HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-88 RESOLUTION SCANNED RESOLUTION NO. 7 fr.I No resolution was ever drafted. Attached is a copy of the Board of Director minutes where the resolution was adopted. 't 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 47.6 47.7 III 47.8 January 30, 1988 Director Bumpass reiterated his advice to the City Manager that the Klinger opinion should be reviewed, as he thought it was very clear that professional services, especially in the Prosecutor's Office, need to be bid, and that maybe some of the City Attorney's compensation package needs to be bid. Hess said if the services are not bid, the structure needs to be reviewed so that it will withstand scrutiny. Upon voice vote, the motion passed, 6-0. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUDGET Pennington said the largest increase in the budget, with the exception of the Economic Development Program, would be in the Administrative Services Department. He recommended the position of Administrative Services Director be changed to Assistant City Manager, with no change in salary, and recommended the addition of an Assistant Administrative Services Director. Pennington recommended a Nurse position in the Personnel Division, at a cost of $22,146. He recommended $10,000 for an employee awards program, and $25,000 for an employee training program. Pennington said he thought one of the organization's weakest spots was the Finance Division. He said he had taken into account last year's financial audit, discussions with the staff, the 138% turnover in the last year, and found one of the biggest concerns of the employees was the amount of overtime they were required to work. He said an average of about 300 hours was worked by accounting employees. He said the Finance Division makes him nervous and in his opinion is understaffed. He said he concurred with the recommendation of the auditors to increase the staff by adding an internal auditor/grants accountant. He recommended the centralization of grants accounting and the addition of 2 1/2 positions to the accounting staff. Pennington recommended the City expend money to become a part of the LOGIN (Local Government Information Network) system. He said the system was placed in operation by the National League of Cities and is a nationwide connection organization. He said the system can be accessed for data about what is going on in other communities. He said messages and inquiries can be sent between cities, and cities can tap into a library for information and research. Director Lancaster asked if, with the addition of 11 1/2 new employees, the budget will still include money to pay overtime. Pennington said there will continue to be overtime, that there will be mandatory overtime in the Finance Division. Linebaugh said this is necessary during audit time and at the year end. He said the overtime will be less than in 1987. 48 January 30, 1988 48.1 Pennington said he would be making a recommendation to the Board relative to comp time which will be a major change from current policy. He said the staff will probably develop a mechanism which will create a dichotomy between the exempt and non-exempt employees. He said the Fair Labor Standards Act makes this almost mandatory. 48.2 Director Hess said he thought it was good that the budget reflected an allocation of $5,600 to the Music Festival. Johnson disagreed, stating the funds should not come out of General Fund but from the Arts Center Fund. Hess said he thought the Advertising & Promotion Commission had recommended this be an ongoing allocation. Hess noted the budget indicated a transfer of about $286,000 to the Arts Center, but did not show an amount to be transferred to advertising and promotion. He asked if the $286,000 was the Arts Center's half of excess h/m/r tax. Linebaugh said that amount was for Arts Center debt service. Judy Huffaker said excess funds are expected to be $290,000 this year, half of which would be $145,000. Linebaugh said $145,000 has been reserved in fund balance in the event the Board decides to transfer that amount to advertising and promotion. Linebaugh said there is about a $90,000 fund balance loss in the advertising and promotion budget. 48.3 Director Lancaster noted that the Arthur Young performance audit two years ago cost the• City thousands of dollars, and recommended a reorganization that would eliminate 40 employees. He said the budget shows there were 53 employees in Administrative Services in 1986, 58 in 1987, and now proposes 65 employees. Linebaugh said three new employees were added to Municipal Court last year, and the other two were added to the Business Office. 48.4 Mayor Johnson said the awards policy proposed in the budget had not been approved by the Board. Pennington said a recommendation would come before the Board when it is completed. 48.5 Pennington recommended $25,000 be added to the City Clerk's budget for recodification of the City Code of Ordinances. He said, in talking with the City Clerk, he believed the City needed a complete restructuring of its Code. 48.6 It was moved by Johnson, and seconded by Bumpass, to approve the Administrative Services Department budget, with the exception of (1) the change from an Administrative Services Director to an Assistant City Manager, (2) the addition of an Assistant Administrative Services Director, and (3) the Music Festival grant. Upon voice vote, the motion passed, 6-0. 48.7 Johnson said she thought funds for the Music Festival should come from the Arts Center. Hess asked if the City Board could tell the Arts Center how to allocate its money. Linebaugh said none of the funds of the Arts Foundation or the Arts Center Council are designated towards such things as the Music Festival. Hess said the Music Festival benefits the city as a whole, promotes and advertises the city, is of economic benefit to the whole city, and is different than any other request that has been made of the Advertising and Promotion Commission. • • y `2 9 January 30, 1988 Director Bumpass said some have called the Music Festival "cronyism for the 49.1 concert people" because of the salaries paid to people to play for two or three days. Bumpass said it seemed to him this should be addressed by the Arts Foundation. Director Hess, seconded by Bumpass, moved to strike the funds for the Music 49.2 Festival from the budget, and to pass a resolution expressing the Board's recommendation that the City's representatives on the Arts Center Council and Arts Foundation allocate the funds. By voice vote, the motion passed, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 7-88 APPEARS ON PAGE OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION BOOK Director Kelley said, based on the brief description of the position, he 49.3 really couldn't see the function of the Assistant Administrative Services Director position, especially in light of the organizational chart and the increase in other new positions. He said if, in the future, the Board feels the task is too great, he could probably be persuaded that maybe another management position would be a good thing. He said right now it's a part of the bureaucracy he can't support. Director Bumpass said in his opinion, the titles don't mean quite so much as 49.4 do the functions the City Manager thinks he needs to have in order to have a quality group. City Manager Pennington said the model followed by Arthur Young suggested 49.5 the Administrative Services Director also be titled Assistant City Manager. He said in most City Manager forms of government there is an Assistant City Manager. He said the reason he recommended it was because it was a function recommended by Arthur Young and it was a position he felt very comfortable with. Director Lancaster said he thought, if this is approved, then we should 49.6 advertise that the City is looking for an Assistant City Manager and go through the process of finding a qualified person. Director Kelley said the City was in a fortunate position in that the man who has been selected has already proven himself as capable of running the City in the absence of a City Manager. He said that, when the City Manager is out of town, he wanted someone responsible for the operation of the City. He said Linebaugh had proven himself over a period of time and he had no problem at all with the recommendation. Mayor Johnson said the job description clearly states -the Administrative 49.7 Services Director is the Assistant City Manager. She said the problem within the community and within the Board is that "we just don't want somebody called Assistant City Manager" because it has the appearance of creating another level of management between the department directors and the City Manager. Johnson said it was a matter of old hard feelings created