HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-88 RESOLUTION i RESOLUTION NO. 26-88 S CA 1 e� ED A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FORM OF A REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR THE WALTON ARTS CENTER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: That the Board of Directors hereby approves the real estate purchase contract attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for land acquisition for the Walton Arts Center. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of April , 1988 . APPROVED Mayor ATTEStI'�;. 1;N r' MICROFILMED REAL ESTATE CONTRACT OF SALE This CONTRACT executed this 41 ILI day of ,4Pgl Z, 1988 , by and between William A. Lazenby , hereinafter referred to as "Seller" , and the City of Fayetteville and the Board of Trustees, University of Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as "Purchasers" . IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS MADE EACH TO THE OTHER, as herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1 . Seller shall sell and convey and Purchasers shall purchase, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property, together with the improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . 2. The full purchase price for the property is $ 377, 850 .00 payable in a lump sum at closing. 3 . On payment of the purchase price as herein provided, or assurance of its payment satisfactory to Seller, Seller shall execute and deliver a warranty deed describing the property and conveying the same to Purchasers. 4 . Prior to closing, Purchasers shall obtain at Purchasers ' expense, an owner ' s title insurance policy for the full amount of the purchase price insuring title to the property to be in Purchasers, subject only to easements of record. If any title restrictions, defects or burdens appear in the title insurance policy commitment, to which Purchasers object, such objection shall be stated in writing to Seller who shall be allowed a reasonable time, but not to exceed thirty ( 30 ) days, in which to correct the same. If Seller is unable or unwilling to do so, Purchasers at their option may either terminate this contract or pursue any remedy available to Purchasers in law or equity. 5 . Unpaid ad valorem taxes not delinquent shall be prorated as of the date of closing. ' - 'I,i '.^ -2- 6 . Possession of the property shall be delivered to Purchasers C days from the closing date. Seller shall cause any existing tenancies to be terminated on or before the date of closing. The closing date shall be on or before the 30th day from the execution date hereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed in duplicate on the date first above written. PURCHASERS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: ,.,., . r_j9dEnkiatia Mayor ATTEST By: a 71-14KL i Clerk C _. BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNIVERSIT 1 OF ARK' S t, BY: 4 !iJf/ GA'= ' 4 BERLIN ec .Vice President and ATTEST P 'ovost University of Arkansas SELLER William A. Lazenby >(rti BIr 'A-' . PA 6 / Qf S_ /le\ - '!•••/,• . -0 0%i �' 'IC. /7. i 0 YciC;u4 iv,S MEMORANDUM OF ESCROW Urccrlr Y /i AJ si\ t ` KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: On or about the / day of 1981 , a Contract r of Sale and Escrow Agreement was entered into by and between t W. Howard Bass , Eloise K. Bass and Annie Laurie Bass , as .UE tr Sellers , William A. Lazenby, as:-Buyer, and the First National a: Bank of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as Escrow Agent . Said Contract 7 of Sale and Escrow Agreement applies to and governs title to a the following described real property �situate in Washington County, Arkansas , to-wit : rt nc All of Lot Numbered Six (6) .in Block Numbered Six (6) and Part of Lot Number Five (5) . in Block n Number Six (6) in the City of Fayetteville , • more particularly described as beginning at a point on the South line of Dickson, Street in the City of Fayetteville , which point is sixty (60) feet Wet of the Northeast corner of Lot 4 of said Bik, and running thence West along the South line of Dickson Street Ninety one (91) feet to the East boundary line o.f West Street ; thence South with the East boundary line of West Street one hundred and eighty (18,0) feet ; thence East parallel with Dickson Street ninety one (91) feet , and thence North, parallel with West Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet to the place of beginning , which is the separate property of the said Joy Pratt Markham, who was formerly Joy Pratt . Any parties desiring further information relating to said Contract of Sale and Escrow Agreement may inspect the same at the offices of First National Bank of Fayetteville , Arkansas during normal business hours . 1/7 WITNESS our hands this /.t�— day of , 1981 . c71-1 - 73770-7-(.17446241,1e 1V. Howard Bass e. 7.?„-24! A.- (z.:,<,,,,,_-, Eloise K. Bass 0,, 4„.___,.____- . f Annie Laurie Bass ,'' ,,.77, ,,,, %l -,� Wiliam A. Lazenby7_z.2, First National Bank of Fayetteville , . Arka as BY .,;,'�c,t t�.-.2 __._/r -�- �L-�r�--cam / fT 4.-i9vNOf2 y rya . , x14t.t . )T '/1--' r (3s Z 0c- 5 -5- tart of the SW. quarter (SW 1/4) of the NW. quarter (NW 1/4) of Sec . Twenty-three '(23) in T. Sixteen (16) N. ;\ R. Thirty (30),W. , bein more particularly described as follows : Beginn ing at . point Three hundred seventy five '(375) ft. W. and"OOne undyed thirty two and four tenths (132 . 4) ft . S. of he NE corner of said forty acre tr t , and running thence S . One hundred thirty two and ur tenths (1 . 4) ft .. , thence E . Three hundred nine (309) t. to the iighway right of way , thence with said ri ht of w. N. bearing E . One. hundred thirty two and six-tnths (132 . 6) ft . , thence W. Three hundred fifteen (315) ft . to the place of beginning, containing ninety five hundredths (195) of an acre , more or less . ALSO A part of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of the South- west quarter (SW 1/4) 1bf Section Twenty-four (2 ), in Township Sixtireen (16) rth 4 RAnge Tkirty-on: (31) West, being tore particu ar described . s fol4ows : Beg ' ping a a point which ,is 150 feet Ea or the South t rner of said oxty acre tract , . 14 running thence s 70 feet , the ce North 167 1/2 fe • , thence West 70 f t , thence South 167 1/2 feet to he .lace of beginnin , ss and except that~ part of sa ' d la • embraced in the oadway along the South side of sa ' . property. Subjec to a mortgage in favor of James Ralston dated Novemb r 9 , 1966 , arid recorded in. Book 694 at Page 130 , which grantee herin assumes and agrees to pay in accordance with the terms thereof . r ALSO 'Lot #9 , Mount Comfort Addition to the\City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ALSO Lot #52 , Sequoyah Woods Phase Addition\Lot #70 , Sequoyah Woods Phase I A itio and Lot #1 1 , Sequoyah Woods Phase I Add ' n to the Cit of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as p plat of said ddition on file in the office of t C cuit Clerk a d Ex- Officio Recorder of Washi gton C unty, Arkans s . ALSO b\ West 28 ' Lot Eight (8) , Block Six (6) , Original Plat of City of Fayetteville , Arkansas on file in the office` of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Wash- ington County, Arkansas . ALSO • Lo Twelve (12) , lock Five (5) , --S.weetbriar Addition to t e City -a€- Faye ville , kansa as per lat ' of sa aiition on fi the office Circuit Cler n Ex-Officio o er of Wash ' to ounty , Arkansas . ALSO rai 07? 895 8._ LRvN(2R Y xt-�t ‘13 ► T ' Ai WARRANTY DEED P � ° s a� with relinquishment of dower and homestead or ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: "'.That we, C. T. Pearson, Jr. and Alice Pearson, his wife, 1I-�0 Wand Cy Carney, Jr. and Betta Carney, his wife Y f J(tH 19 1'11 �t 4 Do not write i:lit. hisee for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other ` ciood and valuable consideration ` :_pi. � r .&ftt usinhandPaidbyWllllamA. zenby %L►.{; �iL1,1` .�doherebygrant, bargainandselluntothesaidWilliamA. zenby--- !e u+ ;�,,,. ' ' `+ "v�a. A9anduntohis }' ,.54 �l • $9 �"':° -4heirsandassigns, thefollowingdesibedland, situatein !285719p� 5' ' Washington -County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: S Lots Seven (7) and Ten (10) In Block Six (6) In the Town (now City) of Fayettevlile, and more particularly described as follows,' to-wit: Beginning at a point which is one hundred eighty (180) feet South of the Northwest corner of said Block Six as designated on the original plat of the Town of Fayettevlile, and running thence South one hundred (100) feet; thence East one hundred fifty-seven (157) feet; thence North one hundred (100) feet; thence West one hundred fifty-seven (157) feet to the place of beginning, in the County of Washington, and State of Arkansas. - • • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said William A. Lazenby, and unto his - heirs and assigns, forever. And --we----, the said --C. T. Pearson, Jr. and Alice Pearson, his wife, and Cy Carney, Jr. and Betta Carney, his wife------- ----- ------ hereby covenant that we arc lawfully seized of said land and premises; that the same is unincumbered, and we will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. And ivehe said Alice Pearson and Betta Carney, wlve$t'e of C. T. Pearson, Jr. and Cy Carney, Jr. in consideration of said sum of money, do hereby release and relinquish unto the said William A. Lazenby our all ix9cinterest, right, title and dower and convey my homestead in and to said lands. _ WITNESS our hand sand seal son this 5 --- Jun -19 79. Qk^,,��----�� -.��-A ��- (Seal) Cy C4irney, Jr. �� r ' abet ddziadY/ (Seal) PREPARED BY --AI ce son,._, PEARSON &WOODRUFF 1( C W�-)-7 4I (Seal) ATTORNEYS AT LAW Betta Carney �' EASL-eEttrasraw - — --- FAYETTEVIIIE,ARKANSAS 77731 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS iss. County of Washington BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public -within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and act- ing, C.T. Pc I ort,.,,)r. 6 Alice Pearson, his wife, and Cy Carney, Jr. 6 Betta Carney, his wife to me well known as'the (3runtors in the foregoing Deed, and stated that they had executed the.same fot the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. Witness my ('and Old sear.as such--Notary Public this 1st day of ' 4-''-1Jtm e-.z--__i9—-- 7 9 . My C rpissidrt ekpirs - 11 P,I6 78 ,4_,. 0--2 z-- -e(Ta'''X ,'''' .I',,,� ,n9414‘..;_ib . ,: ,'y-- L,,-,,,.oR Y WARRANTY DEED ' -/•• Single Person �C� �'Pft6 6 tom. o f KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 'G3 rii% 2 J i,..: I' . 41 That I, Virgie Shook, surviving widow of Clint Shook, Deceased '.'.':',.`:.I'"' i r'I 'i y • Do not*rite In this space for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable considetation tome in hand paid by\ Virgie Shook, Lonnie Lee Shook and Hazel Shook • do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said Virgie Shook, Lonnie Lee Shook and Hazel Shook as joint tenants , • • with right of survivorship, their heirs and assigns, the following described land, situate in Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: Lo numbered (16)\ in Grandview Heights ubdivision, s e being a pare of he Southeast arter (SE 4), of the Northwest qua er --(NW /4) .) • and ie Northeast rter (NE l ) of the outhwest guar r (SW /4) of Sec ion (28) -looms 'p (16) Nor Range 30.West of the 5-th , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk,of Washington County , Arkansas . ALSO, a part of Block No. 6 of the Original Plat of the To.an'•of Fayette- ville, Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at •a point which is (311) feet North of the Southeast corner of• said Block No . 6 and running thence West 157 feet to an alley ; thence North 52 \7) feet; thence East 157 feet to School Street; thence South 52 feet to the place of beginning. • NOTE: It is the intention of the grantor herein, Virgie Shook, to vest title in said lands in the grantor Virgie Shook, and Lonnie • Lee Shook and Hazel Shook, as JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP. • • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Virgie Shook, Lonnie Lee Shook and Hazel Shook, as joint tenants , their heirs and assigns, forever. And I, the said Virgie Shook hereby covenant that I am lawfully seized of said land and premises; that the same is unincumbered, and I will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. WITNESS my hand and seal on this 29th day of April 19 68 . Deed drafted by 2�z-�:��. _; 1;cr �� Paul Jameson -- -// - �" -! —[Seal] Attorney at law . Fayetteville , Ark. • ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ss. County of_WashingLton__ BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public ` , within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and act- ing, Virgie Sho.ol0- 0 s to me weil .known as'the Grantor in the foregoing Deed, and stated that he had executed the same for the consideratioyOiTi i}to'scD,therein mentioned and set forth. �`Jitue;s my nde nilgeal as such Notary ublic this 29th day of Apri lA 11 a 1,� r .; 19 68 My Commis n sio expitecQk � poor, 7 8 PA . 5 -v6 K • — x l-k \ c6 1 r IN PA-6 G- r,> o F 5 (7 - NOTICE OF CONTRACT FOR SALE OF .4 ,,,AL" ES�f,TE<<'0 in . t r= ' Notice is hereby given that Starr Farm c:,, a �fkansas O corporation, as Seller, and William A. Lazenb� , rah;"Buy , have entered into a contract for the sale of the folfowinT�described real estate situate in Washington County, Arkansas , to-wit: Rrt of Lot Numbered One ( 1) of the Revi ed Plat of_ Lots El ven ( 11) th ough Sixteen' ( 16 ) inclusi e, of Uni ersity Acr Subdivisi n to the Ci of Fayetteville, Arka�isas , described as fol ows: Begin ' ng at the S theast co ner of (IA\ said L One ( 1) , d running hence North 30 feet, hence West 100 feet to the est line said Lot 0 ( 1) , th ce y� South alo said West ine 330 fe _t to the Sou hwest cor er thereof, t e'nce East 10 feet to t e place of •bbginning. - Lot Numbered Four ( 4) and a part of Lot Numbered Five ( 5) in Block Numbered Six ( 6) in the Orginal Town ( now City) of Fayetteville, all being bounded and described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot Four ( 4) and running thence West on the South line of Dickson Street 60 feet; thence South 180 feet; thence East 60 feet; thence North 180 feet to the place of beginning, situate in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington and State of Arkansas. Lot Four ( 4) in the Replat df Lots Eleven ( 11) 'through , ''' Sixteen ( 16 ) inclusive of University . Acres Subdivision to the City ,O Fayetteville, Aransas , ,_as ,per plate of said Subdivision on file in the-,office'' of the Circuit Clerk and tx-Officio Recordr;of Washirlg,ton Co-nty, Arkansas. The original of said Contract is on deposit with First National Bank, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Dated this 12� day of , 1986 . SELLER BUYER STARR FARMS, INC. r / By /�'`)__. �.__sr_f/ i�'' �� , ,/lam !-/- ',_/,�' (fie/F ed Starr, President William A. La enby r l' Attest de%Fred Starr, Secretary OSBORNE & FINN dm 1168�n��V�� car y, .al' SelA 26 EAST CENTER STREET FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72701 TELEPHONE (SOI) 5215555 rJ Pr21.---( F Or 0f `.) MICROFILMED REAL ESTATE CONTRACT OF SALE This CONTRACT executed this 4-r--/+ day of (ZiL_ , 1988 , by and between James M. Coger , hereinafter referred to as "Seller" , and the City of Fayetteville and the Board of Trustees, University of Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as "Purchasers" . IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS MADE EACH TO THE OTHER, as herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1 . Seller shall sell and convey and Purchasers shall purchase, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property, together with the improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . 2. The full purchase price for the property is $ 52 , 250 .00 payable in a lump sum at closing. 3 . On payment of the purchase price as herein provided, or assurance of its payment satisfactory to Seller, Seller shall execute and deliver a warranty deed describing the property and conveying the same to Purchasers. 4. Prior to closing, Purchasers shall obtain at Purchasers ' expense, an owner ' s title insurance policy for the full amount of the purchase price insuring title to the property to be in Purchasers, subject only to easements of record. If any title restrictions, defects or burdens appear in the title insurance policy commitment, to which Purchasers object, such objection shall be stated in writing to Seller who shall be allowed a reasonable time, but not to exceed thirty ( 30 ) days, in which to correct the same. If Seller is unable or unwilling to do so, Purchasers at their option may either terminate this contract or pursue any remedy available to Purchasers in law or equity. 5 . Unpaid ad valorem taxes not delinquent shall be prorated as of the date of closing. - -2- 6 . Possession of the property shall be delivered to i"" ., ,A' , Purchasers 60 days from the closing date. Seller shall cause any existing tenancies to be terminated on or before the date of closing. The closing date shall be on or before the 30th day from the execution date hereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed in duplicate on the date first above written. PURCHASERS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS BY: Q1a yst) 941.4$4. Mayor ATTEST By: r �`. C . y Clerk BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNIVERS/e OF AR. , tiiik BY: A/MAW -1W„ A � ` BERLIN ec Vice President and ATTEST P .vo•• University of Arkansas By: Ic) SELLS mes M. Coger 11 I I Pr, AM 1 1 0 InifiPr �I A ,./ WARRANTY DEED with relinquishment of dower and homestead I I -t 1 ;-(1 r) r,r7I;U;,;;• NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ' That we, William M. Weatherford and Barbara J . ''��1� DEC -5 �'� 2 2l Weatherford , husband and wife, '.'I;'.:.,;I ;:'i, I .ip! I:;;UNi ';, Af;it. :MA kaLNLYa .''L t Hilt 4vnte tn•this space or and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other I lood and valuable considerations `� "s in hand paid by James M. Coger 10 hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said James M. Coger -- and unto his weirs and assigns, the following described land, situate in t Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: A part of Block Numbered Six (6) as designated upon the original plat of the Town of Fayetteville, bound- ed and described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point which is 96 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Block and running thence East 18 feet ; thence South 150 feet ; thence West 18 feet ; thence North 150 feet to the place of beginning . • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said James M. Coger and unto his heirs and assigns, forever. And we , the said William M. Weatherford and Barbara J. Weatherford, husband and wife hereby covenant that we are lawfully seized of said land and premises; that the same is unincumbered, and we will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. And I, the said Barbara J . Weatherford wife of William M. Weatherford ' in consideration of said sum of money, do hereby release and relinquish unto the said James, Coger i all my interest, right, title and dower and convey my homestead in and to said lands. - WITNESS hand and seal on this •1 day of , - ,• , 19 . -R-6-9260eD /3e1 z act �L c� ( ` n �� ct > �_(s • .I) nwjeP X 6 —4-i % 2.7 -1{'{,t CPC- ►• ,l ca ' i) 44e� / rZ 9sc/ / (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT CI l_ �,� STATE OF ARKANSAS L-71. i•t,,t 1 I `l;) }ss. County of WASH.INGTO.N— BE IT REMEMBERq,;00,J:lt1ton this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public / U S''•,,, '\ within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and act- ing. Wiliii40.::"tdLa eXford and Barbara J . Weatherford, husband and wife to me well knowi-'as .1tt Gti.uitor s in the foregoing Deed, and stated that they had executed the sam fpr the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. Witness.my.hanb`anti seal as such Notary Public this -r. day of My Commissipr expires °' I I a ' • MICROFILMED REAL ESTATE CONTRACT OF SALE � / µ This CONTRACT executed this ( �_ day of A P '.1 L_ , 1988 , by and between Al Romine and Cris Romine , husband and wife hereinafter referred to as "Seller" , and the City of Fayetteville and the Board of Trustees , University of Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as "Purchasers" . IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS MADE EACH TO THE OTHER, as herein set forth, the parties agree as follows : 1 . Seller shall sell and convey and Purchasers shall purchase, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property, together with the improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . 2 . The full purchase price for the property is $ 171 ,600 .00 _ payable in a lump sum at closing. 3 . On payment of the purchase price as herein provided, or assurance of its payment satisfactory to Seller, Seller shall execute and deliver a warranty deed describing the property and conveying the same to Purchasers. 4 . Prior to closing, Purchasers shall obtain at Purchasers ' expense, an owner ' s title insurance policy for the full amount of the purchase price insuring title to the property to be in Purchasers, subject only to easements of record. If any title restrictions, defects or burdens appear in the title insurance policy commitment, to which Purchasers object, such objection shall be stated in writing to Seller who shall be allowed a reasonable time, but not to exceed thirty ( 30 ) days, in which to correct the same. If Seller is unable or unwilling to do so, Purchasers at their option may either terminate this contract or pursue any remedy available to Purchasers in law or equity. 5 . Unpaid ad valorem taxes not delinquent shall be prorated as of the date of closing. -2- 6 . Possession of the property shall be delivered to Purchasers CiCi days from the closing date. Seller shall cause any existing tenancies to be terminated on or before the date of closing. The closing date shall be on or before the 30th day from the execution date hereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed in duplicate on the date first above written. PURCHASERS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Mayor ATTEST By: i Clerk BOARD OF RUSTEES UNIVERS OF AR By: BERLIN xec i Vice President and ATTEST P ovost University of Arkansas BY: SELLER Al Romine 644 44414u, Cris Romine r•' _ EXHIBIT "A" - /A� I 1 1 1 l tl l A N 11 it.1J E D I' '�'lJ f OR R:/./` -�Single Person 1982 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ('RESENTS: �,CV 29 At{ 12: 00 That I , William A . Lazenby also known as , Wi 1 1 i am Allen Lazenby "1 f�-� nU Mf!rY 41.i. Clh'CU1) C1.EEA' Do not write In this apace for and in consideration of the sum of $1 . 0 0 0 . C . =� ,.aFol tome in hand paid by Al Romine , ,IIAAN it } a single person • IKvt AI11 r`, 1 tY " al4'4 11r f do hereby grant. bargain and cell unto the said A 1 Romine and +� '' unto his ui.Q '► 0913 �� �l 5214- �c : 01 � � • Yam , . 00 heirs and assigns, the following described land, situate in Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: Among other land , Part of Lots Two ( 2 ) and Three ( 3 ) . in Block Six ( 6 ) in the Original plat of the City of Fayetteville described : Beginning at a point which is 96 feet West of the NE corner of said Block Six ( 6 ) , said point being Eighteen ( 18 ) feet W of NW corner of Scott Hotel lot , and running thence W 64 feet , more or less to alley , thence S 150 feet , thence E 64 feet to a point due S of the beginning point , thence N 150 feet to point of beginning . • To HAVE AND TO HOI I) Ilse said lands and appurtenances (hereunto belonging unto the said Al Romine , a single person heirs and assigns, forever. And I , the said W i 1 1 i a Ill A . Lazenby hereby covenant that I dill lawfully sci7ed of said land and premises; that the same is unincumbered. and will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. WITNESS my hand and seal on this 24 th day of Novem r 1982. (Seal) • William A . Lazar) vy / -- �— - (Seal) (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE UP ARKANSAS 125 ss. , 1 11 71 Countyof Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED, Thal on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting. Willia'tn ,A . Lazenby to me will,known as the Grantor in the foregoing Deed, and stated that he had executed the same for the consideration and purRdstrsstlrerein mentioned and set forth. 'Witness any hand,,and sc'yI as such Notary Public this twenty- fourth day of • NoveitiEter- ' 1982 • �1y'Cc,{tunis�iuh ex�tires // ) // 7 REAL ESTATE CONTRACT OF SALE This CONTRACT executed this T day of xintormeD 1988 , by and between Hoyet Greenwood and Jean Greenwood, husband and wife , hereinafter referred to as "Seller" , and the City of Fayetteville and the Board of Trustees, University of Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as "Purchasers" . IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS MADE EACH TO THE OTHER, as herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1 . Seller shall sell and convey and Purchasers shall purchase, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property, together with the improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . 2 . The full purchase price for the property is $ 121,000 .00 payable in a lump sum at closing. 3 . On payment of the purchase price as herein provided, or assurance of its payment satisfactory to Seller, Seller shall execute and deliver a warranty deed describing the property and conveying the same to Purchasers. 4 . Prior to closing, Purchasers shall obtain at Purchasers ' expense, an owner' s title insurance policy for the full amount of the purchase price insuring title to the property to be in Purchasers, subject only to easements of record. If any title restrictions, defects or burdens appear in the title insurance policy commitment, to which Purchasers object, such objection shall be stated in writing to Seller who shall be allowed a reasonable time, but not to exceed thirty ( 30 ) days, in which to correct the same. If Seller is unable or unwilling to do so, Purchasers at their option may either terminate this contract or pursue any remedy available to Purchasers in law or equity. 5. Unpaid ad valorem taxes not delinquent shall be prorated as of the date of closing. ' 1 • -L 6 . Possession of the property shall be delivered to Purchasers ,20 days from the closing date. Seller shall cause any existing tenancies to be terminated on or before the date of closing. The closing date shall be on or before the 30th day from the execution date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed in duplicate on the date first above written. PURCHASERS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Ma O5rt.-1-A-14-r6.) C?44444-4-'""--° ATTEST By: Clerk BOARD OF RUSTEES UNIVERS I OF AR A00,11, By: Js!DiIJ4 _ •�' E RL N ecu . ice President an ATTEST Pr.vo Uni ersity of Arkansas By: C -•-VQ SELLER Ho et Greenwood li- CL ' ,��97 Je reenwood Lax His r 'WARRANTY DEED . Single Person • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: c•' ;' 7.7 That I, Joy L. Gage, a single person, . Doo not write in this apace for and in consideration of the sum of $1. 00 and other valuable N considerations • 5 to me - in hand - - - paid by lloyet Greenwood and Jean Greenwood, husband and wife, - do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said lioyet Greenwood and Jean Greenwood, husband and wife, and unto their l U(.�UJ1k KI/.11 i� S J heirs and assigns, the following described land, situate in - - - - — / (((� Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: k 008 56 3! Part of Block Numbered Six (6) in the Original. Town (now City) • of Fayetteville, as shown by the original plat on file in the Recorder's Office, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is four hundred eleven (411) feet North of the South East corner of said Block (said point being one hundred forty-three (143) feet and ten (10) inches South of the South line of the sidewalk on the South side of Dickson Street as now located), and running thence South forty-eight (48) feet to an iron pin; thence West one hundred twenty-nine (129) feet; thence North forty-eight (48) feet; thence East one hundred twenty-nine (129) feet to an iron pin, the place of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said lloyet Greenwood and Jean Greenwood, husband and wife, and unto their heirs and assigns, forever. And I, the said Joy L. Gage, . hereby covenant that we are lawfully seized of said land and premises; that the same is uniucuuibered, and I will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. WITNESS my hand and seal on this - - - - 8th day of - 'ebruary - - - 19 74. —- - -- - .[Seal] Jo L. Gage A C IC N 0 1V LE I) G M E N '1' STATE OF TEXAS /' / es. lU t`J `f CJ C_ County of BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day came before the undersigned, a - -Notary Public - - - ••' ' ''''.' •.,, - �, - - - - within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and act- ing, Joy'!J`:�51I;i'.., Cih1�►�person, to me we..4i't`4trin s thi5.,Naiitorlin the foregoing Deed, and stated that .She-..- had executed the same for the consider1Ltw) ll'iglurplayes.i•1seFe1H mentioned and set forth. �1'ita�is t _ unil ,d' i:tl:u:;.such - -Notary Public - - - - this - - -8th day of 111y Commi}:;tbii expires r , ' WARRANTY DEED Tc with relinquishment of dower and homestead KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRLSENTS: • • That we, Otto Gage cc Hi: + i r:: • ?-, ;;s and Joy Loc Gage his wire Do not write in thi, space for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and, other valuable considerations to us in hand paid by Hoyot Greenwood • do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said Hoyct Greenwood and unto his heirs and assigns, the following described land, situate in Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: A part of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Six (6) in the original plat of the Town (Now City) of Fayetteville, described as follows: Beginning at a point one hundred fifty-seven (157) feet South of the North East corner of Block Six (6) as designated on said original plat, and running, thence West seventy-eight (78) feet; thence North thirty-six (36) foot; thence East seventy-eight (78) foot; thence South thirty-six (36) feet to the place of beginning. • • • •TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Hoyet Greenwood and unto his heirs and assigns, forever. And we , the said O:,to Gage and Joy Lea Gage, husband and wife, • hereby covenant that we are lawfully seized of said land and premises; that the same is unincumbered, and we will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all legal claims whatever. And I, the said Joy Lee Gage wife of Otto Gage in consideration of said sum of money, do hereby release and relinquish unto the said Hoye. Greenwood all my interest, right, title and dower and convey my homestead in and to said lands. WITNESS our hands and seals on this day of • / 18 . / i( •/.,C' / : i ( [Seal] This instrument prepared'by -onto-"Gao""` V Uticy and Company, Inc. � . Fayetteville, Arkansas --ao-rLec3-Gr-ga •• „ - [Seal] • ----.—__-- -- _[Seal] • A C 3t N O IV >L, E l➢ G LI E N T STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington ss. tA County of._____..... BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and act- ing, c G;:.co' ,1go and Joy Lee Cage, In.;band and Isif.e, to mec::1I••;nio.t. a Ahe Grantor s in the foregoing Deed, and stated that thc-r h,d ti�ect►t^.d t}• ,`'m-e:for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. .T!`;,nes my LYaticra lid seal as such iota:-y Public this l day 6 : 10 c;; j try•nn {hi"Z:Abu' c:;►r e� . 0 DEED • p.=r-h,nw' y.,{,rwoil 44 ,llp.:a,,•. L`.r.4: ... , , - r .f ti1 '.' " .. t' '•�Tr • - a s�' t: � ;, • I964M� R -3YAIi •9: :,4' -i4.4,../ PERSONAL REPRESENTA IVL''S DEED ''I � * .yam ':" - r 1YQ•7��1�J� ilk ��l�ftr li',nrr� �• . �' ,� LLOYU ,�It;st..:INe..�..1 •. • . . cr ,,• � 1l�'�. Clf;f,is1i ;�Lkf�K;" � ;" 44 �•� k' `•KNOW'ALL.MEN BY♦.THESE. PRESENTS: • .Its+ '�,; ;;,'WHEREAS • on December 20, 1963, the Probate Judge of '^ hr . R gton County, I Arkansas, entered an Order ,directing the' "',''r -�• y- '. ., . .'.. ••. •, � � •, li Ire, • •. • ' f' .411•,:! at: National Bank. of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Personal' Rep-.4 #.' ,„ 4 K. w Q j� • :. . . _mot , 1. yam;2''bt7 1 ,, • .. '.1,1 ,� '1t*. l... ♦ �i • rese tative' of the +Estate of. o r �s� �wtJohn Stephen ,Bates, Deceased•, f „d.••+ '� • ; 4 - 0 . ' .t` ,, i.'., ,• • •,, i 't I'.• 4, 14'..3(i�a a:, a 'Nye lice " • eel1. the real estate descried'herein.,. Such o= pis re=" `? ' ,+� , �+• I r .'w. 3 t, J7 7N.c•+�•04-•4+i'�u�av R"'..A ;,..'•_'7 44;I . ,,• k5"'�`�,r, 4`.• • �'#lot...• ' 1„P!.+, •r•y , l�'''''�%t Ir".,,I. �,fL 1,, r.• .% r it t , ,� o ♦.4.ta ).t}W f , 1 •.ts N� �a' y.�+ p t •ed in gook H2' at.,Page23, 3roateRecorqs*o bWashington�{Yr c a"t ~ t>�`i J41it: . .i.'N* }/A' A'''+kA t, 4•r•r ':' 4r "r �`'r 1 4� )r. • j ''1S .&•• AjoVlY+n' 1 v L y( i' P..t .�74. • i• r� ., ,,,q0'4 �y� ~ ` .I>r, Zp'j fte a rY.. �. 1,�1 L l 1^ �� t'�'•4 t J +?''.F ' ;♦ AT• �4• ' 1Pe6, 4 t e, •*'" e. j ..•`,WHEREAS', • on January 8, 1964, after a Report of •Sale , x 4' 4 1 •4, ie obate Judge ordered the First National• Bank- of Fayette , tt l } i.'14 •t;'' ' I ,3.01 ,4Arkansas, as Personal RepreseiitirtiVe, to execute a cope- .,:• •„.., "r' ; J1, t . ,. }'.i. 4 ,veyance to Hoyt Greenwood, the. � urchaser of said rea estate ,`,..y''. ._ ,;;, L N iXi �.r''rt it4 4r,' '�. .' � 4;,,io.''$ •.'14,. :,-"•S t.a Y.S 1'':A.-,4 ,:41', �1* ; �rf e. rt d t t•_r r JY�.'•'' h'4W"'"' '. t'� X(.,M' I"4MT.` s' 1:. A 0'viTy f "(R,:`.. 'A`i , • ,„ , ..�►5'••,,,.. t, ..,,1" ,A+ ;fj'' +-". ` sr. s ah�{o, iderite4Teed 'in'� Book' 2' at Pa el 39 ro2iate : Records . `' a , • y• '" of;WasniingtonA-County Arkansas ' ' ~` "'�' + ti," 'T ""RRFrr 1 •�� •ft. ,�i 'WHEREAS, ~on• February.. 5 1.964, •the,,Probate Judge grafted ' ��"• "'`r' . an>F,Order-supplementing..the':order' issued 'on' December'. 20; 1963 • rhSu Order'.is,recorded in-Book H2.,at Page• 519 and 520,'' Probate 'i " lArlhe'" : � ' •.11.;`1c • ,r n >< t 51.4! v• ♦'•c i. .w 1 #' y, S,, } # + ,,. s )f. , _+f.:r'C i{r,: ♦ /' 'f, i0r, , ,..r`'?'" ` 'l 1 +Nth°r 1- t ^''4 .. ' „�Cc�W�` t " •ecor•s `rlashingtorl' y, 7!'�' nettle. r f ., 1 `fet i 1 jpr k. ♦:.J,n ' 1' , 1 r1,, 4i '.♦ 7'.S), • 1 �^. :,• r .. 4: ' ' �a.y„ tt,. . "J►c1l 4 1w.; +., _ 1. ► �ti 2. f.. t'l. 9. i. t.VJ it,• • b:1•*,,,,,•,-, ,y : r r ' �,., � i, , '•� N �•''�; 'f?;fit .s i'A 'r,M' � �rtn W�•4`� a t♦,�t.� � � r H '�i 1' 4 �r •s ,r lh�•%� .ti.JnG 'i r •• '' .♦,/ „ td,'+4 et •xct'(,#,�yiri'." '�rl t. N�'",�!. rJ filK ;r' �:� ��, t ,46`t:•, �-., REFORE, in accordance• with,,Luc-,•.Orders the F�. a aNa=, ;..' }�i"Q�h4� * :.t, s: va- . * • T ; r . o- , f• x a •"oFaye, AitA1chia s' s aperso ,a A' e•re�e a-K yr : •. n •� ''"F yy, gtri ' ,:! * e w"i`~ 1iJ: . jr;'� '�'{, ft.'• > . ,,� r'1 .4'Li b "�' i,:` c t ♦�'y,'? �` �1'y�r`',(.'' "`�Y'KI"'•C+^ F, MS ` P , ,"• '' + J i4 4 ,• ''' ' d Y �, : a i,. TK ai u'S ,,f a+µ ! itilL'..} r{ r. ''`,Jr .t r • .,{4:,;, n.r•. �t. . ev,• `. cl'"ee �t�� �l� * oes} her'e� ,1 , se n c• #we , w� ,114,...y r;. rr ,. '!r l aP V.,4,> .t�:T.�,7.):0 t":: 1, "Y«,1"f r i4• , , ,t { .M r ••.• , ,. �t .,r",'� e K• . o Greenwood ,tlie"''following.,�desc i�,y e ..a,.4. epQt mot sit a e •• :,„.. i4 •' �t.is .. ',,.•: ,it k'!it. 11. r a • , .e,,.: '' w'7f R. r ', 6 (c,,, ilia idi( , ,, I. . ,�N�:`� 1 .,' �,t 1',4,RS '�l' :'':,y:j. J{.f'..{f' , . 'y�, a ' ,. a,, 4Y. ' i i s i�,ngton.County,: Arkansas„ to-wit: '= ' ' y " ` ft.,� ,,�C: 4tr SL. M r, Cu. .her. F ��. , ,. •uh Tf A; part,Hof+, ota` 'numered -one'�(1),•,=and .Two-; (2) .;~i1+ ,r ,. •�a f :,�,� w ►�1.=`i7/ Hlock.Sixi (6) ;.of.;the original...town: of Fayette �cs, . f 4�,'" '' 'f'" 4;Sr • h Vif le, Arkansas',=being, more'.particularly.' describe• . t : .,�} $i, � 13'*`y� ask;follows;'z`tq=WittK. Beginnin w'at the• Northeast• ,' rd , e'`. �; a.'fi corner:•of' sa .d�." .bc7G:s (6) ,, atic� running, the e ^ R 4+ i lI',1South�\One•�H. ceai Twe i y-o•ne c�2I,+, fee• t,''tliencee-.., , _�" , ,• �`` '�; `„ . ryiti�'t is 1.., a ti.. +'. 1; + ,xt Utf tCili` nP, �4 y1 +•,.I ►. „,It est seventyteigTit&-J '78)•..,feet' '+"'�1thence,North oneb yq5 ,,�` '''3K : �T. 1 "t�',+.+;: 1,%"1 '' '•, Hundred Twenty=onew(l21) feet't'�"ithence East Seventy ' `f� `� r : . 'f��L q-eight (78)' feet-..to.,the,point of .beginning,• ;;LESS' ? ' a '",.'"-,./:,' +'+' .,�1► 4.�rL.".0,.**,tif 'Ir )... . "' !: ,y{a., ar t*W>►.1 1•«'r t , ,t ity„ r a • , ,4 �Y,�q.1'. Ale 'G 4 }' ' a4G`4 r,,. .y,'i 1•4431• 4V4itt., 5 r.4#:kihlti 'iv >v ... �, 441, 0 t,,;'! ; { Y, �i,. J ��,y, , L , , yam 1 �^ t�• '`•�b'�•'W. fIgqt e4'. *1„1,1'P�� r,ry, -►• c �I .,w�� �, /� . ,. 'L +x�r k• 444: cN G r ,, ' 4a� 1 ° IT of, '.1{ 3i-1,4. ) 1n.o,P,,4 b '� c 4 t Eat• �,t�I. .,,:v;4 r J°•�'; ..a r. 744, 44.a.,1`p,.9i f ' (f:. 'N1 4'rY•'Ic.VI Pitt,. fl -4 ' 7'^,'•,' s:7,1,?' -'` r'{ i', :�j(h.., �T •` � ,. �•c .,u!'A.����.��. , �..i•)�{ry',�'.t��, '• .C{�m.. 1 � ,."'''‘.• W'���rM�.��A�l��`J'tr�•n►,•,'�J4' .o u",1, 1{'� , ' ' " i7" '7"`r• . AND.EXC 7 7- " e • rteery ( 3), feett‘an . • Two . (2 •, inches- roff' Oi•' 'a -.'iih'''• end the'reoirnOwembriced in Dickson' • ., ".. • i.r4-4;',,„4,.1,..-i;...o`,.. tn) Street'' 'LESS AND EXCEPT 'th ' i* li i ' described . . '" " .iiii's•ii4c4 .1. : ... :••7. .•'7":'•• ' • ei. o ow ng -. • ii, '., .• .. • • e-A•&' . '• •• . tract of4:land. to be4used as an alley:-.• Beginhifig at . ..- . . .. .. <1,,r,'0,T •,.. \ . 1$I•tt--1ii-ee',:,e,,?,,,it',.04,•1".t•-.,i..i,,iA..o,.-.;,`,.t•.;•:."...,",-•,c,:;Y1- ••..3..,!-,,0.4..,a p.oin .. seventy-nine (79) fee: t••S- ouh of th 'e iNiiio tdh ea.,st Corner of said Block Six (6) , and runnA g, ene Souh"Eleven. (11) -feet, thence West 8 Pight;(78. ),....• ••.•• -, ",..•',,.,.-4 ''.,v,'•':''i.,',y'',•:4-.,..:!4,:..'2'.',,4',,1,1.'•.•,,-''''•. •` .,; 4, ''k. ' • .' '' ' feet, thence, North Eleven' • (11) eet;„thence•••iist SeAreri-'''. ;•‘ •'',. ',.;1''''''.- w414.4. ,' ,,i .i•tke,•41a17,,-c-, ;•-•'.-. ty-eight (78) .feet to• the' tto ft tof beginning. , • - • . :. . :• •- • ••••,• • .,`,"! k:'.° ;4'. i `ik'11* 44, ••e;r ., '•,1 ..;t144t ''''t)-1'2:41.:41;,- • • \ -. •• '••''', 'I:. • ,. ,, .• .,•.•'. ' •-,';" ,'• ,, • , N• ,N,.'• .'‘• , . , .•:•,x.•.•,-,. I'S,,I)ii,Al tt, ,.. •-,r,i-.,, ki.. '6;7. '',' "- ',% '• ' 4V-,443''''.• '• 'f • ' • • ' - ' , >",• . , . ' • •r',*: '.. ";_0'.it'',-4...,..44* 0 .113, specifically'provided that the ,grantor,.accepts•'this.7.-',- p .;.:;i,lti,--•,;14.,.7...., .. -,,iitivo, , . •• .. . •,. ,, , ; . . . . ,.. ... . c . , ,., . L . ,. ,.. • ..,,„, ....-04,,,,;,,.,,.....„,,,.....,„,..„ ' ,••,.-Ark-..4,ccifiveyance subjdbt. to.-such lease agreements-. . coteriiingArthe , ..;...ft,..:,,,44-,,P' ../ . ...„, ti. .,. , • 4,412k • •••• '' 4p• No .4tiii44, 1..) , ... s',•• c•'r'4. • ..41%0kik714*L...L.,.. .`"111‘. f.-0 k''' 'II -***. •••••• ls „ .•• .• ,' ,•, it* . 3 i•:40,;'?4-, 4*',1.-1-,,,,,fv::1 , .i.,., ,„‘, '•-•,;,?,,•;,r,34.•Tsp.,,,ibre-oViii-,^described• pkopertir; r' which are'how . n.-ex, .i.s end .,•..,..2, - , „.,..:,..•,rt.,..... ..,,,,It.,..:, ,..t., * 0,- . ec " ' %,li..1...',....,*+/A'•••.•w3-0,&14'24'.‘4.•lyttP0,,,t-!4.•.•:11,rti,I,°I..Pl'iii,PAPP,':/-0/„tt,4>14; ' ; • " •.' ..,' e • :' . •:',-tifte:41 t'..,.;. ' -4'.• • 'k;‘,•••!.t.*;?.. kit X. \t) iftet • . • ..4.,',.• :,,i.•.:AA s.•'''l 70;,, .‘,',f, '' e'.' .'VI .4 i' : .•:•'"...“ '''' .•:'`4 ' ' ' ' ' ''. ' ''' ' .;;PI . ''. ' ' ' • ' . ' 4. 1 ''''''te. \I I TO t-‘1,11+4,**X • • HAVE •AND. TO• HOLD,.UNTO!HOYT GREENWOOD and. unt.oi. is k eirs• • , - s• ..- .,, „.•,,,,., ,.. ..,,s. , . • .,• . ,..,, ....., so... , .40.,' rjr„,4.1" . '''•iw','.4,:ti.t* 4.' ,'' ' '0414411V'' "”t.14"61iv ' .:." '''''t 1444 At'' .).. P. .144$* ...: 'a .4".,11."7.!*`':,1kVt)1'71724'171 ‘*' 4et:i'gg:lit.4t,'fta '..'r'. ' 1'Z.' ( ,4';'?!...'..r.‘' 1,,t.t•IeV't'4''•'• 'r.' '''4' 4'.'..t.rct.ifiltirttii..,... ' .;-',W4.44.41't\e' .1..i. ' . i•of*, •., , "7-4...,1 ,, , .'..1 ..-.,.., :.'•!•1,,t. , ,• .; '-e...,‘,..,4zw-: , . ,„ t, ,totize,tott,-,A,v.-. -•;.... ..,,- ,ix.,1,...;..„-.4. .1-,,,fr,-.4, -.-..t.-1,r-isti. •- ,,. -IA :laild assigns forelie ,•••••, 7tc"5..V41142'. ' .., . 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