HomeMy WebLinkAbout177-23 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 177-23 File Number: 2023-963 FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES APPROVAL (POLICY CHANGES): A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE REVISED FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICIES WITHIN SECTION 100 GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTRODUCTION, AND SECTION 200 SAFETY, HEALTH & WELLNESS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the revised Fayetteville Fire Department policies within Section 100 General Information & Introduction and Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness, copies of which are attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on August 15, 2023 Page 1 Attest: L/ Y; Kara Paxton, City ClekTreasurer CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 2023 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Brad Hardin, Fire Chief FROM: Granville Wynn, Financial Analyst - Fire DATE: SUBJECT: Fire Department Administrative Policies Approval CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2023-963 RECOMMENDATION: FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES APPROVAL (POLICY CHANGES): BACKGROUND: The Fayetteville Fire Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices while working through the CFAI accreditation process. Formatting changes are due to a prior change in policy management software. DISCUSSION: These changes are part of the following Policies: Section 100 General Information & Introduction Electronic Communications & Devices External Customer Relations General Information and Introduction Human Resources Incentive Plan Internal Customer Relations Labor & Management Relations Mission & Vision Statement Operations Reporting and Documentation Personnel Physical Resources Special Operations Section (SOS) Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness Personal Protective Equipment These changes include wording and formatting to aid in the process for maintaining and modifying policies and procedures. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 No Budget Impact with these Policy Changes ATTACHMENTS: FFD Council Packet _SRF & Policy Documents for File #2023-963 Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 == City of Fayetteville, Arkansas y 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 - Legislation Text File #: 2023-963 Fire Department Administrative Policies Approval A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE REVISED FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICIES WITHIN SECTION 100 GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTRODUCTION, AND SECTION 200 SAFETY, HEALTH & WELLNESS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the revised Fayetteville Fire Department policies within Section 100 General Information & Introduction and Section 200 Safety, Health & Wellness, copies of which are attached to this Resolution. Page 1 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2023-963 Item ID 8/15/2023 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Brad Hardin 7/27/2023 FIRE (300) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff is requesting Council Approval adopting Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policy Changes. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a direct cost? No Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund Project Title $ - t V20221130 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: Old Administrative Operating Policy (AOP) Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Policy-101 General Information and Introduction Version 8 Date Created 11/14/2022 SOG Reference: All SOG & EOG CFAI Reference: 7A.3, Purpose CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Administrative Policies, the City of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Fayetteville, the FFD Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), and the FFD Emergency Operating Guidelines (EOG) are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Department and as such, are intended for the general guidance of the Firefighters and members of the Fayetteville Fire Department. Scope Much is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual, and efficiency ratings as well as disciplinary actions will depend upon the way the Firefighters and members conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. Compliance with the operating procedures and careful attention to the orders of department officers is necessary to retain the respect and goodwill of the public which this department enjoys. Violations of any of the operating procedures, neglect, or omission of any of the duties prescribed herein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. Administrative Policies Administrative Policies of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain administrative information related to the overall operation of the department throughout all divisions, programs, and services provided. All Administrative Policies will be reviewed by, and formally approved by the Fayetteville City Council. Any new Administrative Policy or change to existing Administrative Policy will be approved through the Labor Management Team (LMT) process, then submitted to and approved by the City Council before it can be published. Any new Administrative Policy or change to an Administrative Policy that has not been fully approved by LMT and City Council will not be considered valid except as outlined below in the section titled Administrative Directives. Administrative Directives Administrative directives will be issued only in emergency situations where changes are time sensitive and vital to the continuance of safe operations. Administrative Directives related to existing policies will reference the policy number, be maintained in the policy management software, and be emailed out to all personnel. Administrative directives will expire in 60 days unless through LMT Consensus action is taken to extend or modify them. Efforts will be made to change the current policy or create a new one during that time. If the Administrative directive must be extended or modified, it will be resent to all personnel by email. Once a new policy draft has been created it must go through the process for approval by the LMT and City Council before being published. Once published, the approved version will be sent out as a reading assignment through the policy management system and the Administrative Directive will be archived. Standard Operating Guidelines. Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain detailed guidelines and procedures for the administration of the related approved Administrative Policy. The SOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates. Any Change to the SOG will be assigned to FFD Personnel through the policy management system for review. SOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related Administrative Policy that will define the purpose and parameters of the SOG. All new SOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Emergency Operating Guidelines Emergency Operating Guidelines (EOG) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain more detailed information regarding fire ground and emergency scene organization, strategies, and tactics. The EOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates and technological changes based on fire service industry standards. EOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related Administrative Policy that will define the purpose and parameters of the EOG. All new EOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Policy Maintenance Maintenance of policies and procedures will be the responsibility of a designated Chief Officer. Additions, deletions, and modifications will be implemented as necessary to reconcile changing conditions, and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. All policies whether in published, draft or archived status will be stored and maintained utilizing a policy management software program. Current PDF versions of all policies will be available to all personnel in the designated policy software program. New Administrative Policy (AP) Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies General Information and Introduction Version 15 Created: November 8, 2016 Revised: July 27, 2023 SOG Reference: All SOGs CFAI Reference: Criterion 1A: Governing Body Purpose The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Administrative Policies, the City of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Fayetteville, the FFD Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), and FFD Administrative Directives are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Department and as such, are intended for the general guidance of the uniformed and nonuniformed members of the Fayetteville Fire Department. Scope Much is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual, and efficiency ratings as well as disciplinary actions will depend upon the way the Firefighters and members conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. Compliance with the operating procedures and careful attention to the orders of department officers is necessary to retain the respect and goodwill of the public which this department enjoys. Violations of any of the operating procedures, neglect, or omission of any of the duties prescribed herein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. Administrative Policies Administrative Policies of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain administrative information related to the overall operation of the department throughout all divisions, programs, and services provided. All Administrative Policies will be reviewed and formally approved by the Fayetteville City Council. Any new Administrative Policy or change to an existing Administrative Policy will be approved through the Labor Management Team (LMT) process as outlined in the Labor & Management Relations policy, then submitted to and approved by the City Council before it will be published. Any new Administrative Policy or change to an Administrative Policy that has not been fully approved by LMT and City Council will not be considered valid except as outlined below in the section titled "Administrative Directives." 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS 1 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies General Information and Introduction Version 15 Created: November 8, 2016 Revised: July 27, 2023 SOG Reference: All SOGs CFAI Reference: Criterion 1A: Governing Body Administrative Directives Administrative Directives will be issued only in emergency situations where changes are time -sensitive and vital to the continuance of safe operations. Administrative Directives related to existing Administrative Policies and SOGs shall reference the policy or SOG number, be maintained in the current policy management software, and be emailed out to all FFD personnel. Administrative Directives will expire 60 days from the date of implementation, unless through LMT Consensus, action is taken to extend or modify them. Efforts will be made to change the current policy or create a new policy during the first 60 days a directive is active. If the Administrative Directive must be extended or modified, it will be sent to all personnel by email. Once a new policy draft has been created it must go through the process for approval by the LMT and City Council before being published. Once published, the approved version will be sent out as a reading assignment through the current policy management software utilized by the department and the Administrative Directive will be archived. Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain detailed guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the related approved Administrative Policy. The SOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates. Any change to a SOG will be assigned to FFD personnel through the policy management software for review. SOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related Administrative Policy that will define the purpose and parameters of the SOG. All new SOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Policy Maintenance Maintenance of policies and procedures will be the responsibility of a Chief Officer or their designee. Additions, deletions, and modifications will be implemented as necessary to reconcile changing conditions, and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. All policies whether published, draft, or archived status will be stored and maintained in the current policy management software utilized by the Fayetteville Fire Department. Current PDF versions of all department Administrative Policies, Administrative Directives, and Standard Operating Guidelines will be available to all department personnel in the designated policy software program. 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS 2 Iva CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS *PYETTLVj OutpiFIRE F () AAK The following Administrative Polices are newly created documents. These policies have been created to better organize the supporting Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) that the Fayetteville Fire Department uses for day-to-day operations, emergency operations, and carrying out the mission of the FFD. These new Administrative Policies shall replace any prior approved Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Polices (FFD AOPs). Mailing Address 303 W. Center St. www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 New Administrative Policy (AP) Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Electronic Communications & Devices Version 2 Created: March 9, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 113, 120, CFAI Reference: Criterion 9D: Information Technology Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of all fire department electronic communications systems, networks, and devices. These systems and devices are for the official use of Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) employees and are intended to improve the efficiency and quality of departmental operations. Access to the system permits employees to connect to information resources on a global basis. Each employee has a responsibility to use all types of electronic communication including: Internet, city intranet (COFI), Mobile Data Terminal (MDT), telephones, tablets, computers, and email in a productive manner consistent with a good public image. This policy outlines the minimum requirements for use of these tools within the COFI, FFD, and any other future networks. This policy covers appropriate use of any email sent from a FFD email address and applies to all uniformed and non -uniformed members of the FFD. Scope Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) will outline specific department policies concerning the use of social media, citywide email, city intranet (COFI), internet usage, and department issued electronic communication devices. The discretion and good judgement of the individual is relied upon to make correct choices in situations they might find themselves in. If an employee is found to have intentionally misused or abused an electronic communications medium, disciplinary actions will depend upon the nature and severity of the infraction. Compliance with the standard operating guidelines is necessary to retain the respect and goodwill of the public which this department enjoys. Policy Intentional violations of any of the SOGs, neglect, or omission of any of the duties prescribed therein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty after an investigation will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies External Customer Relations Version 2 Created: February 23, 2023 Revised: July 7, 2023 SOG Reference: 102, 1055 107, 129 CFAI Reference: Category 1 Purpose To define the groups of people outside of the Fire Department with whom our personnel come into contact. To offer guidelines to promote educational opportunities, allow station visits, apparatus visit requests, "Safe -Place" program, how to address citizen complaints, and "ride -a -longs" for citizens. This policy and following guidelines address these opportunities and programs while taking into consideration safety, security, and liability. Customer Relations Customer Relations is simply how we treat people. How we treat people is what determines how our customers think of us. The Fayetteville Fire Department is committed to maintaining the highest standard of customer care. 1. External customers are the citizens and visitors of the city. 2. Internal customers are Fire Department personnel and other City employees. 3. All customers, internal and external, will be treated with dignity and respect. All employees of the Fayetteville Fire Department, regardless of rank, are empowered and expected to foster a positive working relationship and image within and throughout the community. Policy This policy will apply to everyone within the fire department to ensure the safety of our personnel and that of the public. 1. The fire department will provide guidelines addressing the following. • Customer Service • Station Visitors • Department Ride -a -Longs • Department Safe Place Program • Citizen Complaints 2. SOGs shall be created and maintained detailing all procedures related to this policy. 3. All creation, maintenance, and changes of SOGs shall follow the LMT process established in the Labor & Management Relations policy. 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Human Resources Version 1 Created: March 9, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 101, 1065 108, 112, 204 CFAI Reference: Criterion 7A: Human Resources Administration Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide general guidance for the development and deployment of Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) for the management of the uniformed and non -uniformed members of the Fayetteville Fire Department. These guidelines will be used for retention, recruitment, promotion, awards recognition, discipline, and internal investigations. Other guidelines not listed can be added as they are needed in the future. Scope Recruitment, development, and retention of quality employees is a recognized necessity not just in the fire service, but in every industry. The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) invests a great deal of time and capital in every uniformed fire fighter from the minute they take their Duty Oath until they retire. The FFD recognizes it is in the department and the city's best interest to foster positive and productive workplace culture by promoting employee engagement, addressing employee concerns and grievances, and providing opportunities for professional development and growth. Overall, SOGs developed under the Human Resources Policy are designed to support the FFD's mission and objectives by ensuring that it has a capable and motivated workforce that is aligned with the department's values and goals. 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Incentive Plan Version 2 Created: March 28, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 126 CFAI Reference: Category 7: Human Resources Purpose r FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to provide information on the Fayetteville Fire Department Incentive Plan, which was approved by the City Council on March 7, 2023, as well as how it shall be implemented by the department. Scope Resolution 79-23 of 2023 was approved at the recommendation of a pay and benefits study and reads as follows. A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT INCENTIVE PLAN, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS the 2023 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study completed by JER HR Group was approved by the City Council on March 7, 2023; and WHEREAS the study identified areas for improvement for the Fire Department to remain competitive in the job market with respect to incentive pay for longevity, education, and certification/assignment; and WHEREAS offering these incentives will allow market competitiveness for the Fire Department, help with the retention of staff in specialized assignments, encourage pursuit of higher education within the department, provide the community with well -trained and certified personnel in the areas of Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting, Haz-mat/Weapons of Mass Destruction/Urban Search and Rescue, Emergency Response Team, field Training Officers and Peer -to -Peer Wellness/Fitness Trainers, as well as provide incentive for bi-lingual certification to better communicate with Fayetteville's diverse population. Policy • The fire department will provide guidelines on the following: • Definition of incentive pay. • Distribution of pay. • Number of qualifying team/assignment positions. • Required training, education, and or certificates. • The Fire Chief or his/her/their designee will be the final authority. • SOGs shall be created and maintained detailing all procedures related to this policy. • All creation, maintenance, and changes of SOGs shall follow the LMT process established in the Labor & Management Relations policy. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Incentive Plan Version 2 Created: March 28, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 126 CFAI Reference: Category 7: Human Resources Incentive Parameters • Longevity Pay • 5-9 years $700 per year • 10+ years $1,400 per year • 15+ years $2,100 per year • 20+ years $2,800 per year • 25+ years $3,500 per year • Education Pay • Associate Degree $25 per pay period • Bachelor's Degree $100 per pay period • Master's Degree $150 per pay period • Certificate/Assignment Pay • Hazmat Tech 2% • Hazmat Team Leader 4% • ARFF Certified 2% • ARFF Team Leader 4% • ERT Team 2% • Peer Team 2% • FTO 2% • Bilingual 2% 2 r FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Internal Customer Relations Version 1 Created: February 23, 2023 Revised: May 31, 2023 SOG Reference: 108 CFAI Reference: Category 7: Human Resources Purpose IV r RAYITTIVILL[ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for members of the Fayetteville Fire Department, uniformed and civilian, on how we treat our internal customers. Our members, and fellow City of Fayetteville employees, are the most valuable asset the Fire Department and the City has, and we should all strive to do our absolute best to treat each other with respect and dignity. Customer Relations Customer Relations is simply how we treat people. All Fayetteville Fire Department members should be committed to maintaining the highest standard of customer care. How we treat each other can determine the success or failure of the department, a company, a call, and ultimately the firefighter. How we treat other city employees can and will affect relationships between our department and other city departments for years to come. Policy 1. Treat internal customers with respect and dignity always. All members of the department are expected to behave in a professional manner and to maintain a positive and courteous attitude when interacting with other members of the Fire Department and other City employees. 2. Communicate effectively with internal customers. Members of the department are expected to provide clear and concise communication when interacting with internal customers, whether in person, over the phone, or via email. If a member of the department is unsure about how to respond to a question or concern, they should seek guidance from their supervisor or another appropriate authority. 3. Respond promptly to internal customer requests. Members of the department are expected to respond to internal customer requests in a timely and efficient manner. This includes promptly returning phone calls and emails, as well as addressing any concerns or issues in a timely manner. 4. Maintain confidentiality. Members of the department are expected to maintain the confidentiality of any information shared by internal customers, in accordance with departmental policies and procedures. 5. Provide a safe and healthy work environment. Members of the department are expected to take steps to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for themselves and their colleagues, including following all safety protocols and reporting any hazards or concerns to their supervisor. 6. Seek feedback and continuously improve. Members of the department are expected to seek feedback from their internal customers and use this feedback to continuously improve their service. This includes actively seeking out opportunities to learn and grow and being receptive to constructive criticism. 1 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Labor & Management Relations Version 2 Created: March 8, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 109 CFAI Reference: Category 1 Governance and Administration Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of the Labor/Management Team process is to improve the workplace. It is a tool used by labor and management to investigate, study, create/maintain policies & SOGs, and discuss possible solutions to mutual problems affecting labor & management relations. Below is an abbreviated outline of the LMT, for a detailed definition of the team, meeting rules that both sides have agreed to abide by, and goals reference SOG-109 Labor/Management Team. Scope The Labor/Management Team (LMT) process promotes cooperative decision making between Management and Labor to make the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) more effective as an organization. The focus of our efforts is the total commitment to the members of the FFD and the public we serve. The members of the Fire Department and other City of Fayetteville employees (COF) are internal customers. The people who receive FFD services are external customers. Every decision, at every level of the LMT process must consider the customer first. The labor/management process assists in planning policy and procedures as well as resolving a variety of challenges that arise. General Outline The LMT consists of labor leaders and fire administration managers meeting monthly to create/maintain departmental policies/guidelines, and resolve issues or problems within the FFD. 2. Long-standing problems may not generally be solved by quick or easy solutions. However, the LMT provides a forum to tackle these problems. 3. The Union leaders and management must be committed to the success of the LMT. 4. The increased communications between the parties will lead to a better Labor/Management relationship. 5. The LMT process will be invaluable in reaching solutions to mutual problems. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Labor & Management Relations Version 2 Created: March 8, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 109 CFAI Reference: Category 1 Governance and Administration The Basic Formula for Success 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS 1. Willingness to recognize that problems may exist. 2. Desire to improve the current situation. 3. Commitment to allocating resources (time and energy). 4. Expectations must be realistic in nature. 5. Long term cooperation and relationships are greater than any single issue, policy, or guideline. 6. Divisive topics must be removed from the LMT. Certain topics may arise that are so divisive that they threaten the LMT process and divide the department. If a consensus cannot be reached, the Fire Chief shall withdraw the topic from the LMT process and make the final decision on said topic. Labor/Management Team Members 1. The number of team members is made up equally of representatives from IAFF Local 2866 (labor) and Fayetteville Fire Administration (management). 2. The Labor members should include the local union leadership, stewards, and representatives of each shift and/or members appointed by the Union President. 3. Management members must include Chief Officers and/or other members appointed by the Fire Chief. 4. Additional members may be included as required. General guidelines 1. It is recognized that recommendations growing out of these meetings are not binding. 2. No grievances shall be discussed, and no bargaining shall take place. 3. Topics that could lead to grievances may be discussed. 4. Each person wishing to speak shall be recognized by the Chair before speaking. 5. The Chair shall recognize a motion from either party to table a topic for further study. 6. Either party may initiate a request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for assistance. 2 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Mission & Vision Statement Version 2 Created: February 23, 2023 Revised: July 14, 2023 SOG Reference: 100, 101 CFAI Reference: Category 3 Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS This policy is the foundational core of the Fayetteville Fire Department. This is our mission, our vision, what we strive to achieve every day, on every call, and in every contact, we have with the citizens of our city. Just Cause, Mission, & Vision Statement Just Cause: To save lives and property. Mission Statement: To put other's needs in front of our own to save life and property. What we do is for you. Vision Statement: Our vision is to ensure our firefighters are trained in the latest firefighting techniques, have the best equipment available, are physically fit, and are physically and mentally intact. By ensuring our people are at their best, we will provide the best quality service possible to our customers. Core Values The core values of the Fayetteville Fire Department are Commitment, Courage, & Honor. These values form the foundation of our policies, decisions, and goals. • Commitment: To serve each other, our families, and our customers. • Commitment: To advance our purpose through our vision and mission. • Commitment: To continuously improve ourselves and the department. • Courage: To do the right thing in the face of adversity. • Courage: To face our fears. • Courage: To put the needs of others above our own. • Honor: To instill and maintain the trust of the community of our members, through our actions and commitment to service. • Honor: To respect the service and sacrifice of the past, present, and future. • Honor: To have the integrity to do the right thing. 1 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Operations Reporting and Documentation Version 2 Created: March 22, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 104, 1075 108, 111, 123 CFAI Reference: 9C.4, 9D.2 Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for thorough record keeping, report writing, and documentation in the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD). The accurate and detailed record keeping of all incidents, responses, inspections, accidents, calls for service, public contact, training activities, and community outreach is essential for the efficient and effective operation of the department. Proper documentation ensures that information is available for analysis, future planning, and decision -making. Policy All uniformed and civilian members of the Fayetteville Fire Department are required to maintain thorough record keeping, report writing, and documentation to ensure accurate and complete records of all incidents, inspections, training, and any other activities related to the department's mission. This includes, but is not limited to, fire incidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, rescues, citizen complaints, general calls for service, educational demonstrations, equipment maintenance, inspections, and repairs. The documentation will be completed in a timely and efficient manner to ensure that it is available for use in various areas of the department. All records and reports will be written and kept in the current software/program the Fayetteville Fire Department is utilizing. This will ensure consistency and ease of access to information. Members must ensure that all required data fields are filled out accurately and completely, including incident date and time, location, type of incident, and a detailed narrative of the incident or activity. All department members are responsible for providing detailed report narratives. Narratives are an essential component of the report, they provide a record of the incident, and are a legal document that can and will be used in legal proceedings. The narratives should be objective and detailed, providing information on the circumstances surrounding the incident or activity, the actions taken by the company or individual, and the outcome of those actions. When documenting an incident, members should include observations, actions taken, and results. Members should also include any relevant environmental factors, such as weather or other conditions, which may have impacted the incident. It is the responsibility of the individual making the report or creating documentation to ensure that records are legible, complete, and accurate. Any corrections or additions to records must be made in a timely manner and clearly marked as such. Any member who becomes aware of inaccuracies in reports or documentation must report the error to a supervisor for correction. All records and reports are considered confidential and are only accessible to authorized personnel. Any unauthorized access to records or reports will result in disciplinary action. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Version 2 Created: June 26, 2023 Revised: July 17, 2023 SOG Reference: 208, 2095 210, 211 CFAI Reference: 11A Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to identify and define what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is. As well this policy will provide a framework for Standard Operating Guidelines to follow, addressing the purchasing, issuing, use, inspection, cleaning, maintenance, and ultimate destruction/disposal of degraded fire department owned PPE. Definitions Bunker Gear (Bunkers) Bunker Gear, also known as bunkers or turnout gear, is the protective ensemble a fire fighter wears during various emergency operations, including structural firefighting. Bunker Gear consists of a helmet, flash hood, coat, gloves, suspenders, pants, and boots. Ensemble shall be compliant to the current NFPA Standard. Structural Ensemble Full bunker gear ensemble plus SCBA, integrated PASS device, and face mask. The full structural ensemble will be worn anytime a firefighter is working in an immediate danger to life and health (IDLH) environment at a structure fire. Wildland Gear Wildland gear (Light Gear) is a limited protective light ensemble. Wildland gear consists of a helmet, eye protection (when applicable) coat, pants, boots, appropriate gloves for the task being performed. Light gear may be worn during technical operations, wildland firefighting, automobile extrications/rescues, outside training operations, or other appropriate situations. Wildland gear is not to be worn during interior firefighting operations. Ensemble shall be compliant to the current NFPA Standard. Swiftwater Gear Swiftwater gear is a complete PPE ensemble consisting of a helmet, eye protection (when applicable), wet or dry suit, gloves, footwear, personal flotation device (PFD), rescue knife, whistle, and personal locator beacon (PLB). Ensemble shall be compliant to the current NFPA Standard. Vapor -Protective Ensemble Vapor -Protective Ensemble (VPE) shall consist of an appropriate helmet, eye protection, appropriate HAZMAT encapsulation suit, appropriate gloves, footwear, and SCBA with facemask. Ensemble shall be compliant to the current NFPA Standard. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Version 2 Created: June 26, 2023 Revised: July 17, 2023 SOG Reference: 208, 2095 210, 211 CFAI Reference: 11A 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Liquid Splash Ensemble A full liquid splash protective ensemble shall consist of adequate head, eye, and airway protection, appropriate liquid splash protection suit, appropriate gloves, and footwear. Ensemble shall be compliant to the current NFPA Standard. Medical Call Ensemble All department members are encouraged to exercise their best judgment when responding to an emergency medical call. At a minimum liquid proof non latex exam gloves should be worn on every medical call and discarded in the appropriate manner after the call is terminated. N95 masks will be available on all apparatus for use. Hearing Protection Hearing protection will be provided to all members of the FFD operating in environments where sound levels equal or exceed eighty-five (85) dbA. Hearing protection will meet or exceeds the minimum requirements set forth in 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure and NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, Section 7.21. Hearing protection will consist of headphones inside fire apparatus that must be worn while members are riding an apparatus. Hearing protection consisting of ear plugs will be provided to all members and should be worn anytime a member is working in an environment outside of an apparatus where sound levels equal or exceed eighty-five (85) dbA. Eye Protection Eye Protection shall be provided on every apparatus. Eye protection will conform to 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.133, Eye and face protection and NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, Section 7.21. Other PPE While this policy lists specific forms of PPE there are numerous forms utilized by department members that are unlisted here. These forms of PPE are typically for day-to- day operations such as housekeeping or yard work and do not need to be specifically cited. Department members are expected to use their experience, training, and best judgement when and how these forms of PPE should be utilized. 2 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Version 2 Created: June 26, 2023 Revised: July 17, 2023 SOG Reference: 208, 2095 210, 211 CFAI Reference: 11A Policy 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) will be developed and maintained by the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) concerning the use of the defined types of PPE. It will be the policy of the FFD to purchase and provide PPE that conforms to the current NFPA standard for each type of ensemble. The department recognizes that not every situation or every call will require every member to be in full PPE. Example: A Driver/Operator will not need to be in a full structural ensemble while working at a pump panel during a structure fire, however, a Safety Officer might need a full ensemble if they are downwind outside of the same burning structure. Department members are expected to rely on their training and best judgment when operating at a scene. ANY department member that is entering or working in an IDLH environment will wear the correct full ensemble for the environment they are in. For further information, reference specific SOGs for each type of PPE. 3 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Personnel Version 2 Created: March 13, 2023 Revised: July 20, 2023 SOG Reference: 110, 1145 115, 1163 117, 1215 124 CFAI Reference: 7B, 7C5 7E Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to establish Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) for the fair and consistent treatment of all uniformed and civilian Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) employees. Those guidelines will outline the responsibilities of administration and employees, while ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal laws & regulations. This policy is designed to create a positive work environment that promotes teamwork, professionalism, and accountability. Policy This policy shall apply to all uniformed and civilian employees of the FFD, regardless of position or classification. This policy should not be interpreted as superseding any City of Fayetteville Human Resources (HR) policies. All FFD SOGs referenced in or created under this policy shall align with city HR policies. If a city HR policy changes and a department SOG conflicts with the change the SOG will be scheduled for review and amendment in accordance with the Labor & Management Relations policy. If necessary, the Fire Chief will issue an Administrative Directive to make an immediate change to the SOG, and the SOG will then be amended within 60 days of the Administrative Directive's effective date. All employees are expected to comply with this policy, as well as any other applicable departmental standard operating guidelines (SOGs), Administrative Policies, and Administrative Directives. This policy is subject to change, and all fire department employees will be notified of any updates or revisions. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Physical Resources — 2023 Revision Version 2 Created: March 22, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 118, 122 CFAI Reference: Category 6: Physical Resources Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to provide a systematic process for the inspection and evaluation of physical resources daily, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Policy Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) All FFD owned SCBAs shall be inspected annually. The inspection shall include back frames, hoses/reducers, face mounted regulator, electronics, and bottle. Spare SCBA bottles shall be inspected annually. The bottle inspection will be a visual inspection and hydrostatic date check. All inspection results shall be documented in the current software/program being utilized by the FFD. The current revision of NFPA 1852 shall be utilized for all SCBA related inspections. After January 1, 2025 the current revision of NFPA 1850 shall be utilized in accordance with the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan. SCBA Fill Stations All SCBA fill stations will have air sampling conducted quarterly in accordance with the current revision of NFPA 1989. Air samples will be tested by an independent accredited laboratory. Fixed breathing air storage cylinders shall be inspected and tested in accordance with the current revision of DOT - Qualification, Maintenance and use of Cylinders 49 CFR 173.34. All test results will be documented in the current software/program being utilized by the FFD. After January 1, 2025 the current revision of NFPA 1985 shall be utilized in accordance with the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan. SCBA Mask Fit Testi Annual mask fit testing shall be performed for every member of the FFD that could possibly be tasked with internal firefighting operations. Fit testing will be conducted in annually, or if a department member has a significant change in body weight. For members that are unavailable during testing, makeup tests will be scheduled as soon as possible after they return to duty. The current revision of OSHA - Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134 & the current revision of NFPA 1404 shall be utilized for fit testing. After January 1, 2025 the current revision of NFPA 1400 shall be utilized in accordance with the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan. All test results will be documented in the current software/program being utilized by the FFD. Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Physical Resources — 2023 Revision Version 2 Created: March 22, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 118, 122 CFAI Reference: Category 6: Physical Resources Bunker Gear 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Inspection of all FFD issued Bunker Gear shall be conducted annually. The inspection results shall be documented in the current software/program being utilized by the FFD. The current revision of NFPA 1851 shall be utilized for inspections. After January 1, 2025 the current revision of NFPA 1850 shall be utilized in accordance with the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan. Fire Apparatus. Trailers. & Staff Vehicles All fire apparatus, trailers, and staff vehicles shall be inspected at their annual Preventative Maintenance (PM) appointment by a member of the Fayetteville Fleet Operations Division. The inspection shall include the following vehicular components: brake system, exhaust system, fuel system, cab condition, exterior components, lighting devices, steering mechanism, windshield, pump panel (if applicable), pump (if applicable), frame, tires, wheels, suspension, engine compartment, drive train and auxiliary equipment (generators, etc.). All fire apparatus and staff vehicles will have annual, semi-annual, and quarterly PM conducted by the Fleet Operations Division on their schedule. All maintenance records will be maintained by the Fleet Operations Division concerning fire apparatus, staff vehicles, and trailers. Front line and reserve fire apparatus will have daily and weekly function inspections performed by the FFD personnel assigned to the apparatus. Daily and weekly inspection results will be documented in the software/program being utilized by the FFD by the members performing the inspections. Tools, Supplies & Small Equipment Tools and small equipment assigned to front line and reserve fire apparatus will be inspected, tested, or ran during daily and weekly apparatus function inspections by FFD personnel assigned to said apparatus. Daily and weekly tool and equipment inspection results will be documented in the software/program being utilized by the FFD by the members performing the inspections. Any equipment found to be broken or otherwise nonfunctional will be removed from service and a repair ticket will be submitted in the program/software being utilized by the FFD for equipment repair. Consumable supplies (hand sanitizer, rubber gloves, N95 masks, medical supplies, etc.) will be replenished as they are used from the supply locker located at Station 1. All consumables that are removed from the supply locker will be logged in the program/software or method currently being utilized to track consumables usage. 2 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Physical Resources — 2023 Revision Version 2 Created: March 22, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 118, 122 CFAI Reference: Category 6: Physical Resources Facilities 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS Inspection of all facilities will be conducted yearly by Fayetteville Facilities Management Division on their schedule. Inspection of facilities shall include all areas inside and outside, concealed spaces, HVAC equipment, sprinkler and alarm systems, and appliances. When maintenance issues arise throughout the year, members assigned to the building will coordinate with the Facilities Management Division via the Facilities Management Work Request Form located on the COFI home page. If it is determined the repair(s) are beyond the scope of the Facilities Management Division an outside contractor will be hired. All records will be maintained by the Facilities Management Division. Trainina Props. Eauioment. and Tower Inspections/Maintenance The Fayetteville Fire Department Training Center (FFD-TC) burn tower shall be inspected and certified every 5 years by an outside licensed professional engineer with live fire training structure experience in accordance with the most recent revision of NFPA 1402. After January 1, 2025 the current revision of NFPA 1400 shall be utilized in accordance with the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan. Training Division personnel will conduct an annual inspection of the FFD-TC. Any major deficiencies, damage, or needed repairs will be recorded in the program/software being utilized by the FFD and turned in to the Facilities Management Division via the Facilities Management Work Request Form located on the COFI home page for repairs. If it is determined the repair(s) are beyond the scope of the Facilities Management Division an outside contractor will be hired. All fixed burn props that are not attached to the training tower will be inspected annually and their condition recorded and documented in the program/software being utilized by the FFD. Any other training props or tools not listed here will be inspected and function tested before every scheduled training day said prop is to be utilized. 3 Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Policies Special Operations Section Version 2 Created: February 4, 2023 Revised: July 10, 2023 SOG Reference: 125, 127, 128 CFAI Reference: 5G, 5H, 5L Purpose 9% CITY OF FAYETTEVILL■ ARKANSAS The purpose of this policy is to provide the framework for the Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Special Operations Section (SOS). The intent is to facilitate training, define positions, and address daily staffing requirements for the SOS. Maintaining qualified, and highly trained personnel is vital to the safe and efficient mitigation of specialized technical rescue and hazardous materials incidents. Policy 1. SOGs will be created and maintained regarding required operational levels, certifications, training, application process, appointment process, and continuing education. 2. All creation, maintenance, and changes of SOGs will follow the LMT process established in the Labor & Management Relations Policy. 3. The Fayetteville Fire Department will provide an attainable and manageable path for any individual to participate in the SOS.