HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-24 RESOLUTION'r 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 68-24 File Number: 2024-1722 ARDOT (AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING WITH ARDOT TO FORMALIZE THE CITY'S PARTNERSHIP ON THE 1-49 AND HIGHWAY 62 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, ARDOT is currently planning an extensive redesign of the 1-49 and Highway 62 Interchange; and WHEREAS, staff requested that ARDOT evaluate the option of adding an overpass at 15th Street instead of extending Shiloh Drive to Cato Springs Road; and WHEREAS, the overpass option provides better access to adjacent properties and essentially adds a connection from 15th Street to 1-49. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign an Agreement of Understanding with ARDOT to formalize the City's partnership on the 1-49 and Highway 62 Interchange Improvements Project. A copy of the Agreement of Understanding is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on February 20, 2024 Page 1 tFAYETTEVILLE- CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2024 CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-1722 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Chris Brown, Public Works Director Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Matt Mihalevich, Active Transportation Manager SUBJECT: Approval of an Agreement with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) to Complete Improvements to the 1-49 and Martin Luther King Dr. Blvd Interchange RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of an agreement with ARDOT to formalize the City's partnership on the 1-49 and Highway 62 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd) interchange. BACKGROUND: ArDOT is currently planning an extensive redesign of the 1-49 and Highway 62 (MLK Jr. Blvd.) Interchange. With the design proposed by ArDOT, Shiloh Drive south of Highway 62 was to be converted to one-way south bound. Shiloh Drive was proposed to be extended south to Cato Springs Road to provide an outlet for the properties served by Shiloh Drive. City of Fayetteville Engineering Staff requested that ArDOT evaluate the option of adding an overpass at 15th Street instead of extending Shiloh to Cato Springs Road. The overpass option provides better access to adjacent properties and essentially adds a connection from 15th Street to 1-49. The City provided a study of the proposed overpass option, and determined the additional cost of the City preferred option to be $1.5 million; ArDOT agreed to revise plans provided the city pay the additional cost of $1.5 million; the Council approved resolution 298-20 expressing the intention of the City to partner with ARDOT and pay for the additional cost. DISCUSSION: Since that resolution, City and ArDOT staff have worked through many design details, negotiated additional cost sharing proposals, arranged for replacement of tree preservation areas, and pursued federal aid funding to assist in paying for various aspects of the project. All of these activities have been condensed into the proposed Agreement of Understanding between the City and ArDOT. Major elements of the Agreement include: Inclusion of the 15th Street overpass in the project; the City cost of this addition is $1.5 million. The City has secured $1.5 million federal aid funding for this item so there is no additional cost to the City. Inclusion of multiple pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the project, at no cost to the City: o Construction of a 14-foot-wide by 10-foot-tall tunnel for the Town Branch Trail o Construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path with a 6-foot offset along the south side of Highway 62 from the western termini of the Project at South Leflar Way to Futrall Drive, Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 including underneath the Interstate 49 overpass bridges o Implementation of a one -car length offset for the shared use path across the Walmart driveway Inclusion of further pedestrian and bicycle facilities, with the City paying actual cost for the elements (The City has $300,000 in federal aid funding to pay for these costs) o Construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path with a 6-foot offset on the east side of Futrall Drive starting where the 10-foot trail would stop under Interstate 49 overpass bridges, proceeding south to the north side of Best Friend Way; and o Construction of a 12-foot-wide shared use path with a 10-foot offset on the west side of Shiloh Drive from Highway 62 to the trail at Northwest Health Emergency Department; and o Construction of an embankment and 12-foot-wide shared use path with a 10-foot offset along the west side of Shiloh Drive between Northwest Health Emergency Department and the shared use path being constructed as part of the 15th Street Overpass roundabouts • Vacation of a tree preservation on the east side of 1-49 south of Hwy 62, and a corresponding replacement dedication of an easement on the west side of 1-49 south of Hwy 62. • The City will accept ownership of the 15th Street overpass and the frontage roads between Hwy 62 and 15th Street. ArDOT plans to proceed with clearing of the project area this spring, and must complete the clearing prior to March 15th to meet the requirements of their environmental approval for protection of bat species. Therefore, an expedited review of this agreement is necessary. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: No additional funding is anticipated beyond the identified federal aid of $1.8 million. ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), Job 040846 Agreement (#4), 040846DesignMLK - Hwy 62 - Trail concept 2-7-24 - Flattened (#5) Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 == City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Y 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 - Legislation Text File #: 2024-1722 Approval of an Agreement with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) to Complete Improvements to the I-49 and Martin Luther King Dr. Blvd Interchange A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING WITH ARDOT TO FORMALIZE THE CITY' S PARTNERSHIP ON THE I-49 AND HIGHWAY 62 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, ARDOT is currently planning an extensive redesign of the I-49 and Highway 62 Interchange; and WHEREAS, staff requested that ARDOT evaluate the option of adding an overpass at 15th Street instead of extending Shiloh Drive to Cato Springs Road; and WHEREAS, the overpass option provides better access to adjacent properties and essentially adds a connection from 15th Street to I-49. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign an Agreement of Understanding with ARDOT to formalize the City's partnership on the I-49 and Highway 62 Interchange Improvements Project. A copy of the Agreement of Understanding is attached to this Resolution. Page 1 Matt Mihalevich Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-1722 Item ID February 20th, 2024 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 2/7/2024 ENGINEERING (621) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of an agreement with ArDOT to formalize the City's partnership on the 1-49 and Highway 62 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd) interchange. Budget Impact: N/A N/A Account Number Fund N/A N/A Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? No Total Amended Budget $ - Expenses (Actual+Encum) $ - Available Budget Does item have a direct cost? No Item Cost $ Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Budget Adjustment $ - Remaining Budget V20221130 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RELATIVE TO: Implementation of Job 040846, Hwy. 62 Intchng. Impvts. (Fayetteville) (F) in Fayetteville, Washington County (hereinafter called the "Project"). WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville (hereinafter called the "City") has expressed interest in partnering with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (hereinafter called the "Department") to improve the Interstate 49 interchange with Highways 62/180 (Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard); and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to provide $1.5 million in partnering funds to incorporate the construction of a 15th Street overpass between Shiloh Drive and Futrall Drive into the Project; and WHEREAS, the City was awarded $1.5 million from the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission, fulfilling this portion of their financial partnering commitment, which was obligated by the Department for preliminary engineering tasks in August 2022; and WHEREAS, the City has also requested that certain shared use paths and other betterments be incorporated into the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to provide all costs for certain betterments based on actual unit prices and plan quantities; and WHEREAS, the City has received $300,000 in Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program funding that will be used toward the funding of these betterments; and WHEREAS, the Department has agreed to include certain improvements in the Project at no cost to the City; and WHEREAS, the Department has agreed to pay for the initial construction cost, but the City will be responsible for the maintenance of crosswalks and decorative brick thermoplastic crosswalks that are compliant with the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); and WHEREAS, in addition to the monetary commitment, the City has agreed to expeditiously relocate affected City -owned utilities and be responsible for associated costs as defined in the Department's Utility Accommodation Policy (available at www.ardot.gov/LPA); and WHEREAS, the Department will be responsible for coordinating with all utilities to determine impact and schedules; and WHEREAS, the Department will oversee all other phases of the Project and will provide all additional funding necessary to complete these improvements; and Agreement of Understanding Between the City of Fayetteville and the Arkansas Department of Transportation WHEREAS, the Department has provided an equivalent, comparable acreage for dedication of a Tree Preservation Easement on the west side of Interstate 49 in exchange for the vacation of the acreage of an existing Tree Preservation Easement on the east side of Interstate 49 that was required for the construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, upon completion of the Project, the City has agreed to accept both ownership and maintenance responsibilities for certain improvements in the project area; and • All portions of the 15th Street extension, including the overpass bridge and roundabouts at Shiloh Drive and Futrall Drive; and • Shiloh Drive to the south of the Interstate 49 southbound on -ramp; and • Futrall Drive south of the Interstate 49 off -ramp. WHEREAS, the City has passed Resolution No. agreeing to the partnership and authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreements with the Department for the Project; and WHEREAS, Arkansas State Highway Commission Minute Order 2021-012 has authorized the Director to enter into any necessary agreements with the City and to proceed with surveys, plans, and construction of the Project as funds become available. IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the City and the Department will accept the additional responsibilities and assigned duties as described hereinafter. THE CITY WILL: Be responsible for all non -reimbursable costs associated with the City -owned utilities as defined in the Department's Utility Accommodation Policy. 2. When requested, pay to the Department additional funds beyond those awarded to the City through the Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program for the cost of the betterments described below: • Construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path with a 6-foot offset on the east side of Futrall Drive starting where the 10-foot trail would stop under Interstate 49 overpass bridges, proceeding south to the north side of Best Friend Way. • Construction of a 12-foot-wide shared use path with a 10-foot offset on the west side of Shiloh Drive from Highway 62 to the trail at Northwest Health Emergency Department. Construction of an embankment and 12-foot-wide shared use path with a 10-foot offset along the west side of Shiloh Drive between Northwest Health Emergency Department and the shared use path being constructed as part of the 15th Street Overpass roundabouts. 3. Approve the vacation of tree preservation easements on the east side of Interstate 49 on property that is needed for right of way and utility easements for the Project, and accept the dedication of equivalent tree preservation easements on the west side of Interstate 49, as described in the attached Exhibit A. Said total vacation is 59,385 square feet and dedication is 59,500 square feet. -2- Agreement of Understanding Between the City of Fayetteville and the Arkansas Department of Transportation 4. Upon completion of the Project, assume both ownership and maintenance responsibilities for: • All portions of the 15th Street extension, including the overpass bridge and roundabouts at Shiloh Drive and Futrall Drive; and • Shiloh Drive to the south of the Interstate 49 southbound on -ramp; and • Futrall Drive south of the Interstate 49 off -ramp. 5. Indemnify and hold harmless the Arkansas State Highway Commission, the Department, its officers and employees, from any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, damages, costs, expenses, and losses, including those arising from claims before the Arkansas Claims Commission or lawsuits brought in any other legal forum, sustained on account of the operations or actions of the City, including any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said City. Further, the City shall take no action to compromise the immunity from civil suits afforded the State of Arkansas, the State Highway Commission, Arkansas Code 19-10-305, or the I Ith Amendment of the United States Constitution. This obligation of indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. THE DEPARTMENT WILL: Be responsible for overseeing the design, environmental documentation, and right of way acquisition for the Project. 2. Be responsible for overseeing and coordinating all utility relocation for the Project. 3. Be responsible for the review and preparation of reimbursement agreements for eligible utilities. 4. Prepare documents and exhibits for the tree preservation easement vacation and dedications and provide documents to the City for approvals; execute and file completed easement dedication documents with the City Circuit Clerk upon approval of this agreement. 5. Include the following improvements in the design and construction of the Project at no cost to the City: • Construction of a 14-foot-wide by 10-foot-tall tunnel for the Town Branch Trail. • Construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path with a 6-foot offset along the south side of Highway 62 from the western termini of the Project at South Leflar Way to Futrall Drive, including underneath the Interstate 49 overpass bridges. • Implementation of a one -car length offset for the shared use path across the Walmart driveway. 6. Prior to awarding a construction contract for the Project, request funds from the City for the cost of the betterments included at the request of the City that exceed the Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program funds awarded to the City, as described under City responsibility item 2. 7. Track costs for all additional items based on actual unit prices and plan quantities and either request additional funds or return any overcharged amount to the City upon project closeout. -3- Agreement of Understanding Dehveen the City or Payetievillc and the Arkansas Department afTmnsportation 8. Advertise; award, and perform construction inspection for the Project. 9. Upon completion of the Project, transfer both ownership and maintenance responsibilities to the City for: • All portions of the 15" Street extension, including the overpass bridge and roundabouts at Shiloh Drive and Futrall Drive: and as Shiloh Drive to the south of the Interstate 49 southbound on -ramp; and • Futrall Drive south of the Interstate 49 off -ramp. 10. Coordinate and assist the City in permitting any maintenance activities on the new 1511 Street bridge that may affect the Interstate 49 main lanes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this 20 day Of February ,2024. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION / Lorie H. Tur 6�r P.E. ✓� Director _]iVVy CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE neld Jordan Mayor Kit W Hams City Attorney ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Arkansas Department of ransprumtou (ARDO ) complies with all civil riglas pmvismns oI'Rdeml..to. and mlated wNo nos oat prohibndimrimimtiminprogmmsandactivitiesreccivingfeder firecialacsisMnee 1mfom,ARDOTdocstwtdiscrimmamnnthebasis of ram, sex, valor, age, national origin, rcligon (not applicable as a protected] group uMcr the Federal Mow Carrier Safety Administration 'title VI Program 1. banality. Limited] English Proflcbnry (I.EP), or low -inmate status in the admission, amens to and treatment in ARDOT'x programs and anivnfes, as well as ARWI's hiring or employment practices. Complaints of alleged discrimination and inquiries regarding ARDOT's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Civil Rights Officer Joanna P McFadden IADAl50a/rl0e VI Cnmdinaloo, P. O Box 226).[.rate Rock, AR T1203, ISOry569-22Yg,(VoiecrRV JI n,m the Mllowing email atldresa'xvnna inclbddenn is naay. Free language assistance lur Limited English Pmlicknt individuals is available upon request. This notice is available from the ADA/504ITitle VI Comdlnator in large print, on sudichiN and in Braille. -4- Exhibit A ' PROPOSED WATER -SEWER ESMT = 20,147 Sq. Ft. -� ®® ® Tree Easement Vacation and Dedication ® AREA WITHIN EXIST. T l Job 040846, Hwy. 62 Intchng. Impvts. (Fayetteville) (F) TREE ESMT = 14,733 Sq.Ft. Nj/I6 COR.SEC.l9 & 20 E E y' = Exisr.R.w NON TRACT Y Hammura'mc �NW tr Iwe LFIGIN K Tm6ECT16N:'.: LIT_ 63.G N 10'13'53' E L45 54.26' S 87'28'3P E L57 75.25' S 30'5l'1P E Zh L58 435' 6 I1.53'09' E \ _ + g"iM N - L59 60. W 5 69' 25' 07' V i �,�yi L537 A 0 6 17` I9' 37' E N l $$ L537 ♦7.6Y N 39'12'S2' Y lV d L539 12.67' N 37'W59- Y I ••, b •' L540 12.67' N 3539'S9' Y y\ •:� /f�/j�' W% L541 17.72' N 4Or r21'05' V La 3 / L541 27.43' N 02* 17 48' Y N L543 27.43' N 02' 17' 48' Y w L544 38.29' N 36. 00' 01' V L5M 25.26' N 19'00'01' Y �.�'yj L515 43.17' N 2741' 27' Y L547 1615' N01'55'00' E 1` .•� .�, L517 14.15' N28'54'IY Y �,',{� \/1` L548 13.998' 8' N OB'59'12' m V` L%9 43. NOP 54'47 V .' L550 I%W S 66'l0'04' V + ' ~ �5 L575 21.51' N 54'16.26' Y I Exr.T.". Z50 L576 35, 97 681'WII-V .�. ., W L577 3b IB' N 35'1Y 50` Y MYE T •`• • � �'' IYNE PoIOIIA 11N/�p6 LENGTH W�ION_ - .-:.:. ... . • � n— - ��_ ----- -------- s i6�5ra �" I •• �.� :::•`. t.'�• ° ° ` 1; ,twil z pp�2 4�21yy 6677 ��gg .,� IM C33 3�W.Il' 1 S IV F I :': .., V IIFJ auc'- �_ STATE MON BENT I &i I/4 COR.SECI9 & 20 �a ' �`'''�'3/'E Tlbx R]0. VI bIi SN • m f4NT � �"•"'. '." � EX/ST.R `�.�• ' 34� SEC.I9 n 11Z PIPE S1116 COR.SEC2Od9 PROPOSED ADDITIONAL :. TREE ESMT = 59,500 S .Ft.:': TREE PRESERVATION EASEMENT TO VACATE ' PART I = 3,678 Sq.Ft. _ PART 2 = 9,151 Sq.Ft. PART 3 = 31,823 Sq.Ft.� &w= TOTAL = 44,652 Sq.Ft. . + Uq� VE SQ�j4 l T Y U12' Wide Trail Construction By City - Not part of this -project Jet Continue 10 foot wide R side path with 6 feet of green space separation to western extent of project. Include Fayetteville standard colored concrete crosswalks with 16 foot offset at driveways. (By ARDOT) "I Construct 12 foot wide concrete trail with 10 feet of green space separation. (By ARDOT) Existing 12 l foot wide trail to remain. Include trafficscapes decorative brick thermoplastic crosswalk with 24" thermoplastic each side with crosswalk lighting Include Ped button in r; refuge (Construction of 12 foot wide side path with 10 foot green space separation. (By ARDOT) Exhibit A zm2a , Construct 12 foot wide trail with parapet wall & Lighting (By ARDOT) vo 9 10 foot trail *111: ,• included in —� project (Paid by City NOV f-- with TAP funds) • ' W i 10' Wide Trail s, 9/ . I Construction By Q�tl City - Not part y. of this project F-V • t - ■ c i .i i -i 'r r H d ICE � fl Raised speed table• t crosswalks with RRFB and lighting (By ARDOT) 't Install separate 9' tall by 14' wide box culvert tunnel + (By ARDOT) r i