HomeMy WebLinkAbout127-24 RESOLUTIONFile Number: 2024-16 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 127-24 CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS, INC. (CHANGE ORDER 2): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO . 2 TO RFQ # 22-07 CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR THE MIDTOWN CORRIDOR PROJECT PHASE 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $191,461.43 , AND APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT-2019 TRANSPORTATION BOND PROJECT WHEREAS, on August 16 , 2022 the City Council passed Resolution 179-22 to approve Mayor Jordan to sign a Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc .to provide construction manager risk services for the Midtown Corridor Project ; and WHEREAS, On September 19 , 2023 , the City Council approved Change Order # I for the construction phase of this contract and construction is currently under way; and WHEREAS, Change Order No . 2 includes the remainder of the overall project s cope. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Change Order No . 2 to RFQ # 22-07 Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors , Inc. for the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 in the amount of $191 ,461.43 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this Change Order. Section 2 : That the City Council of the City of Fayettevil le, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution . PASSED and APPROVED on May 7, 2024 Page 1 Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-16 MEETING OF MAY 7, 2024 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Chris Brown, Public Works Director Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Matt Casey, Engineering Design Manager SUBJECT: Change Order #2 to RFQ# 22-07 Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order #2 to the RFQ# 22-07 contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc for the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 in the amount of $191,461.43, and approval of a budget adjustment. BACKGROUND: The Midtown Corridor is a project in the 2019 Transportation Bond Program and includes several different components. The corridor is 2.3 miles in length and runs in an east-west direction through a flat part of the middle of the city from I-49 at Porter to College Avenue at Poplar Street. The project includes vehicular improvements along Stephen Carr Blvd. and Deane Street from the interstate to Garland Avenue. The project includes street improvements with new turn lanes and drainage as well as separated pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The street, drainage pedestrian, and bicycle improvements will continue along Sycamore Street from Garland Avenue to the Razorback Greenway. From the Greenway to College Avenue, the project will include multi-use trail construction along the Poplar Street alignment. Finally, a connection to the south from Poplar Street to Gregory Park was included in the design. The first phase of this corridor included the improvements to Stephen Carr Blvd. and Deane Street from I-49 to the east side of the new fire station. Construction is complete for this phase. In August of 2022, the City Council approved a contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. to provide construction manager at risk pre-bidding services for the second phase of this project. This phase includes the remainder of the overall project scope. On September 19, 2023, the City Council approved Change Order #1 for the construction phase of this contract. Construction is currently underway. DISCUSSION: During the construction along Deane Street, the contractor encountered multiple conflicts with the existing water main in this area. In addition, the City of Fayetteville Utilities Division identified an existing 1.5” main that would be beneficial to retire. This change order increases the construction contract to cover the relocation expenses associated with these conflicts as well as the cost necessary to tie over water services from the existing 1.5” main to facilitate the abandonment of that line. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov This change order is funded by Water System Rehabilitation & Replacement fund. The current CMAR contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors is $14,679,322.00. With this change order, the total contract amount will be $14,870,783.43. ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), BA (#4), Midtown Corridor Change Order #2 (#5) Page 1 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Legislation Text 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 File #: 2024-16 Change Order #2 to RFQ# 22-07 Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO RFQ # 22-07 CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR THE MIDTOWN CORRIDOR PROJECT PHASE 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $191,461.43, AND APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - 2019 TRANSPORTATION BOND PROJECT WHEREAS, on August 16, 2022 the City Council passed Resolution 179-22 to approve Mayor Jordan to sign a Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc.to provide construction manager risk services for the Midtown Corridor Project; and WHEREAS, On September 19, 2023, the City Council approved Change Order #1 for the construction phase of this contract and construction is currently under way; and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2 includes the remainder of the overall project scope. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Change Order No. 2 to RFQ # 22-07 Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 in the amount of $191,461.43 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this Change Order. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. 4/4/2024 Submitted Date Yes 7,795,081.40$ 191,461.43$ V20221130 Budgeted Item? Does item have a direct cost? Is a Budget Adjustment attached? Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget 8,383,263.00$ 588,181.60$ Yes Yes 191,462.00$ 7,795,081.97$ 12009.2022.7218 Project Number Budget Impact: Midtown Corridor Fund Water Line Improvements5400.720.5600-5808.00 Account Number Project Title City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-16 Item ID 5/7/2024 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only Staff recommends approval of Change Order #2 to the RFQ# 22-07 contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc for the replacement of an existing 1.5" water main in the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 in the amount of $191,461.43, and approval of a budget adjustment. N/A for Non-Agenda Item Action Recommendation: Submitted By Matt Casey ENGINEERING (621) Division / Department Comments: 2022-00000811Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number:2 Previous Ordinance or Resolution #179-22 Approval Date: Original Contract Number:2022-00000058 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment (Agenda) Budget Year Requestor: 5/7/2024 2024-16 D - (City Council) / TOTAL - - Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account NameGLACCOUNTEXPENSEREVENUEPROJECTSUBATDESCRIPTION X 5400.720.5600-5808.00 (191,462) - 12009 1 EX Improvements - Water Line 5400.720.5600-5808.00 191,462 - 12009 2022.7218 EX Improvements - Water Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GLDATE: Budget Division Date Holly Black 4/4/2024 2:53 PM TYPE: JOURNAL #: Adjustment Number 2024 Matt Casey ENGINEERING (621)Division /Org2 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: v.2024116 RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE Increase / (Decrease)Project.Sub# Staff recommends approval of Change Order #2 to the RFQ# 22-07 contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc for the replacement of an existing 1.5" water main in the Midtown Corridor Project Phase 2 in the amount of $191,461.43, and approval of a budget adjustment. COUNCIL DATE: CHKD/POSTED: ITEM ID#: K:\Engineering Design Services\Projects\BOND PROGRAM\2019 Bond Program\Porter-Deane-Sycamore-Poplar\Council and Committee Actions\Crossland Construction Contract CO2\2024-16 BA Crossland CO2 Midtown Corr water 1 of 1 C han ge O rd e r No . To Contractor : CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS 2 C ros s la nd Heavy Contractors The Contract is chan ged as fo ll ows : Bid Bid Contract It em It e m Chan ges No . Desc ripti on 56 8" PVC PIP E 57 16" STEEL ENCASEMENT COMPACT DUCT ILE IRO N 58 FITTIN GS (LB) 8" X 8" TAPPING SLEEVE & 60 VALVE CUT AND CA P EX . 2" 226 GALV . WATERLINE(C0#2) INST AL L NEW I " WATER 227 SE RVI CE-B O RE (C0#2) AN C HOR CO LL A RS FOR 229 EX. WATERLINE (C0#2) LOWE R 2" WATER LIN E AT 230 L YNNS PLACE (C0#2) CONSTRUCTION 234 MANAGERS FEE (C0#2) No t va lid until signed by th e Owner The ori gin a l Co ntrac t Price was Ne t change by pr evio us ly a uth orize d change orders The Co ntra ct Pri ce prior to thi s C han ge Order wa s The Co ntr ac t Price wi ll be adj us ted by Previous Es timated Quantity 65 .00 16.00 570 .00 2.00 000 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 .06 The new Contract Price in cludin g thi s Change Order will be T he Cont rac t Time(s) wi ll be in c rea sed by CHANGE ORDER Uni t of Meas ure LF LF LB EA EA EA EA LS % Contract T itl e : Midtown Multimodal Corridor Da te of Iss ua nce Apri l 3 , 2024 ORD INANCE/RESOLUT ION :200 -23 Effect ive Contract Unit Price $220 .00 $590 .00 $30.00 $9 .200 00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $13,373,119 .00 Se pt embe r 19. 2023 Revi sed Revi sed Origin al Es tim ated Unit Es tim ated Quantit y Price Co st I 18 .00 $220 .00 14 ,300 00 33.00 $590 .00 9.440 00 864 .00 $30 .00 17 , I 00 .00 4 .00 $9,200.00 18,400 .00 2.00 $3 ,733 .05 - 14.00 $5,658 .27 - 5.15 $5 ,850 .00 - L OO $14 .904 .6 1 - 0.06 $13,553,742 .99 802 .3 87 . 14 S ummation of Cos t 861,627.14 Net Cost for this C hange Order Rev ised Es timated Cost $25 .960 .00 $19.470 .00 $25.920 .00 $36 ,800 .00 $7 ,466 . I 0 $79 ,2 15.78 $30,127 .50 $14 ,904 .6 I $8 13,224 .58 $1,053 ,088.57 $191 ,461.43 $ 78 ,550.00 ............................ _s ___ t 4~,6_0_0,~1_n_.o_o_ $ 14,67 9,322 .00 $ 19 1,461.43 ······-------------------$'----1-4'---,8_7_0,'-7_83_,_43_ ······························································---0'------'-c'---a l"'"e'-nd'---a'-'-r---'d-'--ay'-'s'--- Required dates of Completi on as of th e date of thi s C hange O rd er th e refore are : ··································· ................................................. ________ _ 23-Mar-25 Substantial Co mpletion Fi nal Compl etion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2_2_-_A~p_r-_2_5 __ NOTE : Thi s summary does not refl ec t changes in th e Contrac t Pri ce or Tim e(s) whi ch ha ve bee n auth or ize d by Work Change Directives not incorporated in thi s or v.rev ious Change Orders. C ROS' LAND J EA VY CON TRACTORS /1 I -....__. / r-,/ 04/03/2024 05/07/2024 B ~' ) DATE DATE t.