HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-26 - Minutes -Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes February 26, 2024 Fayetteville Town Center Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff: Chair Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Mike Wiederkehr, City Council Representative Katherine Kinney, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Elvis Moya, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Andrew Prysby, Commissioner at-large (online) Todd Martin Molly Rawn, CEO; Jennifer Walker, VP of Finance, Sarah King, VP of Marketing and Communications I. Chair Sanderson called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm and declared a quorum. II. Old Business A. Chair Sanderson presented the January minutes and hearing no additions or corrections, she stated that the minutes stood approved as presented. B. Roll call attendance reflected that Commissioner Martin is absent and Commissioner Prysby is attending virtually, with the other commissioners present in person. III. New Business A. CEO Report In Personnel, AC Day has transitioned from her part-time role as an Event Services Coordinator to a new role as a part-time Marketing Coordinator for Fayetteville Town Center. We also hired a new part-time Event Services Coordinator, Camille Letchford. Rawn then shared an update on our Tourism Master Planning work with Coraggio Group - by the end of the day, each of the commissioners will have received a stakeholder survey and they have also received a resilience survey. We will also be hosting listening sessions (in person and virtual) with stakeholders. She is speaking with the city of Fayetteville to see if we can host the residence survey on the Speak Up Page. In sales, she reported that we landed the NICA conference in June, additionally the Arkansas Black Music Festival’s estimated economic impact was $25,000 and was a great event. We have two staff members, Madison Hurley and Monica Jannati who are now both Servsafe certified. Fayetteville Restaurant Week starts February 25th and we have surpassed 76 signed up restaurants. Rawn stated she is asking Kelly Rich to come and update the commission at an upcoming meeting to share the Downtown Fayetteville Coalition’s strategic plan. The DFC will also host their first annual meeting in April. Kelly has also successfully rolled out a new process to inform downtown merchants of special events. Finally, the DFC has announced a Strawberry festival to be May 19th. Rawn then shared the 2023 Community Investment sheet and the process that Sarah King and Tina Archer Cope created. Rawn stated that the community is understanding the process and that she anticipates that we will run out of funds as more and more community event organizers learn about this opportunity. B. Financials CEO Rawn shared the 2023 HMR slide which showed a 7.2% increase over the prior year’s collection. VP of Finance Walker shared that we ended 2023 with 104% in revenue and 96% in expenses and $786,000 in operating net income. She stated that these are not audited financial statements, these numbers are subject to change. The balance sheet for December shows $5.1 million dollars in cash and investments. In reviewing the January financials, she pointed out that 8% is our target for both revenue and expenses with both coming in around 7%. With almost $383,000 in HMR tax collections, we were 2% below our seasonally adjusted budget. Our net operating loss is ($42,938) due to some large quarterly or annual expenses that are paid in January. C. Vote. Engagement letter with Forvis, LLP Rawn stated this is our 4th year for the Forvis team doing our audit and we budgeted $30,000 to do this work for our 2023 financial audit and she is asking for a vote to authorize her to sign this engagement letter. Chair Sanderson asked for any questions. With no questions, Commissioner Wiederkehr made a motion which Commissioner Kinney seconded to authorize Rawn to sign the engagement letter. It was approved unanimously via a roll call vote. D. Vote. Internal AV Upgrade at Fayetteville Town Center This will upgrade the Creston system. Commercial Audio Systems is the recommended vendor as they are the only local vendor certified to provide the necessary upgrade. Chair Sanderson asked if we had a motion to accept the quote from Commercial Audio Systems for the projector and the equipment refresh and authorize the CEO to spend up to $48,600, which represents the quote plus 10 percent to do the necessary upgrades. Commissioner Kinney made the motion with Commissioner Bunch seconding it and it was approved unanimously. E. Conclusion. Commissioner Sanderson asked if there were any additions or announcements and Commissioner Prysby asked if we could consider linking our website to the Coalition of Hip Hideaways which is a project with NWA Council and involves Missoula, MT, Chattanooga, TN, Colorado Springs, CO and NWA. Rawn stated that she just finished doing an interview about that and she would love to work with the NWA Council to see how we could work together. With no further business, Chair Sanderson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Moya made a motion with Commissioner Kinney seconding it to adjourn the meeting Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations, Experience Fayetteville