HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6733 I IIIIIII IIIIII III IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII II I Kind:Doc D45980084 Type: REL IIIII Recorded:ORDINANCE Fee Amt: 04/18/2024 at 02:52:25 PM $430.00 Page 1 of gq Nashinpton County, qR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk 1 ,„t 24 00009199 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6733 File Number: 2024-1835 REZONING-2024-0007: (VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES/ FAYETTEVILLE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES,AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, PLAT PAGE VARIES): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 2024-0007 FOR APPROXIMATELY 2,461.60 ACRES LOCATED AT VARIOUS CITY PARK PROPERTIES FROM VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS TO P-1, INSTITUTIONAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from various zoning districts to P-1, Institutional. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section I. PASSED and APPROVED on April 2,2024 Approve Attest: 0����K(�T RE����i� ��;1.31 FAYEr{FVILLL-. oneld Jordan,M r Kara Paxton,City C er Treasurer •� 9RKAN`" .'J.. 4��/yG i ON``%‘. 110 This publication was paid for by the City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas. Amount Paid: $ Q2 12 f Page 1 Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2024-1835 MEETING OF APRIL 2, 2024 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Jonathan Curth, Development Services Director FROM: Jessica Masters, Development Review Manager SUBJECT: RZN-2024-0007: Rezoning (VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES/ FAYETTEVILE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, PLAT PAGE VARIES): Submitted by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE STAFF for VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FAYETTEVILLE. The properties are in VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS and total approximately 2,461.60 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to P-1, INSTITUTIONAL. RECOMMENDATION: City Planning staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a request to rezone the subject property as described and shown in the attached Exhibits ‘A’ and ‘B’. BACKGROUND: The subject properties are owned by the City of Fayetteville and managed by the City of Fayetteville Department of Parks, Natural Resources, and Cultural Affairs. This includes a wide-ranging collection of 15 properties that encompass over 2,400 acres and vary in size, scale, and level of development. They range from small, undeveloped neighborhood parks and greenspaces that have been acquired through parkland dedication, to parks that are developed with larger, regional attractions, such as Centennial Park, Lake Fayetteville, and Lake Sequoyah. Following two recent 2019 Bond Project redevelopment projects (the Yvonne Richardson Community Center expansion, and the redevelopment of the Lake Fayetteville softball fields), it came to staff’s attention that many Parks properties were out of compliance with current zoning standards and do not afford by-right use as parks. While non-conforming properties can continue to exist and be maintained, ordinance prohibits the expansion or reconstruction of those facilities if they are not in compliance with current zoning standards. Additionally, the recent adoption of the Parks Master Plan in February 2023 (Imagine Tomorrow’s Parks) established guiding principles and goals for the next ten years that are, in many cases, predicated on the assumption that many of the subject properties will be programmed to greater or lesser degree as parkland. Request: The City of Fayetteville Department of Parks, Natural Resources, and Cultural Affairs requests to rezone the subject properties from their current zoning designations (various) to P-1, Institutional. This rezoning request is intended to align Parks-owned properties with the correct zoning designation, similar to the effort completed in 2008 (Ordinance 5116). Public Comment: Staff have received many inquiries from the public about the proposal, but no direct comments in opposition to or support of the request. Rather, most members of the public that staff spoke with were satisfied upon learning that the effort was to ensure that Parks properties were zoned according to their Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov existing or intended use. Members of the public did ask questions regarding any planned development on the heels of this rezoning and were directed to the Parks department directly for feedback on future development and master planning processes. Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds that the proposed zoning change is compatible with surrounding land uses. The properties are already being used as parks facilities, though with different classifications associated with them. The Parks Department uses 8 different classifications of parks: Regional Parks, Community Parks, Neighborhood Parks, Non-City Parks, Special Use, Natural Area, Undeveloped Parks, and Trail Corridors and Greenways. Each designation has a specific set of criteria, and staff finds those criteria can be met with a rezoning to the P-1 zoning district, especially with the consideration for the adoption of new standards to apply to that district. The Regional Parks (Centennial, Lake Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, and Lake Wilson) are meant to have a regional draw and have direct access from arterial streets and access to regional trail systems. Zoning these locations as P-1 would allow for the continuation of the existing uses, such as lakes, trails, and the redevelopment of ball and play fields. The Neighborhood Parks under consideration (Bayyari Park, Clarence Craft Park, White River Park, Rodney Ryan Park, Yvonne Richardson Community Center) are typically 2 to 10 acres in size, and are meant to provide leisure opportunities (including play fields, and shaded areas for gathering) within walking distance of individual neighborhoods. The uses, setbacks, and allowances in P-1 would allow for the continuation of these neighborhood needs to be met, by allowing for Use Unit 4 by-right, where many of those neighborhood parks are currently zoned for residential uses. Many of the parks under consideration with this request are currently “Undeveloped,” including Combs Park, Lierly Lane Park, Owl Creek Park, Quarry Trace Park Land, South Yard Park Land, and Hughmont Village Park Land. Undeveloped parks differ from “Natural Areas” in that they are not necessarily intended to remain undeveloped but have perhaps not yet been improved in accordance with long-term plans. Many of the parks in this classification have only been acquired within the last decade through parkland dedication with associated residential developments. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning to P-1, Institutional is compatible with the Future Land Use Map, which in most instances (though not all) identify the areas in question as Civic and Private Open Space. By rezoning to P-1, these parks can be developed or redeveloped to help meet future goals and serve the needs of the community. If they are to stay in their existing zoning districts (such as RSF-1, NC, or I-1), the City would have a more difficult time implementing the 2023 Parks Master Plan, and would involve a more piecemeal approach to rezoning these properties. Staff finds that taking this broader approach saves City resources and time instead of rezoning at the time of a specific development proposal or funding opportunity. CITY PLAN 2040 INFILL MATRIX: City Plan 2040’s Infill Matrix indicates varying scores for the subject Parks properties. Full evaluation of each site is provided in the attached Planning Commission report. DISCUSSION: At the March 11, 2024 Planning Commission meeting, a unanimous vote of 9-0-0 forwarded the request to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Commissioner Sparkman made the motion and Commissioner Brink seconded. Commissioners offered support of the request, appreciating the batch approach to the rezoning as Parks continue to develop, and finding the request to rezone to P-1 to be a compatible zoning district for parks and recreational purposes. No public comment was offered at the meeting. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: SRF (#3), Exhibit A (#4), Exhibit B (#5), Planning Commission Staff Report (#6) Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov Page 1 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Legislation Text 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 File #: 2024-1835 RZN-2024-0007: Rezoning (VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES/ FAYETTEVILE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, PLAT PAGE VARIES): Submitted by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE STAFF for VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FAYETTEVILLE. The properties are in VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS and total approximately 2,461.60 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to P- 1, INSTITUTIONAL. AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 2024-0007 FOR APPROXIMATELY 2,461.60 ACRES LOCATED AT VARIOUS CITY PARK PROPERTIES FROM VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS TO P-1, INSTITUTIONAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department’s Agenda Memo from various zoning districts to P-1, Institutional. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. 3/15/2024 Submitted Date No -$ -$ V20221130 Budgeted Item? Does item have a direct cost? Is a Budget Adjustment attached? Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget -$ -$ No No -$ -$ Project Number Budget Impact: FundAccount Number Project Title City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2024-1835 Item ID 4/2/2024 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only RZN-2024-0007: Rezoning (VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES/ FAYETTEVILE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, PP VARIES): Submitted by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE STAFF for VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FAYETTEVILLE. The properties are in VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS and total approximately 2,461.60 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to P-1, INSTITUTIONAL. N/A for Non-Agenda Item Action Recommendation: Submitted By Jonathan Curth DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (630) Division / Department Comments: Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: Original Contract Number: EXHIBIT 'A' Bayyari Park Parcel No: 765-27652-000 File No. 2007-00018675 Acres: 0.4 Current Zoning: RSF-7 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Centennial Park Parcel No: 765-14750-000 Current Zoning: RSF-2 Acres: 32.6 File No. 2018-00008775 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Centennial Park Parcel No: 765-14675-000 Current Zoning: RSF-2 Acres: 40.7 File No. 2018-00008775 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Centennial Park Parcel No: 765-14611-000 Current Zoning: RSF-2, RSF-4, C-1, RMF-12, RPZD Acres: 157.2 File No. 2018-00008775 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' SE SW PT NW PT NE SW PT SW SE & PT NW NE 19-16-30 157.16 AC FURTHER DESCRIBED IN 2024-52 AS: A part of the Northwest Quarter (NW¼), a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE¼) of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼), all of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼) of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼) and a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼), all in Section 18, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, and also being a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW¼) of the (NE¼) in Section Nineteen (19), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, of the Fifth (5th) Principal Meridian, Washington County, Arkansas, and being described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the said Southeast Quarter (SE¼) of the Northwest (NW¼) of Section Eighteen (18), said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 02° 46' 52" West 1,168.56 feet; thence South 87° 14' 46" East 349.99 feet; thence South 02° 46' 57" West 154.29 feet; thence South 86° 56' 48" East 526.48 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 17° 15' 42" East 351.25 feet to a found rebar; thence South 00° 04' 42" East 7 44.83 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 00°37' 34" West 241.10 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 03° 55' 06" West 88.87 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 82° 12' 35" West 176.00 feet to a found re- bar; thence South 72° 23' 42" West 128.62 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 62° 07' 59" West 77.45 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 02°43' 46" East 203.62 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 87° 24' 50" West 681.74 feet to a found aluminum monument; thence North 87° 11' 22" West 1,257.55 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 87° 17' 08" West 65.41 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 02° 43' 42" East 1,342.93 feet to a found re- bar; thence South 87° 37' 08" East 37.26 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 02° 26' 56" East 1,322.47 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 87° 56' 51" West 328.51 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 02°03' 09" East 902.75 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 36° 46' 06'' East 416.81 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 51° 14' 45" West 19.39 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 23° 36' 22" East 313.74 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 66° 23' 38" West 80.09 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence along a curve to the right 64.16 feet, said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 20° 26' 45" West 57.50 feet to the beginning of another curve; thence along a curve to the right 116.37 feet, said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 32° 31' 14" East 116.08 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 66° 23' 38" East 124.55 feet to the beginning of another curve; thence along a curve to the right 1,347.16 feet, said curve having a radius of 1,275.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 36 ° 07' 29" East 1,285.36 feet to a found re-bar; thence North 84°08' 41" East 430.06 feet to a found re-bar; thence South 02° 57' 19" West 772.96 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 157.16 acres, more or less RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Clarence Craft Parcel No: 765-29590-000 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 0.8 File No. 2014-00007801 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Clarence Craft Parcel No: 765-29591-000 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 0.2 File No. 2014-00007801 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Clarence Craft Parcel No: 765-29592-000 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 0.1 File No. 2014-00007801 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Clarence Craft Parcel No: 765-29593-000 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 0.7 File No. 2014-00007801 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Combs Park Parcel No: 765-19956-301 Current Zoning: RPZD Acres: 8.9 File No. 2023-00023649 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Combs Park Parcel No: 765-15269-702 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 3 File No. 2012-00032569 Legal Description: PT SE NE 2.96 AC (PARK DEDICATION) FURTHER DESCRIBED IN 2013-7399 AS: A part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 26, T16N, R30W in Washington County, Arkansas and being described as follows: Commencing at the SE Corner of said SE 1/4, NE 1/4 thence N 02° 53’35" E 700.05 feet to the P.O.B., thence S 73° 22’54 " W 814.15 feet, thence N 39° 41’06" W 160.86 feet, thence N 73° 22’54" 929.62 feet, thence S 02° 53’35" W 157.02 feet to the P.O.B.; Containing 2.96 acres more or less and subject to easements and right of way of record RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Fay Jones Woods Parcel No: 765-02021-000 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 95 Page 10238 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Fay Jones Woods Parcel No: 765-05526-100 Current Zoning: DG Acres: 0.1 File No. 2007-00045810 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Fay Jones Woods Parcel No: 765-05525-000 Current Zoning: DG Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 2001 Page 117677 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Hughmount Park Land Parcel No: 765-21247-900 Current Zoning: RA Acres: 3 File No. 2020-00040833 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Parcel No: 765-15561-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 30.8 File No. RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: BASEBALL FIELDS NEAR LAKE FAYETTEVILLE PT E/2 NE 32 AC RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-15612-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 99.2 File No. Book 404 Page 44 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-15614-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 18.5 File No. Legal Description: VACANT LAND NEAR LAKE FAYETTEVILLE PT SE NW 24.40 A. RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-15613-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 27 File No. Book 402 Page 305 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-100 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 19.7 File No. Book 404 Page 44 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-200 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 23.9 File No. Book 402 Page 313 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-300 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 116 File No. Book 402 Page 261 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-030 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 39.1 File No. Book 402 Page 261 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-010 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 67.1 File No. Book 402 Page 263 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13206-400 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 37.6 File No. Book 404 Page 315 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-13210-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 36.8 File No. Book 400 Page 328 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-15608-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 39.1 File No. Book 400 Page 328 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Fayetteville Park Parcel No: 765-15609-000 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 55.5 File No. RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Wilson Park Parcel No: 765-13306-100 Acres: 157.3 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Description: ANNEXED TO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE FOR 2017 & FOLLOWING YEARS PER ANNEXATION ORDER 5089 S/2 SE 80.00AC NE SW 40.00AC SE SW 40.00AC CITY PARK & WILSON LAKE RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Wilson Park Parcel No: 765-13306-200 Acres: 158.1 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Description: ANNEXED TO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE FOR 2017 & FOLLOWING YEARS PER ANNEXATION ORDER NO 5089 E/2 NE 80.00AC NE NW 40.00AC E/2 NW NE 20.00AC W/2 NW NE 20 .00AC Part of Wilson Lake & Surrounding Land RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lierly Land Park Land Parcel No: 765-27116-000 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: 0.2 File No. 2020-00006832 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lierly Land Park Land Parcel No: 765-27117-000 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: 2.9 File No. 2020-00006832 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lierly Land Park Land Parcel No: 765-27107-000 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: .1 File No. 2020-00006832 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lierly Land Park Land Parcel No: 765-27108-000 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: .04 File No. 2020-00006832 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-16269-100 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 2.5 File No. 2016-000161446 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-16269-104 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 2.4 File No. 2017-00010057 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-16269-106 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 2.0 File No. 2017-00010484 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-16269-111 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 4.2 File No. 2021-00005219 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-16269-101 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: 5.8 File No. 2021-00041252 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Owl Creek Park Land Parcel No: 765-22366-104 Current Zoning: R-A Acres: 2.5 File No. 2020-00006832 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Quarry Trace Park Land Parcel No: 765-29698-000 Current Zoning: R-A, RSF-4 Acres: 2.6 File No. 2015-00001197 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Rodney Ryan Park Parcel No: 765-29193-000 Current Zoning: RSF-4 Acres: 0. 4 File No. Book 94 Page 50911 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' South Yard Park Land Parcel No: 765-05509-003 Current Zoning: NC Acres: 1.3 File No. 2020-00040833 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-06383-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 97 Page 72335 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-06384-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.2 File No. Book 97 Page 14771 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-06385-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.2 File No. Book 94 Page 54810 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-06386-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.2 File No. Book 94 Page 54810 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12797-001 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.05 File No. Book 2000 Page 42523 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12800-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.2 File No. Book 94 Page 26793 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12798-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 99 Page 67651 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12799-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 99 Page 96119 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12799-001 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.1 File No. Book 96 Page 55123 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-06387-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.8 File No. Book 94 Page 26793 Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12805-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.3 File No. 2021-00041049 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Yvonne Richardson Community Center Parcel No: 765-12808-000 Current Zoning: RMF-24 Acres: 0.3 File No. Book 94 Page 26793 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Description: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13187-000 Acres: 3.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 530 Page 331 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13205-000 Acres: 14.3 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 530 Page 332 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13204-000 Acres: 19.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT SE NE 4.50A PT SW NE 15 A. Part of Lake Sequoyah RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13202-000 Acres: 8.0 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 531 Page 249 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13203-000 Acres: 17.9 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 530 Page 331 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13202-010 Acres: 13.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 369 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13186-000 Acres: 5.1 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 530 Page 331 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13178-000 Acres: 89.8 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 535 Page 276 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13197-000 Acres: 73 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 388 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13195-000 Acres: 69.1 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT LAKE SEQUOYAH PT E/2 SE NW 20A NW SE 40 A. PT NE SW 7.82 A. RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13192-000 Acres: 12.6 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13199-000 Acres: 65.2 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT OF LAKE SEQUOYAH PT E/2 SE 45 A PT NW SW 23-16- 29 16 A PT SW SW 23-16-29 8 A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13198-000 Acres: 31.8 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT LAKE SEQUOYAH VACANT LAND PT E/2 SE 7.75A PT NW SW 23-16 -29 24 A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13200-000 Acres: 28.6 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT OF LAKE SEQUOYAH & PT SE SW 10 AC PT SW SW 18.20 AC & PT SE SW .50 AC RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13185-000 Acres: 27.9 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 52 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13179-000 Acres: 74.3 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 52 RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13177-000 Acres: 79.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13063-000 Acres: 59.2 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book Legal Descrip�on: LAKE SEQUOYAH P SE SE 20A PT SW SE 40A P SE SW 10A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13194-000 Acres: 16.7 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13193-000 Acres: 1.0 Current Zoning: R-A File No. RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13063-000 Acres: 59.2 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: LAKE SEQUOYAH P SE SE 20A PT SW SE 40A P SE SW 10A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13064-000 Acres: 18.1 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13061-000 Acres: 73.7 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: LAKE SEQUOYAH PT NW SW 23A & PT NE SW 20A PT SE SW 9A & PT SW SW 15 A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13059-000 Acres: 73.7 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13058-000 Acres: 1.3 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13057-000 Acres: 8.6 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 526 Page 485 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13055-000 Acres: 5.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 266 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13056-000 Acres: 1.9 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13066-020 Acres: 49.3 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13062-000 Acres: 18.5 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 520 Page 07 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13066-010 Acres: 7.4 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 520 Page 07 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13060-000 Acres: 7.0 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13065-000 Acres: 3.0 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13061-000 Acres: 73.7 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: LAKE SEQUOYAH PT NW SW 23A & PT NE SW 20A PT SE SW 9A & PT SW SW 15 A RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13066-000 Acres: 25.1 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Book 522 Page 22 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13067-000 Acres: 7.7 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13180-000 Acres: 101 Current Zoning: R-A File No. Legal Descrip�on: PT OF LAKE SEQUOYAH PT NE NW & PT NW NW & PT SE NW 21-16-29 & PT NE NE 20-16-29 102.02 AC RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Lake Sequoyah Park Parcel No: 765-13183-000 Acres: 16.8 Current Zoning: R-A File No. 2021-00000821 Legal Descrip�on: RZN-2024-0007 EXHIBIT 'B' Washington County. AR I certify this instrument was filed on 04/18/2024 02:52:25 PM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2024-00009199 Kyle Sylvester- Circuit Clerk TO: City of Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Jessie Masters, Development Review Manager MEETING DATE: March 11, 2024 SUBJECT: RZN-2024-0007: Rezoning (VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES/ FAYETTEVILE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS, PP VARIES): Submitted by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE STAFF for VARIOUS PARK PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FAYETTEVILLE. The properties are in VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS and total approximately 2,461.60 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to P-1, INSTITUTIONAL. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends RZN-2024-0007 be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. BACKGROUND: The subject properties are owned by the City of Fayetteville and managed by the City of Fayetteville Department of Parks, Natural Resources, and Cultural Affairs. A wide-ranging collection of properties encompassing over 2400 acres of City-owned land, the properties vary in size, scale, and level of development. They range from small, undeveloped neighborhood parks and greenspaces that have been acquired through parkland dedication, to parks that are developed with larger, regional Fayetteville attractions, such as Centennial Park, Lake Fayetteville and Lake Sequoyah. Following two recent 2019 Bond Project redevelopment projects (the Yvonne Richardson Community Center expansion, and the redevelopment of the Lake Fayetteville softball fields), it came to staff’s attention that many Parks properties were out of compliance with current zoning standards. While non-conforming properties can continue to exist and be maintained, code prohibits the expansion or reconstruction of those facilities if they are not in compliance with current zoning standards. The City also recently adopted the Parks Master Plan in February 2023 (Imagine Tomorrow’s Parks), which established guiding principles and goals for the next ten years. The full list of properties under consideration can be found in Table 1. Request: City of Fayetteville Department of Parks, Natural Resources, and Cultural Affairs requests to rezone the subject properties from their current zoning designations (various) to P-1, Institutional. This rezoning request is intended to align Parks-owned properties with the correct zoning designation. Public Comment: Staff have received many inquiries from the public about the proposal, but no direct comments in opposition or support of the request. Rather, most members of the public that staff spoke to were satisfied upon learning that the effort was to make sure that Parks properties were zoned correctly. Members of the public did ask questions regarding any planned development on the heels of this rezoning, and were directed to the Parks department directly for feedback on future development and master planning processes. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 1 of 18 TABLE 1 PARK PROPERTIES TO BE REZONED Park Location Current Zoning Acreage 1 Bayyari Park N. of S. Hoddle Place RSF-7, Residential Single-Family, 7 Units per Acre 0.41 2 Centennial Park N. of W. Old Farmington Road, S. of N. Mountain Ranch Road RSF-2, Residential Single-Family, 2 Units per Acre; RMF-12, Residential Multi-Family, 12 Units per Acre; C-1, Neighborhood Commercial; RPZD, Residential Planned Zoning District 230.50 3 Clarence Craft Park SE of N. Old Wire Road and E. Adelaide Lane NC, Neighborhood Conservation 1.80 4 Combs/White River Park E of E. Borick Drive R-A, Residential Agricultural; RPZD, Residential Planned Zoning District 11.90 5 Fay Jones Woods E of S. Gregg Avenue, W of S. West Avenue NC, Neighborhood Conservation; DG, Downtown General 0.20 6 Hughmont Village Park Land SE of W. Canyon Run Drive and N. Golden Willow Drive R-A, Residential Agricultural 3.0 7 Lake Fayetteville NW of N. Crossover Drive and E. Zion Road R-A, Residential Agricultural 610.30 8 Lake Sequoyah NE of E. Huntsville Road and Lake Sequoyah Drive; South of E. Huntsville Road RSF-1, Residential Single-Family, 1 Unit Per Acre; R-A, Residential Agricultural 1,258.50 9 Lake Wilson S of S. Lake Wilson Road R-A, Residential Agricultural 315.4 10 Lierly Lane Park Land S. of W. Lierly Lane; N of W. Berseis Drive RSF-4, Residential Single-Family, 4 Units per Acre 3.24 11 Owl Creek Park Land E. of N. Broyles Avenue; W. of N Rupple Road R-A, Residential Agricultural 19.4 12 Quarry Trace Park Land S. of E. April Lane R-A, Residential Agricultural; RSF-4, Residential Single-Family, 4 Units per Acre 2.6 13 Rodney Ryan Park S of E. Black Canyon Street RSF-4, Residential Single-Family, 4 Units per Acre 0.4 14 South Yard Park Land SE of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, and S. Lt. Col. Leroy Pond Avenue MSC, Main Street Center; I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial 1.3 15 Yvonne Richardson Community Center NE of S. Washington Avenue and E. Rock Street RMF-24, Residential Multi-Family, 24 Units per Acre 2.65 Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 2 of 18 TABLE 2 CITY PLAN 2040 FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION/INFILL SCORE Park Location Future Land Use Designation Infill Score 1 Bayyari Park N. of S. Hoddle Place Civic and Private Open Space 4 2 Centennial Park N. of W. Old Farmington Road, S. of N. Mountain Ranch Road Civic and Private Open Space 2-5 3 Clarence Craft Park SE of N. Old Wire Road and E. Adelaide Lane Civic and Private Open Space 4-5 4 Combs/White River Park E of E. Borick Drive Civic and Private Open Space; Natural Area 1-3 5 Fay Jones Woods E of S. Gregg Avenue, W of S. West Avenue Civic and Private Open Space 12 6 Hughmont Village Park Land SE of W. Canyon Run Drive and N. Golden Willow Drive Civic and Private Open Space 4 7 Lake Fayetteville NW of N. Crossover Drive and E. Zion Road Civic and Private Open Space 1-2 8 Lake Sequoyah NE of E. Huntsville Road and Lake Sequoyah Drive; South of E. Huntsville Road Civic and Private Open Space 0-1 9 Lake Wilson S of S. Lake Wilson Road Civic and Private Open Space 0-1 10 Lierly Lane Park Land S. of W. Lierly Lane; N of W. Berseis Drive Residential Neighborhood 4 11 Owl Creek Park Land E. of N. Broyles Avenue; W. of N Rupple Road Civic and Private Open Space; Natural Area 2-4 12 Quarry Trace Park Land S. of E. April Lane Civic and Private Open Space 3 13 Rodney Ryan Park S of E. Black Canyon Street Civic and Private Open Space; Residential Neighborhood 1-2 14 South Yard Park Land SE of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, and S. Lt. Col. Leroy Pond Avenue City Neighborhood 11-12 15 Yvonne Richardson Community Center NE of S. Washington Avenue and E. Rock Street Civic and Private Open Space 9-10 Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 3 of 18 TABLE 3 INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Park Water Sewer Drainage Fire and Police* 1 Bayyari Park 16” water main at SE corner of property 8-inch sanitary sewer along Southern property line from S. Hoddle Place to the ease. FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (West Fork of the White River), Hydric Soils Station #3, 1050 S. Happy Hollow Road. 2.5 miles from fire station with 5-minute drive time, 7.2- minute response time. 2 Centennial Park 8-inch water mains in S. Centennial Park Lane, N. Mountain Ranch Blvd., West Technology Way. 6- inch water main and 36-inch transmission line along W. Old Farmington Rd. 8-inch sanitary sewer in W. Old Farmington Road and N. Mountain Ranch Blvd. Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District, FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (unnamed tributary of Farmington Branch), Hydric Soils Station #6, 990 S. Hollywood Avenue. 1.5 miles from fire station with 5-minute drive time, 7.2- minute response time. 3 Clarence Craft Park 8-inch water main along N. Old Wire Road and E. Cicero Lane. 36-inch water transmission main along N. Old Wire Road. 15-inch sanitary interceptor main through the park. 8- inch sanitary main from N. Jordan Lane connecting to a 10- inch sanitary sewer main at N. Ramsey Ave, flowing into a 12-inch that connects to a 15-inch sanitary interceptor main. 8- inch sanitary main along N. Rhonda Drive becomes present along W. side of park before flowing into a 10-inch main, a 12-inch main along N. Old Wire where it connects to a 15-inch sanitary interceptor main. 8-inch sanitary sewer main in E. Adelaide Lane. FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Niokaska Creek), Hydric Soils Station #5, 2979 N. Crossover Road. 2.7 miles from fire station with a 5- minute drive time, 7.2-minute response time. 4 Combs/White River Park 12-inch water main, west side of the park which crosses the park around E. Borick Drive. (2) 8-inch mains connecting to the 12-inch main. 12-inch sanitary sewer along east side of the West Fork of the White River. 8- inch gravity sanitary sewer along E. Borick Drive FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (West Fork of the White River), Hydric Soils Station #3, 1050 S. Happy Hollow Road. 1.2 miles from fire station with a 3- minute drive time, 5.2-minute response time. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 4 of 18 Park Water Sewer Drainage Fire and Police* 5 Fay Jones Woods 6-inch water main along S. Gregg Avenue, 6-inch water main on W. Prairie Street, 6-inch water main along S. West Avenue, 6-inch water main within Fay Jones Woods. 8-inch sanitary sewer along west side of S. Gregg Avenue. 12- inch sanitary sewer and 18-inch sanitary sewer transmission. Protected Stream (Tanglewood Branch), Hydric Soils Station #1, 303 W. Center Street. 0.3 miles from fire station with a 1- minute drive time, 3.2-minute response time. 6 Hughmont Village Park Land 8-inch water mains on N. Golden Willow Drive and W. Canyon Run Drive 8-inch sanitary sewer on N. Golden Willow Drive and W. Canyon Run Drive FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Clabber Creek), Hydric Soils Station #7, 835 N. Rupple Road. 2.9 miles from fire station with a 7- minute drive time, 9.2-minute response time. 7 Lake Fayetteville 8-inch water main E. Lake Fayetteville Road, 8-inch water main N. Crossover Road, 12-inch water main along E. Zion Road 8-inch sanitary sewer main, N. Crossover Road. 8-inch sanitary sewer main at Veteran’s Park FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Lake Fayetteville, Clear Creek, Hilton Creek, and four unnamed tributaries), Hydric Soils Station #4, 3385 N. Plainview Avenue. 2.2 miles from fire station with a 6- minute drive time, 8.2 minute response time. 8 Lake Sequoyah 8-inch water main, S. Lake Sequoyah Spur, 6-inch water main E. Lake Sequoyah Drive, flowing into an 8-inch water main across the bridge, 8-inch water main along E. Huntsville Road. 8-inch force main along E. Huntsville Road. Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District, FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Lake Sequoyah, Middle Fork of the White River, White River), Hydric Soils Station #3, 1050 S. Happy Hollow Road. 5.1 miles from fire station with a 9- minute drive time, 11.2-minute response time. 9 Lake Wilson No public water available No sanitary sewer available Hillside-Hilltop Overlay District, FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream, (Two unnamed tributaries that flow into Lake Wilson from the south, Lake Wilson, unnamed tributary flowing north from Lake Wilson), Hydric Soils Station #9, 2250 S. School Avenue. 4.7 miles from fire station with a 9- minute drive time, 11.2-minute response time. 10 Lierly Lane Park Land 8-inch water mains W. Lierly Lane and W. Berseis Drive 8-inch sanitary sewer main W. Berseis Drive N/A Station #7, 835 N. Rupple Road. 3.2 miles from fire station with a 7- minute drive time, 9.2-minute response time. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 5 of 18 Park Water Sewer Drainage Fire and Police* 11 Owl Creek Park Land 12-inch water mains along. N. Broyles Ave and N. Rupple Road 15-inch sanitary interceptor flowing into an 18-inch interceptor along Owl Creek. 8-inch sanitary sewer main flowing into the 18-inch sanitary interceptor, and another 8-inch sanitary sewer main flowing into the 18- inch interceptor. FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Owl Creek, unnamed tributary from southeast to northwest), Hydric Soils Station #7, 835 N. Rupple Road. 1.3 miles from the fire station with a 3- minute drive time, 5.2-minute response time. 12 Quarry Trace Park Land 8-inch water main on E. Paril and and S. Spritz Drive 8-inch sanitary sewer on east side of S. Spritz Drive N/A Station #3, 1050 S. Happy Hollow Road. 3.5 miles from fire station with a 6- minute drive time, 8.2-minute response time. 13 Rodney Ryan Park 12-inch water main on E. Black Canyon Street, 8-inch water main on S. River Meadows Drive 8-inch sanitary sewer main on E. Black Canyon Street, and S. River Meadows Drive FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream, Hydric Soils Station #3, 1050 S. Happy Hollow Road. 2.5 miles from fire station with 5-minute drive time, 7.2- minute response time. 14 South Yard Park Land No public water available 12-inch sanitary main at northern boundary Protected Stream (Tanglewood Branch), Hydric Soils Station #1, 303 W. Center Street. 0.7 miles from fire station with 3-minute drive time, 5.2- minute response time. 15 Yvonne Richardson Community Center 6-inch water main in S. Mill Avenue. 6-inch water main in S. Washington Avenue 8-inch sanitary sewer along main building. 8-inch sanitary sewer on E. Mountain Street, flowing into 8- inch sanitary sewer main present along S. Washington Avenue FEMA Floodplain, Protected Stream (Spout Spring) Station #1, 303 W. Center Street. 0.8 miles from fire station with 3-minute drive time, 5.2 minute response time. *Police did not comment on the proposed rezonings. Fire Department response time is calculated based on the drive time plus 1 minute for dispatch and 1.2 minutes for turn-out time. Within the City Limits, the Fayetteville Fire Department has a response time goal of 6 minutes for an engine and 8 minutes for a ladder truck. Tree Preservation: The proposed zoning district of P-1, Institutional requires 25% minimum canopy preservation. Percent minimum canopy requirements for all zoning districts are attached to this report for reference. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 6 of 18 FINDINGS OF THE STAFF 1. A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds that the proposed zoning change is compatible with surrounding land uses. The properties are already being used as parks facilities, though with different classifications associated with them. The Parks Department uses 8 different classifications of parks: Regional Parks, Community Parks, Neighborhood Parks, Non-City Parks, Special Use, Natural Area, Undeveloped Parks, and Trail Corridors and Greenways. Each designation has a specific set of criteria, and staff finds those criteria can be met with a rezoning to the P-1 zoning district, especially with the consideration for the adoption of new standards to apply to that district. The Regional Parks (Centennial, Lake Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, and Lake Wilson) are meant to have a regional draw and have direct access from arterial streets and access to regional trail systems. Zoning these locations as P-1 would allow for the continuation of the existing uses, such as lakes, trails, and the redevelopment of ball and playfields. The Neighborhood Parks under consideration (Bayyari Park, Clarence Craft Park, White River Park, Rodney Ryan Park, Yvonne Richardson Community Center) are typically 2 to 10 acres in size, and are meant to provide leisure opportunities (including play fields, and shaded areas for gathering) within walking distance of individual neighborhoods. The uses, setbacks, and allowances in P-1 would allow for the continuation of these neighborhood needs to be met, by allowing for Use Unit 4 by-right, where many of those neighborhood parks are currently zoned for residential uses. Many of the parks under consideration with this request are currently “Undeveloped,” including Combs Park, Lierly Land Park, Owl Creek Park, Quarry Trace Park Land, South Yard Park Land, and Hughmont Village Park Land. Undeveloped parks differ from “Natural Areas” in that they are not necessarily intended to remain undeveloped but have perhaps not yet been improved in accordance with long-term plans. Many of the parks in this classification have only been acquired within the last decade through parkland dedication with associated residential developments. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning to P-1, Institutional is compatible with the Future Land Use Map, which in most instances (though not all) identify the areas in question as Civic and Private Open Space. By rezoning to P-1, these parks can be redeveloped to help meet future goals and needs to meet the neighborhoods and immediate communities that they serve. If they are to stay in their existing zoning districts (such as RSF-1, NC, or I-1), the City would have a more difficult time implementing the 2023 Parks Master Plan, and would involve a more piecemeal approach to rezoning these properties. Staff finds that taking this broader approach saves City resources and time instead of rezoning at the time of a specific development proposal or funding opportunity. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 7 of 18 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: Staff finds that the recommended zoning is justified and needed to avoid issues in the future with any expansion of a non-conforming use, and to ensure that city-owned property is zoned accordingly. While this proposed zoning change may not identify all future changing needs of the Parks, Natural Resources, and Cultural Affairs Department, staff finds that zoning the property to the established zoning district for parks and associated cultural and recreational facilities to be an appropriate course of action and protects the public interest. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: Rezoning the properties will not likely increase traffic danger or congestion in a manner that is inconsistent with the way the properties are already used. No redevelopment plans are currently underway, and the properties have already been acquired and used for parks and recreational purposes. With any proposed development, full impact on traffic and congestion would be evaluated at that time. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: Rezoning the properties will not substantially increase the potential population density or load on public services. The proposed rezoning districts are substantially compatible with the existing development patterns and uses that currently exist on each property. The Police and Fire Departments have expressed no objections to the proposal. The Fayetteville School District also expressed no objections to the proposal. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 8 of 18 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: March 11, 2024 ❒ Tabled ❒ Forwarded ❒ Denied Motion: Second: Vote: BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Unified Development Code: o §161.32 District P-1, Institutional • Tree Preservation Requirements per Zoning District • Applicant Request Letter • Applicant Exhibit • Zoning Map • Future Land Use Map 161.32 District P-1, Institutional (A) Purpose. The Institutional District is designed to protect and facilitate use of property owned by larger public institutions and church related organizations. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 46 Short-term rentals (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 42 Clean technologies (C) Density. None. (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. None. (E) Setback Regulations. Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 9 of 18 Front 30 feet Front, if parking is allowed between the right-of-way and the building 50 feet Side 20 feet Side, when contiguous to a residential district 25 feet Rear 25 feet Rear, from center line of public alley 10 feet (F) Height Regulations. There shall be no maximum height limits in P-1 Districts, provided, however, if a building exceeds the height of two (2) stories, the portion of the building that exceeds two (2) stories shall have an additional setback from any boundary line of an adjace nt residential district. The amount of additional setback for the portion of the building over two (2) stories shall be equal to the difference between the total height of that portion of the building, and two (2) stories. (G) Building Area. On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. Accessory ground mounted solar energy systems shall not be considered buildings. (Code 1965, App. A., Art. 5(XI); Ord. No. 2603, 2-19-80; Ord. No. 2621, 4-1-80; Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.042; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 5073, 11-06-07; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6- 08; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5800 , §1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5945 , §§5, 7, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015 , §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17; Ord. No. 6245 , §2, 10-15-19; Ord. No. 6521 , §8, 1-18-22) Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 10 of 18 Table 1 Minimum Canopy Requirements ZONING DESIGNATIONS PERCENT MINIMUM CANOPY R-A, Residential — Agricultural (nonagricultural uses) 25% RSF-.5, Single-family Residential — One-Half Unit per Acre 25% RSF-1, Single-family Residential — One Unit per Acre 25% RSF-2, Single-family Residential — Two Units per Acre 20% RSF-4, Single-family Residential — Four Units per Acre 25% RSF-7, Single-family Residential — Seven Units per Acre 20% RSF-8, Single-family Residential — Eight Units per Acre 20% RSF-18, Single-family Residential — Eighteen Units per Acre 20% R-O, Residential — Office 20% RI-12, Residential Intermediate — Twelve Units Per Acre 20% RI-U, Residential Intermediate — Urban 15% RMF-6, Multi-family Residential — Six Units per Acre 20% RMF-12, Multi-family Residential — Twelve Units per Acre 20% RMF-18, Multi-family Residential — Eighteen Units per Acre 20% RMF-24, Multi-family Residential — Twenty-Four Units per Acre 20% RMF-40, Multi-family Residential — Forty Units per Acre 20% NS-L, Neighborhood Services — Limited 20% NS-G, Neighborhood Services — General 20% C-1, Neighborhood Commercial 20% CS, Community Services 20% C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial 15% Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 11 of 18 Table 1 Minimum Canopy Requirements ZONING DESIGNATIONS PERCENT MINIMUM CANOPY UT, Urban Thoroughfare 15% C-3, Central Business Commercial 15% DC, Downtown Core 10% MSC, Main Street Center 10% DG, Downtown General 10% NC, Neighborhood Conservation 20% I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial 15% I-2, General Industrial 15% P-1, Institutional 25% PZD, Planned Zoning District (HHOD) 25% (30%) Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 12 of 18 January 30, 2024 City of Fayetteville Planning Department City of Fayetteville Planning Commission 125 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 RE: Letter of Intent for Park Property Rezonings Property Information: Various, see attached Current Owner: City of Fayetteville 113 W Mountain St, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Applicant: City of Fayetteville 113 W Mountain St, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 This letter serves as a request for rezoning 15 park properties to P-1 Institutional zoning. Legal Description: Various, see attached. Property Description: Fayetteville Parks, Natural Resources and Cultural Affairs owns over 50 parks and park lands. The majority of these properties are zoned P-1 as a result of a large rezoning effort in the mid- 2000’s. Several properties have been acquired since then and are in need of rezoning. The properties listed on the enclosed attachment “A” are proposed to be rezoned from various zonings to Institutional Use (P-1). Per City Code, the Institutional District is designed to protect and facilitate use of property owned by larger public institutions and church related organizations. This zoning allows cultural and recreational facilities as permitted uses. Additionally, the zoning allows for signage and uses not allowed in many of the existing zonings such as active park facilities including courts, ballfields, etc. Enclosed please find Attachments “A” and “B”. Attachment “A” illustrates the locations of the proposed park properties for this rezoning request. There are 15 park properties included in this request. Attachment “B” lists the park properties along with the current zoning(s) and address(es). No adverse affect on adjoining properties is anticipated as all of the properties are existing parks with the exception of Hughmount Park Land, Owl Creek Park Land, Lierly Lane Park Land Quarry Trace Park Land and South Yard Park Land, which were all dedicated to become future parks and simply have not been developed yet. I don't see these attachments included. Can you please upload them? Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 13 of 18 2 Days and Hours of Operation: Parks are generally open from daylight until dusk. Lakes are the exception and are open from daylight until dusk. Parking: Parking is existing in the parks or will be properly designed when land is developed as a park. Outdoor Lighting: Lighting varies throughout the park system depending on use. Noise: Noise from the facility is not expected to change and is typical of park activities. As new parks come online such as the Upper Ramble, additional events are anticipated to generate noise. Trash and refuse service: Trash is managed by the Parks Maintenance in the Public Works Department. Sincerely, City of Fayetteville Alison Jumper Parks, Natural Resources and Cultural Affairs Director Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 14 of 18 Atachment A Park Proper�es to be rezoned: Por�ons of: 1.Bayyari Park 2.Centennial Park 3.Clarence Cra� Park 4.Combs/White River Park 5.Fay Jones Woods 6.Hughmount Village Park Land 7.Lake Fayeteville 8.Lake Sequoyah 9.Lake Wilson 10.Lierly Lane park land 11.Owl Creek park land 12.Quarry Trace park land 13.Rodney Ryan Park 14.South Yard park land 15.Yvonne Richardson Community Center Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 15 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 Attachment B Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 16 of 18 Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 17 of 18 Planning Commission March 11, 2024 RZN-2024-0007 (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PARKS) Page 18 of 18 Form v1.46 NW4\ media Account#: NWCL5004205 Company: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE-CLERKS OFFI RECEIVED 113 W MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 APR 0 9 2024 Ad number#: 391276 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERKS OFFICE PO#: Matter of: Ord 6733 AFFIDAVIT•STATE OF ARKANSAS I,Carla Gardner,do solemnly swear that I am the Finance Director of the NWA Democrat Gazette,a daily newspaper printed and published in WASHINGTONBENTON county,State of ARKANSAS;that I was so related to this publication at and during the publication of the annexed legal advertisement in the matter of: Ord 6733 Pending in the court,in said County,and at the dates of the several publications of said advertisement stated below,and that during said periods and at said dates,said newspaper was printed and had a bona fide circulation in said County, that said newspaper had been regularly printed and published in said county,and had a bona fide circulation therein for the period of one month before the date of the first publication of said advertisement;and that said advertisement was published in the regular daily issues of said newspaper as stated below. And that there is due or has been paid the NWA Democrat Gazette for publication the sum of$92.72. (Includes$0.00 Affidavit Charge). NWA Democrat Gazette 04/07/24;NWA nwaonline.con: 04/07/24 da,t)a, 6 Finance Director State of ARKANSAS,County of WASHINGTON,Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 9th day of April,2024 ;o;� '•., CATHERINE STAQGS .'c1 .f MY COMMISSION V 12402II2 = % EXPIRES,February 28,2025 Washington County NOTARY PUBLIC Ordinance:6733 File Number:2024-1835 REZONING-2024-0007:(VAR- IOUS PARK PROPERTIES/FAYET- TEVILLE PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS,PLAT PAGE VARIES): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 2024- 0007 FOR APPROXIMATELY 2.461.60 ACRES LOCATED AT VARIOUS CITY PARK PROPER- TIES FROM VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS TO P-1, INSTITU- TIONAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1:That the City Coun- cil of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the prop- erty shown on the map(Exhibit A)and the legal description(Ex- hibit B)both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from various zoning dis- tricts to P-1.Institutional Section 2:That the City Coun- cil of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on April 2,2024 Approved: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor Attest: Kara Paxton City Clerk Treasurer This publication was paid for by the City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Amount Paid:$92.72 April 7,2024 391276