowed under Chapter 174 of the UDC. No illuminated signs or signs larger than 8 sqft. Planning Area 2 – Non-residential Zoning District: (a) Permitted uses by Use Unit: Unit 1: City-wide uses by right b) Conditional uses by Use Unit: Unit 2: City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3: Public protection and utility facilities c)Residential Density and/ or Nonresidential Intensity: 0 units/acre Maximum Bulk and area regulations: d) Lot width minimum: 50’ e) Lot area minimum: .5 acres Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 14 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com h) Height regulations: 2 story maximum i) Building area: none Note: There shall be no lot minimum requirements for non-buildable lots. Site Planning: j) Landscaping: Landscaping shall be consistent with chapter 177 of the Unified Development Code. k) Parking: Parking shall be associated with proposed use and will conform to Chapter 172 in the UDC. l) Architectural Design Standards: Architectural design standards shall conform to building and development requirements within UDC. m) Signage: Subdivision Entrance Signage is allowed within this Planning Area but shall be applied by separate permit. No other signs shall be allowed, except as approved by the Property Owner’s Association. *By right, common mailbox units shall be allowed within Planning Area 2. These units shall be installed near Fountain Street. **Accessory uses shall conform to UDC 164.02, Accessory Structures and Uses. F) Zoning Chart: Planning Area 1 (Residential Zoning District): Below is a chart comparing Planning Area 1 (Residential Zoning District) within this PZD versus City of Fayetteville current RI-12 zoning of the property: Regulation RI-12 Proposed PZD Planning Area 1 Uses Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 41, Unit 44, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 36 Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 41, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 44 Front Setback A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. For lots facing the open space (front), a build-to- zone of 0-25’ shall apply off of the front property line. Side Setback Adjacent to Single & Two Family 5’ both sides 5’ both sides or 0’ one side, 10’ other side Side Setback Other Uses 8’ 5’ Rear Setback Single Family 5’ 20’ (from either edge of Alley R/W or Access Easement, depending on if public or private) Rear Setback Other Uses 20’ 20’ (from either edge of Alley R/W or Access Easement, depending on if public or private) Density 12 units/acre 10 units/ acre Minimum Lot Width 50’ single family 50’ two family No minimum Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 15 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 90’ three & four family Minimum Lot Area 5,000 sqft single family 7260 sqft two family 10,890 sqft three & four family No minimum Maximum height 2 stories/3 stories* 2 stories Building area Less than 50% of lot area Less than 65% of lot area Planning Area 2 (Non-residential Zoning District): Below is a chart comparing Planning Area 2 (Non-residential Zoning District) within this PZD versus City of Fayetteville current RI-12 zoning of the property: Regulation RI-12 Proposed PZD Planning Area 2 Uses Permitted uses: Unit 1, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 41, Unit 44, Unit 46 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 12a, Unit 24, Unit 36 Permitted uses: Unit 1 Conditional uses: Unit 2, Unit 3 Front Setback A build-to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. 20’ Side Setback Adjacent to Single & Two Family 5’ both sides 10’ Side Setback Other Uses 8’ 10’ Rear Setback Single Family 5’ 20’ Rear Setback Other Uses 20’ 20’ Density 12 units/acre Nonresidential: ½ acre Minimum Lot Width 50’ single family 50’ two family 90’ three & four family 50’ Minimum Lot Area 5,000 sqft single family 7260 sqft two family 10,890 sqft three & four family .5 acre Maximum height 2 stories/3 stories* 2 stories Building area Less than 50% of lot area None* *There shall be no lot requirements for non-buildable lots. **By right, common mailbox units shall be allowed within Planning Area 2. These units shall be installed near Fountain Street. ***Accessory uses shall conform to UDC 164.02, Accessory Structures and Uses. G) Analysis of Site Characteristics: The 12.13-acre site is primarily grass with trees along the western border. This site looked to previously be a single-family resident. This site has moderately sloped topography. Half of the site drains south, the other half drains west/northwest. There are no known environmental hazards, sensitive or natural resources areas, or manmade hazards. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 16 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com H) Recreational Facilities: The future development of this property will have open space on the west side of the property to be utilized for the subdivision’s residents. The open space will be a central design feature, with many houses fronting the space. The space will have pedestrian connectivity to it from all directions of the site, and through the open space with an inner sidewalk or trail. This recreational facility is also connected to the western adjacent subdivision, which has an existing city park, and the eastern adjacent development and trail system. I) Reason for Rezone Request: The subject property is currently zoned RI-12, which allows for 1-4 family dwellings with a density of up to 12 units per acre. For single family, however, the minimum lot size is 50’. Due to the developer’s desire to create a more compact, walkable, open-space driven design, it was requested that the minimum lot size be removed to allow for a smaller lot size. The site drawing submitted with this packet is based on a 35’ lot width, but allows the developer to create bigger or smaller lots, depending on their preference at the time of development. A Planned Zoning District (PZD) was the method chosen to do this for two reasons. 1. Other zoning districts (Community Services, Residential Intermediate-Urban, etc) could allow for a similar flexibility to what is being proposed here, but not without it seeming like the developer was building apartments or a really high-density development. This is not their desire nor how they wish for the public to see this request as. It is their intent to build smaller single family lots with a zoning density of no more than 10 units per acre. 2. Many of the lots in Planning Area 1 will be alley loaded and front on the park with no public street frontage. This is not allowed by-right in any zoning district. The Planned Zoning District provides an avenue to address this and make this possible. J) Relation to Existing and Surrounding Properties: The subdivision located west of this development is zoned RI-12 having medium/low density (12 units/acre). The development east of the site is zoned RI-U having a variety of housing types. The property south of the development is zoned R-A having low-density single-family houses. The development north is in Washington County jurisdiction. This development, being moderate density residential, will serve as a good transition between surrounding neighborhoods while still conforming to the general residential uses within the area. This development will have street connections to the subdivision located west and 54th Street. Traffic within this development will have egress/ingress from Fountain Street and 54th Street. All signage shall meet UDC Chapter 174. Although no signage is proposed for this development. K) Compliance with Fayetteville’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Fayetteville’s Future Land Use Plan calls this area to be Residential Neighborhood, which offers a wide variety of housing types, with highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns. This Planned Zoning District is in compliance with that, as it allows a wide array of single-family housing with no minimum lot width or size. Two to four family dwellings are also conditionally allowed with this Planned Zoning District. This development is highly connected to existing subdivisions to the east and west, as well as internally, with the open space being a central focal point. Below are the six 2040 City Plan goals and how this development aligns with them: Goal 1: We will make appropriate infill and revitalization our highest priority. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 17 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com This site is essentially an infill project, between two existing residential developments. This project connects vehicles and pedestrians throughout this area in a logical and concise manner. This development is intended to be primarily single-family residential, although it does allow 2-4 family dwellings by conditional use. Single-family residential on this site compliments the context and character of the existing neighborhood to the west of the site, while obtaining the density needed to promote affordable housing in the region. Goal 2: We will discourage suburban sprawl. This development would not be considered suburban sprawl having high and medium density neighborhoods surrounding it. This development connects the two existing developments, extended vehicular and pedestrian access through this site and surrounding sites to local parks and amenities. This Planned Zoning District has a density that is less than what is currently on the site for RI-12, while being a concise development which minimizes public street construction and centers on a internal open space for residents to enjoy. Goal 3: We will make traditional town form the standard. This development meets this goal by being a compact and dense subdivision thus being able to preserve open space and trees, having interconnected streets and sidewalks, having build-to-zones, and having an alley. With the alley, the development will have a more beautified streetscape with services and utilities being here. The houses will be able to front either open space or 54th Street. Goal 4: We will grow a livable transportation network. This development will promote walkability and bicycling by having interconnected tree-lined streets, and sidewalks. Fayetteville’s trail network is adjacent to this development, located on the east side of 54th Street. If public transportation decides to extend west, this development will provide connection with surrounding neighborhoods thus making bus stops more accessible. Goal 5: We will assemble an enduring green network. This development will meet this goal by preserving trees and open space. Additionally, the proposed development will consist of tree-line streets, interconnected sidewalks, and will connect to a trail adjacent to the development. Goal 6: We will create opportunities for attainable housing: This goal will be met by providing the developer an opportunity for a mixture of housing sizes. With only one public street and an alley for this site for the many houses on this development, the cost per lot has been reduced giving opportunity for more affordable housing, depending on the configuration. L) Traffic Study Per pre-application discussions with city staff, a traffic study wouldn’t be required. M) Impact of City Services An 8” water main will be extended throughout the site to serve all residential lots. An 8” gravity sanitary sewer main will be extended throughout the site to serve all residential lots. Initial discussions with city staff stated sanitary sewer capacity, water pressures and flows should not be a concern. Emergency services, police and fire, will be able to serve houses by either the alley or streets throughout the development. Fire hydrants will be installed strategically throughout the development. Fire hydrants installed in the alley will have bumpouts to provide the required 26’ for a fire truck. Each house will have an individual trash service that will be provided in the alley. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 18 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com N) Conceptual Description of Development Standards The proposed PZD will set forth development standards and conditions aimed at encouraging harmonious development, ensuring continuity in development, enhancing the appeal and practicality of the area as a residential space, overall, elevating the community. 1) Screening and Landscaping: Landscaping for this development will be consistent with chapter 177. Residential lots shall have a consistent foundation and high-quality design at the front of the house and throughout the development. Natives and high-quality design are encouraged for new construction of homes. A basic landscape plan will be submitted with building elevations and floor plans. Vegetative screening and fences may be erected between homes and planning uses if required by UDC. No trees are proposed along the alley, due to franchise utilities traversing through this space and the likelihood that these trees will not survive. 2) Traffic and Circulation: This development will provide connectivity for surrounding neighborhoods and create another route of egress/ingress thus alleviating traffic congestion within existing subdivisions. It will also extend two master street plan streets and pedestrian facilities. 3)Parking Standards: Parking standards will meet City of Fayetteville Minimum Street Standards where on-street parking and parking spaces are to be proposed. Parking is to be located within the PZD district it serves. Parking will be available in garages and driveways at each residence as well as on-street where allowed by this planned zoning district and the master street plan. 4) Perimeter Treatment: This development is compatible with adjacent developments, and proposes to meet the future land use map. Because of this, no perimeter treatment is proposed. 5) Sidewalks: Sidewalks will be provided throughout the development and along Residential Link Streets. 6) Streetlights: Streetlights shall be of a uniform type throughout the development. All streetlights shall be full cut-off fixtures and a lighting system shall appropriately light all public areas. All streetlights shall be per Ozark Electric cooperative and meet UDC code 166.04(B)(3)(g). Street Lights shall also be installed in the alley for vehicular safety. 7) Water: Water mains and services shall be provided for each dwelling and residence. Water mains shall be per Fayetteville 2022 Water and Sewer Specifications, utilizing an 8” AWWA C900 PVC, DR14 material. Water services shall follow these same specifications for meters and service lines. 8) Sewer: Sewer services shall be provided for all dwellings and buildings. Sewer mains shall be per Fayetteville 2022 Water and Sewer Specifications, utilizing an 8” PVC SDR 26. Sewer services shall follow these same specifications for any meters and service lines. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 19 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com 9) Street and Drainage: Streets shall conform to City of Fayetteville Minimum Street Standards. Street design shall be reviewed by the Engineering department of the City of Fayetteville. Drainage and storm design will be provided on the attached site design/master plan. Drainage and storm design will be reviewed by the Engineering Department of the City of Fayetteville. 10) Construction of Nonresidential Facilities: Non-residential facilities are not proposed within this development apart from those stated previously. 11) Tree Preservation: Tree preservation plans and landscape plans will be required and submitted once development begins on a preliminary plat application and development plan is submitted. The intent is to preserve trees where possible in Planning Area 2. Planning Area 1 will have no preservation. Mitigation will be shown in Planning Area 2. 12) Architectural design standards: Architectural design standards have been attached to this application as Exhibit A. Residential buildings must be consistent with the style and look of examples set in Exhibit A. Houses may be larger or smaller, but will have the same general look as attached. All lots less than 50 feet in width shall conform to UDC 164.23, Small Lot Design Standards. 13) Propose signage: No signage is proposed with this development. There is the potential that the developer may want a subdivision sign. This is allowable by right in Planning Area 2, as is the common mailbox unit. 14) View Protection: View protection shall be considered if any proposed work is to occur outside the scope of the proposed PZD and its master plan. 15) Covenants, trust, and homeowner association: Homeowners association shall be created with future development, with restrictive covenants enacted to ensure that development is well maintained and attractive for the future. Neither is proposed at this time. O) PZD Intent/Purpose The intent of this Proposed PZD is to create and expand the City Residential Neighborhood Area as outlined in the City of Fayetteville’s 2040 Land Use Plan. The proposed PZD wishes to expand the existing infrastructure, while creating a livable, harmonious, and vibrant community compatible to surrounding uses. P) Legal Description Planning Area 1: PART OF THE E 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 429.48 FEET; THENCE N87°35'30"W 41.81 FEET; Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 20 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com THENCE N2°20'25"E 81.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N87°39'35"W 95.00 FEET; THENCE 62.83 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET AND A LONG CHORD OF N42°39'35"W 56.57 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 19.32 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 510.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 49.10 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 52.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 49.14 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 755.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 55.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 20.00 FEET; THENCE N02°20'25"E 10.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 1441.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 7.99 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. Planning Area 2: PART OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 429.48 FEET; THENCE N87°35'30"W 41.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N87°35'30"W 287.92 FEET; THENCE N02°16'16"E 49.86 FEET; THENCE N87°32'50"W 10.60 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 600.16 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 49.10 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 510.00 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 19.32 FEET; THENCE 62.83 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET AND A LONG CHORD OF S42°39'35"E 56.57 FEET; THENCE S87°39'35"E 95.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 81.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.35 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. ALSO PART OF THE E 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 21 of 53 300 N College Ave, Suite 317 Fayetteville, AR 72701 479.455.2207 craftontull.com COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 11 THENCE N2°19'07"E 1982.15 FEET; THENCE N87°33'35"W 41.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S02°20'25"W 30.31 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 10.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 20.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 55.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 115.00 FEET; THENCE S02°20'25"W 755.00 FEET; THENCE N87°39'35"W 49.14 FEET; THENCE N02°17'27"E 850.84 FEET; THENCE S87°33'35"E 299.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.32 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR FACT. Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 22 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 23 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 24 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 25 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 26 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 27 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 28 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 29 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 30 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 31 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 32 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 33 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 34 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 35 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 36 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 37 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 38 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 39 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 40 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 41 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 42 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 43 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 44 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 45 of 53 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 46 of 53 1 Wonsower, Donna From:Mary Silva <mjanesilva20@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, April 4, 2024 4:58 PM To:Wonsower, Donna Cc:Mary Silva; Jeff Silva Subject:Re: FW: PZD-2024-0002 Information Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Members of the City of Fayetteville Planning Commission, My husband, Jeff, and I are property owners at 1236 N Tradition Street in Heritage Subdivision, Fayetteville. We appreciate the opportunity to address our concerns with you. Our house and yard will be impacted by any residential planned zoning district to the east of us. This area has been an open field with a single house on a dead end street. Our concerns are · Since water drains to the south and southwest across the property that is under the rezoning request, how will this runoff be addressed? Will drainage ditches or retention ponds have to be constructed to keep the water from running into the houses and backyards of those like us, who live on Tradition Street? How many ponds? How many ditches? · Will these retention ponds or drainage ditches be built in the green space they are planning? I know this will cut down on the greenspace that is being proposed as a selling point, and will affect the area to be enjoyed by the future residents of the property. · There are currently young children living in our house and on our street. If retention ponds or ditches are built, they would likely be directly adjacent to our backyard, less than 40 feet away. This makes for an attractive nuisance. Will there be child proof fencing provided, either for the property owners' backyards on Tradition or around the drainage ditch's openings or around the ponds? · If a retention pond/drainage ditch is constructed, wild geese will be attracted to it. We have seen this in subdivision after subdivision on the west side of Fayetteville. How do the developers plan to mitigate the wild geese population, and accompanying noise and feces? · Retention ponds or drainage ditches will have standing water, and will attract mosquitoes, snakes, etc. How do the developers plan to mitigate the mosquito population without decimating the pollinators which now precariously exist? Snakes anyone? · Last, but not least, our property values on Tradition will be affected by being in a soggy situation. We believe that these concerns have merit, and have yet to be addressed. Thank you. Respectfully, Mary Jane and Jeff Silva mjanesilva20@gmail.com On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 3:45 PM Wonsower, Donna <dwonsower@fayetteville-ar.gov> wrote: Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 47 of 53 2 Good Afternoon, I’ve attached the most current PZD booklet we have to the email for your review, and have highlighted your property location in purple of the below plan for reference. Please note that this packet has not yet been finalized and that both the site plan and any building permits would be required to go through additional reviews to ensure that landscape, architectural, and other standards are met. Please feel free to reach back out with any questions. Additionally, if you have any comments you would like to provide for the Planning Commission’s consideration, feel free to email them as a response to this email and I will ensure they are included in the final packet. Best Regards, Donna Wonsower (she/her) Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 48 of 53 3 Planner, Development Services 479-575-8358 Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 49 of 53 P-1 RMF-6 CS RSF-4 NC RI-U R-A RI-12 BROYLES AVE SUNSHIN E R D WEDINGTON DR 51 S T A V E Regional Link Neighborhood Link Unclassified Alley Residential Link Planned Residential Link Shared-Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Fayetteville City Limits Planning Area Zoning RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY NS-G RI-U RI-12 NS-L Residential-Agricultural RSF-.5 RSF-1 RSF-2 RSF-4 RSF-7 RSF-8 RSF-18 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY RMF-6 RMF-12 RMF-18 RMF-24 RMF-40 INDUSTRIAL I-1 Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial I-2 General Industrial EXTRACTION E-1 COMMERCIAL Residential-Office C-1 C-2 C-3 FORM BASED DISTRICTS Downtown Core Urban Thoroughfare Main Street Center Downtown General Community Services Neighborhood Services Neighborhood Conservation PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS Commercial, Industrial, Residential INSTITUTIONAL P-1 One Mile View PZD-2024-0002 West side of N. 54th Ave N 0 0.25 0.50.13 Miles Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Subject Property Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 50 of 53 R-A RI-U RI-12 54TH AVE RELIANCE ST TRADITION AVE FOUNTAIN ST LEGACY ST P L A N TATION AVE LAVA LOOP DI O R I T E A V E ALLEY 1315 CHATTEL ST ALLEY 1449 ALLEY 1381 PINK T ER Unclassified Alley Residential Link Planned Residential Link Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Trail (Proposed) Residential-Agricultural RSF-1 RI-12 RI-U Community Services Close Up View PZD-2024-0002 West side of N. 54th Ave N 0 175 350 525 70087.5 Feet Subject Property 1:2,800 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 51 of 53 HERITAGE AVE Unclassified Alley Residential Link Planned Residential Link Trail (Proposed) Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Current Land Use PZD-2024-0002 West side of N. 54th Ave N 0 225 450 675 900112.5 Feet Subject Property Undeveloped Single-Family Residential Single-Family Residential Agricultural 1:3,600 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 52 of 53 Quarry Mixed-Density Residential (Under Construction) Natural Residential Neighborhood Rural Residential BROYLES A V E WEDINGTON DR Regional Link Neighborhood Link Unclassified Alley Residential Link Planned Residential Link Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Trail (Proposed) City Neighborhood Civic Institutional Civic and Private Open Space Industrial Natural Non-Municipal Government Residential Neighborhood Rural Residential Urban Center Future Land Use PZD-2024-0002 West side of N. 54th Ave N 0 610 1,220 1,830 2,440305 Feet Subject Property 1:10,000 Planning Commission April 8, 2024 PZD-2024-0002 (COLESON BROK LLC) Page 53 of 53 Form v1.46 NW4\ media Account#: NWCL5004205 Company: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE-CLERKS OFFI RECEIVED 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 MAY 1 4 2024 Ad number#: 402262 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PO#: CITY CLERKS OFFICE Matter of: ORD 6747 AFFIDAVIT•STATE OF ARKANSAS I,Carla Gardner,do solemnly swear that I am the Finance Director of the NWA Democrat Gazette,a daily newspaper printed and published in WASHINGTONBENTON county,State of ARKANSAS;that I was so related to this publication at and during the publication of the annexed legal advertisement in the matter of: ORD 6747 Pending in the court,in said County,and at the dates of the several publications of said advertisement stated below,and that during said periods and at said dates,said newspaper was printed and had a bona fide circulation in said County, that said newspaper had been regularly printed and published in said county,and had a bona fide circulation therein for the period of one month before the date of the first publication of said advertisement;and that said advertisement was published in the regular daily issues of said newspaper as stated below. And that there is due or has been paid the NWA Democrat Gazette for publication the sum of$86.64. (Includes$0.00 Affidavit Charge). NWA Democrat Gazette 05/12/24;NWA nwaonline.com 05/12/24 do&t,a.„ 67a.ce6z-z—c_ Finance Director State of ARKANSAS,County of WASHINGTON,Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 13th day of May,2024 ',���{ ''��.t CATHERINE STAOOS _.;f�* .j MY COMMISSION#12402772 � S ,;K 14,v EXPIWasshiFebruary ngton County NOTARY hrrr��,� "'�• •7 NOTARY PUBLIC Ordinance:6747 File Number: 2024-25 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT- 2024-0002:(WEST OF N.54TH AVE/COLESON BROOK, LLC, 397): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZON- ING DISTRICT ENTITLED PZD- 2024-002 FOR APPROXIMATELY 12.13 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF NORTH 54TH AVENUE IN WARD 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE.ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayet- teville, Arkansas hereby ap- proves PZD-2024-02 as described in Exhibits"A"."B", and`C'attached to the Plan- ning Division's Agenda Memo which allows the development of 12.13 acres of mixed resi- dential units. Section 2:That the official zoning map of the City of Fayet- teville, Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning criteria change provided in Sec- tion 1 above. PASSED and APPROVED on May 7,2024 Approved: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor Attest: Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasurer This publication was paid for by the City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Amount Paid:S86.64 May 12,2024 402262