HomeMy WebLinkAbout258-23 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 258-23 File Number: 2023-1259 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES (POLICY UPDATE): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE UPDATES TO FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Fire Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices while working through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International accreditation process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the following updated Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative policies: • Section 100 General Information & Introduction: General Information & Introduction; Special Operations Section • Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness: Wellness Program All such updated policies are attached as exhibits to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on November 21, 2023 Page 1 Attest: • ,9 Kara Paxton, Ci Clerk Treasurer CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2023 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Brad Hardin, Fire Chief FROM: Granville Wynn, Financial Analyst - Fire DATE: SUBJECT: Fire Department Administrative Policies Approval CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2023-1259 RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting Council Approval adopting Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies BACKGROUND: The Fayetteville Fire Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices while working through the CFAI accreditation process. Formatting changes are due to a prior change in policy management software. DISCUSSION: These are the Policies presented for Council Approval: Section 100 General Information & Introduction General Information & Introduction Special Operations Section Section 200 Health, Wellness, & Safety Wellness Program BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: No Budget Impact with these Policies ATTACHMENTS: SRF & Administrative Policies (#3) Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 _= City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 - Legislation Text File #: 2023-1259 Fire Department Administrative Policies Approval A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE UPDATES TO FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Fire Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices while working through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International accreditation process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the following updated Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative policies: • Section 100 General Information & Introduction: General Information & Introduction; Special Operations Section • Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness: Wellness Program All such updated policies are attached as exhibits to this Resolution. Page 1 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2023-1259 Item ID 11/21/2023 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Brad Hardin 10/27/2023 FIRE (300) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff is requesting Council Approval adopting Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a direct cost? No Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund Project Title Fs___ Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20221130 Q � Q u w FF CITY OF G) FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The FFD is requesting the council to approve amendments for two policies in Section 100 - General Information & Introduction. Highlighted changes are provided. The document titles are: General Information and Introduction Special Operations Section Document 1 - General Information and Introduction contains new language clarifying the process for the resolution of divisive topics as well as adding the 2023 Fayetteville Fire Department Organizational Chart. Document 2- Special Operations Section is amended to oversee a newly created SOG for the Aircraft Fire Fighting Team. Mailing Address 303 W. Center St. www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies General Information and Introduction Version 15 Created: November 8, 2016 Revised: August 23, 2023 SOG Reference: All SOGs CFAI Reference: Criterion 1A: Governing Body Purpose The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Administrative Policies, the City of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Fayetteville, the FFD Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), and FFD Administrative Directives are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Department and as such, are intended for the general guidance of the uniformed and nonuniformed members of the Fayetteville Fire Department. Scope Much is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual, and efficiency ratings as well as disciplinary actions will depend upon the way the Firefighters and members conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. Compliance with the operating procedures and careful attention to the orders of department officers is necessary to retain the respect and goodwill of the public which this department enjoys. Violations of any of the operating procedures, neglect, or omission of any of the duties prescribed herein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. Administrative Policies Administrative Policies of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain administrative information related to the overall operation of the department throughout all divisions, programs, and services provided. All Administrative Policies will be reviewed and formally approved by the Fayetteville City Council. Any new Administrative Policy or change to an existing Administrative Policy will be approved through the Labor Management Team (LMT) process as outlined in the Labor & Management Relations policy, then submitted to and approved by the City Council before it will be published. Any policy related to a topic which has been deemed divisive and removed from the LMT following the rules outlined Labor & Management Relations policy will be written and published by the Fire Chief. Any new Administrative Policy or change to an Administrative Policy that has not been fully approved by LMT and City Council will not be considered valid except as outlined below in the section titled "Administrative Directives." I� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies General Information and Introduction Version 15 Created: November 8, 2016 Revised: August 23, 2023 SOG Reference: All SOGs CFAI Reference: Criterion 1A: Governing Body Administrative Directives Administrative Directives will be issued only in emergency situations where changes are time -sensitive and vital to the continuance of safe operations. Administrative Directives related to existing Administrative Policies and SOGs shall reference the policy or SOG number, be maintained in the current policy management software, and be emailed out to all FFD personnel. Administrative Directives will expire 60 days from the date of implementation, unless through LMT Consensus, action is taken to extend or modify them. Efforts will be made to change the current policy or create a new policy during the first 60 days a directive is active. If the Administrative Directive must be extended or modified, it will be sent to all personnel by email. Once a new policy draft has been created it must go through the process for approval by the LMT and City Council before being published. Once published, the approved version will be sent out as a reading assignment through the current policy management software utilized by the department and the Administrative Directive will be archived. Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain detailed guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the related approved Administrative Policy. The SOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates. Any change to a SOG will be assigned to FFD personnel through the policy management software for review. SOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related Administrative Policy that will define the purpose and parameters of the SOG. All new SOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Any policy related to a topic which has been deemed divisive and removed from the LMT following the rules outlined Labor & Management Relations policy will be written and published by the Fire Chief. Policy Maintenance Maintenance of policies and procedures will be the responsibility of a Chief Officer or their designee. Additions, deletions, and modifications will be implemented as necessary to reconcile changing conditions, and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. All policies whether published, draft, or archived status will be stored and maintained in the current policy management software utilized by the Fayetteville Fire Department. Current PDF versions of all department Administrative Policies, Administrative Directives, and Standard Operating Guidelines will be available to all department personnel in the designated policy software program. I� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS P Assistant Chief Operations Fire Chief Emergency Fire Marshal Manager (Battalion Chief) Administrative Assistant Battalion 1 Battalion 2 Battalion 1 Battalion 2 Battalion 1 Battalion 2 A -Shift A -Shift B-Shift B-Shift C-Shift C-Shift (Battalion Chief) (Battalion Chief) (Battalion Chief) (Battalion Chief) (Battalion Chief) (Battalion Chief) 6 Captains 6 Captains 6 Captains 6 Captains 6 Captains 6 Captains 5 Driver 5 Driver 5 Driver 5 Driver 5 Driver 5 Driver Operators Operators Operators Operators Operators Operators f__ 7 Firefighters 7 Firefighters 7 Firefighters 7 Firefighters 7 Firefighters 7 Firefighters Fayetteville Fire Department Organizational Chart 2023 4 Deputy Fire Marshals (Captains) Battalion Chief of Safety & Training 1 Captain 1 Driver Operator 1 1 Firefighter Assistant Chief Support Battalion Chief of Planning Fire Equipment Maintenance Technician Financial Analyst Administrative Assistant 9 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Special Operations Section Version 3 Created: February 4, 2023 Revised: September 12, 2023 SOG Reference: 125, 127, 128, 132 CFAI Reference: 5G, 5H, 51, 5L Purpose IO" CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to provide the framework for the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Special Operations Section (SOS). The intent is to facilitate training, define positions, and address daily staffing requirements for the SOS. Maintaining qualified, and highly trained personnel is vital to the safe and efficient mitigation of specialized technical rescue and hazardous materials incidents. Policy 1. SOGs will be created and maintained regarding required operational levels, certifications, training, application process, appointment process, and continuing education. 2. All creation, maintenance, and changes of SOGs will follow the LMT process established in the Labor & Management Relations Policy. 3. The Fayetteville Fire Department will provide an attainable and manageable path for any individual to participate in the SOS. Q � Q u m FF CITY OF (D ARK FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The following Administrative Policy is a revised and updated document. The complete rewriting & updating of the original Administrative Operating Procedure and converting to an Administrative Policy is necessary for the FFD to meet industry best practices while working through the CFAI accreditation process. This policy will oversee supporting Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) contained in section SOG 200 - Health & Safety. This new Administrative Policy shall replace the prior approved Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedure AOP-202 Wellness Program. Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness Wellness Program Mailing Address 303 W. Center St. www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Original Administrative Operating Procedure Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedures AOP-202 Wellness Program Version 3 Date Created 05/18/2022 AOG Reference: 200 Series Multiple CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS PURPOSE The objective of the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Wellness program is to ensure that all FFD Uniformed Members are physically and mentally able to perform the basic/essential job tasks. SCOPE To establish a comprehensive Wellness Program to improve the overall health, mental wellbeing and physical performance of FFD members. To reduce the risk of illness and/or on -duty injury by improving physical fitness and providing routine wellness screenings. The FFD Health and Wellness program includes the following: 1. Medical examination 2. Physical ability test 3. Physical fitness 4. Behavioral health and confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 5. Preventive immunizations and screenings DEFINITIONS NFPA 1582: Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Program for Fire Departments POLICY 1. Medical Examination The ability to catch potentially serious illness at onset through routine wellness screenings is paramount to the overall health and longevity of our members. All FFD Uniformed Members are required to participate in the annual (±3 months) medical examination with the FFD contracted physician. The medical examination shall be at the cost of the FFD. Members not receiving the required medical examination(s) within the appropriate time parameter, ± 3 months, are subject to being temporarily reassigned or use their leave bank(s) until the medical examination has been completed. If a member is not cleared for full duty in his/her regular position, the member may be placed on light duty, if available, and undergo a thirty (30) day review/improvement period. a. Within this review period, the member must be treated and/or cleared for full duty by the member's physician at the cost of the member. b. Upon being cleared for full duty by the member's physician, a follow up examination will be scheduled at the FFD's expense with the Department's physician. The member must pass the same medical examination that was previously failed before returning to active duty. o Any member exceeding the thirty (30) day review/improvement period may be subject to using their own Leave until returning to full duty. 2. Physical Ability Test All FFD uniformed members that must wear an SCBA, in the performance of their regular job assignment, are required to perform an annual physical ability test (PAT). The tasks in the PAT will assess a member's strength, endurance, agility, and ability to work at heights. The PAT is considered job specific training for the incumbent and is based on essential job tasks. Requests to not participate will be accompanied by a written explanation in FFD memo form from the person making the request through the appropriate chain of command to the Fire Chief. Requests and/or multiple requests may result in a fit for duty physical or, where appropriate, an Americans with Disabilities Act accommodation assessment as determined by the Fire Chief or his designee. Failure to complete any portion of the test as specified will result in an employee's withdrawal from the testing process. This will include stopping an evolution and walking away from the event without completion and will be taken as a withdrawal from the entire test. • Any member that fails to successfully complete the physical ability test may be referred to the FFD physician for an evaluation and/or rehabilitation program. After this evaluation a member who failed the PAT will be given another opportunity to pass during the same test cycle. The rehabilitation program will be designed to prepare them to complete the PAT standard within three (3) months, when they will retake the PAT. Personal data, physical condition, times, private health or medical information, etc. will remain confidential. At no time should such personal information be revealed outside of the FFD unless HIPAA and GINA compliant written permission is first obtained from the individual. Nor should it be shared internally except on a business related, need -to -know basis. 3. Physical fitness A. All uniformed members should participate in some form of an approved physical fitness program. Peer Fitness Trainers (PFT) are available to help design workout plans specific to individual needs. Members can participate in their own physical fitness programs as a substitute for a Department fitness plan. The Department furnishes fitness equipment located at the Fayetteville Fire Training Center and each station. The department encourages members to utilize the facilities on- and off - duty. Off -duty use of the fire stations shall be during reasonable hours and at members own risk. A workout partner is encouraged both for safety and support. Reasonable exercise programs should be established when alone to minimize the chances of injury while alone. FFD personnel on a 48-96 schedule are allowed 90 minutes per 24-hour shift to participate in a physical fitness program. Company Officers are responsible for ensuring that subordinates are given opportunity to work out. FFD personnel assigned to a 40-hour shift are allowed 45 minutes per day to participate in a physical fitness program. Each 40-hour member is responsible for ensuring that their own schedule allows time for physical fitness. B. At least annually, a fitness evaluation will be administered as a tool and feedback mechanism for FFD uniformed members to track their individual fitness throughout their career. The fitness evaluation is based on the principles and guidance provided by the Fire Service Joint Labor Management, Wellness -Fitness Initiative (WFI). The fitness evaluation is an individual, private assessment. No personal information will be shared. The fitness evaluation is non -punitive, however an aerobic fitness program may be required based on NFPA 1582. The fitness evaluation is used to assess specific fitness components such as: body composition, aerobic capacity, power, muscular strength and endurance, and mobility and flexibility. The evaluation can be used to show improvement or decline over time. PFTs can use the information learned through the fitness evaluation to develop an individualized physical fitness program. The member will have an opportunity to discuss any injuries, concerns, or goals they may have with a PFT. The more effort a member gives to the fitness evaluation, the more of a benefit it is to that member. The goal of PFTs and the FFD Wellness Program, is to ensure every member remains healthy through their Career, Life, and Retirement. 4. Behavioral health and confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The behavioral health of members is considered as important as physical health. Physical fitness is a balance between good health, strength, fitness and durability, while behavioral wellness involves a person's thoughts, feelings and behavior. Members who balance their physical, behavioral and emotional fitness tend to fare better in life. Challenges such as substance abuse, death of a loved one, financial distress, marital and family problems affect personnel both on and off the job. If their ability to cope with these challenges is compromised, fire fighters and emergency medical technicians are less able to deal with these stresses and their mental and emotional health suffer. A comprehensive wellness program teaches individuals how to engage in daily practices that help them cope with the stressors within the fire service and while also maximizing their body and mind wellness. The FFD has several options available to its members: City of Fayetteville Engagement and Wellness Committee o Resources available through the City of Fayetteville Intranet (COFI) City of Fayetteville Employee Assistance Program (EAP) City of Fayetteville Fire Department, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) FFD, Peer Support Team o For contact information: • Shift safety officer, or • Union executive board 5. Preventive immunizations and screenin To prevent serious communicable diseases, the FFD provides immunizations and/or screens for multiple different infectious diseases, in accordance with NFPA 1582. Immunizations and screenings will be provided to the employee in conjunction with annual medical examination. New Administrative Policy (AP) Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Wellness Program Version 4 Created: May 18, 2022 Revised: October 25, 2023 SOG Reference: 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214 CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety Purpose 1OO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The objective of the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Wellness Program is to ensure that all FFD uniformed members are physically and mentally able to perform basic and essential job tasks. SOGs shall be established to outline the details of the different components of this program. Scope To establish a comprehensive Wellness Program to improve the overall health, mental wellbeing, and physical performance of FFD members. To reduce the risk of illness and/or on -duty injury by improving physical fitness and providing routine wellness screenings. The FFD Health and Wellness program includes the following: 1. Medical examination. 2. Physical Fitness Evaluation (MET Test). 3. Physical fitness program. 4. Behavioral health and confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 5. Preventive immunizations and screenings. 6. Establishing a Peer Support Team and necessary SOG(s). 7. Establishing a Peer Fitness Team and necessary SOG(s). Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Wellness Program Version 4 Created: May 18, 2022 Revised: October 25, 2023 SOG Reference: 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214 CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety Definitions I� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Peer Support Team The Peer Support Team (PST) is a group comprised of trained firefighters who provide emotional, mental, and social support to their peers in the fire department. They have training and knowledge of outside resources and the necessary steps to activate the EAP for members who are in need. The group aims to promote the well-being of fellow firefighters by providing a safe space to discuss and process difficult situations encountered while on duty or in their personal lives. Reference SOG-204 Peer Support Team for further information. Peer Fitness Team The Peer Fitness Team (PFT) is comprised of trained firefighters who provide knowledge, motivation, and achievable benchmarks to their peers in the fire department. They have specialized training in physical fitness and knowledge of outside resources to assist other department members in reaching healthy lifestyle goals. Reference SOG-205 Peer Fitness Team for further information. NFPA 1582 NFPA 1582 Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Programs for Fire. Reference NFPA 1582 for further information. NFPA 1583 NFPA 1583 Standard on Health -Related Fitness Programs for Fire Department Members. Reference NFPA 1583 for further information. Wellness -Fitness Initiative The Fire Service Joint Labor Management, Wellness -Fitness Initiative (WFI) is a collaborative effort between the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to improve the quality of life for all fire fighters. This system proves the value of investing wellness resources over time to maintain a fit, healthy, and capable fire fighter throughout his/her/their 25-30+ year career and beyond. Reference the Wellness -Fitness Initiative for further information. 2 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Wellness Program Version 4 Created: May 18, 2022 Revised: October 25, 2023 SOG Reference: 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214 CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety Poloc 1. Medical Examination I� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The ability to catch potentially serious illness at onset through routine wellness screenings is paramount to the overall health and longevity of our members. All FFD uniformed members are required to participate in the annual (±3 months) medical examination with the FFD contracted physician. The medical examination shall be at the cost of the FFD. Members not receiving the required medical examination(s) within the appropriate time parameter, ± 3 months, are subject to being temporarily reassigned or use their leave bank(s) until the medical examination has been completed. If a member is not cleared for full duty in his/her regular position, the member may be placed on light duty, if available, and undergo a thirty (30) day review/improvement period. a. Within this review period, the member must be treated and/or cleared for full duty by the member's physician at the cost of the member. b. Upon being cleared for full duty by the member's physician, a follow up examination will be scheduled at the FFD's expense with the department's physician. The member must pass the same medical examination that was previously failed before returning to active duty. • Any member exceeding the thirty (30) day review/improvement period may be subject to using their own leave until returning to full duty. 3 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Wellness Program Version 4 Created: May 18, 2022 Revised: October 25, 2023 SOG Reference: 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214 CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety 2. Physical Fitness 1OO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS a. All uniformed members should participate in some form of an approved physical fitness program. Peer Fitness Trainers (PFT) are available to help design workout plans specific to individual needs. Members can participate in their own physical fitness programs as a substitute for a Department fitness plan. The department furnishes fitness equipment located at the Fayetteville Fire Training Center and each fire station. The department encourages members to utilize the facilities on and off duty. Off -duty use of the fire stations shall be during reasonable hours and at member's own risk. A workout partner is encouraged both for safety and support. Reasonable exercise programs should be established when alone to minimize the chances of injury while alone. FFD personnel on a 48/96 schedule are allowed 90 minutes per 24-hour shift to participate in a physical fitness program. Company Officers are responsible for ensuring that subordinates are given opportunity to work out. FFD personnel assigned to a 40-hour shift are allowed 60 minutes per day to participate in a physical fitness program. Each 40-hour member is responsible for ensuring that their own schedule allows time for physical fitness. b. At least annually, a fitness evaluation will be administered as a tool and feedback mechanism for FFD uniformed members to track their individual fitness throughout their career, reference SOG-202 Fitness Evaluation for further information about the evaluation. The fitness evaluation is based on the principles and guidance provided by the Fire Service Joint Labor Management, Wellness -Fitness Initiative (WFI). The fitness evaluation is an individual, private assessment. No personal information will be shared. The fitness evaluation is non -punitive; however, an aerobic fitness program may be required based on NFPA 1582. The fitness evaluation is used to assess specific fitness components such as: body composition, aerobic capacity, power, muscular strength and endurance, and mobility and flexibility. The evaluation can be used to show improvement or decline over time. PFTs can use the information learned through the fitness evaluation to develop an individualized physical fitness program. 59 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Wellness Program Version 4 Created: May 18, 2022 Revised: October 25, 2023 SOG Reference: 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214 CFAI Reference: 11 Health and Safety The member will have an opportunity to discuss any injuries, concerns, or goals they may have with a PFT. I� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The more effort a member gives to the fitness evaluation, the more of a benefit it is to that member. The goal of PFTs and the FFD Wellness Program, is to ensure every member remains healthy through their Career, Life, and Retirement. 3. Behavioral Health and Confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The behavioral health of members is considered as important as physical health. Physical fitness is a balance between good health, strength, fitness, and durability, while behavioral wellness involves a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Members who balance their physical, behavioral, and emotional fitness tend to fare better in life. Challenges such as substance abuse, death of a loved one, financial distress, marital and family problems affect personnel both on and off the job. If their ability to cope with these challenges is compromised, fire fighters are less able to deal with these stresses and their mental and emotional health suffer. A comprehensive wellness program teaches individuals how to engage in daily practices that help them cope with the stressors within the fire service and while also maximizing their body and mind wellness. a. The FFD has several options available to its members: • City of Fayetteville Intranet (COFI) Health and Wellness Resources • City of Fayetteville Engagement and Wellness Committee • City of Fayetteville Employee Assistance Program (EAP) • FFD Employee Assistance Program (EAP) • FFD Peer Support Team (See SOG-204 Peer Support Team) b. For contact information: • Shift safety officer • Union executive board 4. Preventive immunizations and screening To prevent serious communicable diseases, the FFD provides immunizations and/or screens for multiple different infectious diseases, in accordance with NFPA 1582. Immunizations and screenings will be provided to the employee in conjunction with annual medical examination. 5